HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 178 Creating SID No. 283 - ...- -....- 8 -------.-----..--- .....--- -------- ... . -----..-.--..-- -------.-.--.-.------..-....- .--.-.-- ----....--.- ....-... .....-. .-.. --.....- ---..-.-.-. ..----------------- t 1~""i':<\. -rtOO c 1'''1".'0 (\.. C;\"" 9>1J' .,/""(."" .', i .,.-r~'''''-'#: COLJl,~ISSIOH RESOLU'l'IOlT :W. 178 ,;../1 ..~<"'~".,. A HESOLtJT IO~I OF l\,~E COJ',2.~ISSIO~T OF Tl::; CIT'{ OF BOZ:';:'.,";i.lJ, i-.lOIIT'AIJA, CREATEJG SI'::=::CIP.~ IIj})HOV:l::r.lE~'JT DISTInCT NO. 283, O}' T;~:2: CITY O}.' L:OZEi,...A:::, 31.' ATE OF ,,:o.;,1'1:..::.h., FOB TIIE I F'URPOSE 0:2' CO:;STHl)Crr:dTG A [JAlJITXI-I.Y [.:li:',::E:ti IlJ 'I':~E ':i.LLiSY n: ELOCK 11, 0:,1 .:.. .-:.:S,L J,-DDIT I OlT , .':.~:lRO.Ll rlllil~ I? l{GSE~<G.~~ SJ'~Y.rE:R OLT\TG STIBET ~:'C A rOnI'.::' ::."ID'....'..j' BJ:~l\.iZ:2lT CLIVI; ~':..FD C:.;:{'1'I33 S'l'Ii.EETS:/l'l';; T~; .Alm::::TIC':T OF AlT "'lT1:):i.lAISEII ",,,-1.' 'I':,.::L ;::;OUT::~ mm TO IETL::::'I' }i"LljS;L:G, ~~jm ~J.lO S:2ECIALLY ASSESS 'lIUE ENTIRE COST AND K:PEI.;SE O:F l,..J'..KIlTG &':..ID I~.T'HOV.L::i=:LH.L'S AIm TJII: LJ\.IIfTENAlJCE TliEH:sor AGAIlJST T::J::ii: I:;O~t';::;HT'Y "nT';inT SAID DI:.TlUC'l' Hi.nER l:..Jm BY VIH'l'G.'; OJ:" Tn:: ITWV1SIOlJS OF SECTIONS 5225 to 52?7, IFCLUSIV:L, OJ.' 'i'HE REVISED CODLS C}}\ 1:'''.lC\I.~~I'_i\.lT;'i., 1921, AiTD .iU;-Y J..!."E:rDLIE1T'l\.:J TEE;-C:,TO. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COM.I,IISS IOlT OJ!' 'J:1lIECr.2Y OiT 13 OZEl"i..i\.:i.~: \n.IEHRilS , at a reg1.J.lar session of the COl:Jxlission of t11.o City of Dozelnan, Stat e of L~ontaYla, held on the 18th dClY of' AIH'j,l, 1930, the said C:or.ll:lission duly passed COl:1J:lis s iOIl 11esolut ion No. 175, decl(;'!.I'ing it to be the intent ion 0 f SG id ConI:: iSB ion to create C1. spec 1al :il~1T) 1'0 V er.le nt eLLst riot to be k:GOVlll and des isnC:'.t ed 28 Special Ilil"roveTlent District :iTo. 283 of said City, for the :purlwse of ccmstruct i11[: a sa~itary sauer i~ the alley in Block 11, of I)arl: Addit ion, from the present sower on Olive Street tc a l)oint uid\7ay bctweell Olive o.nd Curtiss Streets, 1,','ith the addition of an ttu}'H1.ise" at tho sOUtil e~1d to permit of flusLinc, all witJlin said Ci t,;, r.lDd '~o specially assess the entire cost Qncl expen:.:;e of:.1c',tir;c; &Lid improve- ment s acailwt t.lle pro~:~erty Wit~l ill said district under cEld by ~lirtue 0:' t.'Eo Iil"'Ovisions of Sections 5225 ~o 5277, inclus ive, of the Hevised Codes 0:1.' l..lontanc, HJ ~~l , and I any c~l:le::",cl":-cOllt s tlleret 0, ',-:Jd.ch said COInmissio11 J.esolution ]".0. 175 is tercby referred to [ll1d made a IH:,-rt J~ereof for further part iculars in respect to the boundaries of said dist riot, the estir::.r,tcc1 cost of sa id i::nIH'over"ent and the method O~' assess ine; tIle sc_une a~s[( i11St tT.".~.0 roperty \vi thiL ~;&i(~ ~~ . E: "j:.. ~::"} ~L c: -\- ; .Auc1 VlJ..'i::GT{~~..tlE-) , J. E. ~P.llillips is the OV/Jler of Lots 17 and 18, Block L., Par~: Additi0:1 to tlJ.e City of Bozeman, vii th a frontage of 50 feet on said alley in said Block 11; and. Geo2.'ge '.w. Henry is tIle OV,rner of Lot s 19 an(l :~O, i;:1 1.:)10 c:.: 11, 1)0..1'" Additioli ":;0 tlJ.e Ci t;y o f Bo:~ Cl'lc:,n, Vli-Cll a f'rontccc of 5".) :2'cet on sai alley in Bloct 11; that t.le:. src t~e only persons interested in the creati~Jn of said 3'Jecial I1El'CVOl,Wilt ..I. .I. Dist:)ict =:.Tc. 2!::3 fo ~"' t'l18 COl1st::'UCtiDJl 0:L' t~,e said Santtar,,/ 8Ci'I/6::', Ct11:~1 ti:.~ciI~ 1)r01)- ert y, described as aforesaid, is the 01l1~! ::1rol;;erty t::u",:l:; ',O'iJ.l be assessed to defray t>e cost and eXI)Onse tLeT'cof; t:f,,[~t T E. })llilliDS as ~Drtcaced the prperty owned u . by:: i'l to t::18 Security BuildinC and Loan ....ssocic,t,l...m of' Billings, .,i.o:~ tan c.., to secure an indebtedness on LIe: b;}' hi:: to it ; t.:Lt GeO~i~~1 go i.'i-. ile~ry. has sort[aged t~~e I })1'orert: ()';;lled 1J:,/ lli::l to the ,Secu:;,~ity Buildin.:::' t;i.nd Loa.n AssocLi.tion ,Jr Dillintl;s, Llontancl; that attached to said CO.l.'.::i~3sion .F:esolutio:::. ITo, 17;:5, and T:l8.de a pa rt tLereoi', is a :,-Tai vel' signed 1):/ the 8aio. T E. 1'11111i::;;8 and SectL'it;: Bui1di:V:. and Loan ,~ . AS80cir,t :~)n a~lcl George ':[. l'Ienry and Seoul'i ty Build in:; an::. Loan Asso c io.t ion, via 1 V::., l1e all lacel :CoTclalit ies in tIle natter 0:C the creatiorL of saLl 31180i5.1 L::.p 1'0 V eT'lC~ n t District I'To. ..-) :-:-' r;:~ a',ld the oonstructiO'rl of the Sanitary Sewer tLc:ceLl, ci.nd reeF-lest inG ~':"JO , thc,t tIle said 3o.ni tal'Y Sewer be constructeCl, ana G. ...L':. t the co::-~t Emd eXj::e::.:se tJ,ereof' ,. ..--.-.-.- -.-. -. ..--- __"n._.__ 9 ...--..........---- ---- .._..._. .______ . _.__ n_._ ..-...-- be assessed ac~~~s~ tile rropert ies of the said J. E. Philli)G and Georse W. lIenr:, , as aforesaid; tj-,Cit by ]~eason of' said request i t ~:.'as nn:::-lecessary tllL:.t the UGtH:ll I Notice 0: Into~tion to c reat e said Sl,ec1al IrnprovoLlont District bc ~:~L:_blis ,Gel.; tLut no notice of the lo"-ry of t-,-o assessr:lo::ct therefoJ~' is 2~ecessar~T , G.ll.d tilt} t saie} DL:L.'ict CD.:' be cI'ectecl ';: ..thout tho usual formalities, and thut the only Notice to bc~ putlishod is the :;;otice to Contractors 1n\71tin" bids for the doin~ of the WO TIc; thct by reason of the request, cO;1seClt and waiver annexed to sa id Co:::-muiss ion Resolution No. 175, and Twde 0. I)art thereof, no Notice was rec1"llired, and no Notice has boen cive;-l, blJ.t said District can be creat ed, and UI)Qll the conpletion of the YfOrl: the assess:':ent c::m be "C:1ade v/ithout Not ice; iTa Vi , 'l'2EREFOHE, BE IT lmSC)IVIGD BY TEE COL2"ISSIOIT 0]' TlLE CITY OJT BOZEl,i../UT, ST_h..TE aIr 1 :O~;rl1.}Ji~: Sect :i..on 1. TIm t said S~')ocial IH:~rovemellt District No. 283 of the City of BozeJ2.jJ, stete o:C 1.1onto.na, be, und t~-Ie sane is, hereby created for the purpose of malci 11 (0; the ilIlI)rOve:'lent s there in o.s 11ereina1't er des cribed; Section 2. That said Special ImprOVel,1ents be, r:tnd the sarile 8.Te, :lerc;by oJ:'derecl to be r~lacl_ e i~l 81Jecial L.lprOVerilent Dist:L'ict lb. 233 as follows: Constl'uotin(; Ct ::;~.'.nitary sewer 121 the o.:_le:,: in Block 11, I of :t:arL j~dcli t ion, 1'roD the present sewer nn Olive Street to a poi~t L~idvmy between Olive o.','ld CUI.t iss Streets vlith the addition of an "upraise" at the south end to perI;lit of' flushing; Section 3. That the entire cost and eXDense of makinc tho Special Improvcnents herein set i' art 11 in said 81)00io.l Improve:::cnt District IlO. 283 sLall be paic: b7! Spec 10.1 ILl, roverilcnt District Coupon Donds, as authorized by the Laws of the State of Montana, Ylllicll bonds shall be in the deno:minat ion of One l~ul1dred Dollars (~;100 .00 ) euch, or' fractions thereof where necessary, to be issued and chQI'cee.b1e ac:ai:1:-;t c. fund to be known as "S:!:Jecicl Iml)rOVeI.1Cnt Dis~ l~ic t No. 283 Fund", said ~ bOJlds to be redeeraable at t~e option of the C1ty of ;j3ozemaj,i, whe~ever funds are available for that purI10se fl~O';;l said Special Improveraent District ~:o. 2 G3 Fl~_::Hl. Saiel bonds sJcall " . 1 interest &t tlle rate of six per cent per amnll11, which C:. I'D. ',7 S l:::J) e Llt erect s2wll be ci~:c,rce~;.ble 8.8 a part of the cost of sa ill iE1Jrovement, anel shall run :2rOl~ t',e date of tIle re(c:istl~aticm of' said bond. until said bonds are paid; and such interest, from tl:.e dat e o:L' tile registrat ion of' the bonds -.:ntil the lx'..:.:yment of the first installment will be collected by the Director of Ii'inance of' the City of Bozer:;;al1 at t__C1 t iF;e or collect ing sue]] first ~:_nsta11I:lent ; that the ent ire cO;.,t a~lQ I . e==pe:1se of c:;c:r:Lcl i;'IJl'OVol:lcnt witllin s[~id District shall be a sI:ecial assessE.ent a{;,J. LiS t t Le c:,:rGire d Ltrict, each lot or Darcel of lend ~ithin said district borderill[' or abutt in;; on tlie alley in Block 11, iL said rark Addition, where iI; the i::np 1'0 Vel:lQ 11 t has been made, to be assessed for its proportion of such ex:rJense, each lineal~ foot o:c t118 frontace of said lot or parcel of lund bordering or abuttine up 0:, t l"l e alley in said Block 11, Par}: Addit ion, to be assessed for its proportionate sLa:,:"e of such entire cost; that the auount assessed against each lot or parcel of' --.---". a..-......... ___ -...---.-.- l() -----....-..-. ...-...--- __.__.____n_.__ ________... ....._ .----.. --.---- -------..-----------.--.-.-.---- land shall bG })uid i 11 equctl CLnfm,JI illstall::::.e ::Tt s extendinc; over c. I 81' iod of' 1'i ve ~re(=lrs , with six TO=-' cent c;,'n{lu,J.l interest on the deferred pa:Iments co::nens in!' \.','i th t~;e year 1930; I Sect iOll 4. That the City En~inBer be, (-.'~11(-.;_ 1'1.0 is t~.erc' ~," di..octCCl to }H'epare pID.n::: and srec i 1'i ca t ions fa l' the do in[; of said vro:rk ~lnd :.,',a}(inr: S,i -id ir:l])I'OVements; Section 5. That the Clerk of the COIJHissiol1 be, end slLe i,,;, l1eruby directed to publisll El Notice invitinr; I):;cO]Josals for the furnis~::illC of' r::.ateria1s, the doinc of t!Je VIork and llluking of s:_~ id ill1prOVenGl1t s i::1 said SI)eC icel Improvement Dist rict 1:0. 2(33, referrinc to plans and s;'ec ific,-::_t ions on file, by ]J"ublisl:inc; the sar:18 ill trto issues of the Boz~nan Daily Chronicle, a d[, j,ly newsIJar er ])r::.nted awl p'l::bl isl--"ed in the said C it Y 0 f Bozeman, not loss tLan ten duys before the tinle such bids will be opened, whicl~ shall be at a meet in' of the COImission to be held on Friday, the 9th day of May, 1030. PASSED by the Coctl'lission of the City of E'ozeT:lall at a reGular session t:wreof held on the 25th day of April, 1930. ~~ /~{/ /~-< -' . 1;c .... --r-"---~ l",ayo " Attest: I C.~ -. .~-- - (, ~~) ~I'}- l' -the C '."nission I, Elizabeth Johnson, Clerk of the Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 178 O~ the City of Bozeman, Montana, was published in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a daily newspaper of general circulation, printed and published in the City of Bozenan, in the issue of A])ril 27, 1930, and that due proof of said puulication was made and filed in my office. IN WITNESS WL,EREOF I have hereunto set my hand and the corporate seal of said City this 27th day of April, 1930. bQ~~~_ Cle k of th ~ommission I, - --- --