HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 206 Correcting and Ammedning Section 1 of Resolution 194 --- li37 .- . ........1').11 \-'1' ~ 1\ . ,I" ". ". r\ ( "~,' v ',- <,I :. ~ \ ,J '\ ..' COJ\,lLISSION BESOLlJTION HO. 206 .- .. __ ..\.,~J.' .~:~'--~ ~~_.....-+........ A ~~=.s 0 LT.,-r'l' I C ~ .- . ~" T:~= COL1IS.,I01J O:fi' TEE C:r.TY O}T ~.>O~Ei..J,.IJ, lLOl:'TA=~J..., CORRECTING AND Al..-].G::::;:G~C SEC?IO:: O:l:E O}' COlli;1ISCIUIT HESOLU'I'IOlJ no. 194, ENT IT LED: I "A l{E;:;OLUTION Oli' TEE COLJiJ:SSIO:: m' 'I'LE CLY Oli' EOZEI,..A::, LOl.f.CAIU:.., 1J~VYETC AIm 1I.SSr.GSSIl'TG A SIJECL'o.L ASSESSl\'lEl'TI' 01" T~CCES DPOI: 1:..L1 THE rIWP}~RTY IH SP:SCIAL HlI'HOVEl:illlT'I' DIS~'HICT NO. 283 IN TIm crl'Y OI' T ozm,;'Ali, C01JN'rY OF GAL1il.'l'IN, .sT ATE OF 1,101T'l.'AlfA, rI'O DEF10-Y TEE cO:..'-'r OF COIJSTImC'::;IiJG AND MAKIlJG THE D.:J.'l{OVEI\::;.NTS 'iiITHIN S.AID SI'ECIAL Il.U-:JEOV:G;,:::':l\'T DISTI.\ICT 1W. 283" . WlIEREAS : Heretofore, on the 16th day of May, 1930, the Commission of the City of' Bo:,eman passed and adopted COlmnission Resolut ion No. 180, entitled: "A HESOLUTLlT OF THE C01\Il'.ISSION OF TIm CIT. OF BOZEi,,~..A,l!, MOI'fl'ANA, AlilKmnTG cm,EiJISSION RESOLTJfIOIr NO. 178, OF THE crcy OJ? BOZElii.lllJ CREATIlTr) SI'ECIAL D..lPROVEI\:EN'r DISTRICT lW. 283 OF THE CITY OF BOZEL1AN, STATE OF M01\TANA, FOR 'I'HE I~UHPOSE OF CONSTHUC'I'EJG A SANrPJUi.Y SE\/ER 11-1' 'I'Illi ALLEY OF I3I,OCK 11 OF PAi:tK AD.iH'I'IOIJ E'ROLi TEE I'RESEltl' SE:i/ER on OLI'IE STHEE'I' TO A POIJJ'I' 'liEN :F'];ET FHOIv.i TIlE SOUT1:I LIITE, I)ROJECTED, OF LOT 17, IN SAID BLOCK, ..:-"Jm TO SIJE C- Du,LY ASSESS TIm ENTIl1E COST AND ExrENSE 01:" l\iAKING SAID IL'JI)HOVE- EEiJT Aim 'l'IIE M;,.Hrl'ENPJJCE TI-lliH~OlI' AGAIN:_,T Tlill PHOPERTY InTEIN SAID DISTRICT, UJ\TDlm AND BY VIRTu.8 OJ!' TEE BWVISIONS 011' sEcrImrs 5225 TO 52 '77, H!CLUSIV1:S, OF TEE REVISED CODES OJ!' :,:O??J.1AHA, 1921, lil\JD .AJr"{ i.~I.,:E::~.r)I.I~~I{l'::~ rITl.[El~j~~rI10 11 ; and Sect ion Three of said Resol ut ion, amonC other things, 'Provides "That tile amount assessed against each 10-:;, or parcel or land, I shall be paid in eleven equal installment;~, extendinc over a I)erioc~ 0:,:' ten :\ears"; and the Corm:lissioll 01' the City '1':;(, reaft er, on the 29th day of Eugust, 1930, of Bozeman, 1..on tana, passed and adopted Conmrission Resolution ~o. 1':)t1 entitled: II~';. .i"Jl:20LU I.,):T OF TEE COlviLlISSICN OF 'rIlE CITY 0]';' BOZEL.l.A1J, LI01.JT1\)TA, LEVYING Aim ASS:;:;:SSING A SI)ECIAL ASSESSIdEl"JT OF '.rilES UPOll ALL Tim PHOIJER':[1Y n: J::'ECIAL n:EiO'JEl.1.EN'l' DISTRIC'I' NO. 283 IN TIlE CITY OF Bozm.JUJ, COD1J'J:1Y OF GALLA'i'DJ, S'l'ATE 011' {,iONT AlIA, 'I'O DEE'HAY II'IIE COST OF CONS'rnUCTL:C AND .rvi.AKING THE nU:JHOVEl,I:;:rn';3 VII'l'iIIN SAID S:FIECIJI.L ll,IPl\OVEj"cIElJT DISTHIcr:r NO. 283 II ; and An error was rnade in Section One thereof, in that said sectioD provides "That th,' l)ay:ment of said Sl.m~s shall be made in five ins t allLlent s, and the payJ:'18nt or said installLlents shall extend over a Deriod of fi ve yeClI's!1, whereas, the said provision in said Section One of said i~esolution should have provided IIThat the pay'1Hent of' said. SlJlllS shull be uade in eleven installments, and tIle payment o~:. sD,ld installments shall eztend over a period of ten years!1; -I and On the 5th day of SeI)ternber, 1930, the Corurn.issiol1 of the City of Bozeman I)assed and adoI-)ted COllm,is sion Hesolut ion Ho. 194L, entitled: "COI.TI\~ISSIOE :imSOLU'I'TOli HIlTALLY IJASSIHG J..ITD ADOpr.J:'IIlG COII1"ISSION RESOLU:.' :celT :iO. 104 ElTTITLEi): 'A iilloOLUTIGiT 0]' TIm C01iLiISSlm: OJP TIlE CITY OF I30Z11.:,,'"IT, 1.~O:;'l'JU:i;. , LEVYlEG ...im ASSl.:Ssn.JG A SJ.'ECIAL J\..SSESSl,]~lTT i...~l":~',,~m.s urOi! .i'..L1. ~J.1El.; PEOiER.'Y IIJ SrECL...1 Ii'l1:'~-{CY:':'.c~'o:;IT' ~ns '1' ::n:~:::' ?TO. :.~83 IIi TEl:; C 1'1' Y 0 r DO ZEJ.JL. , COU:~TY 0:::' G.\':.LL~'LLi;' > ST AT:;: OJ? llOH'l'.J'~ITA, ~PO DE:E'HA~ 'rIIE C 03T 01" CO::STliUC;'l'L.G AITD r,,~-tiaHG T::::;~ n:l'HOVIL:-;:T'l'2 ./r:i,IIr::: SAID .'..'I-';..;CTAL II'.iPltO"',"'iJ.",.;.T'I' ln~n'HIC'l' lh.'. 283 ' ; 138 and The error in pl'oviding for the pa.j'lnent of' the annual inr.;ta:Llment s in :iTi ve inst allments instead of Eleven inst<::..llrnent s, c.. s l~ ~~I .~) -:,r ~ ~11.~ ".",1 1:1 said COlilLiission Hesolut ion I No. 180, lIas just been discovered, and ..... i' necessary c'_no. proper that 8. correction lu ,. be lImde c~rld Corm-,lission Hesol1.ltion rfo. 194 be arnencleCi so tll' t the P::}::'i,-:lent of' -cL:.e CLnlluCll in::.,t allne nt s shall be [ilade in eleven installr.lents ox ten in{: over ()" lJoriod of' ten years, as provided by said COr:l.l:Lssion Hesolut ion lio. 180. =;0\[ TITImEII1OB.I:, BE IT RK>JVTED BY TIIE Cm,iLISSIC)ff OJ!' nIE CITY OF BOZKi,A.N: That Section 0:.10 of Commission Resoll.J.tion :;;0. lS3Ll be, and tLe sane if) [le:re by , mile nd 0 c1 to read as follows: "Sec. 1. That to dofrceY the CO:3t and ex:;xerwe oi' COll:::truc-cinc and makinG t;_~c Lnprovenent s in said ecial Ir;c})I'ovm,l€-mt District ~Jo. :::.83, tile 1'e be, and there is hereby leviod and li~sessed a t,-ni: amounting to the sum of Six IIul1c1red I~ifty :H'ive Dollars (~G55.00) U})o11 all tho prop erty in said Special ImprovOIG.ont District No. 283; that a pe.l~t- icu1ar descript ion 0 l' e2c11 lot and parcel 0 f' land \;i tl1 tlw minIe of the owner and the sum assesE:eCl ac;aLlst h:I.TIl or it for sU.ch im}H'ove:r:lOnts and the amount of each par"'c ial payr'lent to bu l:l8.de and the day when the sarile s liall be delin(~uent is set forth in detail in t Jle asse sSLLent list hereto attacheC, mar};:ed SchedrLle !JAil, cend LLt:1de a part lwl>eof; that I the several swns set oppos i te the names of tllO o\'mers and tne described lots and parcels of land be, and t 118 same ere here by reSIJect ivoly levied and assessed upon and acainst said described lots and parcels of land to defray tile cOc3t and expense 0:[' constructinG; and LlcJ:illg improvoLlents within said District; that tIle several SUIllS so assessed bo collected from the respective owners of said lots and parcels of land described in said assessment list, Schedule "An, as required by law; that tLe payuont of s,~lid s U1TlS s11all be made in eleven installments, and t J.le :pa7Y'1,!~ent of said install:nents shall extend over a :Jeriod of ton years; th", t tlle IJayment of the rei::pective annual install:::lel1"'cs shall be r,lade on or bei'ol~e the 30th day of J:Jove::lIJcr 0 f eaCi. ~/car ,-:~lt il-a;;(,.c:yt of all t,_e inst ~,ll- I:lent s, together with tLe ill'CO:Cc:st thereof, "Lall be ,Lade; that said S 1JJ:l s shall be paid and the coll ect ion thereof sh:.lll be made in tIle manner and in accordance uith the law coverning the collection of special improve- ment taxes; t 1m t fc:,iluro to pay such aSSeSSI.18l1't s v'lhen the so.f:le shall become due and pay::,.ble ,-~llall raake such l)ersons arId said lots and parcels I of land 1 ialJle to the penal tie s })rov io.o' by 1 a':; rela-c i ve to c10li:nquent t ax e sit; Passed and adopted by the ConTIni s s io n 0 f' the City of :t-jOLjelrlan at a recu1a1' session thereof, llelcl on the 7th day of :November, 1930. ~z:u ~~~'_..w Attest: ~. wC le~f the - ----- - 1 ~3( ...!? ~) - I, Elizabeth Johnson, Clerk of' the Cormllis:"ion of' the City of' DO zer:mn, Liontana, uo hereby certify that t:i-18 1'o1'e{2;oing Hesolutiol1 Ho. 206 of the City 01' I Bozeman, l.J:ontana, was published by title, in the Bozer:1a..-'1 .LJaily Chronicle, a daily newsp8per of general circulation, printed and pUlJlished in the City of Bozeman, in the issue 0:C' Novernber lltl"l, 1930, and that due proof of said publication was made and filed in my office. IN WITiJESS WliEREOF I have llCreunto set ~iY hand and the c:~'rporate seal of said Oi ty this 12th day of' NovemlJer, 1 9 30 . I I