HomeMy WebLinkAboutProfessional Services Agreement with Dandbornd Map Company for impervious surface area_6 Commission Memorandum REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commission FROM: Jon Henderson, GIS Manager Craig Woolard, Director of Public Works SUBJECT: Impervious surface data collection for stormwater utility billing. MEETING DATE: September 8, 2014 AGENDA ITEM TYPE: Consent. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the City Manager to sign a Professional Services Agreement with The Sanborn Map Company, Inc. for the creation of impervious surface area data to support an updated stormwater billing methodology. BACKGROUND: On April 21, 2014 the Bozeman City Commission provided policy guidance regarding future stormwater rate methodology to change from the current approach based on meter size to one that is based on impervious surface area, thus providing a more accurate representation of stormwater runoff impact. This project consists of two steps and will provide the data necessary calculate accurate rates city-wide. First, impervious surface areas will be digitized by hand using stereoscopic imagery to delineate and classify hard surfaces. Then, our existing parcel layer will be adjusted to “fit” the same imagery which will allow us to generate accurate areas of impervious surface for each property using GIS. A more detailed description of the process can be found within the attached proposal. UNRESOLVED ISSUES: None. ALTERNATIVES: As suggested by the Commission, FISCAL EFFECTS: Total project costs to the Stormwater Fund shall not exceed $48,400. This is well within the budgeted amount of $75,000 and significantly less expensive than other alternatives explored. Attachments: Professional Services Agreement, Sanborn Proposal, Certificate of Liability Insurance Report compiled on: 8/18/14 131 Professional Services Agreement for Impervious Surface Data Collection FY 2015 Page 1 of 10 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this _____ day of September, 2014, by and between the CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, a self governing municipal corporation organized and existing under its Charter and the laws of the State of Montana, 121 North Rouse Street, Bozeman, Montana, with a mailing address of PO Box 1230, Bozeman, MT 59771, hereinafter referred to as “City,” and, The Sanborn Map Company, Inc., 1935 Jamboree Drive, Suite 100, Colorado Springs, CO 80920, hereinafter referred to as “Contractor.” In consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements herein contained, the receipt and sufficiency whereof being hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. Purpose: City agrees to enter this Agreement with Contractor to perform the services described in the Scope of Services attached hereto as Attachment “A” and by this reference made a part hereof. 2. Term/Effective Date: This Agreement is effective upon the date of its execution. 3. Scope of Work: Contractor will perform the work and provide the services in accordance with the requirements of the Scope of Services. For conflicts between this Agreement and the Scope of Services, unless specifically provided otherwise, the Agreement governs. 4. Payment: City agrees to pay Contractor the amount specified in the Scope of Services set forth in Attachment A incorporated herein by this reference. Any alteration or deviation from the described services that involves additional costs above the Agreement amount will be performed by Contractor after written request by the City, and will become an additional charge over and above the amount listed in the Scope of Services. The City must agree in writing upon any additional charges. 5. Contractor’s Representations: To induce City to enter into this Agreement, Contractor makes the following representations: a. Contractor has familiarized itself with the nature and extent of this Agreement, the Scope of Services, and with all local conditions and federal, state and local laws, ordinances, rules, 132 Professional Services Agreement for Impervious Surface Data Collection FY 2015 Page 2 of 10 and regulations that in any manner may affect cost, progress or performance of the Scope of Services. b. Contractor represents and warrants to City that it has the experience and ability to perform the services required by this Agreement; that it will perform said services in a professional, competent and timely manner and with diligence and skill; that it has the power to enter into and perform this Agreement and grant the rights granted in it; and that its performance of this Agreement shall not infringe upon or violate the rights of any third party, whether rights of copyright, trademark, privacy, publicity, libel, slander or any other rights of any nature whatsoever, or violate any federal, state and municipal laws. The City will not determine or exercise control as to general procedures or formats necessary to have these services meet this warranty. 6. Independent Contractor Status/Labor Relations: The parties agree that Contractor is an independent contractor for purposes of this Agreement and is not to be considered an employee of the City for any purpose. Contractor is not subject to the terms and provisions of the City’s personnel policies handbook and may not be considered a City employee for workers’ compensation or any other purpose. Contractor is not authorized to represent the City or otherwise bind the City in any dealings between Contractor and any third parties. Contractor shall comply with the applicable requirements of the Workers’ Compensation Act, Title 39, Chapter 71, MCA, and the Occupational Disease Act of Montana, Title 39, Chapter 71, MCA. Contractor shall maintain workers’ compensation coverage for all members and employees of Contractor’s business, except for those members who are exempted by law. Contractor shall furnish the City with copies showing one of the following: (1) a binder for workers’ compensation coverage by an insurer licensed and authorized to provide workers’ compensation insurance in the State of Montana; or (2) proof of exemption from workers’ compensation granted by law for independent contractors. Contractor shall indemnify, defend, and hold the City harmless from any and all claims, demands, costs, expenses, damages, and liabilities arising out of, resulting from, or occurring in connection with any labor problems or disputes or any delays or stoppages of work associated with such problems or disputes. Contractor shall indemnify, defend, and hold the City harmless from any and all claims, demands, costs, expenses, damages, and liabilities arising out of, resulting from, or occurring in connection with any labor problems or disputes or any delays or stoppages of work associated with such problems or disputes and for any claims regarding underpaid prevailing wages. 133 Professional Services Agreement for Impervious Surface Data Collection FY 2015 Page 3 of 10 7. Indemnity/Waiver of Claims/Insurance: For other than professional services rendered, to the fullest extent permitted by law, Contractor agrees to release, defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City, its agents, representatives, employees, and officers (collectively referred to for purposes of this Section as the City) from and against any and all claims, demands, actions, fees and costs (including attorney’s fees and the costs and fees of and expert witness and consultants), losses, expenses, liabilities (including liability where activity is inherently or intrinsically dangerous) or damages of whatever kind or nature connected therewith and without limit and without regard to the cause or causes thereof or the negligence of any party or parties that may be asserted against, recovered from or suffered by the City occasioned by, growing or arising out of or resulting from or in any way related to: (i) the negligent, reckless, or intentional misconduct of the Contractor; (ii) any negligent, reckless, or intentional misconduct of any of the Contractor’s agents. For the professional services rendered, to the fullest extent permitted by law, Contractor agrees to indemnify and hold the City harmless against claims, demands, suits, damages, losses, and expenses, including reasonable defense attorney fees, to the extent caused by the negligence or willful misconduct of the Contractor or Contractor’s agents or employees. Such obligations shall not be construed to negate, abridge, or reduce other rights or obligations of indemnity that would otherwise exist. The indemnification obligations of this Section must not be construed to negate, abridge, or reduce any common-law or statutory rights of the indemnitee(s) which would otherwise exist as to such indemnitee(s). Contractor’s indemnity under this Section shall be without regard to and without any right to contribution from any insurance maintained by City. Should any indemnitee described herein be required to bring an action against the Contractor to assert its right to defense or indemnification under this Agreement or under the Contractor’s applicable insurance policies required below the indemnitee shall be entitled to recover reasonable costs and attorney fees incurred in asserting its right to indemnification or defense but only if a court of competent jurisdiction determines the Contractor was obligated to defend the claim(s) or was obligated to indemnify the indemnitee for a claim(s) or any portion(s) thereof. In the event of an action filed against City resulting from the City’s performance under this Agreement, the City may elect to represent itself and incur all costs and expenses of suit. Contractor also waives any and all claims and recourse against the City or its officers, agents or employees, including the right of contribution for loss or damage to person or property arising from, growing out of, or in any way connected with or incident to the performance of this 134 Professional Services Agreement for Impervious Surface Data Collection FY 2015 Page 4 of 10 Agreement except “responsibility for his own fraud, for willful injury to the person or property of another, or for violation of law, whether willful or negligent” as per 28-2-702, MCA. These obligations shall survive termination of this Agreement and the services performed hereunder. In addition to and independent from the above, Contractor shall at Contractor’s expense secure insurance coverage through an insurance company or companies duly licensed and authorized to conduct insurance business in Montana which insures the liabilities and obligations specifically assumed by the Contractor in this Section. The insurance coverage shall not contain any exclusion for liabilities specifically assumed by the Contractor in subsection (a) of this Section. The insurance shall cover and apply to all claims, demands, suits, damages, losses, and expenses that may be asserted or claimed against, recovered from, or suffered by the City without limit and without regard to the cause therefore and which is acceptable to the City and Contractor shall furnish to the City an accompanying certificate of insurance and accompanying endorsements in amounts not less than as follows: • Workers’ Compensation – statutory; • Employers’ Liability - $1,000,000 per occurrence; $2,000,000 annual aggregate; • Commercial General Liability - $1,000,000 per occurrence; $2,000,000 annual aggregate; • Automobile Liability - $1,000,000 property damage/bodily injury; $2,000,000 annual aggregate; and • Professional Liability - $1,000,000 per claim; $2,000,000 annual aggregate. The above amounts shall be exclusive of defense costs. The City of Bozeman, its officers, agents, and employees, shall be endorsed as an additional or named insured on a primary non- contributory basis on both the Commercial General and Automobile Liability policies. The insurance and required endorsements must be in a form suitable to City and shall include no less than a sixty (60) day notice of cancellation or non-renewal. The City must approve all insurance coverage and endorsements prior to the Contractor commencing work. Contractor shall notify City within two (2) business days of Contractor’s receipt of notice that any required insurance coverage will be terminated or Contractor’s decision to terminate any required insurance coverage for any reason. The City must approve all insurance coverage and endorsements prior to the Contractor commencing work. 135 Professional Services Agreement for Impervious Surface Data Collection FY 2015 Page 5 of 10 8. Termination for Contractor’s Fault: a. If Contractor refuses or fails to timely do the work, or any part thereof, or fails to perform any of its obligations under this Agreement, or otherwise breaches any terms or conditions of this Agreement, the City may, by written notice, terminate this Agreement and the Contractor’s right to proceed with all or any part of the work (“Termination Notice Due to Contractor’s Fault”). The City may then take over the work and complete it, either with its own resources or by re-letting the contract to any other third party. b. In the event of a termination pursuant to this Section 8, Contractor shall be entitled to payment only for those services Contractor actually rendered. c. Any termination provided for by this Section 8 shall be in addition to any other remedies to which the City may be entitled under the law or at equity. d. In the event of termination under this Section 8, Contractor shall, under no circumstances, be entitled to claim or recover consequential, special, punitive, lost business opportunity, lost productivity, field office overhead, general conditions costs, or lost profits damages of any nature arising, or claimed to have arisen, as a result of the termination. 9. Termination for City’s Convenience: a. Should conditions arise which, in the sole opinion and discretion of the City, make it advisable to the City to cease performance under this Agreement City may terminate this Agreement by written notice to Contractor (“Notice of Termination for City’s Convenience”). The termination shall be effective in the manner specified in the Notice of Termination for City’s Convenience and shall be without prejudice to any claims that the City may otherwise have against Contractor. b. Upon receipt of the Notice of Termination for City’s Convenience, unless otherwise directed in the Notice, the Contractor shall immediately cease performance under this Agreement and make every reasonable effort to refrain from continuing work, incurring additional expenses or costs under this Agreement and shall immediately cancel all existing orders or contracts upon terms satisfactory to the City. Contractor shall do only such work as may be necessary to preserve, protect, and maintain work already completed or immediately in progress. 136 Professional Services Agreement for Impervious Surface Data Collection FY 2015 Page 6 of 10 c. In the event of a termination pursuant to this Section 13, Contractor is entitled to payment only for those services Contractor actually rendered on or before the receipt of the Notice of Termination for City’s Convenience. d. The compensation described in Section 13(c) is the sole compensation due to Contractor for its performance of this Agreement. Contractor shall, under no circumstances, be entitled to claim or recover consequential, special, punitive, lost business opportunity, lost productivity, field office overhead, general conditions costs, or lost profits damages of any nature arising, or claimed to have arisen, as a result of the termination. 10. Limitation on Contractor’s Damages; Time for Asserting Claim: a. In the event of a claim for damages by Contractor under this Agreement, Contractor’s damages shall be limited to contract damages and Contractor hereby expressly waives any right to claim or recover consequential, special, punitive, lost business opportunity, lost productivity, field office overhead, general conditions costs, or lost profits damages of any nature or kind. b. In the event Contractor wants to assert a claim for damages of any kind or nature, Contractor shall provide City with written notice of its claim, the facts and circumstances surrounding and giving rise to the claim, and the total amount of damages sought by the claim, within ten (10) days of the facts and circumstances giving rise to the claim. In the event Contractor fails to provide such notice, Contractor shall waive all rights to assert such claim. 11. Representatives: a. City’s Representative: The City’s Representative for the purpose of this Agreement shall be Jon Henderson (GIS Manager) or such other individual as City shall designate in writing. Whenever approval or authorization from or communication or submission to City is required by this Agreement, such communication or submission shall be directed to James Goehrung as the City’s Representative and approvals or authorizations shall be issued only by such Representative; provided, however, that in exigent circumstances when City’s Representative is not available, Contractor may direct its communication or submission to other designated City personnel or agents as listed above and may receive approvals or authorization from such persons. b. Contractor’s Representative: The Contractor’s Representative for the 137 Professional Services Agreement for Impervious Surface Data Collection FY 2015 Page 7 of 10 purpose of this Agreement shall be Luiz Cortes (General Manager) or such other individual as Contractor shall designate in writing. Whenever direction to or communication with Contractor is required by this Agreement, such direction or communication shall be directed to Contractor’s Representative; provided, however, that in exigent circumstances when Contractor’s Representative is not available, City may direct its direction or communication to other designated Contractor personnel or agents. 12. Permits: Contractor shall provide all notices, comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, rules, and regulations, obtain all necessary permits, licenses, including a City of Bozeman business license, and inspections from applicable governmental authorities, and pay all fees and charges in connection therewith. 13 Laws and Regulations: Contractor shall comply fully with all applicable state and federal laws, regulations, and municipal ordinances including, but not limited to, all workers’ compensation laws, all environmental laws including, but not limited to, the generation and disposal of hazardous waste, the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA), the safety rules, codes, and provisions of the Montana Safety Act in Title 50, Chapter 71, MCA, all applicable City, County, and State building and electrical codes, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and all non- discrimination, affirmative action, and utilization of minority and small business statutes and regulations. 14. Nondiscrimination: The Contractor will have a policy to provide equal employment opportunity in accordance with all applicable state and federal anti-discrimination laws, regulations, and contracts. The Contractor will not refuse employment to a person, bar a person from employment, or discriminate against a person in compensation or in a term, condition, or privilege of employment because of race, color, religion, creed, political ideas, sex, age, marital status, national origin, actual or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity, physical or mental disability, except when the reasonable demands of the position require an age, physical or mental disability, marital status or sex distinction. The Contractor shall be subject to and comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; Section 140, Title 2, United States Code, and all regulations promulgated thereunder. The Contractor shall require these nondiscrimination terms of its sub- Contractors providing services under this agreement. 15. Intoxicants; DOT Drug and Alcohol Regulations/Safety and Training: Contractor shall not permit or suffer the introduction or use of any intoxicants, including alcohol or illegal drugs, by any employee or agent engaged in services to the City under this Agreement while on City property or in the performance of any activities under this Agreement. Contractor acknowledges it is aware of and shall comply with its responsibilities and obligations under the U.S. 138 Professional Services Agreement for Impervious Surface Data Collection FY 2015 Page 8 of 10 Department of Transportation (DOT) regulations governing anti-drug and alcohol misuse prevention plans and related testing. City shall have the right to request proof of such compliance and Contractor shall be obligated to furnish such proof. The Contractor shall be responsible for instructing and training the Contractor's employees and agents in proper and specified work methods and procedures. The Contractor shall provide continuous inspection and supervision of the work performed. The Contractor is responsible for instructing his employees and agents in safe work practices. 16. Modification and Assignability: This Agreement may not be enlarged, modified or altered except by written agreement signed by both parties hereto. The Contractor may not subcontract or assign Contractor’s rights, including the right to compensation or duties arising hereunder, without the prior written consent of City. Any subcontractor or assignee will be bound by all of the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 17. Reports/Accountability/Public Information: Contractor agrees to develop and/or provide documentation as requested by the City demonstrating Contractor’s compliance with the requirements of this Agreement. Contractor shall allow the City, its auditors, and other persons authorized by the City to inspect and copy its books and records for the purpose of verifying that the reimbursement of monies distributed to Contractor pursuant to this Agreement was used in compliance with this Agreement and all applicable provisions of federal, state, and local law. The Contractor shall not issue any statements, releases or information for public dissemination without prior approval of the City. 18. Non-Waiver: A waiver by either party any default or breach by the other party of any terms or conditions of this Agreement does not limit the other party’s right to enforce such term or conditions or to pursue any available legal or equitable rights in the event of any subsequent default or breach. 19. Attorney’s Fees and Costs: That in the event it becomes necessary for either Party of this Agreement to retain an attorney to enforce any of the terms or conditions of this Agreement or to give any notice required herein, then the prevailing Party or the Party giving notice shall be entitled to reasonable attorney's fees and costs, including fees, salary, and costs of in-house counsel to include City Attorney. 20. Taxes: Contractor is obligated to pay all taxes of any kind or nature and make all appropriate employee withholdings. 139 Professional Services Agreement for Impervious Surface Data Collection FY 2015 Page 9 of 10 21. Dispute Resolution: a. Any claim, controversy, or dispute between the parties, their agents, employees, or representatives shall be resolved first by negotiation between senior-level personnel from each party duly authorized to execute settlement agreements. Upon mutual agreement of the parties, the parties may invite an independent, disinterested mediator to assist in the negotiated settlement discussions. b. If the parties are unable to resolve the dispute within thirty (30) days from the date the dispute was first raised, then such dispute may only be resolved in a court of competent jurisdiction in compliance with the Applicable Law provisions of this Agreement. 22. Survival: Contractor’s indemnification shall survive the termination or expiration of this Agreement for the maximum period allowed under applicable law. 23. Headings: The headings used in this Agreement are for convenience only and are not be construed as a part of the Agreement or as a limitation on the scope of the particular paragraphs to which they refer. 24. Severability: If any portion of this Agreement is held to be void or unenforceable, the balance thereof shall continue in effect. 25. Applicable Law: The parties agree that this Agreement is governed in all respects by the laws of the State of Montana. 26. Binding Effect: This Agreement is binding upon and inures to the benefit of the heirs, legal representatives, successors, and assigns of the parties. 27. No Third-Party Beneficiary: This Agreement is for the exclusive benefit of the parties, does not constitute a third-party beneficiary agreement, and may not be relied upon or enforced by a third party. 28. Counterparts: This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, which together constitute one instrument. 29. Integration: This Agreement and all Exhibits attached hereto constitute the entire 140 Professional Services Agreement for Impervious Surface Data Collection FY 2015 Page 10 of 10 agreement of the parties. Covenants or representations not contained therein or made a part thereof by reference, are not binding upon the parties. There are no understandings between the parties other than as set forth in this Agreement. All communications, either verbal or written, made prior to the date of this Agreement are hereby abrogated and withdrawn unless specifically made a part of this Agreement by reference. **** END OF AGREEMENT EXCEPT FOR SIGNATURES **** IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this instrument the day and year first above written. CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA The Sanborn Map Company, Inc. CONTRACTOR By________________________________ By__________________________________ Chris Kukulski, City Manager Luiz Cortes, General Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: By_______________________________ Greg Sullivan, Bozeman City Attorney 141 August 14, 2014 Jon Henderson - GIS Manager City of Bozeman 20 East Olive Bozeman Mt – 59718 (406) 582-2250 jhenderson@bozeman.net Re: Scope of Work and Cost for Professional Service for development of parcel rectification & impervious surface data collection for the City of Bozeman Dear Mr. Henderson The Sanborn Map Company, Inc. (Sanborn) understands that the City of Bozeman is requesting the services of a professional mapping company to provide photogrammetric mapping collection of impervious surface data and parcel polygon rectification, for the City of Bozeman; using aerial images collected and processed by Sanborn in 2012. It is our pleasure to respond to this request. Sanborn has the aerial images in its archive tapes, ready for internal use and can start work as soon as given approval from the City to start the project. This work will be performed under the direct supervision of a ASPRS Certified Photogrammetrist. SCOPE OF WORK Project Area The areas to be mapped are outlined in Attachment-A. These limits are based on shapefiles provided by you on August 6, 2014. It encompasses the city limit boundary as shown in Figure-1, where impervious surface data is to be collected for an area of 20 Sq. Mi.; and a larger area, as indicated on figure-2, covering 24,995 polygons that represents the parcels to rectified for an area of about 40 Sq.Mi. Technical Approach Our proposal is to perform the collection of impervious surface data using stereo photogrammetric means utilizing the existing aerial photography, flown by Sanborn during spring 2012. Sanborn will recover the final orthophoto files, processed with 6-in resolution, and use them as source for the rectification and adjustment of the vectors representing the polygons for the parcels. The final mapping will conform to National Map Accuracy Standards for 1”=100’ scale Aerial Photography and Image orientation – Existing Aerials The aerial photos to be used for the project were collected on May 12, 2012. Sanborn will recover all the digital files from the previous project, including all aerial images, ground control point information, aerotriangulation results and the final orthophotos, which were produced with 6-in resolution and conforming to National Map Accuracy Standards for 1”=100’ scale. The aerial images and aerotriangulation files will be used to setup stereo-models for 3D interpretation and accurate collection of impervious surface. The digital orthophotos will be used to overlay the existing parcels and to adjust the vectors based on features interpretation. 142 Mr. Henderson Page 2 of 7 August 14, 2014 Re: Scope of Work and Cost for development of parcel rectification & impervious surface data collection Planimetric Mapping for Impervious Surfaces Impervious surface” refers to all hard surfaces and pavements like paved roads, parking lots, roofs, driveways, patios and sidewalk, including buildings structures with rooftop; that are covered by impenetrable materials such as asphalt, concrete and brick. The problem with impervious surfaces is that they prevent the natural soaking of rainwater into the ground and slowly seeping into streams. Instead, the rain water accumulates and flows rapidly into storm drains. Sanborn has extensive experience extracting planimetric data from aerial imagery for use in creating GIS data layers using photogrammetric techniques. One of the uses for the Planimetric mapping is for computation of impervious surfaces. Sanborn will compile all structure and pavements that defines the surface as impervious causing rain run-off. Feature Compilation The City of Bozeman will provide Sanborn with any existing planimetric mapping that the city already has in the GIS database, which can be used for update. Sanborn will define the attributes to add to the polygon features and data to be collected. To speed up the collection of all features within the project area, Sanborn will sub- contract the services of Genesys International Corp, a partner of Sanborn that has successfully performed similar services in previous projects. Sanborn will be responsible for preparation of the data and coordination, quality control and assurance of accuracy and completeness of the mapping. Features will be extracted from the controlled aerial imagery in a 3D stereoscopic environment, utilizing first-order softcopy workstations operated by photogrammetrists experienced in photo interpretation, to create the planimetric database. The use of softcopy workstations utilizing stereo superimposition technology (planimetric features traced in vector form directly over the top of stereoscopic imagery displayed on the computer monitor) ensures accurate and complete collection of all mapped features. This approach of 3D collection, not only provides clear interpretation and an accurate horizontal position for the planimetric features, it also provides accurate elevation data where needed. Unless a ground feature is obscured by trees, shadows, roof ovehangs, vehicle parked or other objects, all visible features possibly of interpretation and distinction in the 6inches resolution images will be collected. During the compilation, vector lines will be collected stereoscopically with ending points and nodes of intersected lines being “snapped” / tied and coincident. Level of hierarchy will be determined for the features listed in data dictionary, where for example, buildings and roads will take precedent over driveways and parking areas. Driveways, Parking areas and pools will take precedent over sidewalks and concrete pads, which will take priority over unpaved roads. In doing so, there will be no duplication of lines that defines each feature. Once all boundary limits of the features is defined and collected by all surrounding type of planimetric features being represented, a centroid/point will be placed at near center of the area, with specific attribute definition of the feature. As sample to clarify the procedure: a driveway will be collected at its edge, snapped at the building polygon and snapped at road, where it meets the edge of pavement. Operator then selects the customized button that defines “driveway-centroid and a point is dropped/placed anywhere inside the area that defines that driveway. Same is done for all sidewalks, parking lot etc. Buildings and structures will be collected as closed polygon and a centroid is not necessary then. The centroid will be the source of information for the later task of creating the polygon for each feature. 143 Mr. Henderson Page 3 of 7 August 14, 2014 Re: Scope of Work and Cost for development of parcel rectification & impervious surface data collection Interactive Graphic Editing & Topological Structuring of Data Graphic editing procedures involve a combination of interactive and customized checks to ensure that the data is cartographically correct and aesthetically pleasing, connectivity of linework is complete, and specific layers of line topology are generated. A variety of topology checks are performed to ensure that all features defined as being topologically structured have no snapping errors (overshoots/undershoots). Polygon topology is created, attribution of features takes place, and edge-match checking between different files of sets of stereo-models is performed. During the topology check, polygons will be defined by the vector lines that defines each area in the file and its associated centroid will be used to define polygon attributions. “Empty” polygons and/or polygons with two or more centroids will be investigated for correction of either missing centroid identification or check the need for closer of polygon where gaps may still existing between the vector lines that define the feature. Layers, Feature Code, Attributes and Type: Before compilation of planimetric features begins, Sanborn will coordinate with the City of Bozeman to define all the features and attributes to be collected and incorporated on final deliveries. All impervious data will be create as polygon type feature. No annotation is planned to be included, unless specified. Sanborn will format all data layers as a detailed data dictionary and present to the city for final approval. Each polygon feature will have a set of attributes as defined below. - Polygon Area - Feature Code / name - Feature ID / number - Photo Date (05/12/2012) - Source update (six-inches aerial image) - User name (Sanborn) Following is a list of proposed features to be collected. • Building Footprint (minimum 10’ x 10’) o Residential o Commercial o Courtyard o Shed / storage / detached garage o Storage tank • Paved Roads (double line streets) o Excluding pervious median/island • Paved Areas o Paved driveways o Paved Parking lot o Bridges o Median (> 10ft) o Paved Alleys o Airport Runway/Taxiway o Recreation Court/Ball field o Public Sidewalks (parallel to the road) o Walkways/sidewalk inside commercial areas (parking lot, schools, churches, shopping area) o Conc_pad (minimum 5’ x 5’) o Other paved areas • Golf-course pathway • Pools (in ground only) • Patios (covered / uncovered) 144 Mr. Henderson Page 4 of 7 August 14, 2014 Re: Scope of Work and Cost for development of parcel rectification & impervious surface data collection Parcel Mapping: The parcel rectification and adjustment will be performed overlaying the existing vector on top of the 2012 digital orthophoto. The parcels will be grouped into functional groups and migrated to new locations based on the aerial images. The migration will minimally alter the geometry or area of the parcels, if at all. The entire project process will first be applied to a pilot area mutually agreed up during the kick-off meeting. As soon as the parcel rectification of the pilot area is complete, the remainder of the area will begin. When selecting the initial area, Sanborn will increase the initial area, if necessary, to ensure that parcels are selected from a blocks that represent the layout of the city adequately. These selected parcels will be the first to be rectified and will be delivered to the city as a sample dataset within less than 2 weeks after project initiation. Develop a Rectified Digital Overlay of the City’s Parcel Feature Class Sanborn will sub-contract the service of RMSI Private Limited, a partner of Sanborn that has successfully performed similar services in previous projects in Colorado. Sanborn will be responsible for preparation of the data and coordination, quality control and assurance of accuracy and completeness of adjustment of all parcels. The rectification of the parcels will involve following steps: 1. Street Centerline Comparison: This step involves comparing the street centerlines in the parcel layer with those in the target landbase. Sanborn will accomplish this by creating a source centerline from the parcel layer and a target centerline from the orthophotos and conflating the road centerline in the source database to the more accurate version of the same layer in a target landbase. 2. Group Assignment: An automated method to create groups for rectification has been developed for this task. The method is as follows: • Create a robust set of control pairs and TIN that reflect the amount of repositioning (vector length and direction) that is required by matching the source and target landbase layers • Compare these control pairs in terms of length and direction to identify islands of similar control pairs • Create polygons that reflect relative uniformity of control pair length and direction within each polygon. • Replace each control pair in each polygon with one standardized control pair that represents the average for each polygon The result of this process will be a set of group polygons with a single control pair representing the required repositioning for all parcels contained in the polygon. 3. Parcel Group Translation: The aforementioned control pairs will be applied to the entire set of source objects using automated proprietary programs. 4. Fit Evaluation and Quality Control: Sanborn will check the relative position of the resulting repositioned objects using a sophisticated proprietary QC program that flags all problem areas. Every flagged parcel will be reviewed and, where possible, we will manually reposition all parcel nodes that are not within the project specified distortion tolerance. At this point, we will also assign each parcel with a Fit Quality rating on a three point scale, defined as follows: • Fit Quality 1: The placement is believed to be accurate and correct. Upon preliminary review of a sample of the data, we believe that 75% of the parcels would fall into this category. • Fit Quality 2: The placement is relatively correct, but there are (or may be) some errors that should be reviewed. We believe that 15% of the parcels would fall into this category. • Fit Quality 3: The placement has major issues or we were unable to identify the proper location of the parcel. We believe that 10% of the parcels would fall into this category. 145 Mr. Henderson Page 5 of 7 August 14, 2014 Re: Scope of Work and Cost for development of parcel rectification & impervious surface data collection The Fit Quality of each parcel will be assigned in an attribute field in the geodatabase that will ultimately be delivered to the City. Following the manual repair and fit quality evaluation, Sanborn will rerun the QC Program and repeat the process until all objects meet the specifications. The findings will be documented in a statistical summary report included in the data deliverable package to facilitate client QC review. Also included in the report, will be a log of all transformations that were applied to each parcel, by node. Deliverable Products • A Polygon Shapefile with all impervious dataset and attributes, with its respective “prj” file, in UTM zone 12, NAD83/2011, in meter. • A Polygon Shapefile with all adjusted parcels and attributes, with its respective “prj” file, in UTM zone 12, NAD83/2011, in meter. SCHEDULE • Upon acceptance of this proposal, Sanborn will recover the existing aerial images, orthophotos and aerotriangulation results. • Schedule is considering an agreement and notice to proceed is in place by:……….. 9/8 o Set of pilot files will be delivered within 3-weeks:………………………… 9/29 o Final Impervious mapping will be completed in 7-weeks: …………………… 10/27 o Parcel Mapping will be completed within 3-months: ……………………... 12/08 COST Sanborn’s price to provide these services is a total of $ 48,400.00. Fees Impervious Surface Mapping 20 Square Miles $18,500 Parcel Rectification 24,995 Polygons $29,900 Project Manager Point of Contact Luiz Cortes General Manager The Sanborn Map Company, Inc. 6701 Carmel Road, Suite#301 Charlotte, NC 28226 146 Mr. Henderson Page 6 of 7 August 14, 2014 Re: Scope of Work and Cost for development of parcel rectification & impervious surface data collection ATTACHMENT – A Figure-1 147 Mr. Henderson Page 7 of 7 August 14, 2014 Re: Scope of Work and Cost for development of parcel rectification & impervious surface data collection Figure-2 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155