HomeMy WebLinkAboutSoil Gas - mitigation system improvement public comment from Eileen McGovern, 9-8-14From:Chris Mehl To:Agenda Subject:FW: Correction - mitigation system improvement Date:Sunday, September 07, 2014 5:16:43 PM Chris MehlBozeman City Commissioncmehl@bozeman.net406.581.4992________________________________________From: eileen mcgovern [mcgov00@hotmail.com]Sent: Sunday, September 07, 2014 11:47 AMTo: Carson Taylor; Jeff Krauss; Chris Mehl; Cyndy Andrus; I-Ho PomeroySubject: Correction - mitigation system improvement ________________________________From: mcgov00@hotmail.comTo: ctaylor@bozeman.net; jkrauss@bozeman.net; cmehl@bozeman.net; candrus@bozeman.net;ipomeroy@bozeman.netSubject: Mitigation system inprovementDate: Sun, 7 Sep 2014 11:45:37 -0600 Commissioners: below is a copy of a letter we sent to you FOUR months ago. To dateour mitigation system has not been improved. We are adjacent to the unlined cell- basically ground zero. We were visited by Kirk Miller about ten days ago and hisopinion is that the fan is working and the vacuum level is acceptable. He indicatedthat we had VOCs in the house that were not in the sub-slab sample so they mustbe coming from elsewhere. We asked about a second fan as Mr. Dickson said alarger one would be extremely noisy. Mr. Miller said the houses that had two fanshad a larger footprint or crawl space, etc. Pete filled the cracks in the foundation walls. We have fans operating 24/7 on thefirst level blowing air out. We also have fans on the second and third levels.Winter is coming and we cannot continue to do this for much longer. Radon fanssell on the internet for around $200. We are not asking for the moon here, just what we were promised - clean air.We really doubt the thought of breathing in toxic gases keeps any of youawake at night. Please think about it. We need an improved system. Why do we have to keep pestering you to get it? Thanks, Pete & Eileen McGovern From: eileen mcgovern [mcgov00@hotmail.com]Sent: Monday, May 05, 2014 11:10 AMTo: Carson Taylor; Jeff Krauss; Chris Mehl; Cyndy Andrus; I-Ho PomeroySubject: McGoverns' Landfill Results Dear Commissioners: The 2014 air sample testing results in our home are frightening. In our master bedroom carbontetrachloride,trichloroethene, and chloroform increased above the EPA RSL (Regional screening level) after installationof theradon mitigation system. Benzene did decrease but it remains above the EPA RSL. The outdoor airresults showthree compounds above the EPA RSL (carbon tetrachloride, benzene, and 1,2-DCA) whereas last Julythere was one- chloroform. We've asked questions of Tetra Tech and Triple R (installer) and received no replies. Eileen recentlytold Mr. Kikulskishe's terrified of living in this house. Each of the tests measured the level of VOCs over one 24-hourperiod. We have beenin the house almost 10 years. We have no way of knowing what we have been or will be exposed to. VOCs have been measuredoutside of the house, so we can't even open windows to let in fresh air. This situation is intolerable. The City Manager claims thisis a priority for the CIty. The actions (or inactions) of the City and the folks in charge of "alleviating"this problem contradict this.Even the foundation cracks in the walls below ground level have not been filled. We stay out of the house as much as possible. We would love to live elsewhere but cannot afford itand there has not beenany help offered by the City. We are concerned about our health and that of our neighbors - especiallythe children. Our dogs' health is also questionable. Bozeman.net has at the top of the page, "Bozeman the most livable place." Please get involved and help Bozeman live up to the image it projects. Mr Woolard said he would workon it. Maybe you could offer assistance. Pete & Eileen McGovern