HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 190 Leving taxes upon all property in SID No. 282 --..--...-- J.>r!>O{ ReI'< ""'(1.1001<0(1. . J:2 V. __mmn_- .-"" .,~';'~j:9 COMMISSION 'rlES OLUI' I ON NO" 190 . ~....,..-.........~- ~...... -...... ..A. RESOLUTION OF THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEIiW..H, I:IONTANA, LEVYING A])[) ASSESSING A SPECIAL ASrJESSMENT OF TAt1:ES DrQN ALL TIlE PROPERTY IN SPEOIAL IMPROV}~- MENT DISTRIOTNO. 282, IN TIm CITY OF BOZEJ'fi..A1J , COUNTY OF GALLJ\TIN, STATE OF IvlOlTT~i.NA,TODEFRAY TEE cmT OF CONSTRUCTING AND M.AKING TIm ITJiI)ROVl':MENTS WITHIN SAID SPECIAL IMPROVE1'EENT DISTRICT NO .282. VnIEREAS, The City Comm:Lssion 01' the City of Bozeman, did on the 20th day of September, .A. D., 192'iJ, duly and regulo.rly p0.88 Commission Heso111t ion No. 156 entitled: '~A RESQUJTION OF 'rITE OOIv!J\IISSION OJ? THE CITY OF, BOZEJ\J.JtN, MOJ\TTii..?T.A, DECLARING IT TO BE TIm IIlTEJ;f.rION OF SAID COIVITvUSSION TO CREATE A SPECIAL IJYlPROVE\mNT DISTRICT TOBJ~KNOWN AND DESIGNATED AS Sl)];CIAL IMPBOVEMENTDISTKCCT NO .282 OF SAID. CITY ,FOB TIm I'UR- POSE OF GRADING, I)AVING 'iTITIITVlO COURSE CRUSIIEDGRAVEL IvL\GADAJ'/f PAV:J:i).mNI', .AND INSTALLING sucn DPJ\.INAGE CULVERTS AS r/[AY BE. CON- SID]1;RED1\iJ!:CESSARY ON \'fJj:ST STORY S'I'EEET DETWEll:l1J I'iill ViESI' LUTl'; 0]' THIJtDAVENUE ,SOUTE AND TIm EAST LII{EOF SIXTH AVE:NUE [SOUTH, WI'I'IIIN SAID 011'1', A}ID TO srECIALLY ASSE3E) 'I'EE ENTIRE COST AND EXPENSE OF MAKII1G SAID llllPHO"Ul:E:Nl:.S AGAINS'I' T'UE LAND \'JI'I'HIN SAID DISTHIC'I'AS CHEATED" 1 and thereafter, after due r,ndlegal prO'oeeclings had, the Commission of tI'lO City of BCizeman did on tIle 11th day of October, 1929, duly pass Comnlissiol1 .Heso1ution :No" 159 entitled: "ABEsqr"UTION 01i' 'mE COJY.il\rlISSIONO]' TIill CITY OJ!' BOZEL1JJJ, MONTANA, Qi\E:ATING Sl'ECIALIMPROVEMENT. DIS1'RIGTNO.282 O1P TillE crn OF BOZEJlIIAN,STATE OF IvlONTANA, J!~oB Tlill I'1jlZPOSE OIP GHADING; PAVING WJTH TWO COUESE CRUSmmGRAVEL lViAClill.AM PAV1,illvillNT. J..ND OONSTRUCT- INGBUCHCDI.,VER'I'SASl\rlAY BENECESSAHY ONVlEST S'I'OHY srI'RE1T B:u;TWEENTHE YlES'l' LINE OF 'I'IEED .Av:IT;NUEAND. THE EAST LINE OJ!' slXTII AVEITDE WI'llIIIN SAID CITY, AND TO SPECIALLY ASSESS THE ENTIREOOS'l' AND EXPENSE OIi' IVLAKING SAIDIMPROV1J:'JV1J~'i\1TS i\.GAINST TI1EPHOPEH'rY WI'l'IIIN SAID DIS'l'EICT U];''DEH AND BYVIRTUI~ OF'IlIE ImO"iTISIONS OF SECTIONS 5225 TO 5277 INCLUSIVE/ OF'l'HE BEYISED CODES 01" MONTANA, 1921, AND .A':NY Alv!E1TDliEN'rs 'J:WmE'I'on, vihich Coinmissio!l Hesolut ions Nos. 156 and 150 passed 8.8 afOl'esaid and hereby referred to and made a part of this Besolut ion fOlo fur'tl1erl")art iC111ars in reSIJec't to tIle boundaries of said di.strict, the character of the improvements to be construo.tedtherein, the estirlJated cost of said improvements and the method of assessing the cost against the IJrOperty within said district; and WI-JEREAS, said improvements as contemplated in said Commission Resolutions NOE;. 156 and 159 have been construoted and completed in accordance with the "I;erms and conditions of Comm:Lssj.on Bcso:J.utions Nos. 156 and 159, and the total cost of said Improverrlf.ents so construoted., is the Eaun 01' Two Thousand Five Hundred Sixty Four Dollars and Forty Cents ($2564 .40); NOW THEREFORE, Pursuant to the provisionf:; ofSectioni35225 to 5277 and 5485, ReM, 1921, and amendments there"to, BE IT HE;30Lv:IT;D AND IT IS HEREBY ORDERED BY THE COMMISSION OF 'mE CITY OJ)' BOZE!'aN ,m'ATE OF MONTANA : Seo. L That to defray the cost and expense of constructing and . making theimprovement,s in said Spec i9-1 Improvement Dist'ridNo. 282 there 'be, and tllereis hereby levied and assessed a tax arnounting tdthe SUl11 of Two 'llhQUSanrlFiv~lIundre~~ixtY]'O~r . Dollars and Fort y Gentsi>,(~f2564 dO) . u~;rl.~ll the property in~t:tid$,peCialImprovement District No . 282; that ap~irticu:j.ar, d.escript ion of each lot and parcel of land with the mune of the owner and the sum assessed against him or it for such improvement s and the amount of each part ial payment to be mE\de and the day when the same shall be deHnquent is set fa rth in detail in the assessment .list hereto attached, marked Schedule "Aft and matte a part hereof; that the several Sumo] se"\j opposite the names of the owners and the des- cribed lots and parcels of land be, and the same are hereby respectivelY levied and assessed upon and against said described lots and rarcols of land to defray t'he cost and expense of constructinG and making improvements within said District; that the several sums so assessed be collected, from the respective owners of said lots and parcels of land described in said assessment list, Schedule "A", as required by law; that the payment of saj.d. S"LID1S shall be made in seven installments and the payment of said installments shall extend over a period of six years; that the payment of the respective annual installments shall be made on or before the 30th day of November of .eachyear untiLpa,yment of all installments together with the I interest thereof shall be made; that said S1JlllS shall be paid and .tl'J8 collect j,on thereof shall be made in the manner and in accordance with the law governing the collection of special improvement taxes; that failure to pay SUCll assessments when the same shall become due and payable shall make such lJerSOnsan(l said lots and parcels of land lir;tble to the penalties provid'ed bylaw relative todelinCluent taxes Sec. 2.'rha.~theregular session'of theGo:mrltis",iolloftheCi'~:Y' of iQzemanto.. be>Jleld.... in the GommissionChamber, intheGitY~'Iall~fsaidCity. on the 22nd day ofJ'.1..lgust, 1930, at Four. O'clock, 12. ~:L., be,andthe;::;EJ.TIleish~reby des- ignated as the. time and place. at which objections to the final adoption of this Resol ut ion will be heard by the, said Coinmiss ion; Sec. ,3. 'rhat "bhe Clerk of the COIDJJlission of the City of Bozeman be, (md she is hereby orderede.nd directed to publish in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle,a daily newspaper printed and published int)le said City pf 1;3ozeman, a notice signed by the Cle;J:'kof the.G()D1l11.;Lss;LQR<J,nd stating that a Re~N.lution.levy1nG and assessing " '," .,(..,,, ',', ,'''; ..."" .: ,', ' , a specialass.ess:ment of 1;i:J,XestQdefrayUthecost ande:",:pense ofconstruct:Ln€iand . .... ,. . '~I making the improvements in tIle said Special ImproVemEj)nt D:i."trict No. 282 is on file in the office of .the. Clerk of the Commiss iQn subject to inspect ion for 8. period of five (5) days; that. said notice shall state the time and place at which objections will be heard by the Oommission to the final adoption of this Resolution; that it shall be published at least five (5) days before the day set by the Commission for th'e hearing O..f...Obje.,.ct...ions..' a.I.:ldth.Gfin.8.1 adop..,tion .01' t.hiS R.es.olution. . .. ..0'........ Passed and adopted by the CorDinission of theCit.y of Bozeman at a regular I. . . '. . '.' '. . . . .' . , . . t session the;repf, held on the 15th day of August,. 1930. l..' ~"'.".. ATTEST: .. ...~~ ). ~~ h >' Qd- .... .... _~,'A .........., 1tre:0) ofte ...mmisston HEARING, FINAL. ADOP.~ION.RESOLUTION NO, 190 L:j!:VYING ASSESSMENT,' GRAVEL PAVEMENT AND CULVERTS ON WEST STORY STREET BETWEEN THIRD AVENUE AND SIXTH AVENUE, IMPROVEMENT DrST-:- RIOT NO. 282. ( NO,':]};LCEIS HEREBY GIVEN ,that at a regular sessien ef,..the Cemmissien ef the ";-11': "".1'" 'c." ., " ',' /;':.>:---\::, Ci tye;t' Bez~ma.~l, held en .Friday ,the 15th day ef August, 1930,i'oommission Resolutien No.. 190 was duly passed and adopted; that said Oemmissien Reselutio.n levies a.nd assesses a spe?ial assessment of taxes upona:U the preperty in Speoial Impro.vement Distriot No.. 282 in said City, to. q.ef'ray the oast and expense af cerlstruoting and making the impravements w1t~in said DistI'ict, ta-wit: ,Tlla grading, the paving with two. course crushed g;ravel maoadam pavement, and the oanstruotion af'su.ch culverts as may be' necessary an West story Stre.etbetween. the West line ef Third Avenue and the east line ef'Sixth Avenue; fffat;said Commission Resolution No.. 190 is nawen file in the efficedf the Clerk::df 'the 'C6rnmisslen, subject to.' Inspectien fer a peried eff'ive (5) daY's by anype.rsonslnterested. That Friday, the 22nd day ef August, 1930, at Four 0' olOok 'P.'M., of said day, at the regular sessien ef the said Oammissien of the Oi ty of' Bozeman at the Cemmission Ghamber\~,nt4eqt;y Hall Building ef said City, hasbeend.$~ignatedas the time and place when and Vihere the said CeiD.I[lission will '. , - hearanq. pass upen any and all objections that maybe made to the final passage and :....., , .':,'''~'''' f: ",', '\ , """ "" "J "" , ' I adept1Qri6fsaid Reselutien No.. 190 and the levying ef said assessment, and that '. """,, , " ~ said E.~~oIt1.tipnw:i.llb>efinallY passed and adopted at said regular sessien. All persons interested are referred to CommissienResolution No.. 156, deolarfng-itto be the intention of the Cemmissionte create Special Imprevement District No.. 282, and Cemmissien Resolution No. 159, creating Special Imprevement District NO.. 2132, for constructing and making the improvements therein. Dated th.is16th day ef August, A. D., 1930. Yo~~~~ Cle....o.. "" ..' e... '. mm ss on . . . ,T,Jrilzap$tll:>c1l?h~son, Clerk of the:Comrid:saibn of theCUy of '.', " ". :::', ~I, ,,', :" ",: ,~ "" ",,', :','." ':', ".... " ':""" "" ' "" ' "" ' :" ".,,":, Mantana, doherebYc-",~~1;;ily/-tha.t.the Notice inRe.thefQregeing ;::,'(.:i :::.:.. : :,~" " , ::-':::, /,,: ::' '::,:: i': ":: :.. ",:' ::: ::,' ,:: ,,'" ~, '::" : ' , ' : , ' ... "" , , ' , , ,," ,,:" ,>,',,' ,," :"" " , '," " """",,,,""''':. ,:, ',:" . "" > was p1J.bl1shed in theJ3ozeman,Dal1y Chronicle, a da.ilymnyapaper ofgenera.l cLr- '" ,," ".f.I,,, ','. ",,-,','''':. "" ':.:', ':',"',", , ",' " ,," "" """',, ' ,', "''":--'''''':'::'''''' :,,:',:,.., ':"<' '."'''', :: ,'> c1.l1atien 'printed and pU'bll/?hedin the - City' ef :aozeman~N!entanfL, in the issue " , " ' ' ' , , -- , ' " ,,' , ' ~ A~st16th, ir930; ahdthEttd'The~rObf ef said' pUb11catien~'~~'j'n1~de and filed my offi(ie~ :" ",' J,.. .' ,,",.:, , ' " :;':",' ',',:,:i',i"'~,:,,' "',;>:>,....." ":':'.' i ,:: ." ,: ,~',,~ IN?lITNF;S::3WIiEI{:ar~aB] I .have hereUI.ito' s~t'I!)Y ha!1d(~riQ; 'the' '",:;": :': <:"i;h,:',:~:i' ,,:;":..J <" , ' " ,~':;:':,: ',: " '," :':: i,'::, :':~: ,'",',:"':>':",' :,':,:".......1:." ..,.,,",:',>,:, /:')::;:,::.\';{/:'::'-'-;'''',:;/"':':':;,:r'':',',':-':,,',::,,' ,,\::'."", '":~, '",':' :: "" ,";,', "" " ",' ,,',:,' :","::>::":' '. " , , ,," ,:'~;::;"':"'I:,~"",:':: i. ef Baid. Cltyt1iis'l8't1+$ayof,'".A,uguBt, 1930. '''-'. " E2(<"'~? ~". '.' f< ~~~e,.,."",.",""'",'.e( ..............,.......,,:/?st;n ...... .',