HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 222 Block 107 - -- ..- 2~. . f~ ,~"J ,I ,. , ....- ----- . ..'~.......~ ..-.--- ~.. ,~, . ~ C Oi' J,'/.:r ~3 _ ~~~,~ >: i{E:jOI ,. .~:' I ~_>i ': ,~< O. 2~~ 2 a ." ./ .'1. ~..J[:;CI; T~r'~..I'.~ C I -Ti,n '.:~ ::"~()~,=.':" ;,',_):" T.C:],! OJ.? rr:..:I: i';I'i~-~~ 0'>1 =::O,:.'~.';:1r,,:" '~r8C_;' l'~__ I,,{ '0"'_ -~.I.. II.,?II~~'/l'IC'~,'; OiF T" ~:: ,-,,- '. '" "'TCA'-':.,: 'l'l;E;\L.T.' ,-,' :L1: 11,OCI. "107" ".:'O',{'~_:::':_C :/"CTi":LC::,1)"T'i'JC 'l'() I "1 c--;-',.," '~'.": ',1" .:.- ~ ~~i:<,/~3: ) "' j' 0"1'1 ~ -- T"",'(F:~-' ~_. y _7"' ~','I -r' ("""1"\'~ ~\ T u_ -L :,- .-CI /. ,". _,",..,r. ',' ": .~ ~__'I _', 1 C '._ ' (1, c ~_L."~.L,L__:.,"':') O.lu _~t"j ,~. V'.\"\.,:, Oil (-,"Ie .;:tll da,/ OJ. ,.)e, te,,,bl_I, l~',..Jl, ~,'ilecl '.'1 i~:_ tL8~()r:rr,lis :Ji-n of the '; it u 01' bo~er:l,ul c:. 11et it i'-in reCUG st in:' to; t the .1 . ...... '__. .. alle:i i;l }-'L)c:~ I1JO';", TfoJ."tj-el'n i~;ci:Cic "\.dC:litiul1~0 the Cit7..' ~'Eo:er:Lar.., be vacated tor tllC -l;',;C 8.nc1 beneJ:':Lt ot' the s:::icJ l-:~..~.r=;11 St~:llirL:;s C\riel =;.~c;eno C~rc:.1", ::.!.r~u :.ctl;Llg f'O"I"t-:'., n>non:~' O,t;her iCI"l"'r--";'e' "";'l'ol-i- ('al'd locl~ '!lU"I"7/" 1',::- O '---1"1 "'u"; ").,,; 118'1'-: C;", 1"01101'1'(': ~~, Loll J,:.;,,:; ...;..1,. 1...1..... l~ )~), v........c. 'J CJ 4- !...j., \.... (_~l':'\A ~.' /...,..t...J .. W ... . Jinc:h Sta11in{-,;s, Lots 'I1",enty-Bigllt (28) tu Thi:l't:.-tv,'o (3~2); EUGene Grof, Lots One (1) to Twenty-seven (27); and . j (.." rner' C r-' . . f. tl-. r.'tv 'f'r.."""",-- .',". C.t'- I\-"--'..;(..-~ ..,-" t.., C-.t (J I 1..1..: 0 ~,llSS101, 0 ",0,,1 ,I 0 ~)LJL",e"Ic:,.I, l.dLe 1 ,j ,."cd."t,CJ. dl,Q .10 .L Y r::H3ihe,~)'" .:V,e; investi.'ated and eX8l;lincu into the,.'lcrits o:f.' the ~ctiti8ji, (md J'I'om SI'.J.lQ ir::,'cst:Lr::~,i:;io:c ,:nd 8xarninntion the:r find: (,,) rp>.._",. ',.'l1/.-one ~', 1.... -I-"'e 0":-'0'-" 0.., 1"t.". 1 tr) ')r .;....lo..c\- HIC'\I/'"II w. '..I.\.~,.,." .J...J --'- \_;,1 .... I..,. u.....~ \. iL J... ...... ,j t.;.) \., C.J I, ...:..." l~ , -:o~L't:~r;rr: I:(c:Lf:ic I,I-dditiol1 to tLe City o~' Lr)Zel~lltn: ('l') ,-:," co"'- 11 C)'t'''lil'ni'''' l'c' 'tl"'I'e n1"I"1"'"-' Olc, Lo.t'" '.JP 't- 'i..') Dlocl" 1110711 } J,,'.._c.1l.J . ".'. i... (.( __ ~i'!t.,) 1...1 '.....i. \.......1 U (-,,0 ,-_, v?.J, ...l- \.. _ , / ,'"o'~t ,("'("". C"l'i'l'C ,'-'1, -"L""l'O':" to '~"'CO (;l'tv Of' Fo"'e,,"'li ;':. -. ..l. " ,J ,'"' - oJ. ,,_, '1. u. _ l; ~ __ I.J 1. ~ ~ .J . t ~ ,OJ ~_) J , . _ _ , I (c\ 'i'-.'-,t "'1 01' '''''18 LC)"'" 1'" """'l'a' B1C)CI: 'o"'~8' O'T-Iea" "'S U"Pores"':id. I ....L. ... ~.I".''" u,......... -.- V.i. . V ~ 11 10....)(:... ~ j _ U.l..,.,i \ i l~ {.,...., .J... <...:...., (d) ":'Jet nll o~' j:1oc}: "107" is vacant and unw;ed; (e) >>t t;,8 Cornuisfol n i:;., c,dvlsed b:,/ Euc:en Graf tl1(~t it is his de:;.,ire mid :intc:ution 'Go construut D fll)ur LLill end ~ni11ing I)lcnt on the prerliscG o\vIled by lii:,: in said Elod;: "10r/"; end (0) Said c111(';:/ in said Block "107", northern Pacif'ic ..:\..dc.:ition, c("n oe vacated w itllout (let rirK~llt \;0 cmyone O';ming prolJ8rt Y in t he v icinit., or ab but ine l~-JOn an:" of':.;t:.c f,,[:;l'ects 01' alleys in tl18 in:mediate vicini t;y, and tIlo sune can be vacgtec1 1;'ii tiLOut inconvenience or d isadvDntage to traffJ.C in the City of" BozeEi:n, uno tIle s,'] j,d vacation will be to the adv8.ntc'Jge ai' the said HUCfc St(illi1l(~s and Eugene Gral'; and (4) ,~~aid Elook "107" i:: ad[~';-)teu to c.nd valw"ble :L'or J.ndustrial :mrpose::3, i':O:L~e ,30 L.L~m for residentl,al Imrpo"cs; ~~O\";, ~C: ~',;.~11E~?C)Ir-:~~ -":E I'll r-{l~~~~C~I;.'TJ~JJ }~y ~L'I.~:E CO~,\.:,-L;..:~'~E3r>I~,".'.' ~ (1.:1 ~11I~I: CI~~Y ()li' T~O,,_:,~E:l.,,'i./~,. : I. That :Lt ic: tJ,e intention of the City of Bozemu-,,, to vacate tllO al1e;V' in I Elock "1 ';", :;0 rthe rn Peo if 10 Adu it ia IlI:~ the City 0 f' Pozer~n; . " .. Thall 11'rlGu:, 'tile; "Jth day of Octooer, 1901, :;:t four 0 'C10CL l.. ",., 1n -l:!~e \ CO;-,lT:L'_ssi~Jil C}vl"l~er in t118 i,.:ity :::aL, ::ozemaD, L;ontc.nu, be, .un tLc S::.l"e It: f18rcby, cles i{,:nc~ t Gel as the t iDLO and ploce for hc,--Tinc ob j ec t iO:i:.o to the vaoat ion of s': :Ld alLe:1 :in sc.id Blocl; "107", ITorthern Pacific Adc:titio?l, and tte pL':.Sbe(~e of [~n Ordinol'lce by the Conr;'Licc:ion of the City 0:L' bozeH,an vacating the same; -.------ ~~ -"..- ..- 2f)f" -' ~ ----.--. III. T,,~c<t ~c>e City T,:'anager ca'C.se =~otice of thi;:~ Hesulut ion to b:: served in tIle t.r .. S a;'je '::lune:' tl:c;t service of' su.:;:m"ons 1:::; rec'C.ired to be :.::'ue in c i'lil ec'l:;~" ne upon I all nOI'sons .,'r. , se :DI'ODl;:cty c,ln:ts OIl an,! ]Lrtiolls of the strc ts hlld a11e/s affected by t1,e u :'--'0;;0 c,~ cd vc, C~: t io ,(j, a "Hi to ' " l' '[ -- in tile Eozeuo.Jl l},: ily Chronicle on u e -:~\1). U l D_ "leG Tuesday, tleo 15t~1 da:/ of' Seuternber, 1 ~\jl ; II" I . 'nlD. t the Dcrsonc affected by tIli::; vac8i;ion and upon rrhNL lJotice is to be E;erved, 8.S hcrein providc:~, are: (l) Hugh [)t all in(; s, ( 2 ) EU{;enc Graf; v. rl'll::'~. t -'..: :c; e cn ~,~;t B inst,',nt to t~e vacation of suid 0.11ey in l~loek "107ft sl1011 1J e corn.e end dcfrc,;/cd b-' Ew;ene Grai' ; VI. I'lwt tilCSC 'Drace: :~in;'~: : rC.jad rUTSUo.nt .,0 ti,e rroviGio~Js or IJC:,1'agrat\ six, ,3ect ion 505(J, Soc~~ion 530t>, as amo:nc1 ec.i b;/ C bC:l!) ';~ e r 1~), l,ews of L,ol1tD.na, 19 ~:'Z, and Seotion 5404, ~o1it ioaJ, ':iod e, it. ~ . T." . 19;21. " I :'.t~.:.~~~ ,--;}'; ,,~.I _.~i~ 'L ADD '1:':;;;1) b;r the Cor.ff:lissi :;:1 of' 'l~jlC:: eit:" of Tco::,er}ul1 :it 8. 'rer_~"LllaI. sesGi ,:,"1 L,er'co::' held on the 11th da:'/ ot' i3epteIilbe:;:', In'" 1 I "J<J..L,. ~ --~1c~'I-_____d- ,,",' Jar .L~~~ CO.i,:,,~is[3 ion I, '.~c,rolYll ',;0[2';;1: ::0; Clerk of '~;:.e Corrr:Licosion UJ - ~~ C C it >.r 0_1- 1)oZO,..3.11, J....;. (}11-C 8. _a~:~_ , do ,:ere')::;> cc:rti~:'> L:::lt ti:e :.Core,"::' Lt"; Lot ico L~ 3e ;c; rF) ll:t ion ",0. c~2~~ ;~):C t :te C i t y 0 t' 7:: 0 :', e an" -:,.0 ~~_t G. J_'~(l, V1US ublished c.t lCfl~tlj. in tLe EOZOlitc:.ll Deil;'! Chronicle, a dc: :1..,l"~'r ~Ile''':~..~-'. ~3.J~.c~~""I oj_.' (~ellcr(~:1..1 o 11'01..i1<:'1 t iOil, '" d -.....l~I.,:~L iGi.lCc... Cit;. 01' p::.~ IlL; CCl calC In 'C i.IC :Fozer:v". , in tno ~,S;;l~(; o~' So'tolllber 1~5, lC'''"} aHd t ;~Clt due proof of said pULlication ..,) ~ , y:as";adc ' rHl "5-"~..;_lcd i ~',i Lj;,r 0 :t' :1:' .L c c . I:' ',[I':,'::T'~S::-~ 'n j~::r:o:'~ I t::.ave L,oreunt 0 sot rw i:l'~ ne, and tllG cO='i;ol~;te seal of said Cit;l "~J.:.is 18tll d;..~.y ofl ~:e.-r-;tornl)er~, 1931. /07 ~ I < .0'<'" ("' ~~~ __Z_ 0101':; ()~/ the Corr,ilTiissiol1 " ---- .- -. -.-.-.- ~ ,--- .......-