HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 211 Sunset Hills Cemetery l~Yf) " ;.::, tJ ,~ "? I" .- ,. .' ...."'... cm:.: ~ SSI 011 n.ESOLUJ: 10:1 G. 211 ,. il. RlBSC:Lu'rt;::;::f C2 r;:';-:::; CCt'lc:331C~~ CF 'j~r'n Cry OJ? BO;':':~I' J?}{C'~JII)Il~C~ .;J'OI.": T}:'~~~ I1':\lr~ST~~T.',~I\Fr 0-7 r~'\:.'."f"r1' i.,.:''''''' '-.,~~,~ I},: 11;3 =-~~~R~,i"...\.'~',r~~3::T Cim~~ F1JND 0 .;' '1~~,"3 srlr~S~T l~ 1 LL~J C~},~,'~:,~r.2~r;:"\I .l.\.1: J; P~~C~IIT)Il\TG .I. 1l1" l..V FlTR' '~.;.1 <= T ;' _ :J." ~'~LL r=';c OL:,',:i: f~1 :r~lrr~FROl-.": cv~~n. ~\.} ',; '1) ,JC\n~ 'Li'Cll.: :? ~~~:l. C '~~2~','T rl} ( .~/S) SI T ~\.LI~ ~~T;~ ....~~1"J) I , .B,'EC C},'~'.;'B A 1\\ 3.~ C ? r~ I lji.~ x) ::CRI\.: ,h.='~ -li~: ,tr C~~':\.R'TG }r1.J"TID. 3'1~ E' 'C':;~OL'nco 3Y TF';~ cm.J~;:.)I(]i OF' 'n--.: ClllY OF BO.:mcA" : 1. 'rho. t \vhe1'e3. B heretofore on the ;~ 7 tlJ day of lLarch, 1931, the ", . . com~~.]. ;38 l on of the City of Jozem~n passed Ordinance T:o . 604 entitled: IT .l\.IJ O:tDINAJTC~ P~WVFJ1NG 70;1. ':elI": t!^\2';AC~'G~ErT .::"'IJD C OJlrri.WT" OF SUNS 3'1' lIII "LS C T~j::<:rrEnY , ~\ITD i\ T~UI1D ifO.H rrI-r:,~"G =',':_d.I=:~T'J~'i:j,ij;'T-JC}j~ rrl:.BR~OF, '1' 0 .'1'.q: l""" I'.'i f"Il,' :!\T \ I ,~' rrJ:'~ CEliiGrr":;tY I"U::D, Trlji~ I;'l~'~':} ./-~r:~}!;l<"rr C".~'iIr~':,:: C 'F C }:I :!'~ rr:s ::l."cY I.. 0'1: S ..HV ,I~, ..'" - ~~I'~TC R~:~ I I} \ND ..\ j?:~nT,j.Ji l,rTC~'?r C J.~ I\.~G [,111.J1J J) rr }.; IGlt:"~:]? O:.~ , A~:D nEP;:~AI. H:C OHD- 1:\1 L\TTCr~ }fO'S. ;) '7 ~) :\.HD 41'711, and. said Crd im1.nc c among other th 1. nE.~ 8 pr 0 v ide :3 : II [1' l'. :.~.t the i30ard of' f.i'1'ustees shall pl'ovi(le for t l;e perma ne nt CHrc of cer: \etery lots in saicl ceme ter~r under such Hules and ~'(eguhl.tions tic3 it nn:r adopt; tbF;. t the doard of ri'rustees (3hal1 ad.opt and pror:mlf:a te a plan for yermanent care of (;emetel';'; lots und a scLedule of t}, e co st tLe reof; rrhc . t , for the pU.l' po se of prov :L;U. Yl( pc rn18. ne~l t GClr4 of corCletot';Tloi.. s, L' ere be, and tJ;cre i s he r 0 (J;I , created a Permanent Care I<l.1.nd ; t h::~ t sa.i el Per~:'1.nen t C::';"re 21J.11cl 8h::,Ll be unde::" th.e ellS to dy ~.u1(1 eontT"ol of' the II 'j .... c.' of joZeGMn~ that ever," lot Qwne l' (1. e s irouD 0.:' pro v id)Jl for ....... Ve..! the pe ';:'LVUle Ii t eare of the 10 t 0 f' lots ovme d. b;.,r him 81h 11 1)'! Y into and deposit with the Dil' ec tor of j'imlnce of the Ci t;,' of ,:;;0 ~;or .u: tlie <'1.Lcount thereof, '-'.8 provi-Jed b;:1 GcJ,odulo ac~.oi! toe; eJnd T,!'Of".111(:, tor;" b;./ tIc e ]o::.rci of :..i....l~l..lf3 t, e e ~.,; , '.1 n d. ~)l~ c 11 e n t (; r Lit;) c. w1'i ttOr: .c'-CI'eeL,cnt \',i tL 1;;.1-1,(::- City of Bozeman for su ell :p e t'[;l,':Hl e nt caro, Vi hi cd! :.'\(re er'.o nt ,.'. J 1 be knovm as tlj,) Per~::::lnent Care :~CTe et':8 :~ t; t h:" t 1. he ilE.ont1t ~J." I.:...l.... ,;.l 1d al.Joun~, 3 GO d.e1)ositod ~:3}~ ~1 J _ .:,l.. con::tc.tlJtc t 1, e 1'e l' [:;r. nell t CC:.l'C -':;'l~n(l ; I U-,~ ;,t 8~t i{l ';'Und all C;" 1.}, be invested 1);, +',":'" (:~ J r:"' L;i E fii J j 1 (If t;. e c i t;I .). ~.' of ]0;':0I,,:>.n in such 1'OI'D and in ~':'-uc}. seCll1~itLe3 aLe: i t :~:.:::~~\:~ :Hrect, :::" 11 c1 tLe interest thereon, or the LrLC0 Lie t}.81'o1'r'01, G:..-'11 ;,e cpedited to, ',n(1 pet id into, tlie C :; E18 t:J r ;I 10;nc1 :"A.n,i,~l st.all ~)e c:q,c)JeJ.e(1 bJ the 30a1 '(, o t' ~;l-'Us tee s to ciefi>c,,;! the cos t 0'2 tl-'e r;ermaner1t C;::lre of Sell c1 L indi \TiclLtH.l 10tG, Uf;reeeJJle to lihe .(ule ,3 ,.,nd B.egulo. ti()n~::; o f s ~i 1 c; ;308 .1'cl of 'l'rustee;:;, Pl~ O'I I::: :s J) tl.a t if tYc :ntere;'3t t}:,ereon, 01-' t~;.e i,r' .CO[:',8 tllel~e:[>'oL: , :L;-;\ 1.1 0 I' ('; t1.,~ln neceS;3al'Y to r):,>\.~r for tLe }):coper CC:: .I'e of f3~:1.1, d, 5..nllividut.i1 lots, tLe n ~.,lnI3 ill th'l t eV-:;Ylt, t ~.':.e 13l1T'Jj 111.03 or reLlD.inclor ,:;II :'111 be expended in c :J.rl 1'1['; fo l' 'UJc3. bC~lut I.f;Ilrl .. :;;"t td come tery t.~:ene r<::'.lly; " and there is noW to the cred.i t of said pe I'f::a re ~lt C,;..re r.'ul1,l, as ::1fore G::~ L d, the sum of '~;35.)O. 00, ::.1.1113. ':) That on the 19tt duy of D8cenilie~, 10.,0, tbc Co r:1El i c ;;; ion 0 ::' --. -.. 11"""'" ~"" .ul __u_..... .~20JO ,OJ, t}",en a11cl 1;Loreupon the said bond.s 8h2.11 be r'lelivered to tLe said ;30flrd of L:c~!1d vornr:l:tssioners cind to the SinkinG li"und Trustees respectively; and the moneys derived therefrom, to wit, )lJ~J,OOJ.OJ, shall be used in payil1{' and redee[[lin,~:' the ~'unding I Bond s ill the swn of )109,000.0 J, here in referred. to, and there- upon, sa i(1 l,'und inC 30nds in said amount of~1()9,OOJ.OO, shall ~e cancelled and destroyed;" \\'hic1J. bond draws i!1t ere st !:J.. t the ra te of 4t;b per annuIF, p8.yable in 18 yeqrs, and 3. ',;,1hat the City of L50Zerno.n heretofore issued warrants on the BabcOCk Street Ji'und in pU.yment of the cost and expense of oyenine Jabcock Street between Bo ~:eLldnAvenue and::ouseAvenue; that warrants in payment thereof have been rElg- isterad on Ule '30. bcock :3 tree t ,Li1und; that money in payment thereof has been borrowed from tho \7a tel' fund and transferred to the ~ater In,estment Account, a.nel ~3aid. \..,.ar1'"u1t3 helve been duly invested; tha t a levy of one mill is to be L1ade dlJI'ing the years 1900, 19 ~51 , 1 (Ye ,') und 193;5 to provide moneys for tLe paymont of saic, ..0~ , Wa.l'r,in.t '''' .11 of which Viarran ts drar; interes tat the rate 0 l' ;;Jjy 1Je1'Oer11; ( G ~:::) per annulIl; that reference i;-o hereby made to (tommission itesoluT.ion ,'" 173 entitled: "A RSSU4;UTIOI~ OF ::'HIG Cm:1HSSION OF 'rEE CITY 01;' BOZEl:AN I':iWVIDING F03 '.:'F'~ FUi_JJC lEG O'r' rlllr;~ COSr.2 AND K(}>E:J~:;:'~ OF' OPJ;InI~C: .3,'l'-3COCK S f1.1:;:ZJi: 'f, il~:~:G C OS T .A~\JD E.;\.I)I~~T,:L) ~ ~'.~ T~' r~Ir~ C CIJS TT~UC '1.'1 OI'J CI~ ~.) It IT)G ~~~ OV~~R _iI\~J ACHOS;; i,0;3;GL,':.F CHEEK ~~Im OTI:EH ITTCIDTGHTl-\.L EXj?l~r.j": IH CmJI;i:C~~ION T;]G~'C::\';I'i.1H"; t 11;,i t the GomIni ~3sion deems :n1CJ considers that at this time at least:~15()O.OO of tLe ",'1 I IJerrnane:nt Care J!'und can be and ,.,hould be invested in the 30. b c.;(J ck stree t J?und 1:;ar1'ants; 'md 4. =11a tall iYicoIi1e from Ciny investr:lOnt of the Permanent CareF'und as herein l)rovid.ed or as ~.ereafte:c nude over and a bove four percent (4 ) shall become a part of the Permanont Care Fund. Nm: TEErrn:;FUHE, 82 I '1' EE~30LVED, ,~JJ:j IT IS EI;RLGiW,.-nDlGRED BY 'l'IL:;:; COhJ.:.ISSION OF THE CIC2Y ljFT30.3J'~I,~I~1J: 1. That the amount now standin[ to the credit of the Permanent Care .r!'unci , 'junset Hills CerneterJT, in the sum 0 f .':;3530. () 0, De invested as follows: ,,,' 000 )) ilJ Refundinr City Bond. iF 2, as provided by Crdinance ,"..... . ,pt:, , '. " hereinbefore referred to. b. "'If-Or) )J in Bubcock f3treet l<'und Vlarrants as herein provided and. ') 0'",.: .. as set forth in Commission E?esolutiun No. 173 hereinbefore r'eferred to. ';> '.2h::..t all incuIi1e from investrn.ents as herein provicled or hereafter made, '-". over and above four percont ( 4~~ ) shall be and become a part of tice lJel'n13.nent Care I FU.nd a.nd shall be invested sUlJject to the subsequent order and l'.esolution of the Cornmi ssion. - '~SSZI: Hnd AJ8PT:iW uy tLe Cornmi sc'3ion of th8 Ci t~l of :50j~ej;Jan i:.. t a regillar session thereof held on tLe lOt:: cla;7 0 ':' ~\.lJril, 10,51. ~ -'-,-- Attest: .i' .yor . C--~ ~~'-Pt ' l~') .. 0,,~ _ m__ T ii:lizabeth Johnuon, Clerk of the Comr:1is~3ion of the City of 3oL3cman, ~ , Eontana, do here'JY certify tho. t the fore{::oiYl€~ 11.esolution 211 of tl:e Ci t~T of 30Z8[13.n, ~iontana, was pub li st.ed at lene th in the3ozeL'l':ln Dai1~r ULronicle, u. d:( ily newupL:.per I of general circulation, printed and published in the City of 3o'7.emn.n, i n tl~e :L ssue of 11,])1' i 1 I t-f "!t1 1951, and that due )roo! of sai d puol i (;:1 ti on vms rilllQe and ii 1ecl in my' offic e. IH 1.ari'K:~SS ",1'SRE07 I have hereunto se t m~{ hand and the corporate ::3ea1 of said l" it.: ~~: i.1 ~:' 1<1. ':': ~ ~IL</ 0 f ll.pl~ il J : 1''-'1 ."iO.. ~ ~~~~ I I .- -- -..... .~.