HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 189A Passing of Resolution No. 189 ;::'otlOJ! lU'I.---.'....---... -'.;I1.4i.::~----...- COlVi!.v1I8SION RESOLUTION NO. 189.11. ...---.... .. A RESOI.UTION. OJ!~THE COlvTIJiISSIONOF TlIE CITY OF BOZEM.AN ]'IKu'LY PASSING AND .ADOPTING COMJJlISSION RESOLWrION NO. J,B9 ENTITLED; !Ill. RESOLUTION OF TIm COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEJlJIAN LEVYING AND ASSESSING A SPEDIALAS.sE;SSMENT OF ,TAXES UPON ALL THE PROP- ERTY IN SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICTS OF THE CITY 0J:t' BOZEl\!.A.N, COill:JTY OF GALLATIN, STATE OF :MOlIT'ANA, Fan THE IvLUNTENANCE OF PARKING8 WITHIN SAID SPECIAL ll/iPHOVEMENI' DISTHI CT::; OF THE CITY OF BOZEIvLUJ 1!~OR TIlE YEAR 1930.!I iVHEREAS, the Comm.ission of the City of Bozeman did on the 15th day of August, 1930, at a regular session thereof duly pass Commission Resolution No. IS9 entitled: "A RESOLUTION Ol!~THE OOMMISSION OF THE CITYOK.BOZ.:EMANLEVY.ING ANDASSE~ING A SPECIAL ASSESSMENT OF TAXESUPQNALLTHE PR01)- EnrEYTN .. $GIALIMJ?ROV'El\1ENT DISTRICTS OF:'rHliI.CI'I'YOF'}30ZEIVIAN, qOUNI'Y OF GALLATIN , STATE OJ1' M01\1T ANA, FOHTII:Ii;MAI11TENANCE OF PABKING-STODEFRAYTHECOST OF MAINTAINING'I'JIE:2AH.J;CINOS WITH- IN SAID SPECIAL n1PROVEMENT DISTRICTS OF tHE CITY OF DOZEMAN FOR THE YEAR 1930", and WIillREAS, said Commission Reso1ut ion No. 189 wa$ duly signed, by the Mayor and the Clerkai' the COTIn:nission, and .was filed in the office oftl1e Clerk of the Commission on the, 15th day of August, 1930, and ever since bas been on file in '^' said office subject to and for the inspection of all persons interested; and I'. '.,.",", "i:" ",,', ': """ "."" ' , .,:',' ','"..::" .':::""":;', :"::::,,' :,,} WHEREJ!,S, the 22nd'da.y<of.August, 19M, .at FoUr Q'cloc1<;::P. 11}[. , at a regular$~s$ion of .the commis.ston.to. be held 8.t..the...CommiSS10n .Chamber, City Hall Building,'in the said Oity, was the time and placEr for hearing objections to the final pas~ag!3and adoption of said Resolution; W.HE REAS , the Cler1-: of the Oommissio,n 118s given notice of the filing of said Resolution and the final passage and, adoption thereof,by publishing a notice thereof in the Bozeman Dally Chronicle, a dai~y newspaper, printed and published in said City, at least five (5) clays before hearing [lny and all objections to the final passagean~ a&LQP~ionof said Hesolution; and. .wLEREt\.S,'~J:;te mat,ter of the final passage and adOIJt ion of said Resolution, coming on regularly to be, heard, r;:ursuant to 'said Hesolu'~ion cmdNotice, this 22nd day of. August, 1930, at a regular session of' said Oommission, and proof , beinG made of the publicat ion of said Not ice as required by law and as ordered by said Resolution; lIInd, no objections having been made or filed to the final passage 8.nel ado]?tion of sairl Resolut.ion al1d the lev:,ring of tlleassBssmel1t as therein provided; NOW'J;'Iill;;}EFOmTI, BE ITRESOLVE])AI0p IT IS HEREBY OR;DEHED BY THE o OIvllviI SSI ON (JFTHE OITYOFBQZEMAN, STATE OF MONTANA; That,saidOonmi:LsslcmHesolution NO.,.lS9be, aIidthe same is hereby finally passed and adO.pted and the Special Assessment Of. taxes to defray '~l1e cost of Maintenance of Parl{ings as therein set forth, be, and the same are hereby levied and assessed as therein provided. ------...-. -- ----... ----- .-.------..---.----.-----.-----.. Passed and adopted by the Commission of the Oity of BOZeIi1fln at a regular session thereof, held 011 the 22nd day of 1\.cccust, A. D., 1930. ~~ ATTES.T: ~~b6~' ~~~, ~ler - of' the.. Dlmj.ssion I,El.;Lzabeth .Johnson, Clerk of the Commissionof'theCity of Bozeman, Montana, d0 hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution>No. 18fj1J\. was published in by title . . '. . .... .'. ". .... ......... . Lthe Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a daily newspaper of gep.eralc~c;:ip.iliatiQ;p.,printed and published in said City of Bo;?Oeman, in the issue of A.1:igUh3iL,~~~O, and that due proof of said publication was made. arid filed in my offioe. INWITNESSWHEREOFI.have hereunto wet my hand ,and the corp0re.te seal of said City this 2nd day. of $eptember, 1930. ~....'..~................>.>....~............ ~' , ",', ' .I (;~....of.ttie >'>, .......s~lon U I.... '-