HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 176 Vacate Streets and Alleys in Northern Pacific -~..- ~, .,"""~ 1. ___.._m____. ....--- __.__.._._._n______ .. ._;;~~~~\~::.~'-;.__._... 0. G" g;p. .' --.. .....-~.;..." -, .~-- COli2.nSSIOIl RESOLUTION NO. 1'76 . .. ~. I I .....~_....- -----~. .A CO;,::'.ISSIC~: rtECCLu"TICiJ DECL.;'l.lUlTC, 1'1' 'rHE n:'I'E:iTTi:Oli OJ:." 1'1.11; CI'l"Y- O:L' BOZEl,:iJ.: TO VACATE I CK].T.t\.L: E)T:1.:3:.'::.:, _,:(;'.0 ALLEYS I:l[ -'-OI1TLElm r:J..CL?IC ADDI'l'IJN TO 'l'IIE C::.TY 01<' BOZ:';;:..;lUT, DESC?IE:ED _:,3 :"OL10:'i8: "K" STHE:;:;';T }'ROl., ThE lJO:t{;rEEASTERLY L11JE 01' C:::'DAR STEEET TO 1'n~ CITY LHdTS; "I.il" ST~:rr~ET FROL TIG': ;':OHTlmASTERLY LIEE OF rEAR STREET TO 'l'li::':: CI'l'Y LU;ITS; "l'T" STR1:ET lr!:{OLi '1'11:= ::OHTl-::':J1...4.STERLY LEn.:: 0]' FEAR STn=mT 1'0 THE CI1'Y LIi.IITS; . CEDAR STHEET BET-.1EEE BLOCKS 93 and 94 and 98 and S 7; SPRUCE STm~ET BETlVEElJ BLOCKS [~7 .A..lID se, 93 AND g$, AND 98 AND POR'rION OF stv.ALL UN:TOl.lBEi:ED BLOCK; WILLO';j STREET BETVlEEN BLOCKS 88 .AliJD 09 .AIm 92 AND 91; C1IERRY STIlliEr' BETViEElJ BLOCKS 89 .AND 90; frl-~E ALLEYS 1.:.'J BLOCKS 87, 88, ~ gO, 92, 93, 94, 9 7, 98 and 99; EXCEPTING FROL~ SUCH VAC.ATIOlT TE:~ l'OHTIOiT OF 'I'lL. ALLE'iS III BLOCKS 92 AND 98 AIFi 'ElIE l'JORTIONS OF "IvI", SPRUCE AND \HLLOW STREETS LynJG '17ITHIN 30 FEET OJ)' TEE NffiTlL LUTE OF SAID .ADDITIC1'Y, AIm TIU~~~ ?ORTIOl! 01" CEDAR STREET LYING BET\'IEEN Lo'r s 3 ..;'I.J:-JD /~, OF HL OCK 'J 7 and LOTS 21 AND ::2 OJ!' BLOCK 98, .L-\,L20 TEii.T })ORTIOIT Oii' '1'lm J'U--,LI=Y HJ BLOCK 9 7 LYING SOTJTH- '.'mSTEHLY FROL LOTS 4 .AIJD 5: :PLUJ SOUTf.::EASTEHL Y OlIB-HALF o Ii' LOc~ 3 OF SAID BLOCK; .:JTD Il\' 'LIEU 'rilliREOF Ai~:J II; COlJ3IDER..tl.rI'IOH TELHEFOH, GERI'l::;uD:i:; BRO,fl.: ~'I.im THE .1 1,~ON'l'AITA FLOlJ::~ l'.1ILL3 COI,lPfu,'Y TC SET .APART AND DEDIC.f,.':'E TU TIfE CI'I"'{ OJ? BOZEl,-,-.l\.1J A RICET OF ':.-AY T;'()l~ LIG::r.;AY J:.JJD s'rHEET :FURrOSES, A::TD IG..T:;=IUIT.2 :,'. S?OHY TO C OlN:CY TO TEE CI'I'Y OF EQZEL.LlT CEHT,,\I1T LOTS, i\.LL 1::J SAID NORTEEHlIJ l'JACIFIC AD_.Ti'lcr;. VlEEREA~ : (1 ) GERTRUDE BRmLJ filed with the COIT.L:::,I::"SS ion of the City of BozeT.w.n, on the 13th day of Septe~ber, 1929, a Petition reQ~esting that all of the streets - and alleys in lTortJlerl :iacific Adc1itiol~ tc tl~(' GL. ":',;-:<: .J3ozeI,1cw, described as follows: "K" Street froD the north line of Cedar Street to the city limits; ":.1" Street froG the north line of Pear Street to the city limits; IIN" st::."eet fror:-,- the north line of Pear Street to tLe cit:l limits; Cedar street frou the west line of "L" Street to the city limits; Spruce Street 1'1"0111 the ,<vest line of "K" Street to the city ~.imits; '\'lillow St I'eet from tlv' \'rest line of "K" Street to tJw city 1 ilid t s ; Cherry Street frcr.H the west line of "K" Street to the city limits; and The alleys in Blocks 8'7,28,89,90,92,93,94,97,98 and 99; .1 be vacated for the use and benefit of Gertrude Broun, klontana. Ii'lour I,dlls Co. and Kathrine F. Story, and in lieu thereof Gertl~ude Drovrn to set 8.Delrt alld dedicate to tIIG use of the City of BozeL"an a right of way :i'or highway and street pur oses thirty feet TIide, as hereinafter described; that this dedication will af1'o I'd direct route for all traffic alone: the Harth line of HortL.ern .I:acific j\ddi tion 1'1'0:1 "L" st reet to a J,-Joint in Lot 19, Eloc}: 98; and ( 2) The City COTlnission, the City Llanager and the City Engineer have .-.... .....--.--.-- -.-- - ~. ~.~ , ~, ...---..-..-- - -. ,,- - 2 -------.-.----- --- -.----". -.-.. _________ .._n_. _..______.._____. ._._____._m_ou_.__.__...___...__._ _ _ __.... ._______.._._..._._____ ------.--- ------... .-- --.---- ----.------.-----------.------- ---- .-. .-------.-.... n _ _._..___._ __._____.._____._ ._.__.._. __. .__ investigated and examined into them.eri ts of the ]?etition, and frmn said i~rrest- L'Qt iorl and eX<.:.12JLIo.t ion they finel: (a) That Gertrude Brown is tile o\:nc:1' of all of I Blocks 87,88,89,90,91,92,93,94 and Lots 7 to 25, incl. Bloct 97, and Lots 4 to [1, i:ncl. and Lots 9 to 10, incl. of Blocl;: 98, all in ITortho r~l Pac i1'ic Add it ion to the Cit y of Bozeman; (b) r:J.1hat Vi. O. Bohart is the Duner of all of Block 86, lJort!.1orn Pacific Addition to The Cit:V' of Doze;:lan, except Lots 1,2,19,31 and 32, 0:(' block SG; ( c ) T11at Bertha Inman is 'che o,,'mor of Lots 1,2,19,31 and 32, Dlocl~ 86 of lTorthern Pacific Addition to Dozenan; (d) That lilontana :Flour Llills Company is tl:..e owner 0 l' Lots 5,6,26 and 27, 310c1;: 9 7, alId Lot t;O, Block 98, Northern Pacific Addition to BozeDllin; (e) That Kethrine F. Story is the owner of Lots 1 to 4, incl. and 28 to 32, incl. Block 97, and Lots ::n to ~~3, :Lncl. B:!.ock 93, and all of Block 99, iJorthern J?acific Addition to P020",1::).n; ( f) That all 01' the foregoin{I described Blocks and Lots in Northern Pacific i\.ddition are east and north of the right of vray of tho Northern Pac ific Railway COIllI) any ; (cd Tha t heret of ore , on the 2d da:;,' of J:Jove);.ueT, l~) 25, the City of Boze:::.1U~l, by Ordinance No. 312, vacated all of the streets and alleys in Blocks 56 to 83, inc 1 . IJortllern Pacific Add it ion, north and east of' the right of wa~" of the iJorthern l"acific Bailvm:'] Co:npany; I (11 ) That all of tho street sand 0.11e','s in the iJortllOrn Pacific Addition east and north of the riGht of way of the Northern lJaci:f.'ic Railway Company have been vacated except as herein set forth, an(l a::; herein petitioned to be vacated; ( i) That none of the streets and alleys in the said NOl'thern Pacific Add it iC)11 north and east of t be right of way of tlle lJorthern I"acific Baih/ay Cor,lpan:/ are used, except "L" Street, and that all of the streets and alleys except "JL" street, Cedur Street betvreen liLT' Street and "K" Stl~eet, and TIKI! Street between Pear street und Cedar Street, and tlle alley in Blocl~ 86, call be vacated 'without detriuent to any property owner within the vici~it:V or to the detriment of the City of BozeiJun; ( j ) That all of the property is vacant and ul1:JSed except the liI'Operty owned b;y Gertrude B:covm, and she wislw s to arrm:ge whereby she can put her IJrOperty ~l p1oe::, and i:r1prove it; (k) That the City of EozE;;:w.n deel13 it necessar:yi' that it have means of' egress and ingress to and fro;;; its pipe line north and east of the city limits, -----.----..-- -. _n.._._...._.._ ---..-.----...""-.-. ;) . --.....---.--..---.- _._.._."....n. ____.__.._n.._ ...... .-- . .n...._ n.._... ._ UGO of tile Cit:i of' EozojJan a right of viay for high'.''la;I and streat TJUrposos in liou of the vac~tion of the streetG and alleys herein set fo rth, a str1r of I land described fiS follows: All that portion of Blocks 91, C' .1 98 und a SIaa1J. u:mumbered ;;)?:', blocl: lyinC north of tIle intersection of "Li" and Sp:cucc street[;, incl uded Yli tll in the followinc: LlOt e sand bounds, all in ::orthern Pacific Addition to Bozema:l, to vii t : 1"3eginnin(; at a point in the north line of the SE-il.. of Sec. G , T. " S. R. 6 E. (said line being also the north line of said EOl~therll Pac ific Addit i:Jn) "vhere sa id line is intersect cd by the northvresterly side line of ":;:!' Street, said po int being 380 fee-::, Taore or less, ",'est of the northeast corner of said c'E1. of " c 6; thence west along the north line of said u ,,:y 0e. Northern I)acific .l:..ddi tioE 1040 feet, more or less, to a point where said north line is intersected by the northwesterly line of Lot 19, of Block 98 of se..id No::.'thern Pacific Addit ion; thence southwesterly alone; the northwesterly line of said Lot 19 a distance of 44 feet, more or less, to a point ~here said northwesterly line of Lot 19 is intersected by a line parallel with and 30 feet south of the north line of said Northern Pacific Addit ion; thence east parallel with anG 30 feet f:outh of said north line of Northern 1)acific Addition to the nortil- westerly side line of "1" Street; thence northeasterl:: along said line of "l/ Street 44 feet, more or less, to the l)lo.ce of beginr.linc: . ( 5 ) That the I,Iontana Flour 1:1ills COlnpany has agreed to set apart and dedicate to the use of t}-je City of Bozeman a right of vmy for hi:'l1wa;y and street pU!'lJoses in lieu of the vacat ion of the street 13 and alleys herein set forth, a I stri1) of land described as follows: All that portion of Lot 20, Block 98, in Northern l'acific Addition to Boze~r.an, located between the north line of said Addition and a line parallel y{ith and 30 feet south of' sa.-He; (6 ) That Kath:_'ine Ii'. Story has agreed to convey to the City of Bozeman the followinG described lots: The southeasterly one-half of Lot 3, all of Lots 4, ~28 and 29, in Blocl: 97, and Lot s 21 and 22 in Block' 98, of' Northern Pacific Addition to Bozeman; ( '7 ) That the Cit;,- of BOZel'ilan has aereed to vacate streets and alleys as follows: "K" Street from the northeasterly line of Cedar Street to the city limits; "1.1" street from the no:ctheasterly line of F'ear St rGet to tlIe c it :'1- limit s ; "N" Street from the northeasterly line of Pear streets to the city limits; Cedar Street between Blocks 93 and 94 and 9S and 97; Spruce Street between Blocks 87 and 8S, 93 anc:. 92, and 98, and portion of small unntm:bered block; Willow Street between Blocks and 89 and 92 and 91; I Cherry Street betvleen Blo clcs iq and <;:10; , The alleys in Blocks 87, 88, 89, 90, 92, 93, 94, 9'7, 98, cmd 99; Excelrt ine from such vacat i021 the port ion of the alleys in Blocks ',2 and 98 and tLe IJortion:5' of "M" , Sprl.lcc. and 'ifillovr Streets lyinc Yiithin 30 feet of the north line of said addition, and tLat portion of Cedar Street lying bstveell Lots 3 and 4, of Block 97, and Lots 21 and 22, of Block 88, also th;~t portion of tllS alley in Block 97 l~i'inc soutll';resterly front Lots 4 :c:_nd 5, plus southeasterly one-half of Lot 3 of said block. and 4 ____.___.." __. ,.____ .. ______________________.__..__...______._________..______....___.._...__._"..___..__.____.., _...__....._". . n. ...___.________________________ .-.....-.-..-. -.----..----.- .. -- ______._n._..__..,. _____._______,. ____.__._____.____._.__""'._..____. ___... _...._____.________ .....--..---.-------- (8) Said streets and ~lleys in suid Northern Pacific Addition can be VQcc,toc1 rritholJ,t detriment t~) C'i,ny ono mcminf:' I)I'O~)OI>ty in the vicir:ity o:c abuttinc; U'Wl} al1~f of said streets or 0.110:,'3, and that; the [;2.1Je C:J,i:, be vacc:.ted VIi thO'Llt 1 incon'teni8nce or d isadvl:-:::l tage tot rttffie cominc' L1 to JJOZ er,lull, traffic i:1 Bo:': eL,".Il, 0,., .I-l~a. -f'-Pl'C t,ol"n:..:" 01,-1- of Bo">e,"o."l '''''rd t"i.'t "'8.1"/'l ,j-'\C.--tl'O'l ICl]" 'i be.. tC) .,..'hrc, r'(I':r':'ltl-':.~.'.e ,L l.J .i" c.,!.,. ....r c.' '." J. ('.i )~ l.J ".t...J .......G.L, !....'~.!. __-,-__"'. ~ \~ \.A L_ ~.,. ~..L,..,. ........ " v....I,,\::... _c L. '-........1. -......l, of "crt rude Bro'1ll1, t~Ol1t ana 1i'10u1' ;,.111s COTi11,!i'ln:,,', (;1ml Kathrine :S'.. Story, J.-,--iOVIDIill Gertrude Brown and Llo~1t8.na :F'lour L1il1s Co. viill set FJ.-r'Jrt nrcd dedicate to the u....e of -J-1.p Ci+y O-P f:'~or;-e-Y"l"'" ,:.,,,, a. s-treet CT' l'l'i.'1-,y,,;cl",- '--: "'trJ' (-j.c' l~-Yld "'0 -f'ee+ \'ll'de ,..,:) J ,lJ......... I,J ..I. ____ ~ .F..,j. J..~C'{'.I._,_ G~L.,J _ .!. .,"",'),.;..1....."., L.. t....J .. _ -'_ C.4..~, U \.i , as herein set forth, NOW, TI.i:El-zEFCEE, BE 1'1' RESOLVED EY rrlr= COl.J,iISSIOn OF Tlill CITY 011' L OZ~:.:..:;T: Scotton 1. Th.':Jt it is the intention of tIle Cit:' of' DOZGL.i::', to vacate streets and al1e~r!::: L1 ITorthern I"acif'ic Addit ion as fo110'11S: "K" Street froEr the northeasterl\' line of CednI' street to tile cit:/' lil;dts; ~ , "L" Street fro;;J the northeasterly line ot' :;"0<::\1' [-:;treet to tJ18 cit:{ li;~:its; "I:" ;;:;trcet from tl::e llOrtheo.sterl line of rea:::" Street to the cit;-,' lLlits; Ceder Street between Blocks 93 and 94 and 08 and 07; Spruce Street betwe'm Blocks 87 nnd 88, 93 and 9;2, 0.:10. 98 and IJO:l"t ion of snaIl Unl1UI:lbered block; , Wi ,lO\-y Street between Blocks 88 mId S9, nr:d 92 and 91; 1\ Cherry Street between 131oc1::3 ~q ',:1d 90; TIle, '..'1' ">V'" J"-n ;:':10c1-'" 8"; -)r-; -, "/ cr7 (OCC ~.,.,(.l an. ". 'J Col. .._,..-.,) ~.,._ "."'." .\"'L} (. , ')':;' ~~ ;i.... : ..' , ...,,(~) '-..L"...l v""';, ExeelJt i.T:e from su011 vacation tIle l:'ort iOll of the 211 e;'{s in Blocks 0:2 and 98 and the IJOl'tions of' "1-.;", S':c'lLce a!ld 'dill 0\'1 Streets l;/inc witl:!in ~30 feet of the north ~ line of said addition, E, d that portion of Cedar Street l~i;'inr' between Lot s :3 and 4, o~' BlocL ';?, 8.nd I-,ot ~.. 21 and 22, of Block 9S, also tb8t portion of the ~lley in =,~loc;: ',:'1' lyint~south'.:esteI'ly frcJF Lo.;;:::; 'lc and ~'j, I'hw sotrl;l.eGstoTl;;,r one-; <.:llf of Lot :3 c!':' said bloc1\:; Tl_at in liell thereof, i~.nd in considerccticl--' tlio:::'efor, (a) GeI'trude' ::ro\''''''.l t'o "'o...t ,-.'...."'-L~-I- '''rd d"'o.':c"lte ....n -[-110'. C;t.\/ 0"" "'0"'0-[''''';., a _ .J....J.' ~~_ f..,) (....,......1._ \.I 1_____ 1 .....,I..L j~ V ... ~..J.. -'- ,..' ........ _r" .......J .....L.L0_~_, c. ri{;ht:1f' way for hi'~'i;2.::' and street J,n:r;,osGs; t () r;i t : All tl1at Dortioj~L of 1310c1:s fil, 92, (~;C. 'l1cl a s,:all UlLi'lw:l1.:;crcd bloc};: lyinf^ ~10rtll 01' the intersoction of "LI" and "8.'r1..lOe" streets in-- cluclcd Hitl\. in the i'ollo\'liEr~ r::etes and bound,~, nIl ir~ ::ort11Orn Facific Addition to Bose~un, to wit: Decinn:LnG at a IJoirrt in t1re nortl} line of' the SE, of See!. G, T..2 Q 1) G T;1 (",.,"~ 1. b~-'-,"-. I'" t'.,., -~ .,.-~". I',." .., ""d I -.t1..--.r'] oJ. ,. .u. ",-",lC lne Cl~lg a ~)O "l) l~OJ. v", lie 01 S,-',l ~.Oj, o,J.eJ. ~ racif'ic .Ldditicn) where said line is :Lj:tersectec1 by the north- -{lecterly :.ide line of lilY St:coet, said point iJeLIC: 380 feet, more 0::: less, west of the EOI'thNwt corner of sai.d SEt of Sec. G; the.nce west alone the nort11 line of saie. :JortILc:C:l Fe.cii'ic .AddH ion 1 10L10 feet, ~ijOre or lesD, to a l)oint where s<.:>.ic1 nOl'tL Lne is :.:ltel'- sected by the nortLwesterly line ot Lot IS" o:!..' l_locl;: 08 oj:' said NDrtl1e:"l1 F:acific L.ddition; thc,;lce S01.ltllrioste::cl:i [lIon" the north- westerly line of sate'_ Lot 1(;) Ij distance 01' 44 feet, moro OJ' lesE'" to Quoint r/ilere said nortll".'esterl'l line of Lot HJ is intor- sected by I't~ line pe,rallel VIi tJ:, and 30 feet soutl~ of' the north line of sa ill lTorthe :-..."n Tae i1'ic Adclit ion; tl::ence ea:Et !)al'allel wit h 1:'.ncl 30 feet south of s:id lloI'th line 0::' liOJ:'tllC:rll r~lCific Additioll to the north':,'osteT'l;:l side lir~c 0:[:' Ifl" stl'cct; tL,(-;EOe northeasterly alon.,' said nort:Tr:estel~ly s idc line of lilY Street 411 feet, FcOI'e 0:::' less, to the place of be(::LYLi:tin~'::. (b) IEontanCl JTloUl~ tlills COIlll)Cd1Y -Co set Cl}J8.rt and dedicate to the City , [) --" ._"--,,.. .-.".-...-........ .-- ......-.---.---.------.., ----- n __________.______ ---.---..... --..-..---. ..----------------- ______.._._n___..___ -... --..--- --.--..-.- , . -- of Doz erk"Jl, G. ri "t of way fa:;:, ;ighway and street purposes, to 1i7it: _.n~. tiw t l)ort ion of Lot ~20 , Blook 98, lJortLe rn I.ac 1fic ..1.dd it ion t 0 ~.~ 0 Z Gl'"",CJl , locatecl between the north line of said Addit ion and I Q li1'-e 1Ja1'alle1 witl;. and ~)O feet south of' the sane; ( c ) Katl1rL,18 :D'. story to convey to the Cit y of Doze"lcJL tIle fcllowing described prBnises: TIle southeasterly one half of Lot 3, all of Lots 4, 28 and 29 in :::olocL 9?, and Lots ;~;l alld 22, in Block:; 8 of lJortlLcrn Pacific Addition to Bozer,lan; Sect Jon 2. The. t }i'rida;\c, the 9th day of May,L' at fOll.r 0' cloc1\: 1-. M., at the COI1l!lission Room Ll the City lIall, BozeTlun, Iviontan", be, und the same is, hereby desicnated as the time and place for hearins objections to the vacation of , said st~eets and alleys in said Northern Pacific Addition, and in lieu thereof the settinc apart and dedication to the City of' Bozeman as a street and hig:'lvra;l the stri~ of land toreiL referred to, and the conveyance to the City or Bozernan by xI-a tllrine 1;\ story, as herein set forth, and the :preparation of' an Ordinance b;; the City of Boz.enmH vacat ing the sar:e; Sect ion 3. That the City IV.le:mar'er cause notice or th is Resolution to be sel'ved in the same :LiH.mner that service of Summons is requi:ced to be made in civil actions UIJOn all ::)erSOn8 wllGse property abut s '-)]1 any :;:)ortion of the street sand I alleys affected by the proposed vacation, and t., be published in the Bozernan Daily Chronicle on Tuesda~, the It:,th day of 1q)ri1, 1(" , Section 4. Ti,at the persons affected "j this vacat ion, and upon WllOICi. Kot ice is to be served as here in -'rovided are: (a) GERTRUm~ I.HOViN ( b) I;;OIITAlJA :F'LODTt 1..l1LL8 CO. ( 0 ) I(;~TI~nnm ]'. STORY ( d) H . O. BOHAi(I' ( e ) BEli.'lllLA. nn.I.AN Section 5. That these proceedings are had l)Ul'Suant to the l'; ravis ions of SectionD 5039, r)ararTa~-';ll G, and bections 5494, })olit iCc'.l Code, H.C.M . 1921. PASSED AI;]) ADOFTBD by the COHmission of the City of Bozeman at a regul:.:n~ session thereof held on the 11th day of April, 1930. 77~21Aj,~ Attest: 'ayor _ '; .1 ~~~)\1" h_, leD-,- of the OlTilJiss ion ...-..-.. 6 ---- __________ _..._.....__ _....om___ ...0____.___..".._______ -.. --- I, Eliztlbeth Johnson, Clerk of the COITLissioll of the City of Dozor:lo.n, Montana, do :~lereby certify tL.G.t the :i'or8;;oin{; Resolution Ho. 1 ';/6 of' tile C i t~,,- of Bozeman, l,~onta:lc, was T/ublishec1 in the Bozm:mll Daily Chronicle, a dL"Lil;r nenspaI)er I of general circulation, ]Jrinted c~nd publisL.ed in the City of BOZeL~Q;-:, in t~:e issue of April 15, Uj30, and that due proof of said publication was L~de an~ filed in nl:', office. IlT '.HT']:SS WHEREOF I have hereunto set 11Y hand and the c02rorate seal of said C i t:J' this 15th day of AP1'i 1, 1930 . ~d~/UM+__ 1. 1 of th Co::a,"iss ion I , I