HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 208 Qualifications of Certain Registered Electors -...--. n___ 14;' !3 .._ n._.. _ _. " - . -..---.. --.-----...- .. .. __..._ _._.m..__._... . ' COlvILIISSlon RESOLUTION NO. 208 ._ :,r i:'- :{SS01:~'l'IC\':,' Oli' '~':~:.~ C01&~ISSIUH OF 1'IlE CI'I'Y O:F :c:,OZEl...\,l'T F?.OVIDUJG J,i"'OH Tlili DEI'EH,diL','l'ION 01' 1'IIE~"U.f"-Ln'IC/"TIOlTS 02.1' CERTAIN REGIS'l'ERED ELEC'i'ORS FO'?";' 'l'lm srECl"ilL ELECTI:'}: 'I'(, Im I 1::.ELD 1:J T~']:: CITY OF B0:61~~;l..:'~L O',J 'I'IG~ 13th DAY OF lJO"'illi,l:EEH, 1930. ':)~.~J.:~;}:tJ~~~S : (1 ) I:Leretofore, on the lOth day of October, 1930, the Co~;nuission of' the City of Bozerml1 IJassed and adopted Commission Hesolut ion iTo. 204, entitled: .A RESOV.)1.'ION OF 'I'llE C01.;LISSIOIJ OF rIllE CI'1'Y m' BOZIil,.Ll.l.~., J!nOVIDILG FCEl TIm lJOLDIlJG OF A SJ?ECIAL ElliC'l'IOE OR TIlE HESIDEi7J.' FREEEOLD:t;.dS OF '[lIIE CI'L'Y OF EU~:S;,~ju: \LlOSE Nlu;iES .AI?FCl\.R ON THE COmITY TAX HOLL J;RE CEDTlTG SUCH EL~~CTIOlT, strBL.LI'I1T HIG TO Tl:.E SAID n.ESIDEl'JT Fli.Ll!;- ILOL DEns TIm AFI:LICATIO?J OF I'HE IJIl.Ln:c'; GAS COLiPiiNY, A CO Rl'OHlI.T ION , FOii A lTRl,lTC: .1SE G1-1A.irJ.'IlJG TO IT '1':::8 rEIVILIWE ArTD FIXING- TI.J.I; TERi,IS liT: ' ";':11 WHICH SAID COLIPAliL: I,JJ1.Y CONS'I'RuCT, E<~uIF , LII"Y, MAII?I'AIIT, .Aim OPI~ IUTE PIl~E Lurns Dr, mmEH, UPOlT , OVER, AND ACHOSG TIm S'I'REET8, A VEi'JU~S , ALI..EYS, III GIIVlAYS, Eim IGES, Al:D EASJil,Kl:TS Oli' 'l'lL~ CITY 01!'1 B 0 Z El.L-\.:lT , AiID L~AY DISTl.r::BLJTE AND SELL IU..TURAL GAS TO SAID CITY AND ~.~r .rE I ='...TI.:lili. I rr .l~i.In.1 E3 T IJ:E REO Ijl " , ]'IXIiW Tl::E DATE OJ? SAID ELECTI Oi, , .A.:\TD IIWV :.cDING FOIl. 'I'lm rtEGIS'l'nlJ..TION 011' 'ITill RESIDEIYr Fi{1!;LHOLDEl.:S; (2 ) And, l'ursuant to said Hesolution, a SpeciE!.l E1ecti';11 has 'Decm c,:l11e0, to 'De lwld on the 13th day of lJoverilber, 1930, and the Not ice tlle~'eof has been duly lJublislled and ~;osted (~s required by law; (3 ) And a Registration of the qualified resident freeholders of the City of Bozeman has been had, p,--,rsuant to the provis j.ona of said Com.:,,_ission Resolut ion No. 204 and OrdL.C'.nce No. 140, of the City of Bozerwn; I ( I::; ) And the lists of registerSd voters :or the several precinct~ in the City of Bozer.mn hD.ve been compiled and IJosted, as required by saJ. Hesolution "10. 204 and Ora inance j>io. 140; and the Registry Agent has checked the list of said l'ecistered electors Qgo.inst the City OJ:' Count;,{ tax roll of the City of Bozeman 1'01' the :/,ear 1930, precedinG such election, in the office of the County Treasurer and Assessor, and the ownership records in the office of the County Clerk. and Recorder, f)r the pur:'0[3C of deterraLlinr; who are i:ualified resident freeholders wl,ose llaBes 8.ppe::r on tile city or county tax rol:L for the year 1930, precedin such election, and it has been f'O"l,.-,-Ld by such Rec; istry Agent that certain persons have registered as oUnl~fied to vote at said election whose names do not a1)]:18ar on the city or county tax roll for the year 1930 preceding such election, or the records of the office of' the County Cle rlc and .deco:'der do not shov! tl"e..t they are freeholders; ( :.J) ~nd the COIlliillsslon is of cehe opinion thc'.t pro}Jer raeasures should be adopted for deteJ:'mininc the correct status of the several electors about whose " qualifica'~~ions there is a question; NO,: TE3REFOHE, BE IT ::"illSOL'lED BY TI.ill COhIMISSlm; OF THE CITY OF BOZEJ...A~<;, I AIm IT 1~3 I1EREBY 0 HDEBED : ( 6 ) That tIle Hecistry Agent give Notice to the several IJerson;::; reg- istered as aforesaid, about whose qualifications there is question, to e.ppear before said ReBistry ~gcnt at her office, No. 11 South nOise, City lIall Building, on 1,'rednesday, tho 12th day 01' }jovember, 1930, between the hours of ~ 00 0 'cloc}: A. }j. and 9:00 o'clock P. ~., and shor; and prove by affidavit or otherwise their riGht to vote at such election; - .,_. -.--- - 144 . --..--------- -.... ( 7) rEbat the Not ico shall be substc,nt ially [is followc: "To Bozeman, 1.Iontana, November 7th, 1930. '. I In the I\1atter of YO...l' recistrlJ:tion to vote o.t the 31)eoi13.1 E1ectiow_, to be held on Novenoer 11th and Nove:::ber 13th, 1930 you " are hereby not if'ied that a quest ion has arif;;on as to your c:ualificc~~ ion to vote at said elections, ami your registn~t ion has ueenmarked "TO LE C:;j\..LLENGEDtl. The cause of ,our apparent di sOJ.lali:fic::: t ion is: (1 ) Your name Coes not apl)ear on the C01.mty "cax 1'01:.>.. fm' I the County of Galla tin fo r the year 1930; (2) Your n81d.e does not appear as a resident freeholder on the records. You will therefore appear before the Registry Agent at her offic e, No. 11 South Rouse, City Hall Buildi~g, on ~onday the lOth day of November, and on Wednesday, the 12th day of NoveDilier, 1930, between the hours of 9:00 o'clock A. M. and 9 ;00 0 'clock L. hi. and show and prove by affidavit or otherYih"e your :C'ight to vote at such elections. Your failure to do so will sUiJject yourself to challenge on the day of election aml necessitate your makinc;, at that t 1Il1e, tl~J (- proper pI'oof. If it is found that you are (1 iSClualified for any cause under the law, or if you refuse to take an oath as to Jour qualif- ications, you will not be :pe rrnittecJ. to vote. 'COllA. O. DODSON Registry Agent tT (8 ) That the Registry Agent shall meJ;:e cOJ:Teot ions as the facts may I warrant in each individual instance; that the names of 1)8r80nS erroneously or in:pro:perly registered shall be stricLen from the reglstrcit ion li::;t, and their names and registration shall be marked "ClU'::rCELLED"; that the Registry Agent shall preserve the records; cHlc1 that when the corrected ct! eck 1 ist is delivered to tlw judGes of election of the several precincts, those registered electoI's about whose registration there is a Quest iOll, and wliose registr;c..t ion has not been corrected or eliminated, as herein provided, shall have marl;:ec,. opposite their nm:18S the nards uTO Bl~ CIL\.LLIJ'JGED"; ThCi.t it 1::3 the duty of the judges of election, if, on elect ion l:lay, such :;:erson vlbc:' has been objected to applies to vote, and his regls tr.t ion is marked "TO :LeE CH.i\.LLENGED" , to test under on th his (fi.1alii'icat ion:::;, and if' he is found to be dis- qualified. from any cause under the lavv, or if he refu=es to take an oath as to his qualifico:t ions, he must not be permitted to vote; (g) The.t any elector whose nata\? has been er~'oneously cancelled from such offic ial regist e1' shall be re- registered upon mal;:inc affidavit, BUPl)OI'ted by affidavit of an elector Qualified to vote at such S;ecial Election. IASSED AND ADOF'TED by the Conllaission of the City of Bozeman, at a I regular session thereof, held on the 7th day of November, 1930. ~.~J , 'yor Attest: ~~.~.. le 1 of the ~ IIJI1Ission .-.--- I 14,;) ..........-..-...". .-------. ~ I, Elizabeth Johnson, Clerk 01' the Commission of' the City of Bozeman, liLontana, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution Ho. 208 of the City of I Bozeman, Montana, was published by title, in the Boz eman _Jaily Chronic Ie, a daily nevvspaper of general circul,~tion, printed anel publi::lled in tIle (h ty of' Bozeman, in the issue of IJoveIij.uer IltL., 1930, and that d ue l)l~oof of said publ ica t ion was made and filed in my office. III .'.HTlmS~;' -\L:EREOF I have hereunto set my hand and the cor orate seal of said City this 12th day of November, 1930. ~ ~~O" I I ~ --