HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 217 Street Sprinkling Districts for Year 1931 :t-'78 ?"'..~ - 1"'J'O~t .....d\ . ('\1":""''''. ,.(lO.~.. -" \ .I' '., , ,.- . Ii ..'" CClllJlISSIOE RESOLUTIO:::J NO. 217 ! " . A EE:~OIJ'I'IOI; OF TIlE CmT;\;;ISSION OY THE CITY OF :ijOZEl.:..\N LEVYL:G .AND ASS"ESSING L SIECIAL ASSE~; l'n::lT~; Oli' TAXES Ul)Ol; ALL 'rlD~ E,OPER'J:Y I1T STHE1<:T ~)rlnNJa..nifC DISTBICTS 0]' THE CI'r'Y Oli' BO/,ELlA:, C (\ mJ'I'Y OF I Gl~LLATE; , c3TAT'E OJ? LIOlT]'AIJA, '1'0 DEFH.,:3 SEVI:l\!TY-FIVE FER CEl'IT OF TliIJ COST OF SPRINl:LING STREETS ';a.THIN SAID s'rHEET 23I'IUNIGJI;:TG DISTHIC'l'S all' TIn: crry OF BO?ELLAIT FO?, TEE YK,\;{ 1931. 1;'IHI:REAS , The City Counc il and the COm:r.J.is~3ion of the C it y of Bozeman have heretofore duly and regularly passed Cou,lCil and Commission Hesolutions creating street SDrinkling Districts witllin the City of Tozeman and defining the boundcn'ies thereof' and providing for the assessment of the cost of sprinkling the same as set forth in Resolutions hereinafter referred to; and rllfI~I~E.;\,;~:~ , the streets within the bounuaries 01' said street Sprinlding Districts have been sprinkled durinc the year 1931 as conte:uplated in said Hes- olutions, in accordance with terms and conditions thereof':; and \:''I~ .'.~ J!~ ~:i ;~~.i \. f~ ) the street Sprinkling Districts and the Resolutions creutinp the same, the total frontage of the property within ::,aid district to be assessed, the total cost of soid sprinkling within said districts and the proportion thereof chargeable to the property therein is hereinafter set forth. No\'!, therefore, pursuant to the provisions cf Sections 5272 to 52?'i, inclusive, Political Code, ~\.C.hi. 1921, as amended by Chapter 97, Laws oJ' :;,contana, I 1927, and Ordinance No. 295, and said Council and Commission rtesolutions creating said Street Sprinkling Districts. m~ IT RESOLVED AND IT IS I-IEREBY OHDERED BY THE COl,J;:rS~;ION OJ!' 'l'EE CT.L'Y 01i" B07.1iJ,~A: , STATE OF MONTAr.L : Sec. 1. 'I'hat for the year 1931 the City of bozeman has defrayed the cost of sJ)rinkling the streets in the severol street S'\rinkling Districts pursuant to Hesolutions creating tlLC same, and that seventy-five -per cent of the entire cost thereof' , exclusive of the cost of' sprinkling parks and public 1)lac8s, the total munber ot' lineD1' feet of pro}!erty to be assessed, and the rate per linear foot, is as follows, to-vri t : 0,)Y'ill1:1LV; l.]isti':Lct ~.ro. 1, c:ccated b~ Cm.wc il;:tesolut ion ".0. IJ;: (~4-;;' , Lain ,St reet fro: ',fnllC:'.cr::; )1.V8IlUC to Fourti.-l Avenue, 8. to tel :L"rontace o i.' 9363.4 feet, tLe SULl of :;,,1464.CU, ceine ?55L of the entire amDunt, or at an a:Dproxi1;late rate per fro nt foot of' ',( .15641':. f~!.:.l' 111 ::.1 i n{~ :'j i:3 t ri c t : Jo . 130, created .uy CouLcil i:icsol1rlioJj. No. '765, Liain st reet :Nest 1'1'0;'\ }'ourtll ;'ve~."c to EiChtil A,vol11.,F" a total front~ro 01' 2612.5 feet, the ::;UU 0=' ,( 58. '/.), l' e i -,.. 7 ",,' . 0 ,,-' + ", ., cnt ire :,:r:!ount, 0::' ct an a:;:Jln'o::inate rate :per I" .i.1L~. .../j ~-' _L 'J ~... '"", front foot of, .O~~24G9. """fJ';'l'.-..;, ])"""....,_'.,t 1,', 1'71 "t", b" C "- ~J ,:,-,-.J1""-'" :,' 7612; , South I . .1.1,.:, 1.<.:. .1<:>vl.LL: ~',o. Q, cre,,~ e,l ,\' O'.d~C~ _"'O."CI _,.,vlc)..l 1.0. F.ozeEiHllJ',venue :C'ror.l 1st alley SOt: to Locl: st reet , a total front8Ge of 2407.9 feet, the SlJIfl of :,;~~8.38, boine: 75(};~ of tIl0 cnt:Lru a:mount, or at an a")l;roxiliiate rate rer front foot of ~".Ol17862. S'(1rink1:ing District 1;0. 13 (~~ , created by Council Hesolution ~o. 767, South Blach: Avenue from 1st alley south to Olive Street, 8 total frontaGe of 887 feet, the SU~:'l of '7.39, bein{' '75>[, of tIle entire amount, ur at an approximate rate IJ0r front "ce'o'-Jt o"~ b 05"'.107 ~~" ~ ~Il. 0_~. - .-- ...---. -- - --- - -. ":'P" 1 ,..., ("\ J._ , fJ SnrinJdinf, District No. 133, created by Council Resulution IIo. ?68, South Tracy Avemu; :1"1'01:1 1st alley south to College street, IJ. total frontaGe of' 17::':<10.2 feet, tL.8 sum of :;,'83.25, beinn: 7~5';6 of the ent ire am.o'Unt, or at an apI)rOX- inate rate per front foot of ~.017622. 1 Sprinlcling District I<Jo. 134, c:;:"eated by Council Resolution IIo. 769, so. u~h i!i~lson Avenue froIrl Ist"al1CJT. sou~; to.91eveland St~eet, a total frontac:e of 593rr.o? feet, the swn of' ~!92.48, belI1::; 75)'a of the entIre amount, or at an anrroxi8ate rate per front foot of $.015566. Sprinkling District ITo. 135, c'eated by Council .Resolution lTo. 77,), South Grand Avenue fraIl 1st alley south to College Street, a total frontage of 4614.42 feet, the SUlTl of :';;66.75, being 751~ of the entire amount, or at an a p pro X ima t e 1'<::1 tel) e I' 1'1'011 t fa 0 t 0 f ~~~. 0144655 . Sprinkling District No. 136, created by Council Resolution No. 771, Third Avenue fro~:~ Llain Street to BabCOCl': street e.nd f'roLl Olive Street to Cleve- land Street, and ::;'cU1:>th Avenue from Babcock Street to Olive Street, a total frontage of 6160.45 feet, the sum of ~i)59.99, beinc 757S 01' the entj.re amount, or at an approximate rate pCI' front foot of ~~.009738. S',:rinkl ine; Dist ict No. 13 '/, c rea ted by Counc i1 Hesolut ion ITo. '/'12, i'Torth 'ifc.l1ace Avenue from l,~ain Sereet tu '1'al1lQrack Street and 'l'amDracl~ Street from \1alJ_ace Avenue to IiJ. P. Station, a total frontage 01' 6410.2 feet, tLe sUJn of' :058.8~1, 'being 75'jS of the entire amount, or at an apI)roximate rate per front foot of $.009179. ST:rinkling District iTo. 138, created by Couno i1 Hesolut ion Ijo. 773, North l'ro.cy Avenuo frOlIl 1st alley north to Short Street. No Assessment. Sprinklinr: Distriot No. 139, orea ted by Counc il Heso.J.ution No. 774, South Sixth Avenue from Olive Street to Story Street, a total frontage of 1793.7 feet, the sura of :;11.60, being 7~5'j~ of the entire amount, or at an BUDroximate rate Del' front foot of ~.006467. Spl'inklinc District lJo. 1<1:0, created b:'l Council Hesolution iTo. 7r1;3, .1 SOU..'th EiChth Avem)e from. 1'.'1ain.. street. t. 0 E~rrison Street, a tOGal front:o.ge of 5472.85 feet, the SUIa of ~;79.~j9, beinf' 75~j of the entire aI!1ount, or at an approx iUCit e rat G IJC r front foot c)f ~;; .014506. Sprinkl1>"1:'-:: District No. 141, created by Council Resolution No. 7'16, Story S'i~reet frOI,:, Tracy Avenue to Third Avenue. No Assessment. Sprinklin{; District Ifo. 142, created by Council Resolution i,o. 77'/, Story Street and :r~och Street between Sixth Avenue and Eighth Avenue. No As sessment . SprinkliIlf': Dist rict 1'[0. 1M), creat ed by Council Resolut ion No. 778, Cleveland Strec~t from Vallson AVel"~Ue to Seventh Ave nUG, a total frontage of 3196 f'ee;~, the SUJ11 of ~~28.81, beilW 755:; of the entire 8IJ10unt, or at an approximate rat e :(101' front foot of ~? .0090144. Sprinkling Dis;~rict No. 144, created b,'l Council Hesolution No. 77'0, Olive Street from Grand Avenue to Sixth Avenue, a total frontage of 2262 feet, the sum of ,,.),33.07, being r/57~ of the entire amount, or at an approximate rat e per front foot of $.0102. Sprinkling District No. 160, created by Council Liesolution .[;0. 856, Collece ~:Jtreet from Trac:'l Avenue to li'onrth Avenue:, No Assess,~:ent. Snrinkling District No. 161, created by Council Resolution No. 857, North Church Avenue from l,ie. in ..~treet to Peach St reet, a total f'rontage of 4038.6:) 'ffeet, the sum of ;";100.84, being 75>, of' the entire amount, or at an approximate l'ate per front foot of ~?02497. Sprinkling District No. 162, created by Council Resolution No. 858, Babcock Street fr:-)m Bozeman Avenue to Fifth Avenue) and :Fifth Avenue from Babcock S'reet to Ll1'in Street, a total frontage of 4686.5 feet, the sum of ;;139.38, I l?ei::1C '15;; of the enL. i.re amount, or at an apI)roximate pate p.... e1' front fO....ot of $.0297'",. Sprinldillg District No. 163, created by Co';nc il Hesolut ion No. 859, Curtiss Street from Third Avenue to Sixth Avenue, a total frontage of 1576.5 feet, the swn of ~?21.30~ being 75'jb of the entire amount, or at an approximate rate per front foot of ~.01353. SJ)rinlcling District No. 16,.., createCi by Council Hesolution 110. 860, Fifth Avenue from Olive Street to Koch Street, a total frontage 01' 1161.52 feet, the sum of :i~5.Gr7,. beine '75~~) c:1' the entire amount, or at an o.pproximate rat e per front foot of ~? .0048815. Sprinkling District No. 19?~, created by Counoil Hesolution No. 992, Olive S; reet fro~;1 Grand Avenue to Church Avenue, a total frontage of' 1795 feet, 1 ~r1 _ .,J~"} -. -..-. the sum of ;)l? 90, beine ?5j~ of the ent ire amount, or at an app~'oximate rate l)er front "', foot of ~.009972. S~rinkling District No. lS}3, created by Council Resolution No. ':...)<;;)3, Curtiss Street between Black and rn1ird, a total frontL~ge of 1727 feet, the sum of I ~~l+ .18, being rI5~~ of the ent ire 3I!lount, or at an approximate I'D. te ]Jer front foc>t of ~f .006474. S]Jrink1ing District No. 194, created by Council Hesolut ion I'fo. SJ94, Koch Street from i.i.'racy Avenue to Sixth Avenue, a total f'ronti:ge of 3282.8 feet, the sum of ~:12.71, being 75)10 of the entire amount, or at an afJproximate rate per front foot of ~.003872. Sl:rin;:linc District Ho. 195, created by Council 11.esolution ':',0. 995, College Street from ]j'ourth Avenue to "levcnth Avenue, a to~al frontage of 1759.77 feet, the Sllm 0 l' ;,?29 .36" being 75); of the cmt ire amount, or at an E1.J)proxinmte ra t e per fro n t foot 0 f ;1:'. 016684 · Sprink1in{;; District No. 196, created by Council ;:{eso1ution lb. 996, Sixth Avenue from ~..>tOI'Y S reet to Clevela.nc1 street, a total frontage of 1886. 2 feet, the sum of ~;:;20~96, bein{-'; ?5)~ of the entire amount, Dr at an a}Jproximate rate per front foot ~Jf' ;) .0111123. so: rinldLlC District ~:o. 197, created ry Council Resolution No. 997, Seventh Avsnue froTI story Street to Cleveland Street, a total frontage of 18G8.? feet, the sum of ;;;??2, beinr; ?5';:~ of the entire amount, or a~ an 8.1iproxiras,te rate per front foot of ~I} .0052015. S"rinklinr: Distric '; }"o. 198, created hy Council Resolution ~o. 993, Lindley 1'lace, and on Koch fI'om Lindley to :3ozeman (}Javed portion), a total frontage 01' 1496.3 feet, the SlTIJl 01' ;;:',16.63, being 75)0 of the entire::: aElount, or at an a:l:.:prox- irLate rate '[Jer :t'ront foot of ;:~ .011114. SprinldillC District No. 199, erea ted by Counc il I{eso1 ut ion ~;o. 999, ButtOll"."iood Aven-,:.e from I,lain ::.Jtreet to the Cemetery, a to"al frontLlge of 1940.2 feet, the sur;,~ of <;r: 7 . 69, be inc: 75/) of t;le ent ire amount, or ut an aT::,roximate rate per front foot of ~.003964. I Sprinklin{; _,istrict :To. 204, create" by Council l~:esoltltion Ho. 1000, Eain Street f'rora \la11ace Avenue to ;~:llttonwooci l':.venue, a totcl frontaGe of H_1Ci3 feet, the sum 0 f ;:~ 6 6 . 26 , being 75~o of tIle entire amount, or at an &})JJroximate rute per front foot of ;~.039138. Snrinlding District No. 216, created by Council .l~esolution No. 110i3, Mendenhall Street frOTIl Seventh Avenue to \Val1ace Avenue (pavec1 ;port ion) , a total frontage of 2;~96 feet, the sum of .",16.80, beinc '75',..; of the entire amOUJlt, 0:;:- ~:j,t an Bpprox imate ra to !)(':r front foot of ~.007317. Sprinlding District :To. ~a 7, createc1 by Council Resolution ::0. 11UCj, Lan11ne Street frOJTt Seventh Avenue to Wallace Avenue (}H1veu ;port ion), a to~al frontage of' 4081 feet, the Si.::Ill of .,~22.55, being 75'/; of the e:lt lrG amount, or at an approx- ima t e rate T\er :::'ront foot of 4;.0055256. 3n I~inl( 1.L '",:';f~ _D 5_ ;3 t ~:... 'L et ~;.\~":).. 218, erea~ed by Council 3esoluuion No. 1110, Xorth Seventh Avenue from Main Street to Leall street, a total frontage o~ 1140 feet, the Sllin of ~31.36, beine~ 75;;6 of the entire amoul):t, or at [&11 a})proximat e rate per front foot of .,;.02751. SJ,;rinL'_ill_~~ Distriet:To. 219, created by Council ~~esolution No. 1111, :;Iorth .L'if'th Averl'...~e between Eain Street:c~nd ;_;eal1 ::.Jtreet, (Paved portion), a total frontage of 11;:-~0 feet, the sum of $'7.35, being 'l5y;_d the entire araount, or at an ar:-'I'oxL'-8te rate per front foot of' ~?OO65625. ~..:T:::r'il1}:linr: District :;0. 2 (~O , createc1 b:'l Council i'-iesolution ,;0. lll:~, Lorth Third Avenue from Lain Street to leach street, No Asses::-;;.lent. Sprinkling District No. 2;)2, created by the City COFllis,sion Besolution No. 6, South Black Avenue from Olive Street to Colleee Street, Cl to "e,l frontGce of I 2(258.22 feet, the sum of ~;;17.3~5, being 75t/{J of tb~; entire amoUJ'lt, ,)r at an r:ll)}n'ox- iII1':'\.t e 1'0. t e pe l' front f::ot 01';,.0076'742. Sprinlclinc' District No. 23~3 , created by Ci.~J CO.::1l!lissL111 [-{eso1ution ];0. 7, South Third Aveme from Cleveland street to Lincoln stj:'eet, a total frontuge 01' 1200 feet, the SUln of ;i>:L6.42, being rnj5~ of the entire 8111ount, or cd; an aJ)J)l'oximate rate Del' front foot of $.;.U13683. S~rinkliTIG District Ko. 23,::1 , created by City Corn.nis~ ion Resol\_:ction 1;0. 8, West Dabcock Street 1'ror;~ J."ift:.l Avenue to Iaeven-th Avenue. ho assessment. S~)rinkling District No. ;~~3 5, created b:'l Ci"ty COTill.lission 3.esoh,ticn 1,[0. g, Dicl\.erson SL reet 1'rOIE rrracyAvenue to Lleventh )"venUIJ. No Assessment. Sprinkling District No. ~~3 6, created by City C01rffilis :;; ion Hesolut ion No. 10, -.-- -.. -- .--- _._u. -- 181 . --..... --- ..--- Alderson Street from Willson Avenue to Eleventh Avenue, a total fronti.'J.ge of tJtI..,O feet, the ~:wn of ~;.8.12, beinc 75~.) of the entire amouLt, 0: at an approximate rate pe r fro llt foot of 'Ir .01505. I SprintlinG District No. 237, created by City Commission HesolutLm no. 11, Harrison street frorn Tracy Avenue to Eighth Avenue, a total frontcge of 554 feet, the sum of ~,'2 .48, being 75," )1' the ont ire amount, or at an approximat e rrlte per front foot of ~.O044765. Spri:1klL.r.; District No. 238, created by City Commission Resolution No. 1') t:;" South Cht<.rch Avenue from :r,Iain Street to Story Street, a total frontage of 3457 feet, the ,-?,um of ~;17 .45, beinG 75,;:" of the ent ire amount, or at an approxime..te rate per front foot of ~.O050477. Srrinlding District Ho. 256, created by City Commission Resolutiorl iJo. f)9, Sixth Ave.ue, Cleveland to Garfield Street, a totel frontage of 1362 feet, the SUla of ;,;8.81, being 75~j of the entire runou:rit, or at an almroximatc rata per front f'oot of :;;:.00647. Sec. Q That, to defray seventy-five (75~ per c i;nt of the cost of (,j. sprinkling the streets within said street sprinkl.ing districts for the year 1931 there be, and thete is hereby levied and asses~;ed a tax upon all the property in front of and bordering on said street sprinkling districts as set forth in schedules one (1) to thirty-six (36) inclusive, llereto attached and made a part hereof; that a I1art icular d escript ion of' each lot and 1J(1rcel of land with the name of the owner and the sum assessed against him or it, 'is set forth in assess- ment lists Lereto atto.ched, marked, "Schedules One to Thirty-s ix ", and r:mde a I part hereof; that the several sums set opposite tr~e names of' the owners, and the ..,. deE>cribed lots and parcels of land, be, and the same are hereby levie6 and ascoess- ed upon and against said lots and parcels of land; that the several SUlns be collected from the respective owners of said lets and parcels of land described in the said assessment lists, Schedules one to thirty- sj.x inclus i ve, as required b> J,'.'; that said SUlas shall be paid and the collection thereof slmll be made in tIle r:.anner a!lG in accordance with the law governing the collection of special improvement taxes; the. t fuilure to pay SUCl .:..ssessments when same shall become due anc.i nayable s1ml1 m',ke ::3Uch person and such lots and parcels of' land liable to the :oenolt ies prov ided by the lavi relat i ve to delinc:uent taxe.s. Sec. 3. That the regular session of the Commission c1' the City of Bozeman to be helc:i on the 28tL day of' Augus t, A. D., 1901, at the Commission C,harnber, City lIall BuildinC, bo, und the same is hereby designated as the time and place at which objections to the final adoption of this Resolution will be heard by the vonmission. ::5eo. 4. 'I'hat tlle Clerk of' the Commission, be, and she is herGby ordered and directed to publish in the Bozeman D8.ily Chronicle, a daily newspaper, printed I and published in the said City of Bozeman, a notice signed by the Clerk of the Commission, and stat int; that a }'esolution levying a spec ial assesslilent of taxes to defray seventy-five ( 75) per cent of the cost of' sprinkling street s in~he said Street Sprinklin(': Districts for the year 1931, is on filo in the office of the Clerk of the Commission, subject to inspection for a perioLi of five days; tnat said notice sh&_,l ,3tate the time snd nlace at which objections will Lie heard by tile Cormnis:::ion to the final adoption of this Hesolution; that it 811al1 be published at leas t five day,-, before tile date set by the Commis sian i'or hear inc; of 0 b.i ect ions, u_ _m..,. 1-" 6) t}~ -.---- -. -....-- ---...- and the final adoption of this Resolution. Passed by tice COIi::1TLssion of the it;,! of Lozeman at a regulc-'.r sess ion t~:.er80f held on the 21st clay of ~~u:',jst, .-'-_. D., 1931. I zr!l.~ ---.-- fray-o-r ~.- - _._--- Attes'~; ~; ~...-.-~.-. ./ >'70;;z:Z:/..~~1.,<.._~_ n8 Commission N 0 T I C E IfE..\.HIiJG , Ii'I~:AL ADOP'rlmJ CO~.l'JiISSIOTI ,:E,sO...JJI'ION NO. :~~l ? , LE\rYING\sSj-~C)::;r,:I:=n.' O1i' ~mVEh'TY-}i'I\rE l~:E 11 C I:'.r.:; , CO[~11 Sl!I-\Irn';~J..JIT..JG S".CI1E..c)'r~~, ST HK.'71' SrRnJl'=L,DTG!)IST:~L:'rS FOi"{ TlIEYKAH 1931. NOTI CIS n; _"Em~BY ':PTEJJ, rrha t at a regular sess ion of' the Cornrrn s s ion of' the City of Bozeman held on the 21st day of Au~ust, 1931, Commission l{e :'301ut ion :No. 217 was duly ]Jassed and adopted; that sail1 Cormaission Itesolution 217 levies and assesses n Sl'i8Ci'-1 assessment of taxes upon all the VCOI)ert:,/ in ~)trect Sprinkling Districts of said City to defray 75 per cent of t:ce cost oC srrinlcl.inC streets ',)i thin ::-mici street S_:)l'in~:ling DistI'icts i'or the year l~nl. I 'l'hat t:lle ~)trect ulJrinklinc; Jistricts, unci the Hesolution~'3 crc[l0inr: the saIne, and ti:!.0 . ',~,ount of' tho as[Jossm()nt s are as follows: ~)treGt ~'jprLl]:linc Heso 1ut ion AlIi.Oun t 0 f BistriGt ]Jo. No. .i~ssessmGnt 1 424.1 ~p lL.1:64. 60 130 765 58.70 131 766 28.38 132 767 47.39 133 763 83.25 134 769 9 2 . '1 2 135 '7 '70 66.75 136 771 59.99 137 '7 " ~~ 58.84 ~ 139 774 11.60 140 775 '70.39 143 7'18 2d.81 144 779 <) '.' 7 (...J'-) . 161 857 100.84 16~~ 858 139.38 163 859 21.33 164: 860 5.67 192 992 17,"90 193 993 11.18 194 994 1~;. 71 , 195 995 29 .36 196 996 20.06 I 197 997 9.'72 198 998 16..60 199 999 7.69 204 1000 6b. ;26 ~216 1108 16.80 217 1109 ;~~:~ . 55 218 1110 31.36 ,?19 1111 7.35 232 6 1 'i .3;) (~33 '7 16.42 236 10 8.12 ?-23 ? 11 2.":::8 ~~38 12 17.45 2~)6 69 ~~.Bl-.... -........... / / 1 C) ".1' . .~~) ~~lln't, said Commission. Besolution No. 21'7 is nor: on file in tho ofl'ice of the Slerk;f' the Cor;l~i,ission of said City of Bozemc.n ~mbject to ins!)ection for a I ,. eriod of 1'1 ve (5) days, by any pe rson interested; that J.'rtdc;y, tl:e 26th day 0 l' Aur'ust, 1001, at 4 0 'clock E; .,.. of saia day at a regular session of tHO Co:mmission of' the City of l.:oZeI18.ll, COl.:lIJ.ission Cl1aill1)er, City Ha11l:uildinr', ~las been desi,:::nated as the time ami i:1aco ,,'.'hell o.nd where said ,:;o~,.rilis;3iun \'fill hear and :nass upon any and all object ionG that may be madc. to the final pD.ssagc and adoption of' said Conmission ,~;;esolution lio. 217, and the levying of saicl assessment; and t.i.:uxt, said Resolution will be finally passed and adopted at said reBular ses: ion of said COl:'.missio}l, SUr) ject to ~mch Correc ions and ammL.r.1ent s 0.::.; r:my be mad, upon 00 ject- jons mc~de and l.'ile within the five days limit as provided b:i law. All persons interosted are referred to the several Council and COIiI1issio:J. Heso ,'ut ions creat ine the afarosa ic1 ..i,pec i<11 Irnpl'o venent vistl'ie t s, defining tho boundaries t;wreo:C end }JrovidinG for the assessment of the cost of said ~)treet S])rinklin{~ for further ~'articulars, all of saiClLtesolutions beine on fi1G iE tlH;, of1'ico l' the Clerk or the C011il'Jission of tl:~e City 0:;' 13ozeman, at tLe C it;/ :311 o~: said City, Dnd sub j oct to tLe inspect ion o:t' a 1 })erson:: interc sted. Dated t:iis 22nd day of AUGust, 1931. .1 t ~ ~ / ... -';7 __U . ~~ j~__ , f the vOl,mission I, Carolyn'103tl['1:e, Clar}:: of tl~e C01mn:Lssion of t':.le '-,ity ;)f' DozomaIi, Notice in re i.:Dni[c.:l,', Cio her b:"/ certify that the/ror(,c:oin(" Hesolution 110. 217 of tliO City of Bozeman, T,,,o.ntana, vru;:, publ isLed at length in the ~ozeman .JGi ly Chronicle, a da i1y nowsp2~or of ceneral cir~u1ation, printed and publishet in the City of =ozernan in tile is.,ue of' AU{:t;~:t 2~;, 1931, and thut duo proof' of s;~tid publicat ion was made and filed in my office. I" ,/I'.L'I:;:':S:~; ,r::rm:EO}' I have hereunto ~c;et my lland and L~(; C():~'l)Or&te :::;eul of sa ic1 c.: ity tLL i ~c; ;;::,1'1(.! (1:::,,'/ of l\,1..;CU.st, 1 S31. I ~ ---...