HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 205 Directing City Manager to take Legal steps to provide for sale of refunding city bonds --. .-- ---.- 1 ~~4 <?- ,. \.,,~,..' ........1. ....__.. --.------ ----.-- ,,"", \ .L---_. .___ ___.__n__..__.______. ---"..-.----...,,---- .._~~) , ~~ \-- ,.,' ,. '1'.\\\/// Cm.TI'.IISSION HESOLUJ1ION HO: 205 ,j'- ,.." ,.!I":' A RI~SOLU'I1I=; Oli' TIill CQI,LlISSIOiT U:F TEB CITY OJ? BO;':;:;:,l.l~',:', DIRECTING 'TEE CITY 1,iAlJ.A.GER TO 'THKE "r-T~ TT""CEscc/\..RY LEG\L nTT:p'" TO ":;:mVID':;' FOR '[1-;1:; ICC<Ul"CT' "'I"D ("'LE OT;' "~'lOc 000 ....1i. . ._J .,\".1.1.llt _...~ u..... ....."). u..:...:.J. U ..;.. ..... ~ .J. ......J,....... .....!I..J "" .....j ...,..l ",,"""i.l~ v..t.::.. ....... V ..J, o Ii' RZFUlrniTC CITY 130HDS TO REFUND OUl'STlI,lrDING <'1.AHRAirl' FUlillIHG 301m3. I, WHEREAS: 1. Pursuant to Council Resolution No. 5'/2 passed and adoJ)ted Februar~/, 26, 1914, an election was held April 6, 1914, at which election the Qualified voters .. ElIy;)roved a bond issue in the amount of ~,;170, 00.' to be used to fund the ti~en exist ing floatinc indebtedness; and 2. SUbseQuently Ordinance :;.Jo. 443 entitled: !tAlT ORDINANCE DI'2EC'I'ING THE ISSl)'.lJTC}~ OIi' ':PIIE FlmJJING DOHDS aI" '1'lIE CITY OF BOZEljjJI, MONTAIIA, TO TIlE .Al.lOUlf[1 Oli' ~fl 70, 000 TO Ii'UND THE l!:XISTHm INDEBTED1JESS OJT SAID CITY, ,AITDAT...i!1LWin~ING AIm DIHECT- Il'IG '111m CI'l':{ TREAsumm TO EXCILUTGE TEE ]'mmING BONDS Fon TEE OLJTSTAiL'ING UARRAlfJ.'S OF SAID CITY", vms duly IJassed and al)p roved l'I.1J{':1..wt la, 1914, and Ordinance Ho. 44{, ent itled: 'fAIT OHDINAlJCE DIHECTIlm TIm rOH;I 0]3' TIill FUl>JDIljC LONDS 03' THE CITY o Ii' DO :~~ EI.J.l\..IP' , , YlaS also (.uly passed and approved AU[;u::::t 10, 1914; and 5. The City of Bozeman did issue \/arrant Funding Bonds dated July 1, 1914, in the arllount qf ~~166,OOO bearing interest at h0'1 optional after July 1, 1924 andl :J /0, redeer:n bIe Jul:l 1, 1934; and 4. "1'here will remain outstanding after the payrnent arranf;ed for at I January 1, liJ3l, $109,000 of the aforesaid issue; and 5. There is not now, nor will there be betDeel1 now and the day the aforesaid bonds must be redeemed, sufficient money available to recleer:,. theII'. according tot h e t e I'LlS 0:. t]; e bond s; and 6. A tax suffic ient in amount to Tedcem the bond E; acco :.(.\1 ing to the t orms thereof would impose, in the opinion of this Commission, an ul1warrant ea l:w.rds., iIJ on the taxpayers of the City of Bozeman; and 7. The DonG raarl\:et seeElS to offer an unusual opportunity to refund the outstandinG bouds ~t a 10Der ~ute o~ in'Gere8t und in better tonH 0 f bOJ1ds, t ~Je H3- fore, b~ :c'of1..mclinc: at th:Ls tirtlG the credit of this Gity ~ill be enhance~, preserved and mc~intained; and 8. Section 1013 J:~. C. L. 1921 directs the notific tiOD of the ~tate board of Land COD2issioners of any proposed bond sale; end g. Section ~')(:;::;,e. R. C. ::. 19:~1 , presc~ibe3 tho conditions unde? w:lich rer"nH~'lnr' bC:lds Llay bo iSS1Jed and sold and d L'ect Q tllG necessary advert i::: in!:: procedure and the Ilethods 01' sale and provi(les chat an election is unnecessary; and I 10. Chapter 38, Laws of Montana, 1923, makes and directs certain additional recluirenents relative to tj1e form of bone" issued and the subject IT~ttor of notices of sale of bonda; -- NO\, '1': IERE:b'OHE , Db I'l' lillSOLV1::D i':.l;v IT IS lIEi'.:EBY OHDEIlliD EY TilE COU.I;::iGIOlJ , Oli' 1'1IE CITY OiI' DOZN,,).,:: Section 1. ThD.t tl:e City" I.Ianager and. t~le City .A.ttorney be and are hereby inst ruc ted to IJl'opare and presontfo l' Bl)Pl"oval E, ]) roper o1'c1 iD:H1C () oJ:' ol'dinanc es I --------. .-.--. --"..-...- 1, ~) f) --...-....,.". --.--.....----.--- . - providinG for the issuance, sale, form, payglent of interest, and red ernpt ion 0 l' 4~lO9,000, Refunding City Warrant F1U1ding Bonds to re::'u.:n::l ;"'109 ,~.iOJ \"larrant Ii'unding I Bonds nOr! optional and outstanding. Section 2. rl'hut iTovel;~bel-' ;::8, 1930, at 4:30 P. L..:.., :Ln tIle City Hall be tt.G tirle and the place at r[hich sealed biej:::-;, which have been filed with the Clerk of t11 e Cormuissioi1 . l~ior to that time, will be opened; .. Sect ion 3. ri'hat the City 1L.nager cause a not ice of the aforesaid sale to be l)ublislwd L, the Bozer;llill lJaily Chronicle, in the lvlontana Standard, for not less than 4 y,'eekc })receed ine; such sal e; and in the Eond Buyer of I-Jevf Yo]:'l;: City a sui table length of time and th,<t he cause a copy of the aforesaid not ic e to be mailed to the I(eu;ister of State Lands iHunediat<:..:ly upon it s puulicat ion; Section 4. '11hat the aforesaid notice shall be in substantially the follovdng fa I'm: " II 0 TIC E NOTICE IS lillBER:.' GIVEN That the Commission of the City of ,-- Bozeman ':rill rece i ve and open sealed b ids for ',Pl09, 000.00 5efunding City Warrant Funding Bonds in the City Hall, Bozeman, I\Iontana, at L.b:30 P. L~., November 28th, 1930; That the proposed::ond issue \7ill bear interest at 4.~-% payable ser..,i-annually at Jam18ry L::t and July 1st of each ~lcar; that the (Ionds will be opt ional 15 years f'ron date and redeemable I 18 years frOD do.te; tho.t the bonds 81:1.a11 not be sold for less than par and accrued interest; that bids suLl.litted must be for "amort. ization bonds" and / or IIseria1 bonelst! C:L.l~:f'ined and required in Chapter ~8, Laws 0 l' Liontana 1923; that "serial bondst! shall be in den. minD. tion of five hundred do llarE' (4~500. 00) or lesser l1lult iples of one hundred dollars ($100.00); that ITamortization bonds!! are and will be the first cho:ice and the "serial bonds" are and will be IT :;;econd CllD ice" of the COEIDlis.s ion in determining the successful bidder, if any, as required in Chapter 38, Laws of Montana 1923; that the Cornmission reserves the right to reject any and/or all bids; Thect the Commission reserves the right to purchase for the account of the ;:';'inking FWld 'I'rustees any amount up to 4;;10,000 of those bonds at the datc of issue at the price of the success- ful bid; Thut all bids must be sealed and filed w:i.th the Clerk of' the Commission on or before 4:30 I'. 1'.1., November 28, 1930, and must be accompanied by a Cashier's Check in the amount of' ;";5000.00 as a guarantee of good faith and perfonwance. By Order of the Commission of' ~he City of' Bozeman. Dated this day of 1930, " , Clerk of the Cornmissiori-- . , Thct the aforesaid Notice shall be Dublished in the Bozeuan Daily Chronicle and the I,Iontana Standard on: October 28, 1930 Noveruber 4, 1930 November 11, 1930 Kover:lb er 18,1930 I Sect ion 5. That for the pronpt payraent of interest and principal as they slmll fall due, the :rull faith, credit and resourCes of the City of BOZel~lan be irrevocably pledged; Section 6. That a tax of three mills, or so much thereof as may be reQtcired to pay interest and principal accordinc: to tLe telYilS of' the bond issued, i:c:: levied each year on all taxable property in the City of Bozeman from 1931 to lSf/~ inclusilTe to pay interest anc1 pTincipal on this };co:posod issue. Section 7. Tlw..t L. case the bonds herein propoi3ed to e issued are not I 1. '~(!!.} " ~_ \J sold at the sale herein provided ~or, the City Manager is hereby directed to negotiate F~nd receive pro:Ciosals and offers for submission to the 00uf_ission for the sale or exchange of the proposed bonds. Section 8. That the proceedincs hel'eunder are had pursuant to tt.e pro- I visions of Sect ion 5039, paragraph 64 as amended; Sectio"," 5049, and Sect ion 5288. Political Coele, H. C. LI. 1921 and Chapter 38, L[-,",.iS of i,lontana 1923. Passed and adopted by the CorflIllission of the City of Bozer,1Qn at a regular sess ion thereof, held on the 24th da:{ of October, 1930. zfifl, ~ ~' /1 ___' ~../'/ . ..-/ Ll~y Attest: ~~Qu~~. ~ e of t ie nmltssion I, Elizabeth Johnson, ClerIc of the Commission of' the City of Bozeman, Montana, do hereby certify that the foregoing ~esolution No. ~05 of the City of :..:o~,;eI:lan, Eontana, v:as publislred by title, in the Doze17,<::.11 Daily Chronicle, cL dally newspaper '.)1' general cil~culction, rrinted and pUblished in the City of Bozernan, I in the issue of Octo bel" 28tl~, 1930, and that due prool' of said publicat ion VlaS made and filed in my office. IYf VlITlTESS VIIIIm::W:F I have hereunto set my hand and the cor:Jorate seal of said City this 28th day of October, 1930. ~~O~~~ion I