HomeMy WebLinkAboutAffidavit-Billings Gazette-Landfill Corrective Action Plan AFFIDAVIT" OF PUBLIC .'-riON THE BILLINGS GAZETTE 401 N No" St Billings, MT 59101 Phone:: (1106) 657-1212 Pax: (406) 657-1345 Ad Number: 2425CIZ10a Aeing first(Idly sworn,deposes and says."culation clpal clerk OfThe Billings Gazette,a published daily in the City of REQUEST FOforR PROPOSALS Billings, it) tile County oPYcllowstonc,State oCMontana and CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN SER- has charge of the Advertiselllellts tilereof. VICES-BOZEMAN LANDFILL The City of Bozeman is seeking proj- ect specific proposals from qualified That llle:_CpsL( legal regarding: firms for engineering services for de- a II'iIC Copy Of which is hCl'C(O i11111CxCC1, Was published ill Sind veloping a comprehensive corrective action plan for the City of Bozeman newspaper oil the follo),villg(tales: via: sanitary landfill.The landfill is in the no longer accepts monitoring phase and no longer accepts waste. Copies of the proposed Scope of Ser- vices and consultant Qualifications --- Evaluation Criteria and the City's standard professional services agreement for engineering services —- —-- _ are available at the Office of the City --—"-- - Engineer, P.O. Box 1230, 20 East Olive Street, Bozeman, Montana Making all_ 3 publication(s) 59771-1230, or by calling 406-582-2280 during normal busi- ness hours. This information can also be found at Mark below if certification for the State of Montana www.bozeman.net/projects. _1 Ilcrcby certify that I have read sec. 18-7-20�1 all([ 1,1 All Proposals must contain the follow- 205 1 1 ing information: ,MCA,and subsequent revisions,and declare that the rice 1.Project management chart. Ol rate charged(lie Slate of IVIUI1l- a Ior the .4.��i�i i fot - 2. Proposed general time schedule, wllicll claim is lllade ill tile attacl led-papers ill the anlotIllt of including start and completion dates. 3.Specific current workloads of the g_ _is not in excess of the•Illillillluill fate Charged ally proposed project team members. other advertiser for publication of advertiselllellt,set ill IIIC SanIC 4. At the discretion of the firm, no more than eight (8) typewritten SI'le type inld )tt ' single-spaced pages more fully de- YI ] blishe(I for the same number of insertions scribing the firm's approach and litrther certify that this claim is c(»rect an(1 just Itt all respects, qualifications for the specific project. 5.At the discretion of the firm,a com- all I lilt paylllcl) )I•credi(II'lS no been received pany brochure. n 6. A completed and signed �f Non-Discrimination Affirmation Form ,IV e copies o the proposal and S•I'A'fL Ol'MONI'ANn ,� one electronicis ' version In.pdf for- '---"`—"—•— mat must be submitted no later CUllnlY of Yellowstone 5:00p m. on Friday, Febru-City st,2014 to: P.O.Box 1230City of Bozeman OIl (Ills day of!'byUcf-� 20 East Olive Street --�'-0A before me,the nli[IeI:SIgnCCI,allotary '1 llic (or lh Stale of Mont na, Bozeman,Montana 59771-1230 personal y appcarc(I _ Responses received after 5:00 Bred. knO%Vll to Ilse to be the pelsou whose naille is s 1 sc Ibe t04 tl on this date will not be considered. This Request for Proposals will be lvitilill instl-UDlet)t and acknowledged to nlc(flat he exccutc(I published in the Billings Gazette,the Missoulian and the Bozeman Daily same. IN WITNESS WI ILRI OI 1 have hcrellIlt scl lug baud Chronicle on the following dates: , 2014 and February 9th,014ruary 2, itll(I afhjed Illy notarial seal the day and year first above.writtell. JanuarNO'I'A.R Y"1' BL,IC or the State of Mon am�� Residing at 13 '1 •,MT MY commission expires: _ — '� S MY W qll '�90 AMMY WARD ;gyp?AR� : NOTARY PUBLIC for the State of Montana Residing at Billings,Montana My COr Mission Expires OF MO�� June 25,2015