HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 218 Maintenance of Sidewalks 1931
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01' rrI::'~ C1'1'"','" Uli' EO:~:;:,~'_'_:, cOtJj\:TY OF GA.:::_J..L':;:'I:., E;l' ;,..Tt~~~ 0 }'J 1"':\ Ol\rfl~,.\_i\.,fj.\.,
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OF I'LRICnJG::"~ 'ro DJ=F~:J,-,\.",:" T_; m C03T OF l.;'_:\T:..;'l'AINJIJG TH:~ }OA::-:'~1NG;:) \iJT~ :In D,.,_ID ~;;~:-;Cl.~L
E:F;--:tOV1<:LiE:YJ' })=:STJTCTS OF T}r:s crry OF EO~>,UIAH FGH TIL, Y~;;-,-H 1931.
~lli:'~J~ ::'iF~\.~,) , 'l'he City Council and the Commission of the Cit;;, of };ozemaIl have
heretofore duly and regularly DaBBed Cou~-icil and Cormnission Resolut ions creat iIle
Spec ial "i.nfprover:.ent Dist rici; s wi thin tIle City 0 f Bozemt\ll, def'ininf; the boundaries
thereof and }Hovid ing 1'01' the maintenance of parldnlss thereLl, and for the assess-
ment of' the cost of' 1i!ainteining the ;,)e.rkincs as set forth in Hesolution.s herein-
after referred to; and
\'n..LE}iE/'~~~:; , the IJGrkings Vii thin the boundnries of said Special Improvement
Districts have been cared for and maintained during the year 1931 cos content")lo.tec1
in s~id Resolutions, in accordance rri th terms and conditions thereof; and
\'E.:EREAS, sa. id S ec ia1 Ilil])rovement vist ric ts for the maintenance of park-
ino:s and the Resolutions creatine; the same) the total frontage, or the area,
oft tie
T1roner't;y '\vi t.hin sa id d istric;: t s to be assessed, the total cost of said maintenance
wi thin said (list,," :";~s and tte mnount chargeo.ble to the property therein i~; herein-
after set for~h.
~'To\:'! , therefore, rursuant to the provisions of >..Jectiol1 5tYz;~:, Lolitical
Code, I
H.C.I.;., H?21, and said Council w1d ComIni S6 :~o n ~::;e sol ut :i. 0 :1:. , creatin~ said ~pecial
Improve~!iH:mt .0istric'ts, and I)1'ovid ine: for tl1e maintenance thereof;
OJ" BC:7,J~l,i.l:.T, :'3'J'td'I~ O}:' I-,iOIT'.rAUA:
Sec. 1. That for the year 1931 the City of Dozeman has defrc,yed the cost
of };la :Lntenance of' parl:in("s in the several Speciel Improvement DistrL'ts, pursuant
to ~{esolutions creating the sarne, and that the eYlt ire cost thereof, the total
number of linear feet, or area, of property to be assessed, and the rate per linear
or SQuare foot, is as follows to-wit:
Neintennnce of Fa.rki~g District No. b, created by Council Resolution No.
306, on South ',I11180n .1':...venue from ?abcock Street to College street, ,) total frontage
of 4356.37 lineo.r feet, the Gum of ~,:463. 83, at an 8Droximate rate ner front foot
of' ~.lO6496.
.,:.... ..., .L
Llaintenance of' I'arlcinB District Ho. g, created by Council Resolution :Io.
325, Lindley rlace, a total area of 209440 square feet, the stun of' ",,75.38, at an
approximete ri].te ner suare foot of ~;.00036.
}'=8. int ena nc e 0 l' Parlcing..: i st 1'1 ct No. 16, created by Council aesolution No.
356, Babcocl::: Street from_ ,lack Avenue to 1'ro.cy Avenue, a total area of 93773
:f'e et , the sum. of ,;(;:''7.88, at an approximate rate per squGre foot of 'II .00029'73.
l\~ail1tenance of Parldn;' Disl.,rict No. 17, created by Council Resolution No.
355, Gl'o.nd Avenue from Eo.bcock Street to COllege Street, a total area 01' 581481
square feet, the surn of' ;\~361.37, at an <lmH'oximate rate per sC,uare foot 01' <;(.0006215.
Maintenance of 1). rldng District lJo. 13, created by Council Hesolution No.
357, 'l':ri)(;Y Avenue from Dabcoc k St reet to Dicl-:erson St reet, a total area of 45??82.20
square feet, the sum of ;irJA6. 35, at an approximate rate per s(~uare foot of ;~;.OOO319?
Maintenance of Parking District Do. 31, crc"ated by Council Hesolut L:n :~o.
385, B1:-:.clc ..".venue from 13abcoch: Street to CoLege street, a total area of 267533
S cuc,- 1'e fe et , tIle sum of ~~j281. 58) at an apIJI'oximate rate per S(~WlrC foot of ;,r.0010525.
-- - -
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l.,aintenance of l)nr};:ing .LJistriet No. 45, created by Council
Resolution No.
432, Ei{;hth Aver{iJ.e (center and sides) from Koch St reet to Diokerson st reet,
a total
8rea of 66000 si~u('tre feet, the Sllin of ~~168.7'7, at
an 11DDroxim.ate rate per square
. ~"
I foot of :,r:.G0255ril.
kaintenance of Parking District No. 48, created by Council
Resolution Ho.
435, Eighth -,';..venue (sides only) from Main Street to KOCIl street,
a total area of
116104 seuare feet, the r'uI" of'<)7<) 7<) at an ap]H'OX irnate rate
per s,;.uare foot of
t.;) l~ v (....J (.~. (....1 ,
:i/ .002349.
~aintenance of Parking District No. 50, creatod
by Council Hesolution No.
474, Third Avenue from StOI'Y St:ceet to Cleveland Street, a totsl area of 3787'74
souare feet, the Slli"1 of :",170.12, at an G.PDroximate rate
per square foot of ~.000449l3.
Maintenance of Parkinr District No.5: , created by Council Resolution No.
476, Eabeoe}: Stroet from :B'ifth Avenue tD :l:;ighth Avenue, a total area of 173400
sc'ua1'e feet, i;he sum 0 f ~,80. 9 ;.~ , 8.-t an approx iraat e rate per :t'quare
foot of ~t'.000467.
Llaintenance of Parl-~ing Distriot No. 57, created by Council
~esolution Nol
529, Cleveland st reet frOl:l.:illson Avenue to Seventh AvenL~.c,
a total TrontaB8 of
3106 linear feet, the sma of' .,,279.18, at an apIJroximate rate per front
foot of
;:~ .OC7353.
l:,aintenance 01' IJarldnB District No. 61, create(~ by Council
Resolut ion :';0.
535, Ij~igJltl1 Avenue (center only) from 1.1 e.: in st reet to Koch St re t, a
total frontage
of 2321.95 linear feet, the sum of '1.'245. '11, at an apI)roX ina!~ c rate
per front foot
of ;,2.10582.
Waintenance of Parking District No. G8, created by Council
Hesolutiol1 1io.
539, \'{1:Lls on Avenue from Col19Ce ;3trect to Cleveland Street, a total
frontaGe of
1260 linear feet, the Rurn of ;;~ll 7.25, at an approxinllite rate per front foot of
;;i .0~)30:5.
Kaintenance of ParkinG District Ho. 7'1
created by C01.:_no il ~e:c;olut ion ',L:;.
564, Co lIce; e St race :t'T'on Gr[~nd Avenue to ~3evel1th Ave.;,ue, a total area of 513704.7
I sqlJ.urc feet, the SUlil of '1(203.18, at an aprroximate rate per sc~uare
foot of 'Ii. ~)00395'1.
h!ainten[,,-nce of rarkinl_;Uistrict l'.J'o. 77,
created by Counc il Hesol,~t ion L).
576, l~ic;nth Avenue (center und s id e s ) from Dickerson Stre,..'~ to Lo.rris(;.tl St
Teet, a
total :f'ronto.C:c of 10'll linear feet, tll c i~mn 0 f ..",370.0;;, a tan a p :~Jl--O:x
i:qj.a t; e rate per
front foot of 0.187737.
L.aintenallco of rn:r.~=in(' District ITa. 86, created
by Coune il Lieso,.t,t ion :;~o.
620, south side Sto~y street from ~3ixth Avenue to Eighth Avenue, and bot:;,
Sixtil Avenue from ~tory Street to College Street, a tota
fronto.ge of 2420.2
lineal' feet, tile sum 01- '" 1::)5.22, at an ap rox ir.ln t e rate 1:) er front
foot of" .063976.
l;;s.intennnce of Far}::ing District lio. 90,
erea~ed by Council Resolution No.
636, east side Seventh Avenue from story Street 'I'o ColleGe Street,
a total frontufe
91' 934.2 linear feet, tIle sum o:f .,,64.81, at an approxi2ste 1'", to per
front foot of
','; .0 U13 '7;) .
L2L::.t enarlce of Io..rl':inCihstrict l'io. 107, create
' ~ "' " ,OLlIC iJ.. .:\.eso1 ut ion i.O.
~...... ..I
658, ,~,i~ast Sory ::::;troet from 'l'1'ae:,' AVenue to Bozeman Creek,
a to:;al frontage 01'
2254 linear foet, the m..ml 01' v?lLi.78, at an aplJI'oxiLiGte rate pc:;:, front
foot of
;;,; . 0 9 52 :=.8 .
L...aintenCl"lce ai' Io.rking Distr:i.ct iJo. llLl, creo.ted by
COUlIC il :iesolution
1..;0.. t-; ~=>.n west :;-;ido G-rand Avenue 1'r:'[.1 Col1eee street to Arthur street,
u total
I L.lt-..I,
fron.to.ce oC ~:~30 1 LleGr feet, tte SUFL of' '" '1'0. 4ib,
8.t 0.11 ccr!,roxL:.:te rute pCI' front
foot of' ;11'. 0 r; m: '1 .
l,ictinterLGYlce of' Fo.rking District i'To. 117, created ty
Cou.,c il l{es::Jlut ion
. 'lIS: , TracJr/~vc;nue :f'rou ~icl,e:;-:,::::on Street to College strec~;,
a tot::Ll i'rontace
of' 10'.:cS.2 lir,e~".ri'ec, the 31.\.1J 01', l~? . ,,1 c.~, at e.11 UP2<cc:.
:.' ,-:}[, <:; J.~s.te DeI' f'rl.JT;~ u~=\"L:
"' .LJc!n.
I r; 1,1 t c; n~_lL c e 'J j' Q :c'Klnr: Jist riet 1'.;'0.
151, c"ea.~ed b7i C::n.::.nci1 ~;e80lu-:-)ion
y~.;:) . 810, cast 5 :i.de 1,'if'tL.\.venue fTOu Olive Street to Ko C 11 ~j t l' C t,
a total area 0 f
111189.0C S (\ t~.c;. ::.. 0 J:'ect, tJle ::; UIll 0 f '" 3 9 . 9 G , at an ,-'-l)P
ro:~ ina"c e rate "UQl' sCJ.~ul'e fa ot
oj' .). 00035 S)/~ .
1..8 int en&~',e e of }~arking Dist rict iTo. 169, created by
COLlieil Hesollrtion
":'.T 100,;, C':'.~ (":'1+ aide G:;:'undAvcnue f~om College Street to
Arthur stro't, a total
'..10. p-( I,.' .,.'
fro Tl't ",.(:e (I"i' 9:1 lLwar' foet, -She S'L1El 0 f :,': 71 . 9 1 ,
ut an aprl'oxima"te re.te I,er :L':CO:lt
.. . ..J
foot o:C 'ii' II (i ti ''/08;2.
].,o.intenance of J!arldng Distl'ict iTa. 25C, created
b:,' Co:n;rrilissj.on no~.:olut ion
l~o . GC ~;:Lxtlt Avenue, Cleveland to Garfield Stl"eet,
[1 toto.l f'X'ontuGc O:L' 1:3(-)2 linear
. .;' ,
feet, the sura of' .:.99.\)7, at 0.11 2.; rox tnla t e rate per front
foot of .:,:.072'1'4.
..- .....-
- - ,_._".,_.,.
:}ec. ';) ';"~ ~~le, t , to defI'D'J the co::; t.
of m:lint onanco 0 f rarl:inc's wi txLn said
!.~.I .
Suecia1 T ,,-'" '('(''10'--0 ~-") i c t :['1 c t C' 1'0 r t 'lee .,~ -, 1 C c:' l tlJ.cre be;, rind
Ul (3rT is hereby levied
-L,ui....-) ,1..1. ~.J..V _ W .I ~ 1. .J' . '- 1. t.lt~_!....,
and asse:_;:ciC::)d :'1 t::,:: t;,~)on all tile ,jropcrty in front 0:' ~j::lcl borcleriE"on. ::;nLi 0I'cc:i.al
ILrrn'o velle llt _.J i::~ t l' i c t S [1 S set fortL in Sb.hedule::; one ( 1) to twent
- t,';'o ( ;:~ ~:, ) inclLDive,
!:ereto :ttac,wd Dna }.1ac1e a ]JrlI't hereof; the. t a part iculrlr de [;0 :c'irt ion 0 :;' 0:3.c11 lot
and;,arc 01 of land with the nmae of the anneI' and the SlU;l assessed r,'f_:o,ilL't hiLl or it,
is set 1'0 rt. in &ssessment lists hereto attached, rilUr}:ed u::..>checluleG One
(1 ) to
Twenty-two ( ::;2) ," and nad e a part hereof; tl:at tIle Gever[,l C;UIIlS
set oT'~ osite the
nalnes ot the oY;nec:'s c.ncl the descr .l.bed lots cmd })!tl'cels of 12_";d be,
CHid the same are
hereby levied and 2sses,'3ed upon and against seid lot, and nerce1s of land;
the,t the
several SlEns be collected 1'1'01:1 tb.e respect i YO oW1:e1'8 of' sa id lot sand 1)a1'ce1s of
18nd described :Ln the s'id assessment lists, Sched ule~3 One (
1) to :rwenty-two ( <' ,-) )
:Lncl usi v~~:, as 1'equired by l~w; t}'::.n.t sa ill s lULS shall be paid and tLe colle ction thereof'
st.Gll be Illll,de in the ILlo.nner end in accordanc e\: iJl. the iEl w covorninf; t.no
(,ollection of' ST\ccial InlJH'oveI~lel1t 'I\lxes; the,t failure to pay such assessments when
s ar:1 e sha11 become dUG and payable shall make such person ::md SUCll lot'-C and })arce1s
of land liablo to the penr:_l~;ies }HOvided by law relative to delinQuent tflxes.
dec. r'.l I'l1'::~ t t~lO reeu1er sess ion of' the Commiss ion of' the City of
f,ozeT.1an to be held on the ~2ntl1 day of' Aueue t, ..i:~ . J). , 1 9~)1,
at t jlG Cor.mli s s ion
Char:lb er, Cit y E811 ~_uild in(;, be, f1nd the same is hereby designated as the ~ime and
place at which objections to the final ado::t ior: of th is l-{esolut ion will be }ward by
the Commission.
~)e c . 4. That tlle CleI'l~ 01' the Commission, be, and
she is hereby 0 rdered
and directed to ;;ublish in the B07,ennll Daily C,hronicle, s daily newsnaper, ~~;rLlted
and published in the said City of -;-ozeman, a notice sirned by the Clerk oJ' the
Cormnission, and stat in:: that a Resolution levying a special assessment of taxes to
d sf'ray the cost of L:a int enence of Parkings in the said STjeC ial
In1lH'overaent Dist rict s
for the ycnr 1931, is ;;,n file in the office of' the Clerk of the Corlrrnission,
to i~sgection for a period of five days; that said notice sl:a11 state the time and
place at y{hich o't,jections Vi ill be heard by tlw Cor:llnission to the finsl ador>tion
of this Heso:ut ion; that it shall be Imblished at least five days before
the date
set by he Cm:rrnission 1'Ol~ hearin;; of objections, c,nd the finnl adopti li of this
rassed by the COIJ1I:lission of the Cit;l of Lozer:lc.!n ~:lt a
1'egul1',1' session
"~Lereo l' J,le1d on t~:le ~ast day of Au< .ust, .1:,}" . U. , 1931.
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~<E_~~'i~IJ_"':G. , FI.\)J .tJ)()Pl"ICn CQi',LID3ION
I nESOLur.rro~.T 1<;0. 218, LE"'\rfIl"JC: .I1.SSESS-
),:l!::JT or CO:.:T 01" L=.lo.IlrrmJAHCE 01" PfJ.rr'-
J,'TGS :C:.j E3rECIAI, ILIROVr::;r,'.EITT DIST~ncrrS
FO>{ ,:'=:'[~ '(E...-\R 1931.
~~~'c)rL~I Cl~ If) ~"~I~Rl~~Ij.~,r (;I\rE~"~', That at a regular session of the C01ffinissicn of
tILe City of .coze;;an held on the ~.ast day of August, 1931, Conunission Hesolut ion
No. 218 was duly passed and adopted; that said Commission Hesolution No. 218
levi,',s and aSE.:eSSe~j a sreeial assessraent of taxes upon all the :roT:erty in
Sree ia1 Ir;q)rOVenlent D:~3 tricts of sa id Oi ty to de 1'ra:/ the cost of' lvIaint errance of
IJarkings within se.id Special In~provemt;nt Districts for the ~lear 1931.
Thut the SJ,ecial I:S}:irovement District;-:;, and the Re~~lutions creating
the sarne, and tb.e amount of' thr) assessments are as follows:
M:ainten811ce of' r'arking Resolution lllno
un t of
District Ho.
"iTo. Assessment
306 ,.:', 463 .83
325 75.38
356 27.88
355 361.37
35'7 14:6.35
385 281.58
432 1GB.??
I 48
435 272.'72
4'74 170.12
4'76 80.92
529 279.1;:;1
535 245.71
539 117.25
564 203.18
5'76 370 .03
620 15b.22
636 64.81
658 ;~14. 78
'722 73 .44
719 117.42
SlO 39.96
1004 '71.91
69 99.0 '7
f ;';";";'"'__"7"'.~"'-"""
Tho. t , said CormnissLn Resolution Ho. Z18 is now on file in the office
of the Clerk of the Commission of sa id City of Bozeman sut: j eet to inspection
for a ~er1od of fivG ( 5) days, by an? ~)erSOIl interested; that Fridny t:ne ~2.8th
day of AU{tUs t, lD31, at 4: o'eIoel: I. I,., of said day at a regular sessi.n of the
Commission of the C;~\ty of BozeL1an, COn:U1lission Chm.lber, City Lall Building,
been des ierlClte(~ as the t 1me an dplaee Ylhen and where sa id Coru::.iss io::;. \'1 iLL hear
and T)[lS~, upDn en:/ and 0.11 objections that may be made to the final l)QsSf.:~ge and
adopt ion of seid C~)r;mlissiol1 Hesolution ITo. 218, and the levyL1C of' said assess-
I l'lent ;'md thnt, so.iclHe::;oluti<m wi}:L be finally po.s:"ed and o.do:,ted at said
regular session of said Comraiss:J.on, subject to such correct ions and a:d.cn.,lilc::lts
G.S ra(lY be::':f:lCle l.lt)!l o~:,jeetj.ons El8.de Clnd filed with in the five days limitcJs
'pro-,:ided by hew.
All e I~SOllS inter'es ed are referred to tL.e several Counc i1 and
CO::IIllisSlcm ResoJxt ions c .Leat ine: the t;foresaid S:'-'ec ial ImDroVel(~el1t Dist r.L\::ts,
defi:1Lw tl',e 1.r::nJnd8.:cies t:hereof c:u-d l'rovidinC for tj"lG as,.:essment 01' tJe cost of
said I:::int:enance o'~' ro.l'],'i:l{;S fur' f'u'tLer pc.rtieuJ"nrs; ulJ. of said l\Gsolutions
being on file in the office of t,"e ('~ . o:f t Jie Comr.J.ission of the Cit.: 0::
..:ozens.u, at
the Ci ty ll[~ll of said ,;ity, and subject to the j.ns':)8cti.cH of' all -:,ersons interested.
Dated this 22nd day of August, A. Do, 1931.
/::- .' L
Cie-"" 'f ~':-e ('onJl'ic<'ioI1
_._. ..1-1.. '..,J....1 -...I. _1 ""')U ..l.
I, Carolyn Jest1ske, Clerk of the COi~C:[lis;:,ion :. l' the City of' ::-:0 zeman,
L.ont,,:.r:.a, d,:-, -,c:r'c p:r c crt \ f-'r t La t tlJ.e 1'0 rec;o iJ.l[~ClO t io G i,Il re ',\eso1w: iO:l ITa.
21t5 of
the City of T)DZ(;Ji:.o,n, l.ontan'1, vms publisl:ec'l at leEgtJl in th8 LOZel!18.n'Jc.i1y C:nron::.cle,
E:: clail;r 'rleV!SpCl1Cr of r:0::'0:'u1 cirouluti()n, printed and ~utlished in t LtC: C i ..~
~-,:. () t~
Jc ZI e}.~.:.C,'.l.;~I, irl tl~G j.S:':;t'~e oJ August q~) 1931, and t11a t due
Tn'oof of said IJU~:)l ieet ion Vh'.;
(....j....... ,
T:J de and .~:lled in my oft'ice.
L: dIT=:;::~SS -;;IlJERE;O:;;' I haye hC1'8unt'l :.c et my }"c:;nd and t~_::.c; co r',:\Orclt e
seal of
sald C i t~l t~l if) ~22nd ehx:! of j''J"l..1.C:USt, 1931.
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