HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 188 Leving of taxes in SID No. 100 _- ~ "J-~ ..j. ..' , COMMIS3IONUSOLUTION NO. 188 . _"..r ARESOJ;.UTIQN OF ~IIJ!I GOMMISSION<OFTHE OITY OF BOZEMAN LEVYING AND ASSESSING A s:~1tQq;.AL4SSESSMENT,;O:a\.OM,X$S. UPONAI.L THE PROPERTY IN SPEC IAL IMPROVEMEryT . LIGHTING DISIfElICTNO .lOO,TQJDJ\m'RA,Y..FIETY(,5,O} 1::'ERCENTOF THE COST OF LIGRTINGMAIN STREET FRQt:fIDA . AVENUETQ FoUFtID5AVE;Nt)EWITRIN SAID SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT LJ:GJJ:TING DISTRICT NO .J.OOOJi'T.13:E,CI~Y Q'F 'BOZEMAN:fOR 'THE YE.AR1930. ' WIpriR~s.,T~eeJ.ty CO'l;noilofthe City of Bozeman duly a.nd regula.rly passed aO'WlQ11:eeeoluti.Ms 110s. 6401 a.nd.647 crea.ting Special Improvement Lighting Distriot No. 100 within the City of ,!3ozemana.nddefining the boundaries thereof and providing for the assessment of the cost of lighting the same as set forth in said COlUlcll Resolutions Nos. 641 and 647; and .VV'~AS ,Main street from Io.:aAvenue to Fourth Avenue , wi thin the boundaries q.fsa.ill Special IIIlprove~ent1.lghtingDlstric~No. 100, has been lighted during the yaar1930 as contemplated in. aa.ldf!.~aQl"Q.t:1.ona ,.in accordance with terms and condi.tions thereof; and WH:E;RJ!:AS, the Sp~cial Improvement Lighting:Piatrict No.100,a.nd the Resolutions crea.ting the same, the total frantage of the property within said district to be al'lsessed, the total cost of sa.id lighting within said district and the proportion thereot chargeable to the property therein is hereinafter set forth. Naw, therefore, pursuant to. the provisions of Sections 5259 to 5269, inclusive, PO:j.1tlcalCode, ROM, 1921, as amendedbyCMp't6rl43, Laws of Montana, 1927, andsa'1dCQunc:!.l Resolutions N9S. 64:1 and 647 ,creatl1',lg said Special Improve- ment :r.lgbting:pistr~ct No. 100; BEITRESOLVEDft,ND IT IS HEREBY ORDERED BY'1'E:ECOMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN,STATE OF MONTANA: Sec. 1- That for the year 1930 the Oity af BOzeman has defrayed the cos of maintaining and lighting Main street, from Ida. Avenue to. Fourth Avenue,within Speoial Improvement Lightiug District No,. 100,p-q.rsuant to Resolutions NOi!~ 641 and 647 creating thesame,a.nd that fifty {.50 )];)ercen1.;oftbeentireco. I:>t thereof' 15$);6:':5:75, th$.ttAi3 "tota),;:rJ:umbe7f oflinear:t'B:et af'p:t'Q:pe~ty to. be assessed is ~ " ' '.",' ',' s, 6785.4 the~~te per fro.ntfoot.is $~24491.7. T~~t~~Aefray fifty {pO} per cent. of the cost ofmalntaining and ligh,ting said Main 8t:reeti from Ida Avenue to :Ii'oUJ:'th ,AVenue, wi thin sa id Special Improvement .Lighting District No. 100 for the year 1930, 1;here be, and is hereby levied and aas.essi3d a tax upon all the property in front of and bordering upon said Specia.:Llmpro'V~mentL:l..8htifig DtstrictNo. lOQassf;lt forth lnsch,elill;!.e ',' , x 0 he ;re.'to'a~,tacA~&j;'~nlt,~'le..@..."...".'~~:rti:,;~~;e?;~ ....~ha t:~ ." ..paJ:!.t~ c'U;:Lar'd.e.ii1c'ri~~'i 9P:"97, eEi.~,J:;L...l<>t " :.; .'" ',' .:', ':'", ' " ,: ,', ".' , ',', :'\" , , ':. , ..:.,', ".', :,', ,'",. ",' " " ,'," ,," ',: ,", "':'",\.:".,.., .'::\,,::,,:': ~':':,:,,:',::, ',', [ . anO:pareeliof'.lan.d withthenameoi't1ie oWtlerand the 81.1!!1a.S$ess.d..ag,~l;nst~im: t it, le.~~wtorthi~~he'; ~chl3d\1.1e her'l3to atta.~A!;Id,a.nd rna.d,a..:gfJ.rt.,A,er~P;e.; 'aevera.i'~~s'"~;~OppO~1'te'PhenalIle~ <of .the . owners , andtl<eq,,~8"I'1"bElo;+otf! <3,nd parcelaofland., be.;.<a.n.dthe same are hereby :Levied and aEf.:;Iessed upon and ., ,'j,." :" ", ,",","" ", " , ' ", several sums be cOIlElc~.ed from the res- of landdesaribed in the said schedule, ., - --..-. .. -.-..- - .~----- ..- --_.~ ...- u._...__. 41;~ - -........... ..--.. . -- as required by law; that said Sluns shall be paid and_ the collection thereof shall be made in the manner and in accordance with the law governing the collection of I special improveLent taxes; that failure to pay such assessments when the same shall l;':i;Jl)i,e cl~IG ::lnd pa~Table shall mal::e such person and such lots and parcels of land liable to the penalties provided by the law relative to delinquent taxes. Sec. 3. That the regular session of the Gornmission of the (;i ty of Bozeman held on the 22nd day of .august, ..1.. D., 1930, at the Commission Chamber, City Hall Building, be, and the saHle is hereby designated as the time and place at which objections to the final adoption of this Resolution will be heard by the Commission. Sec. 4. That the Clerk of the Gommission, be, and she is hereby ordered and directed to publish in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a daily newspaper printed and published in the said City of Bozeman, a notice signed by the Clerk of the . Commission, and stating that a resolution levying a special assessment of taxes to defray fifty (50) per cent of the CO~3t of maintaining and lighting k(.-1.in street, from I(la Avenue to Fourth Avenue, in the said Special Improvement Lighting District No. 100 for the year 1930, is on file in the office of the Clerk of the Commission, subject to inspection for a period of five days; that said notice shall state the I time and. :vlace at which objections will be heard by the Commission to the final adoption of this Resolution; thu.t it sLall be published at least five day;:; before the date set by the Commission for heuring of objections, and the final adoption of this rtesolution. .!..~assed by the Commission of the Ci ty of Bozeman at a regular session thereof held. on the 15th day of :\ugu~)t, 1930, A. D., ~ ~]'"ary -- A']TEST: k~C~~ - er f the ommission . I -- ..-.- -.. -.-- ..- .---... ----. ... .-- ........-.- ..-.--.-.-- 4~4 ----..-..-....- -.-..-. .-.-. -- -..----- NOT ICE ------ , ^^ ""(~. HEAIUNG, FINAL ADOPfICH COM1aSSiCH " ,,,.~ .:~ .j.. li-ESOLUTION NO. 188 LEVYIlJG ASSSS::.J- I .r :,,/ MENT OF F:LFTY l)EH CENT, COST I\i.AIl.- ^.>'~^ TAINING Al'mLIGETING MAIN 3TRET~;T FHOM IDA A VElJU~~ TO FOURTH ..:WENU:S, SPECIAL UlPROVE1lENff LIGH1'Ilii]} DIS- TRICT NO. 100, FOR frEE YE.AR 1930. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That at a regular session of the Commission of the City of Bozeman helel on the 15th day of August, 19.30, Commission Resolution No. 188 Wus duly passed and adopted; that said <":ommission Resolution No. 188 levies and assesses a special assessment of taxes upon all the pro}Jcrty in Special Improvement Lighting District No. 10J of said City to defray fifty (50) per cent 0.1.' the COBt of maintaining amI lighting Main Street from Ida Avenue to Fourth .<iVenue, for the year 1930. That said Special Improvement Lighting District No. IJO was created pur- suant to Council Resolutions Nos. u41 and 647, that the amount of assessment is ;~1655. 75, the total frontage is 6785.4 linear feet, and the rate per front foot i s ;;~. 24,101 7 . That, saicl Commission Resolution No. 188 is now on file in the o~flce of the Clerk of the Commission of the said City of Bozeman, sulJject to inspection I for a period of five days, by any person interested; thut iriday the 22nd day of August, 1930, at Four O'clock P. M., of said day at a regular session of the COIMlission of the City of Bozeman, GOll@ission Chamber, City Hall Building, has been designated as the time and place when and ~here said Gorr~ission will hear and pass upon any and all objections that [.la,y be made to the final adoption and passage of said Commission Resolution No. 188, and the levying of said assessment; tha t , said riesolution will be :finally passed and adopted at saId re(!;ular session of said Commission, sub Je c t to such correc tlons and amenclrnen ts as mo.;y be nE eLe upon ob- jections made ami filed wi thin the five days limi t as provided by law. All persons interested are referred to Gouneil Hesolutions Nos. G41 and 6.17, creating the aforesaid S.l)ecial Im.l)rovement Lighting District No. 100, defin- in~ the boundaries thereof and providing for the assessment of the cost of said lighting for further particulars, said riesolutions being on file in the office of the Clerk of the Commission of the City of Bozeman, at tLe City IIall of s<lid City, and sUJject to the inspection of all persons interested. Dated this 16th day of August, 1930. I ~lf'~(~"~ C er 0 tt. Comnusslon -..-.- ----...---. --.- --.-...---.-...- .i1f) --.-.----..-----.....-. -.---..-...-.-....--....- ...---.------ .- ....----.".------.- - I, Elizabeth Johnson, Clerk of the Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, do hereby certify that the Notice in re the foregoinG Re~olution No. 188 I of the City of Bozeman, r,ionta!:la, Vias published in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a daily newspaper ~f ceneral circulation, printed and published in the City of Bozem~n, in the issue of August 16th, 1930, and that due proof of said publication was made and filed in my office. IN WITNESS rrr:rEHEOF I hi'i.Ve hereunto set my han,1 and the o01'Dora te seal of the said (;i ty this 16th da;;l of .August, 1930. ~~~ et9 of t. e ommisSlon I . I - -----