HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 189 Maintenance of Parks in Year 1930 ---.-.-.--.----------... -. ----.-.--.----. - -.r 0 ,."Il ctlll<:OO- U) ,~, ' ....--- -'."',;' . ,/,). OOMiiISSION lillSOLUTIC]J iiO. H39 ./ /.~ i:I./?.,~,---'- ............... ......r, I. A RESOLUTION OF THE COlilI,iIGSION or relIE OITY OF:O:;;B;-iAN I,E\'YDiG iil'JD ASSESSING A I SFECIAL ASSl~r3SLII~NT OF 'T'AXES FIJOH ALL 1'1]1; i',WIERTY IN SF2;CL\.L n,i}"HOVjX.JSmT DIS'l';:\IOTC OF THE OITY OJ!' BOZELl.A,H, COU};"l'Y OF GALLil.'I'I;r, STAT:: OF MO:rl'AN.A. Fon 'rILE hi.AINT:mANOE OF I'AHEINGS TO D:EFHAY TIm COST 01" I',:AINT"U:UNG TEE I'I"mUNGc3 WITHIN SAID Sl'ECI.AL nlPROVErilENT DISTRICTS OF THE CI'IT OF BOZELl..4,lT '/OR 'l'IiJ~ ;{Eld1 1<;)30. vr.HE lZEAS , Tl.l.8 City Council e.nd the Comrniss ion of. the City of Bozeman have heretofore duly and regule,rly passed Council and Conunission Resolutions creating Special Improvement Districts within the City of Bozeman, defining the boundaries tlwreof and providing for the me,intenn.nce of parkings therein, and for the aSSCSB- m.ent of the cost of maintaining the parldnc;s as set forth in Resolutions herein- after referred to;' and WHEBEAS, the parkings within the boundaries of said Special Improvement , Districts have been cared for and maintained during the year 1930 as contemplated in said Resolutions, in accordance with terms and conditions thereof; and WHEREAS, said Sl)8cial Improvement Districts for the maintenance of parkings and the Resolutions creatine the same, the total frontaGe, or tho area, of the property within said districts to be assessed, the total cost of said maintenance within said districts and the amount chargeable to the property therein is herein- after set fOrth. Now, therefore, pursuant to the provisions of Section 5242, J:'oli tice.1 Code, nOLl, 1921, and said Council and CO.l.mnission Resolutions, oreating said Special Improvement District, and providing for :I;he maintenance thereof; BE IT RESOLVED AND IT 13 HEREBY ORDERED BY THE 001IMISSION O:rc TIrE CITY OF DOZEJ1LAN, S1'AT1j; OF MONTANA: Sec. l. That for the year 1930 the City of Bozeman has defrayed the coct of ma:Lntenance of ::Jar1cinss in the several Special Improvement Districts, J.'ursuant to Hesolutions creat inc the seune, and that the ent ire cost theroof, the total lllunber of 1ine8r feet, or area, of property to be assessed, and the rate per linear or square foot, is as follows to-wit: Maintenance of Parl-cing District No. 6, created by Council Resolution no. 306, on South Willson Avenue from Babcock Street to College Stroet, 8. total. frontage of 4355.37 feet, the swn. of ::;;356.68, at an ap:!:roximate rate per front foot of $.081894. Maintenance of Parking District No.9, created by Oowwil Resolution No. 325, Lindley Place, a total area of 209440 square feet, the SUJil of ,j:;103,02, at an approximate rate per square foot of i::; .00049"19. Mainteno.nce of Parlcing Distrj.ct No. 16, created by Council Resolution lJo. 356, Babcock Street from Dlnc]: Avenue to Tracy Avenue, a total area of 93953 square feet, the Sl~m of' :;)25.91, at an D."'~roxim8to rate DeI' scuare foot 1\ ...." , of "".0002758. Iiio.intenance of Parking District No.1 7, created by Oouncil Resol'ution ITo. 355, Grand Avenue from Babcoc}: Stree:!; to College Street, a total ccrea of 581481 square feet, the sum :;f' ~226.00, at an approximate rate per square foot of ~'.0003887. Maintenance of Parking District No~ 18, c~eat0d by Oouncil Resolution No. 35'7, Tracy Avenue from 'Sabcock Ctrcet to Dickerson street, a toto.l area of 45'7'782.2 sounre feet, the Gum of :';'125.45, at nn ap!)roximate rate pOl' square foot of :').000274. '. .,:<. --- -.--.--...--- n_....._____ Maintennnce of Parking District No. 31, c:ceated lJ~T Council Resolut ion 385, Blaclc Avenue from .BalJcocl\: Street to Oollege Street, a total area of 267533 square feet, the sum of :?256.22, at an ap"J:'oximate rate per :square foot of :!?OO09577. .. Maintenanoe of I'arking District No. 45, created by COMoil Hesolution n No. 432, Eiehth Avenue (oenter and sides) from Koch Street to Dicl:orson Streot, a total area of 66000 square feet, the SUDl of (;146.58, st an apTJroximate rate persqmre foot of :;r,00222L ., Maintenance of Parking District No. 48, created by Council Resoltltioll No. 1'",35, . Eighth AVenue (sides onlY~ from Main Streett6 K6c~1 ;J-i;reet, a total area of 116104 scruarefeet,the sum of ~,)238. 59, at an approximate rate per square foot of $.002055. Maintenance of l)arIcinc Dist:r.'ict No. 50, created by Counoil Hesolut ion No. 474, Third AVenue from StorK street to Cleveland Street, a total area of 378774 square feet, the sum of ,p146.88, at an approximate rate per square foot of ~.OO03878. Maintenance of Parking District No. 52, created by Council HesQlution No. 476, Babcock Street from Fifth Avenue to Jhc;hth Avenue, a total area of :p3400 square feet, the sumof;J;71.60, at an approximate ratepersqmJre foot of t.000413. r Maintenance of Par Icing .District No. 57, oreated by Council Eesoluhon No. 52~,. QleveJ.nna..8treet . from Willson Avenue to Seventh Av(:mue, a total fro.ntage of 31..96 feet, the stun of $216.07, at an ap:iroximate rate per front foot of q\ ... . ... .. .... .... . ........ . " 'Ii. .06 7606.. Maintenanoe of Parking Distriot No. 61, created by Council Resolu"~ion No. 535, Eighth Avenue (center only) from Main street to Kooh Street, a total frontage of 2321.95 feet, the swn of $146.42, at an approximate rate per front foot of $.063058. . - Maintenanoe of parIeing District No. 68, created by Council Resolut ion No. 539, Willson Avenue from College Street to Cleveland street, a total frontage of 1260 feet, the sum of $10;3.72, at an approximate rate per front foot of ~V .082317. MaintenanceofParl\:ing District No. 72, created by Council Hesolution No. 564,. Collec;e Street from Grand Avenue to Seventh Avenue, a total area of 513794.~squarefeet, the sUJ:n of $230.,58, at an approximate rate per square foot (11 of -11.0004488. MaintenanCe of Parking District No. 77, created by COUl1Cil Hesolution No. 576, Eighth Avenue (center and sides) fI'orn Diolcerson street to Harrison Street, a total fronta~eof 1971 feet, the sum ot ~p326.44, at an approximate rate per front foot of'IP .165622. Maintenance of Parking District No. 86, created by Oouncil Resolution No. 620, south side Story Street from Sixth .Avenue to Eighth Avenue, and both sides Sixth Avenue from Story street to COllege Street, a total frontage of ?426.2 feet, the sum 01'$173.43, at an approximate rate per front foot of :if .071482. Maintenance of' Parking District No. 90, created byCOUhCil Resolution No. 635, east side Seventh Avenue from Story Street to College Street, a total frontage of \334.2 feet, the swn of ~p58.32, at an approximate rate. per front foot of $.062428. Maintenanoeof Parking Distl'ictNo.lO?, created by Council Resolution No. .6:58, ~astStory Street from Tracy Avenue to. Bozeman Creek, a total frontage of 2254 feet, the sum of $156.49, at an approxima"~e rate per front foot of $.06\343. . ... . . .. Maintenance of Parking District No. 114, created by Council Resolut ion No. 722, west side Grand Avenue from COllege street. to }...rthur Street, a total frontage of 930 feet, th<:J sum of $63.64, at an approximate rate per front foot 0 of ~\ .06843. . Maintenance of l'arl<:ingDistrict No. 117, ore<J.tedby CounciJ.ResQlution No. 719, Tracy Avenue from Dickerson Street to College Street, a to.t<J.1 frontage of 1348.2 feet, the sUl11ofQ~55.B3, at an approxilll<J.te rate per front foot of . $.04141. . . . . Mat);ltenance ..0,f':!?arkingDistri.ct No, 151, . crea ted..byQ9unci:LI\eS9J.utiOil No. 810, eas'!isideFifMl.AVen:uefrom Olive, Street to Koch Street, a total area of 111169.06 square feet, the sum of $31.05, at an approximate' rate per squa.re foot. of~p. 0002'793. ----.-.--.--.-....... ----.-.---.- Maintenance of Parking District No. lS9, cr~ated by Oouncil Resolution No. 1004, east side Grand Avenue from College Street to.i.:rthUr Street, a total frontage of 930 feet, the sum of $63.64, at an 8_pp:roximate rate per front foot of $.06843. Maintenance of Parking District No. 256, created by Commission Resolution No. 69, S:;Lx:\,h Avenue, Cleveland to Garfield Street" total, frontage of 1362 feet, the sum o1'~pS?64,at anappro:x;imate rate per front foot,Qf $.064347., , . .'. .'. ", $eo.2. The.t,fo defray the90st ofMaintenEJ.n6~of Parkings within said Special, Improvement District' for the year 1930, there he/and there is hereby levied and assessed a tax 'upon all the property in frantof and bordering on said Special Improvement Districts as set forth in Schedules one (1) to Twenty-three (23) inclusive, hereto attached and. made a part he reof j, that a particular des- cript j.oh of each lot and parcel of land with the npme Of the owner ahd the SUll1 assessed against him or it, is set forth in assessment lists hereto attached, marlce d, "$chedules One (1) to Twen t y- three (23)", and made a part hereof; that y-- the several .SlWlS set opposite the names of the own~rs and the dCl;1cribed lots and parcels of land, pe, and the same are hereby levied and assessed upon and against said lots andparc.els of land j that the several sums be collected from the res~ pective owners of said lots and parcels of lahd described in the sa~d assessment lists, Schedules One (1) to Twenty-three (23) inclusive, as required by J,aw j that said sums shall be paid and the collection thereof shall be made in the manner and in aooordancewith the law governing the col1eotio110:[' Speoial Improvement Taxes; that fe,ilure to pay suoh assessments wh~:qsame shall become due and payable shall malc-e such person and such }.ot8 e.ndpa,rcel$ of land liable to the penalties provided by law relative to delinquent taxes. Sec.~:. That the regular session, of the CODJJ1lission of the City of ': Bozeman 11elaonthe 22nd day of August, A. D., 1930, at the Commission Chamber, Oi ty Hall Building, be, and the same is hereby designated as the time .and place at which objec.tions to the final adoption, of this Resolution wUl be heard by the Commission. .!3ec.,4. That the Gletk of the Commission, be, and she is hereby ordered and ,direotedto pUblish in the Bozeman Daily Chro~icle, 'El daily newspaper, printed andpublishediI1 the said City of Boze:man, a notice~3igned by the ele rk of theOommission, and stating that a Resolution levying a special assessment of taxes to defray. the cost of maintenance of I'arkings in the 'said Special Impl'ovement Districts for the year 1930, is on file in the CJffic e of. tJie OlerIc of the COnJmission, subject to inspection for a period of five days; that sD.id notice shall state the time and place at which objections will by heard 'by the Commission to t11e Tinal EJ,doption of this Resolution j that it shall b~ l)Ublished at least f.i ve days bef.ore the date set by the Oommissionf.or hearing of objections, and thef.1naJ, adoption of this Resolution. -----.---- by the Go:mrriission of the City of Bozeman at' a regular held on thel5thday of August, A. D., 1930. .~ ATTEST: Ma~ ~~~ o "_ ,",-> '''~J ..Gle:r ofth.e ........ '.ltssion O. OOf~ 1!t O~"" . '. ""'~'! W~"_..;,....--- --"~j2"~:J.~;?"-- ~. HEARING, FINi~ ADOPTION co~rr~ISSION RES- OLUTION NO. 189, L:E.'VYING ASSESSlvIENT OJ!' COST OF MAINTENANCE OF l"'~'.cRKINGS IN SPECULIIViPROVEfvIENT DISTRICTS }i'OR Tim YEAR 1930. 4"'" NOTICE Ii3 HEREBY GIVEN, That at a regular session of the Commission of the City of BQ;;;emEj.ll held 011 the ,15th d&y of .A:ugust, J,93Q, Cor!J.Tllission Resolution No. 189 was duly passed and adopted; that saidCommiss,ion Resolut ion No. 189 levies and aSSesses a special assessment of taxes upon all the property in Special Improvement Districts of snid City to defray the cost of Maintenance of Parkings within said Special Improvement Distloicts for the year 1930. 'rhat the 81;8c1o.l Improvement Districts, and the Resolutions oreating .bhe same, and the amount of the assessments are as follows: Maintenance of ParJdng Resolut ion Amount of Dist rictNo., No. Assessment 6 306 $ 356.68 9 325 103.02 16 356 25.91 17 355 226.00 18 357 125.45 31 385 256.22 45 432 146.58 48 ,*35 238.59 50 474 146.88 52 476 71 . 60 57 529 216.07 61 535 146.42 68 539 103.'72 '72 564 230.58 77 576 326.44 813 620 173.43 9Q 636 58.32 107 658 156.49 114 722 63.64 117 719 55.83 151 810 31.05 189 1004 63 . 64 256 69 & :;z7~' That, said Commission Resolut ion No. 189 is now on file in the office of the Clerk of the Commission of said Oi ty of Bozeman subject to i11f3pection for a period of five (5) days, by any person interested; that Friday the 22nd day of August, 1930, atFourO'clock,'j? M., of said day at a regular session of the Commissio!). of the CityotBozeman, Co:mmi.ssion Chr:nnber, City Hall I3uildinS, has boen designated as the time and place when 3.11(1 whore said Commission will hear and pass upon, any and all objections that may be made to the final passG.ge and adoption of said Commission Resolution No. 189, and the levying of said assess- 111ont; and that, said Resolution will be finally l)assed and adopted at said regular session of said COmIllj.ssion, sUbject to such corrections and amendments as may be made upon objections made and filed within the five days limit as provided by law. All persons interested are referred to tl1e several. Council illld Commission Resolut ions creat ine the aforesaid Special Improvement Districts, defining the boundaries thereof and providing for the assessment of the cost . ----..--------- -----.- ~,:~:/'~" ::\ ,',' " ---..-- said Maintenance of Parl(ings for further particulars, 0.11 of said Resolutions ing on file in the offioe of the Clerk of the C0111mission of the City of Bozeman, tat the Cit;v Hall of said City, and subject to tho inspection of all persons l interested. I i Dated this 16th day of August, :" D., 1930. I \., I, Elizabeth Johnson, Clerl{ of the Commission of the City of Bozeman, Mon'bana, do hereby certify that the Notice in Re CommlssionResolutiol1 No. 189 was published in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a de.Hy newspaperpri:rtl.t ed and pub- lished in the City of Bozeman, Montana, in the' issue of Av.gust 16th, 1\:)30, and that due proof of said publication was made and filed in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set m.y hand and the oorporate seal of said City this 18th day of August, 1930. . '1,,~~,~ Cler ...... fthe.' JrifuissiQD