HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 220A Passing of Resolution 220 . -~ 2 () -~ ,1 I .'~I..afi. -----.....---------.. n__"...___ .___ ._.___.._..... ~, "'il 1) "J' ,.'':1' ------ --..----.----..-... -- ...~.,._..,~ ,.' _......^"~ , COLu'.iISSIOE RESOLGTIOH lW. {".20A ,...c / A HESOLL"'l'IOn Oi!' ~':F-il:!; COMIUSSIOIT O};' Tln~ CII'Y OF BOZEI'J\.>; rUJAI,Vr I)ASSDJG AIm ~\DOPTING cc:r::L:ISSIO:; RESOT"liTIOJ,y NO. 220 EHTI'J'LED: I "}!. HESCLt_:TIO'T 01;' T~n; C01];IIS3ION OF THE crT" OF Lo:;~,nL';';f Lm~'n:G AIIJ ;1..S:~ES.::.nfC J\. SrECIJu, ASSES:::;: J!:tf1' CY '-L'l0ms tJPOIT C}~nrrj;.nT rIW1ERTIEr3 II';' Tl=2 CI'I'Y 0:::<' DOZ~,-.;i.~;, CO'L1JTY OF G)l.l.I.d\':[lE';, E)11A~CI~; O~.:'\ 1'/I01.Fr}~.',r...\, TO DEFHLY TILE cos'-r OJ. , E._'KZl,~nrATICN 10m Hl;l:OV~'c:., OF ::OXI :)1' S ','fEEDS :FOR T::E Yl!;AR HJ 31 PUHSlL\J.JT 'I'e Tim rHOVISI02',JD OF OHDE..i\~!CE NO. 428 ::;"YI'I'J.'LED: 'AN c~mr'"'_,":CE ;1ll:FDJE.;G ATH)}_;IiOVIDITJG 1"0:1 'J:l''E IT,aSl~,.J;;:\TT ,A,::'W ;~F,Al'J.':'lEI?l' 011' CE,~,',r;~,\.I"'i .~,;trT;,)./i.~,(~Er3', n 1, P fE :,{E..:'I.E; , tIle Cmnrnis3 ion o i.' the City of' DOZe,li'ian dicl on the ::':lst clay of' t:..Uf~11St , 1 9~)l, at a ree;ular ses,; ion thereof d ul~i }JD.SS Comrni s'o ion l-{esol ut ion No. 220 entitled: HI, JT':~jQJ - rr~:C") OF 'L'};.>~ CO:,i~IS~3IO:~ OF 'I'Lr;:::: CrT')' eH' BO'/,Ji<.J:".A1J Lc;V;{ING Aim ASSESSDJG A :31<~~CI.f\L .:.\S;::}EE')SI\,~},,~.>:r~c O:B' rrj\.X]~S L~~FCJJ CERT.A.Il-; 1:RU}:ER1:'Il;S .I~:;r rrr;:F~ cr:.L'l" (1) l:,.10~:.~}J.,:./1.1",,;, co rn~'I'Y c' Ii) r~"j\I.:~ ,/i.'1: ~L:'~ " , Sr-CJ\,rrI~~ Ol~" L~.O:.rl'.i.~:<1\., TO DEFRAY 'l'lill COST OF EX'l'EJL"IJTATIOlf -,'-lID HEl,lOVAL OF ;X):::r ces -.n:1m;.:;l\'On '-J';::C Yl::AR 1931 PU~{E)UA~TT 1'0 T=L~ FRO>TrSI,-= '0 OF O~-(DLi;,_=~CE =~O. 4.28 J:::1i1T TrrIJI:;.D: ','",:'; OPJJL'L\.::-CE JnJI'II::I1iC AND PHO'TIDLJG. JTuH '1',,:E .i:TJI:rSlih',El'J'l' ..-'J.;;iJ JcLAI'ELEIJT ~',)j:;"\ CJ':~~~\ll',,::\':..T::',:' }.. .I~3.,A.,t'L-~J~~,~3', "! - and "I"r1~ERE.IiS " ~:;o. iel Corm:li s~:;ion HesolL't i'Jll No. 220 vms duly signed by the Llayor and tl:!o Clcr;~ of ~;:18 COInJ;lisf, io ;" and was1'iled in the office of the Cle r1< of the COl!Jliissi::;,n on the ;:-~lst da:\' of AUGust, 1 93~_, and ever since hus been on file in s8.id off tee, SLl ject to and for the inspection of all persons interested; and. - .;} :EHEAS , the 28th day of August, 1931, at Four O'clock F. M., at a I regular sessie:... cJi' tice CommLsion t(\ :JC held at the Commission CllamlJer, City 11al1 .. uildin,:-;, in sai d City, was des ii.'na t Ld as t,e time and nlace for hearing objections to the final passage and adoption of said l1esolutioll; and ~'1~,' : !.:G .I'~]. i~./~S , the Clerk of the Commission has eiven notice of the filinc' of said He::::olut LJl1 and the final passage and ado]Jt ion thereof, b: publishinG notice thereof in te Pozeman Daily Chronicle, a daily newspa?er, prLlted and putlisjled in said City, at ]east five ( 5) day:;: lJefore hearinc: any and all o'bjections to the final 1)8.SSace and adopt ion ::,'f said Resohlt i_n; and \ r:" .,: ~ ::Iil~ .~\L) , the rra tter of said final )Jassace and l:ldopt ion of' said Hesolut ion, comine on regularly to be heard, pur::man t to sai:.., Hesolut ion and Lot ic e, t {lis 26th day c fAucust, HJ3l, at a rer;ular session of said Cormnis,,:io'l, Ci. nd jJ roo l' be int; made of the publicotion 01' said Notice as required by law and as ordered by said l1eso1'.t ion; And, no objections lEVinr' been made or tiled to tt.e final passace and adoption of said Resolution and t~e levying of the assessment as therej.ll provided; : ~o . / , '["::EREl1'Om,: , DE IT HE~30LVJ~J ArJl) I'l' I~:) JTEKmy ORD,.!{fGD "\(' r.I1],C,j COI-~:.~L1I;,',-,SIOlT I ."'_' '1: }i; CTY OF J-!C)';;~~-;T:';\;::, STAfI':2; OF LlOHPANA: That, SC1.id Co:.:mission Resolution lio. ;:~20 be, aL.d the Sarile io hereby finally passed and adopte and the Spe~ial Assessment of taxes to defray tt'..e cost of' exterlLtnation and :~'ewval of noxious weedr] for cer ain properties in the City of I:ozelilarl for tIle ;'fBar 1031, be, and the same i <,. !le:ceby levied and assessed. u T'assed and adopted by the CO;~JInission 01' the City () f bozema>l, r' _1_ a re/:ular ~..:.l l~' sesr,ion t11creof, held on the ;';;(:'3th clay 0 l' Aucu~:;t, ]I.. D., 1931 . _u_... .--.---.-.- u__._n 2 () <;) '\j t:A<i _."'_n.________._ . ....-..-".- ..-."... ...-........--.-..--.--.... .-.....---.- _.__ .u..... ~7--- I\:uyor ,\ t t e f; .1;.--=-) /.::::>/' 1 L I 0~-~"-~~&~'" --- ---- (;1 e1" 0'>' "-'Ie CO'nm1 "'sio j __ .~_. ". 'jJ v ~..-' J... L ........ ~ I, Carolyn Westlake, Clerk of the Commission of' the City of IiJZeLlan, LonterL, do hereb:,' cert ify that the forogoinc Resolution 1:0. :20;. was lJublishecl by ~itle in the Eozer,la, Da:Lly Chronicle, a daily newsrapor of genc~~l circulation, --~rinted ~L1C1 I~l)':lished in the City of .00ZC,,-,cu, in the :LS;;;1.1C 01,' Se:pte111bor 1, 1931, and that due proof at' seiel }mblicat ion was i.-:ade and filed in ra:? 01':1'1 ce . -1" 1..~ : r- .~.;:) '. :1~:{;O}i' I have Lereunto set nY:LclJld und t:'.e corporo.te seal oJ' sai.d C1 t:/ tlli:- 1st cb':, o~" Se:pt c:fiber, 1931. ~u_. -- I I ~ .--......---