HomeMy WebLinkAbout14- Montana Firefighters Testing Consortium Interlocal Agreement to be a full, true and correct copy of a document ccotaiii4ig . 11 paves. DateQ at Bozeman; MT, 9 - A 20 t`f . Charlotte NVIPs Xlerk h E36crder for Gallatin Dour i Stye ol-Mcirltana, kny alteration of this Copp ds theccrb'fi€8tion. /� ���� �+�7 INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT � —^ f%1"Y`-'Tr/r/"L.:�,, DePFOR CREATING smoto MONTANA FIREFIGHTERS TESTING CONSORTIUM �?�0 Amended and Restated I.'.... This Amended and Restated Interlocal Agreement("Agreement")is made in the state of Montana CwW by public agencies organized and existing under the laws of the state of Montana and which are signatories —=^e tothis Agreement("Members"). E�P it RECITALS 'm C3N WHEREAS,Article XI,Section 7 of the Montana Constitution provides that a local government unit may (a)cooperate in the exercise of any function,power,or responsibility with,(b)share the services of any a officer or facilities with,(c)transfer or delegate any function,power,responsibility,or dutyof any officer c n to one or more other loco]government units,school districts,the state,or the United States. — m __ m WHEREAS,Montana's Interlocal Cooperation Act provides that its purpose is to permit local governmental units to make the most efficient use of their powers by enabling them to cooperate with s other local governmental units on a basis of mutual advantage and thereby to provide services and facilities in a manner and pursuant to forms of governmental organization that will accord best with geographic,economic,population,and other factors influencing the needs and development of local communities(Montana Code Annotated§y-a-toz). WHEREAS,Montana's Interlocal Cooperation Act further provides that one or more public agencies may contract with any one or more other public agencies to perform any administrative service,activity,or undertaking or to participate in the provision or maintenance of any public infrastructure facility,project, or service(Montana Code Annotated§7-11-104). WHEREAS,a public agency is any political subdivision,including municipalities,counties,and fire districts(Montana Code Annotated§7-11-103). WHEREAS,the Members each provide fire protection services and each is responsible for hiring qualified firefighters. WHEREAS,each Member has its own recruiting and hiring processes,and would otherwise at various times have to conduct expensive and time-consuming testing. WHEREAS,the duties of firefighters for each Member,as determined by a task analysis,are similar. WHEREAS,the Members would all benefit in terms of efficiency and economy by consolidating their recruiting and testing efforts for firefighter candidates by establishing a pool of qualified firefighter candidates for consideration in hiring. NOW THEREFORE,in consideration of the covenants and mutual benefits described herein,the Members agree as follows: I. DEFINITIONS A. Board of Directors(the Board):The whole created by all of the sets of two Member Representatives of each Member;see also Section III(B). B. Candidate: Any person who has timely paid the application fee and submitted a complete application to take the Test. C. Consortium:The Montana Firefighters Testing Consortium. Page 1 of 11 2490123 Page 2 of 11 08/26/2014 09:48:42 AM 113o Z aced •sanp tenuut sic put sanp dtgsaagmaw lt!3!m s1t Std lsnw`dtgsaagwom;o uoptpuoo a st'iagmayi goua:sang •a :Suimollo;aql apnloui Suw Sutpun;;o saoinoS •3 •auah Sutmol[o;aqi;o o£aunp t(Snoagl i h[np moi; uni[[eqs goigm'aeaS hast;goua 193pnq a Smgsilgelsa ao;algtsuodsaa aq[legs paeoa aqy •u •sassaooid Sugsal pue uotleatldde lsay aql Suilempaooa pug Suua;smimpu Euipn[aui 'laamaaaSV s!ql o;palg[w sisoo aqi m Sllenba aaegs of al%suodsaa aq I[egs saagmoN aqy •V ONIONVNId 'IA 'aalg8gea!; lana[-ha;ua;o uotltsod aql ao;aatq S[gtssod pue matnaalut of saluptpum loalas dem aagwaw gaea gmgm moa;aloha Satisa;gaea rage sa;eptpugo pa3!Itnb;o 1st[u aieaxo oy •g pug '.sassaooad Smisal pue uoileagddg aq;;o uotiex;stutmpe;o houa;sisuoo aqi ao;aptnoad oy •a '.asodwd si!Sutnaigou pue luawaaaSV stgl Suuals!mmpe;o sisoo aqi ui aaugs oy •p isl000load puu'saanp000id'sassaooad Sugsa;pue uotluot[ddu lsa,[, aql;o s;oadsu leanpaaoid put'[guoileaado'[etaugug aq;aleuipa000 put;uamaldmt oy •u t;uawaaaSV stgl;o asodand agl anaigou o;sainpaaoid pue's[000load 'saiai[odluuotieaodo,Aaussaoausmoappaeogagise'f4lpompue'gstlgelsa`dolanap oL •y :smoQo;se aae wnllxosuoo aql;o sleo'd aqa, S'IVOO 'A •aaigSgaag[anal-haiva;o uotl!sod aqi ao;Suutq ut not;gaap!saoo ao;saleptputo pagt[enb;o aot;eagtivapt aqi ao;mua8oad Sugsal lu;ot e;o Sun[upapun,saagwaK agi ao;algtsuodsaa aq llegs gotgm'mntuosu D aqi Suioutug pue uotltaado ;o smial paatnbei S[tao;nit;s put lgaauaS aqi quo;las of st luouto;4V stgl;o asodind aqy asodxnd nI •;uamaaaSV sigl Satlun;oaga ao;a[gtsuodsaa aq Ilegs gotgm'(„pxeog agl„)sxo;oanQ ;o pxeou aqi pallea aq ltegs pxuoq luto[sigL •(„sanptluasaadag aagmaW,,)aagmayt[ gaga moa;sanpe;uasaidaa omi;o paeoq lulo[t.tq paialsiuimpg aq llegs mntposuoD aqy •g •(„wntuosuo�ag}„)wnUaosuoD 6ut;say saapjBL/b qd nun;uoN aqi sg umoml aq giao;auaq llugs put polgaxo Sgaaaq s!'o;aaaq saplvd aqi woa;lout;stppuu a;eagdas`Cit;ua ot[gnde' oVuoteaadooZ)Itoo[aaluy aqi of lugns.wd V AiLiwomav ally do NOIjwaHa 'III 'nm[aq(a)IIA uotlaaS gllm pionu ui saagmaN aqi Sq paigutmial ssalun lgniadiad aq llugs luamaaaSV stgl;o uoileanp aqy NOIydlIRQ 'II •wniliosauD aqi;o Ouilaam Ig slsaaalut s,aagwapq aqi ivasaidai of iagwan a Sq paleuSisap s[unpintpui omi;o auo :antleluasaa ag aagmalll •d •;oaaagl sluampuamt ivanbasgns hue io smelhq s,wntuosuoD aqi ut q;ao;las sluamaatabai digsxagwaw aq;tgIm pug';oaaagl suotsaan popuame hue ao'juawaa.t2v sigl;o sutaol aq;gltnm aaugtldmoo ut(z)put`;owagl suotsaan papuame due ao'luawaaaSV stgi;o Sao;guSts a(e)gloq sl golgm uoisuipqus luatigod aaglo ao'luawuaanoS Igoo['eaae aotnaas axp'lotalstp aag'SI![edtotunm a Sutpupui 'Sol-n-L§palelouav apoo tueluopl Sq paugap se'SauaSe ailgnd SuV :aagm;PW •u ,wntiaosuo3 aq;Sq Sllunuut paxago lsal ua;ipm pue[totsSgd pau!gmoo aqy:isay •a 2490123 Page 3 of 11 08/26/2014 09:48:42 AM a. The amount each new Member shall be required to pay as its initial membership dues,as well as the amount of the annual dues any Member shall be required to pay,shall be as set from time to time by a simple majority vote of the Board. b. The Board may set reduced initial membership dues and reduced annual dues for Members whose financial circumstances,in the Board's sole discretion,warrant such a reduction. 2. Fees:Additional funding of the Consortium is also derived from the Test application fees received from Candidates. 3. The Consortium may also from time to time apply for and receive other sources of revenue,such as grant funds. VII. TERMINATION A. A Member may withdraw from the Consortium and this Agreement by giving the Board 6o days'written notice of the intent to withdraw. B. Any Member whose withdrawal would otherwise become effective 3o days or less before the scheduled Test shall not be permitted to withdraw until after the Test is completed, including tear down,and shallbe required to participate,assist,and staff the testing in the same manner and effect as if the Member had not submitted notice of the intent to withdraw. C. When a Member withdraws,this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect with regard to the remaining Members. D. So long as at least two Members remain parties to this Agreement,the Consortium shall continue to operate. E. This Agreement may be completely terminated at any time upon the vote of t00%of the Members'governing bodies. F. The Consortium shall continue to exist and operate after complete termination,however, for the purpose of retiring any debt,including paying any remaining bills for operational expenses,disposing of all claims,selling all real and personal property in accord with Section VIII(B)herein,and distributing all assets equally,including cash accounts,and performing all other functions necessary to conclude the affairs of the Consortium. G. Following complete termination of this Agreement,Members who were Members on the date the vote in favor of terminating the Agreement was made may be required to pay an assessment to the Consortium,as determined by the Board,to enable final disposition of all remaining balances due for operational expenses and other minor costs of doing business. VIII. PROPERTY A. The real or personal property owned by the Consortium shall be owned proportionally by the Members,regardless of when they become Members. A Member which withdraws from the Consortium foregoes all interest it has in the Consortium's real or personal property so long as the Consortium continues to operate. B. In the case of the complete termination of this Agreement in accord with Section VII(E), any real or personal property owned by the Consortium shall be sold at fair market value and the proceeds,if any remain after disposition of all remaining balances due for operational expenses and the other minor costs of doing business,shall be divided equally,distributed,and deposited to the general funds of each of the Members who were Members on the date of the vote in favor of terminating this Agreement was made. IX. PARTIES TO THIS AGREEMENT A. Each Member,as a party to this Agreement,certifies that it intends to and does contract with,for the purposes and to the extent as herein provided,all other parties who are signatories of this Agreement,or may later become signatories of this Agreement. B. The addition of any new Member to this Agreement shall constitute an Amendment Page 3 of 11 2490123 Page 4 of 11 08/26/2014 09:48:42 AM I I jot,aged •suo.4e10aa pas smej leaapa;pus`aiels'jeooj ojgsa?Iddu IIs Sq aptge gags mn!liosuoO aqj, •TL •;oaaaq}sluawpuaws Sue ao smelSq aql;o Sdoo a amaoaa jjtgs angeiaasaadajj aagwaN put aagwajq goeg •o; •sanilejuasaadag aagwaw aql;o aaom jo Sl!aofum oldmts E;o;olleq ua 4!jm ant;emjgju us Sq pagstjdw000e ag hugs pus msl aqy pue luamaaa8y stgl g;tm jualstsuoo oq llegs smujXq aqj of slaampuawe Sue put sme[Sq aqi;o nolidopt aqj, .6 •eut;uoj}j;o alEls aqi;o sainieys aotjoN pat Supaaw uado ag;til?m aaue?ldmoa vl palonpuoo paE'p[aq'paa?;oa ag[legs s8a?jaaw pasog[[V "8 -Sa?laam Sae it aouuplus leaauaS ao;pasn aq Sew aanpooid aapolse6a7 fo lanuvN s,uosnyq put aapio fo saing synagog pnt`sSullaaw slt[[t;o;onpuoo agi m aanpaaoad Sas;ua wetjaed jo spaepue;s aiseq mollo3 llim mnip osuoD agj'Spoq aiuleaagtlap a sy •L -not;aun;luawasingslp aql mao;aad o;paeog aq;Xq paztaotiinu aq Sem BE suosaad tions of Xluogjnr Su!sangstp alu8alap Sum aainsuail aqj -spun;asangstp put jo Spoisna aqj ami[[jugs put paeog aqj ao; suoijaun;Sugunooae pat antlealsimmpE XSCSsaaaa Ile ap!noad[jugs aainstaa;atiy .9 sSupaaw Ile jE ua3lel aq Ilsgs sainuiN •S •paeog ag;;o aopoe aqj a;nlllsuoa jjegs;uasaad si mnaonb a aaagm Supaam a;e Sl!aofem aldugs t;o a;on y • , •a;edjoliaed Sljn;Swaeam pae'pataq aq'asag tea Sagy;Egj gans 'susaw otuoajoaja iaq;o ao otuogda[al Sq'uosiad at aaglra';uasaad air sanguluasaadag iagmaN cap jo Sltaofum aldw?s a uaqm s;sixe wnaonb y -E -pasog aq;Sq pajoalas jojoualuoo juapuadaput ue Sq pale}aq Arm notltsod aaanstaaj-SaEiaaaas pau!gwoo aqy so tat pod Injaaoas aqj jegj jdaoxa'san!jE;uasaadag aagma l4 agi won;pa;oalas aq[Isgs saaoUgo •z •amlejuasaadall aagmaN are Xq palls;saotyo aq; put pautgmua aq Sew suolllsod aaalgo om;aaijul aqj, -aaansuail a pue'Xasiaaaas a'uosaadatugo-aotn t'uosaadalega a aq jlEgs mngiosuoo aqj jo saaagjo aqj -[ :smollo;BE apinoad ptgs smulSq agj'mnmimw a 1V •smulAq Bill u?paquasap S[aElnapard aaow BE siamod antq hugs tiottim put wnglosuoo atij;o ssoulsnq Sep -o}-Xup aq;alputq llugs go!gm'aalllmwoo anttnoaxg uv jo uoljuaao aqj Sulpnlau!'sleoS par asodand s,mntliosuop aqj ana?gae put swaal s,juamaajIv aqj ivamaldm?of Sjessaoau sautlaplu2 put'sl000load'sata?lod Iannpaaoid put juuotieaado aqj glao;las jjegs put 'ms[agi pae;uawaaa8y stq;gilm maislsuoo aq llegs gotgm'smej6qjdope lltgs pasog aqy •p •asaS Soilod gasa;o Su!uudaq aq;je aagwajjl gasa o}Satlod aoueansui juanno aq;;o Sdoo e op?eoid Iltgs aosiadatEgp pasog aqy •saaa;unjon par Isaa6o[dwa itaq;put saagwaj;j 'sawoalla jo patog aq;aanoo jjegs put poansui[euotuppe ut Be aaqulD K tioua MITI[legs aoutansut aqy •aeaS Satjod aad m2aaHv 000'000'£$par aauaianaao aad 000'ooTT$ ;o sitwtl Xj?[!gtlj q;!m aaauinsu!S11I1ge11 u!eju?tm put asegoand[[eqs paeog aqj •g -saanpaooid ualepljen OWES ag;asn isnw saagwajjl I!V .z -sat;tntjae;o S;![jq!isdwoa ao;';dope Stw paeog aq;BE isa;aEllwts iaglo tions ao'yyda aqj put's;lnsaa antuaotlsanb s?sSlrue gof'suopdtaasap qof Suutdmoa;o sistsuoo uol;eptjEA -; •101148gaig [anaj-Sa;ua,yo not;tsod oq;ao;sjuawaiinbai pue sno!id?aosap qof s,aagmaw goes aytptjtn of lutl!nsuoo luapuadapm ut Oast[p�yoajas jjegs pasog agi'isay gota o;ao?ad •y mouvmaao QNv sgI nigISNodsam IIIIIid.IIOSN00 'X •ulaaaq gjao;;as sanuaafgo pue sjeo8 aqj anaigae of Sjanueaad000 4jom of soot;uaim saagwajq Smutewaa ati}aou juawaaaSV s!t¢joa;;e jou jlugs'utaaaq IX um;aas ITT 11110j lag BE Sal s,aagwajq aq;jaam o;ainite;ao;luawaaaSy s?ql oi,f;atd Be junowai Saejunlonui s,aogwzlq a Be Ilam se'aagwajK a BE uot;udiatped umo sij of BE luamoalzv s?til;o uotjeuiwaal Saelunlon s,.iagmaK a lugy saypaao aaglin;aagwow tioeg •0 'IIIX uo!;aaS;o sluawaalnbaa aqj of ioafgns 2490123 Page 5 of 11 08/26/2014 09:48:42 AM XI. MEMBER RESPONSIBILITIES Members have the following responsibilities: A. To share equally in the cost of accomplishing the Consortium's purpose and goals, including the costs of coordinating and administering the Test. B. To provide,at their own expense,personnel to assist in coordinating and administering the Test,including providing personnel to staff both components of the Test. C. To pay their own costs in the validation of their own job descriptions and requirements for the position of entry-level firefighter. D. In the case of a new Member,to promptly pay the initial membership fee,as shall be established by the Board. E. To promptly paytheir annual dues as the Board shall set from time to time. F. To regularly attend and meaningfully participate in all meetings and in every testing event. XII. CONSORTIUM RIGHTS A. The Board,in its sole discretion,shall determine the type of testing it will use to identify qualified candidates for consideration for hiring for the position of entry-level firefighter, including the testing processes,procedures,protocols,instruments,and equipment to be used. B. The Board,in its sole discretion,shall determine the intervals at which thetesting will be offered,the location at which the testing will take place,and the number of candidates it will allow to take part in the testing. C. The Board,in its sole discretion,shall determine the number of meetings which are necessary,as well as the date,time,and location of all meetings. D. The Board,in its sole discretion,shall determine the amount of annual dues which shall be paid by each Member and the date when due. E. The Board shall have the power to contract as needed to carry out the purpose of the Consortium and this Agreement. XIII. AMENDMENTS This Agreement maybe amended at anytime by a vote of a simple majority of the Members acting through their governing bodies. Amendments become effective when the Board receives written confirmation from a simple majority of the Members,through their Member Representatives,that their governing bodies have approved an amendment. XIV. EFFECTIVE DATE This Agreement shall be effective and binding upon a Member when its governing body becomes a signatory hereto. XV. FILING A. In accord with Montana Code Annotated§7-11-107,this Agreement shall be filed with the county clerk and recorder of the county or counties wherein each Member is situated and with the secretary of state. Upon the amendment of this Agreement,the amended version shall then be recorded as provided herein. B. The Board shall designate the person or persons who shall be responsible for the filing of this Agreement and any subsequent amended versions hereof. XVI. ASSIGNMENT Members may not assign any right,claim,or interest it may have as a consequence of being a party to this Agreement,and no creditor,assignee,or third party beneficiary of any Member shall have a right,claim,or title to any fund or asset of the Consortium. 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