HomeMy WebLinkAbout92- Emerson Cultural Center IMnOVFmENTS AGRFEMENT FOR EMERSON CULTURAL CFNTFIZ THIS AGRF.FMF.NT i s made anti e• ntered i nt o t h i s _j 7 day of' 1992 , byand het wean Emerson Crl l t u r rl l C'c n t c r , T nr . , hereinafter called the "Developer ' , and 0W 0i t V of list/('mtln ?l Municipal Corporation of the Stnt.c• of Montana , hereinafter c•nl.led tile. "City" . WHEREAS , it is the intent. Arid t)III-pose of t.dte Developer to meet. the conditions of approval of a Major Site Plan application to allow the change in use of the Fmerson School kllildirl, d'r•om atr elementary school to a cultural center for• pr• i nr• i t>al 11•-,os '11 1 owe(i within the B-3 Central Business District on pr•nper•t." in ion ; and WHFRI!AS , it, is thc' interit of tho Develollt"' to Oht:litl l final Site Plan ; and WHEREAS , it is the intent. attd purpose of both the ttr� t l o tte r and the City to hereby enter into an Agreement wh i r`h will 911.1rant ee the full and satisfart.ory completiorl of t.h(- r•etttlirecl improvenrnl �. on the property hereinafter described ; and it. is the intent of t ilis Agreement. , and of the l.,ar•Lies hrt•vi.o , to sat the impr•ovenlents guarantee requirements for the rondit. ion,ll approval of said Major Site Plan appl i cat ion . NOW , T11F.REFt)RF, in consitiera( ion of t he rul,t.ual rc�vrn:lnts anti conditions contained herein, it. is her•e11Y fol laws : 1 . Prnp_?rt.v Desc•rit)kign Thi.sAgreemenL pertains to and includes. those- properties which are designated and identified as Lots 1.-20 , Flock i; of Aldersorl' s Addition , and a portion of tile Schooi Ground Tract_ of Rouse ' s 3rd Addition , City of Prozeman , Gallatin t7,01"ITY , Montana , anti more commonly desr•ribed as 111 Sorith Grand Avenue . 2 . TRIProvements This Agreemon. specifically irlcll.rdes the improv(-11lent. of' 1'hnties I and II parking areas , Ianidsrapin , and ot.lier ltnpro" 111ents ,t~ il1 its trated on the pions and speci f icat ions hrr'r>t o al t rlt•hecl and made a part. o f th.i s Agreemen t. , its It i I i 1 1" . Thr rest i ma t c d c r,s•t 1 of said improvements is sttt;:tchc•cl and nr;Ad(' ,t part. of this Agr•efinent , as "Exhibit B" . 3 . Financial aar_tn Time .ff-).r Conrt►lot. i0tr. _nf,. fitjtrOv('rnF-►rts I occupancy of Lhe st ructtrre is t.o occ•ur 1)r• r• t n the instaI lat.ion of itl. l r•ecl►tired on-site in►1)rovernertts , Lhe r•overilettt.s Agreement must be secured by it financial guar•artt.ev , its n►ay be deemed acceptable by the City , pay'ahle Lo the City Of in an amount equal to one and one-half times they estimated c•o5t of the installation of any required impr•ovoinettl s not. c•outl,lol eti .► t t hat. time . Said method of security sh.:rl 1 be val icl for' ;t ire, "I of riot less than twelve ( 1 2 ) mor►t hs. Tn any vve'nt , .t 1 7 r r'cltti rt i i n,1�rove- ment:s as del i neated on F.xhi bi L "A" , wit i c•h i s ;tit ached ;trid made it part of this Agreement. , shall he c•01110el ('d within r) i ut- ( 9 ) moot hs of occupancy in order- to avoid d"N"'l t on t hr n►rl h0ti of seCtIri ty . 4 . Tnsuertion Rehresent.aLives of' the City sh;tl l have t.hc• r i _;ht to enter upon the pro pert.y at any r•easonahI e t, i me in or Her I o i nspoc L it anti t.o determine if the Deve�l opor• a r•F- i ri i ar►e•e_- w i t h t h is Ag r•reme•nt , and the Developers sha l l pe rm i 1. the C i ty and -i I -; represent at i ves to enter upon and inspect. the property it t. ;in.• r•easoliabl e t i mew . 5 . Default. Time is of t.It of this Agveen►r-nI If theme Developer shall. default, in or f;iil to fully perform any of' its ot,ligat ions in conformance with t.ho t. i me Sche Tittle under this Agreement , and such default or failure shall continue for a p(-riod of t.hirt " ( 30 ) days after written notice specifying the def'autl I. is t.ic i>osited in the United States mail addressed to the Developer at P . n. Fto\ 1163 , Bozeman, MT 59715 or such ol:.he•r• aticire ;s its the Df velopor sIt tl 1 provide to the CiLy from time to time , without h(- ' n" c•omhlete�l � remedied , satisfied , and disch.rr> c•d , Lhe- City may elect, to enforce any of the following specified rein(>d i cis : A ) The City- rrtFtx , at it.s o[Aion , declare the firrxrtt' ial guaranLee t.o he forfeited anti secure the comP101 e cons t.ruct. i on and i nshec•t. i on o f t hP i III t,rovPnterit s desrri becl herein . 2 1 . The Cll:y S Cet'rC'esentat. i.vrr , r.oIt.ract (*jr' an' engj neers shall have thr right to enter upon t he prof) r•t.y and per•for•m tiuc-h work anti inspect ion , aril the DeveIoper shall. permi i rcttd s;rr kII-e ariy add i 1. i onal pPrmi ss ion t•o ii i t- I t o enahl r t hom t o do SO . B The City may enforce any ot.hrr remedy provided by lrr1: . 6 . Warrant.v The Developer shril l warrant gaga i nsL clt. l• s in t.hc•s� improvements for a period of one year from the cute of t.lit, ir- written acceptance by the Governing Body. Any r•ecttrired lancysrapint.z must be maintained in a healthy, growin:; cnndi t inn at all t imeS . Any plant that dies must be replaced with ;rno>thov 1 ivin:;' pl .lni that complies with the approved landscape plan . 7 . Governing Law This Agreement. Shall he construed .record i ngc t.o the 1 ,:tws of t hc> State of Montana. 8 . Modifi-cations or Altnrat. io.ns No mod i f i cat, i ons o r amendmen L of th iti :1_rc�emen t sh;_t 1 1 he val id , unless evidenced by a writ ing signed by t ho part ies he1-0t0 - 9 . Tnval. id Provision The i nval i d i ty o r ur,enforc-eab i t i Ly o f any prov i s i on o f t.h i s Agreement shall not affect the other provisions her•eof , and t.his Agreemen t shal l be cons t rued i n al l rVSN-C t S a5 i f suc}c i nVa l i d o r- unenforceable provision were omitted . 10 . No Ass i vriment. Tt is expressly .agreed that the Devoltiper• shall riot. assign this Agreement in whole , or in Part , wi t.hout Pr•iOr wr•i t teen consent to City. 3 11 . 5_kt(F-c e-,s o r s Except its 13 r*0V i d('d in 10 , this %grevillent shall hP binding upon , enure to the bon(-fit of' , ;Irld h(- by the par-ties hereto and thOLT' heirs , sticceSsOt", .Itl(l FMFIISON ('1111,TtIlIA1, CENTFR , I -N-C. el-,_ BY : STATE OF MONTANA County of Gallatin ) On this L7A day of CP_VA,A_Asr-___, 1992 , heforo iii-01 it JOJ �try 012 Public. for the state of Montana, p e rsonA known to me to 130 010 of Emerson Cultural Center, Inc . , the corporat. ion which (­.('VIIt ('(i the foregoing Improvements Agreement- and ac,knowl edtf ed to 111(' that execute(] the same for and on behalf of said Corrior," ion . IN WITNESS WHERFOF, I have hpr-f-tinto sot. my hatid and ArriNo(l III\ Not first, above wy- it t.('ti - le day and year Ell S al t&VYK Notary Pi �Ii for State or Montana Residing 'A�/Bozevnan , Montana Commission Expire-, :— THEI CITY. OF B07PNIAN Phi I I i p Direct-or of Ptiblic Service STATE OF MONTANA County of Gallatin On the day of o ' 1992 , beforo mv , rx Ntitr\ Publ is for thestate of lot t.-mal personal lY �Illf)('RrPd Phi I I ill J . l Forbes , known Lo III(- to be the person in and Itc, Wxc'c•rttlli the foregoingService of tho City instrument. as Director or 1:,ublic S( of Bozeman, whose name is sjjjjs(_r- ij)(_(j to lilt, within inst rumen t and ac know]edged to me that he ext-ctit.ed the sainf, for arld 01, hf-hllf Or Said City. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have j,(. t_pj,tjt, O ,t jj�jrj(j .,111(i .-iffixed my seal on the day nd year first. written above . Notar Put)I i C or Stat . of Montana Residog at !— Commission 4 "EXHIBIT B" L•'STIMA'J ED COST OF rtitPE.t:)� I?�il:ti I'ti EMERSON CULTURAL CE N'1'1:R Ph,i�;eti 1 h Park inw* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROJECT : Z-9298 - Major Site Plarr allowing the change in tit' the Fn1ortin11 School Building from an element.ary school to a Cut t irr':il r•rnt (-r t*or principal usrti allowed in the B-3 Central Business Dititrict. , fit -,;nttt h r;rall"i 1k-f-11110 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM SQ.. F1', /1,1-AFT. ---- ----- - - C(isT/l_Nl_i. _.- --- E-ST. c 0sl Hedge, south boundary of Phase 1 and 2 parking ; one plant. per each 2 feet, 18" to 24" minimum height at planting 230 In . ft. . ( 115 t)l pints ) 5*2 50 (•a S ?t?i . 50 Parking and circulation islands 6" x 6" curbing minimum "HO 1ti . l' t ( :iltpruxl fl S 2 , 310 . 00 Wheelstops (west side by bldg ) 12 S,25 . 00 r:r . S 300 . 0s; Security lightirig thin im1tm 62.50 . 00 (,.i . S 5rt0 . 00 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST: S :1 . 397 . :,tr x 1 . 5 = S r)91; .