HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 217A Passing of Resolution No. 217 1_ 8 Ll~ _. --.. r ~~~~I ~;~'~:\ .."',/' ""! r .,' COj.l,:I:J[::;I,~,:; l{]'~~::.>O U?1CT :)8. :1 '7.;\ ",,-' ;}, ". i i';' r I ..' /l. ~I~E)CL I C ~; r: ' '" .' .-, I ~:.J ~::j :.~" c: '~,,~ C ~~_ I CI:.2~::I,. l..: ;.: >'~I ,,~,~_.I",~;~r '~_.tJ.~~,,~,}: >j" '-'l~ ". ,. ,r i , , ,: ...~ . ... ~L ~,\.:r C01" ':~"I: I ~,~ ~';:, '~;~ ,. :~ ~:~ .:_,~ () :L "j '~,', 21'7 J::l'r::'1 LED: . , - .' i l,: . ~ r .!'~ .~'\ .~~ :~: C,I.J .'1" -~"'I _1_ n CO" '::,~:_~.S~'jI CF ] C:~:.....,\., .."~ ;_~J' _;C:,'~:.~'~IJ I ... " ,~':;"".l. . ~ ..~...-' 1_- .~ ,',....1<.....1 _. ~, (l "; ':' I ... '~';"~ 1 " ~~:..,~,~ .;' ~ ~~ 1,-'.: J. "0 ~:\' .j:.,~tJJ.".,,: "1 '" ." '. ", I ':""; :":"~ ,\ ~~'~._ Sill} {I C'T ~,.I .. ~ ~I 11.'"\' J.1.0,,_~ ,.i. ...1 J ~. " ....I.... , . ." I j /0-') 1, r,\"" ,J. 01." i....:.J C ~~i'1 }3. () ::~:~~i':.,,, ._~""..':< , -J ~~,:(:~'>:r.:,.1'~." '.. i? ,,~'.',~ ...LL,,:,\' ,.1- 1- k':'. 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(,.;1 r-; VJt,:lS ckly s i;:;.nedLJy tLe i"c</~l' and tLeo Clerk of t~;,C ' '~ + . and was :L'110,," in -the off ic: e 0 :;.'~ ne Cleri: oi: tile '--'onnuls S lon, Conrrnission on '1, .Ie ;:~ls t day of' AW':u~:;t, 1 g;-)1 , Dnd ever since Las been on file in said office, subject to Gnd 1'01' the inspeation of all persons irl'tei'c::.;ted; b r:.d ~,,'r:, -I~ .i.{L~'J.~;:::~', , the 2E~t dr,)' 0 r AUgUE; t, HJ~) 1 , '-~ t }i'0'Ll':;" 0 'clocL ]'. .1,." . , :J,t a :r-ec:ula l' sess ion 0 f' tLe eu:zntlis E; ion to bo held st the Conlri~isGion Gheeu,ber, C:it~l 1:(';.11 Euildinr:: in the said -":i';:;:;, ViaS desii.:nated a8 tile tiLle and l)lace set i'u::' .loari:ng oLjections to the tinul i)f:LSsage aneJ. ado.,it ion of said Bosoh~tion ; Grid I ',r: :E.F{B/,~: , the Clerk of the ComLdssioll 118.8 'i vcn not ice of the f:LlinC of sa i(1 He so Jx t ion and the fiEa} ,;assage and ado::,t ion thereof, b;i~)'u:1isLinc; not ice t.e:ceof' in the Doze~a~ Daily Chronicle, a daily ne~spaper, prilcteci and puL,lL:lled in said City . , at 1c[l;:)t five r (" ) dc1.~!s before IlCclJ.rine cn::; and [:::.11 .,:b j ect 10Jl[: to tile tL.,Lc1 passarc and \ L.' ado1)t ion of' sa id Hesclutioll; and ';'1}~ETl~:~Ji,S , tJ e 7Qtter of the said final passage und adoption of saiei 388- oll:.t ion, conin(' on rc{cu1,irly to be heard, -our S 1.'1.13.11 t to said liesolut ion :.;nd IJot ice, tl.;.is c2f-:it. da:/ 0 f ~\.U':Ui:: t, HJ31, at a regular session of said Gor;rni::;sion, and }1T'OOf' be in' ::lude 0:,' tc.e "nfl:1 ie" ',' Lun of suid ~iot ice as required by 1avr and F...~S ord, red by said =~esO-,ut lun; i'..lld , no objections having been made or filed ~o the final passege 2nd ado}ytion of ~-)Gid Ho~o01ut ion [J..nd ~hc 1evyiJ:IC~ of' the aSBcssment as theroin nrovided" .. , J.<IO'~.7 :l~..~,]BI{:2~:j'CI'~:~~~~, : IT Hi,;;::jOI,'itED Aj\m 1'J' I S l".~~=,::;r{.;,,:,~I) '~.. O.:::mnED I';'{ 71IJ,: C m,J,lI f):::'; I 0]' T- '. CT'I'Y or EO>',':; , ;31: J \. :.T,1 ~;.7~ 0 Ii! L'.';'" 0 j',rl1./~.IT /'.. : Thnt, said Commis~) ion Hesoltrtion No. ~2l7 be, [lJl<J the sane is 11ere by f ino.ll:'l passed and adopted and the ~.J'necial Assessment of taxes to defray the cost of' I sprinkl in(: the streets as ther'ein set fo ith, be, and the Bane are nereb. lovieu and assossed as therein provided. Fas~;ed and cldo ted by the Com:mission of' tIw City of' bozeman, ut a reGular session tlwreof, held on tIle 28th day of ~ucust, ...t',..I.... 1) . , 1931. Attest :_'7 / -~:_--- ~, ..._-,_.~ ___C;;;~:.~~~ "~ %_____.-"~. ~,_.a.,___ _ Clerl~ or/dIe CO,!1Tn,ission - - - -. - u_ ____ ._ 1 (~~) . ,l~ (!~ _ . :-: I, Carolyn Westlake, Cler}.;: of the ...;or'-ilniss ion 0 f tne City of Eo zeman, "ontaila, do hereby certify that the foregoing Heso2.ution ~Jo. 21?A 01' the City of I Eozenan, i.cont ann. , vms :pu"olished by title in the l;ozeman :;:)uily Chronicle, a duo ily newspnTIcr of general circulation, IH' int ed and pub 1. Lshed in the City of i..,ozeman i t~1e i~:f'ue of Se:rtcIl1ber 1, H'131, and that due proof' of said publicat on was made and tiled in my office. I:;:;,'ITI.TES::: ~:r;-J~RECl' I have hereunto set my hand and tile COl'})Orete seal of said City this 1st day of Septerrlcer,1931. /---;) ~ ~~ .b~-i ./ M/?f k(.~ .-.' - Clerk 0 .... he Conmlicsion I I -'-'