HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 210 Payment of Miscellaneous Sidewalks No. 589 J,47 ,...f \~~ Q ',,- .."'~ ,~ \ ., . ' \,', t. . ~..." ," ~.... ..' _..-"~ Cm,;2"ISSION RESOLUTION ::0. 210 ,"' A RESOLU'.L'10i' 01" TIlE CQl:.IUSSIO::i OJT TEE CITY OF BOZE;...t..:J::Li.OVIDIHG F'Ol~ 'rEill IAj}:iENT Ol!' L::ISCELLX~~OUS SIDI~W.A.JJ{ AND CUR.' ViARRAIJTS NOS. .589 to 596 L:CLU::':,IVE, FOR ;,,100.00 I EACL, AGGIEGATETG ~BOO .00, DATED .TA1J'U..:)",RY 4, 1 9 24 , HELD A:TD OVmED BY .T. .T. ..LrCE AS IFIlE ASIGliEE OF '21m STAIJDAlm cmTSTRUCTION CO., P.li..YEE. it7 II ERE A S : I. Heretofore, at a regular session of the COlilmissiol1 of the City of BozeEan Llcld on the 12th day of' July, 1923, and on the 30th da;y of Au~:-'ust, 19 23 , it was ordered t,:~at cert;ain sidewalks and curbs be canst ruct ed in aceo rdallce with t:ne provisions of Section 5244, Political Code, R. C .Li. 1 9 ,21 , and Ordinance No. 435, as amended by Ordinance '0. 4'1 r; , and o.s jJrovided by Ordinance No. 451 01' the City of Bozeuan; and II. Thereafter, pursuant to said orderE, sidewaU;:s and curbs were con- structed by the City of Bozmuan, pursUtOm t to contract duly and regularlY entered in tab :, and between the Oity of BozoLnn and the Standard Construction Co.; and III. The reaft er, the Commission of the City of Bozeman, at a regular session thereof, hold on the 8th day of Hovembe::l', 19 23 , passed anG adopted Cor,unissio:8 Resolu",:; ion >:0. 30, ent i tled; "10.. HE SOL"C'l' I U~J OF THE CITY CQl:,TI.~ISSIN O};' 'l'1m CITY 0]' 130Zg'..J\..N LEVilIiCi- AND ASSES.:HiTG SFECIAL ASSESS:.,E::n'S FOH 'riIE DJS'I'j,..Lt- A'rIm; OF SID1;WALKS ASD CU!mS DURING TEE SEASON OF 1923"; I and IV. The reaft er, on the 15~h day of' lJovember, 1923, at a regular session the:::'eo1', the COl11.nission of' the City of Bozeman passed and adopted COJGlnissiol1 Heso 1 ut iun I'fo. 30A, entitled: "i:.. RESOLDTI01J 01" '11=.l.:l~ CITY COI,L.IISSIOl: FIJ.:ALLY PASi3Il<iG AND ADOFrn:G COLt ISSIelJ HESOLUTIOl~ NO. 30, El7rI '.2LED ' .< .d. RESOLL:TIO;\ OF '1':ilE Cr'l'Y COL,iJ.IS8IOlT OF 1'l-m 01'1''( OJ? 30ZLT,iAN LEy\:r:;:; G AiL) AS ~;]LS[;;I r: G [3 FEC 1AL ASSJ~i3S'J.,-EW:' S Ii' 0 n '1\ j:E J, N,S'i' 11.L1- ATIUlT OIl' SIDi::WALKS 111m CD_\ES DUEE:G rr:;,,>~ SE.A,SOJ; (iI" 1923' "; G,nd V. I'uI's ue. nt to said Comeission 1-1eso1w~ ions 1.os. 30 and 30A, pas,;ed and adopted as aforesaid, there Has levied and assessed against certl.::..in lots, pieces anCl Imrce1s of rro:i)erty, as specified and described in Exi.dbit t1A" attached to C01,1.:,liS51011 Ref.301ution Ho. 30, the amounts set OP1)Osite each separG.to piece or :parcel o:t' land, as s"leci:t'ied L:1 Exllibi t ".A" thereto attached; said special asses;- ments bore irlterefot at the rate of' six per cent per amn.lI:1 and were payable in six Gq,ual a~mua1 installnento, cO~lencinG with the year 1924, tIle final Lu;) t;;-: 11r:18 n t being pCJ.ye.,:;le on the 30th dc;.y of November, 1. 2'0; and I VI. Thereupo'~, and in payc1ent thereof, twent :v-one :,_iscellaneous Sid ewalk and Curl) Warrants, payable from the .LUisce11aneous Sidewall.,;: and Curb :B'und, :Nos. 5'76 to 506 inclusive, acsregating Q2,015.62, were issued to tJ.le i..;.tandard Construction Co.; and VII. All of' t11.0 assessment s levied and assessed against clio j)roI)erty ~ described in Co:cmnission Iiesolutions ~ios. 30 and 30A llave been paid and thoro HTO no deli~quenciGs; and "\.TIII. 'L'llC :,!.O~lG,~ s so collected :.Cron tl:le pl'oI.1erty so assessed V[8.;-3 creQite,.., 1.48 to the Ljiscellaneous Side\:alk and Curb Fund and has been used, in part, Ll -;;11 e IJ ayIllent of L:iscellaneous Side",;: He anCl Curb Fund ',,-arl'ants issued by the Gity of Boze::nan prio:c to the year 1923; the liJ.oneys collected fron tllo assessment made:;, I pu:csuant GO t-,'.e provicion::-1 of' COIlll:lis"ion l\esolut iO,lS :To s . ~JO and 30A, shoulu have only beeJ.l used in payinc and retiring Ldscellaneous Gidevmlk aT'..d Curb }!'Ull;:l ';-;arrants ITo c . ~)76 to 59(; inolusive; apPI'oximately ~~800. 00 has been :,lisa:9plied in\';he ::\a:nTJ.ent of kiscellaneous Sidewalk and Cu::,'b l~und Warrants issued ]J rial' to 1 C;;~3, anci, as a result, l.:iscellc<neous Sidewall;: and Cm"b Fund Vlal':.'ant s l;os. 589 to 596 inclusive, e it-~ilt in nlJIt1be r, aGgregating ;:,~800 .00, l,ave not 1Jeell paid and there :L s 110 noney in said :E'und })rOlierly a=)lJlicable to the I)ayment ot said warrnts; and IX. For the construction of miscellaneous sidewalks and curbs I'or eucll and eve r7{ year, there should have been 0. hlisce11aneous SideVHJH: and Curb }'urlcl for tJll:'lt pa:-ticular year, and if there were any delinquenoies in the3)D.ym-ent of t~le assessment s for any part ioular year, ti1e warrant s issued acail'lst tIie p:co]Jert;'J delinquent for that year should not Jlave been :paid; end vIi tll the on8 fund c_ne. all the warrants nu:clberecl conseout i vely, S1).011 warrant G have been 1)(3.1(1 aCGor-cline to their m:;nber; and X. L,ttachedl~ereto anCl m.ade a part hereof, is a ,"-jciled ule SllOWL1C the operat ion of tlle Liscel1aneous Sidevral1= D.J1d Curb Fun:l for tJle . ear's 1913 to 1923 I inc lUiJ ive; and XI. It vras an error for the City of' :Uoze:::nan to pay certain war~t~n~~s issued ria r to the ';lear 19 ;:23, a lId, as a result of t.. i~:; e1'1'o r, t1t e e iCll t wa rrant s, l"~os . 5C(~; to 59(, inclusive, dated January 4th, lO'JA aggreGatinG v8GO.OO, issued i,.j(..,.J_, t 0 t~:::e Standard Construction Co., arc out standing and ullllaic::l; and , J"'. It './i1i t e is " . now the Assignee, holder and O'l'mer of sa iel vmr:ca:nt s ; and XII. TIle Com::.nission of' the City of Bozrunan is of the opinion that said v"larl'ants, rIos. 589 to 596 inc1us i ve, should be paicl 1'0 T tile reasons herein set .earth; NO'.'[ , T!LEREFOrt:~ , K',; r:'mGsCJl,"ED BY '1':.;E Cm,llIISSION 01" rI'I:E CrEY OJ.\' BOZndA~i: 'Tha t said ei~lt biscellaneous Sidewalk and Curb :Fund . t" 589 "ar:carr s 1..0 C. . to 596 irlclu.s i ve, aGsregating ~800.00, be pc_ i,:l, and that the pa~aent thereof be had anGlilade 1'1'01':1, the ',:ene1'al fund, and the Dir'ector of' 1"inanco is llereby ordered and directed to dray; a In'o})er \'farrant in }Jaji1ilont t ~(le 1-'80 :;:-. . ra"""e(i ",--,et cod-.pted c_y tl'o COFL'i"""'ion of t'"o "-'it-,- (if EO""'''lll ,,,t a l'0(;u1o.l' . .J..... .A d.. .. ,J. () , u u ., .1 '" oJ .. L V ,J.' i.... ...c_ '-, session thoreof held on the 9th (lG_Y of' Jo.m'lar7/, 1931. I _.tirr~I:ST : ._~' t}iO Co; '.. . ",sian 14~~) ...- I, Eliz2beth Johnson, Clerk of' the Cor:L_issioll of the City of Bozenmn, :.~ont aDD., (10 j,c:;:'oby cart i1'y Llc:1.t; tho l'oregoing ,esolut iun ~:o. ')10 0';-' .1.1- e C-ity 0"'" '-' ." ".,1 ~. .L I Bozeman, :.cO:'lt anD, ",-as :r:nJblisl1ed at lenct.~ in the LOZ e1:1o.n .:Ja ily CLrOjlicle, a daily neTIspaper of general circulation, _~'inted and I)ublis>ted in t:;;.e Ci t;/ of Boze;::an, in tho issue of' Jal1uar~r 13th, 1931, and that due proof of said p~blication '.'JaS nade and filed in my office. L:,;Tl\;ESS '\rJ~FL:,;Ol" I have 11oreunto set my hand and tile corporate seal of' said C1 tv t!:1s 13t}l day 0 f' January, 1931. ~,' II. _ ._-,- I I