HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 218A Passing of Resolution No. 218 ,- 191 ..,d "!If'!4L a '\"" -' '~ ,,(i,~ . 9~J(\ C ~~." ".. _...r..~..p...."" r."- .....M>JJP i :'il.i ~. ~;(f,J".=ISG:C'T\J :Tl~:'"OLl.;'~1I'c}~'r ~')o. ;'~:',18,A. ..",.. i' :.--+:':.'.... .:~\- Iil;,~.~,CI .~.;..~.~~~j~~-C~t~l -~..'!.' J C~Cl.,~_"J.~~)~~~J()"~"'.T (i.lJ;' ~:[1rrl~ CI'TY O:F' F\(.r~l.J,'~.Li\.::r JI~IJJ..i~__I.JLY }'ASSIITG .A}\JU .,~~~l)C l=-r.~-' -=~ ~c; C DT-.,J'.J I :;'0 IC:~'.J i{I:;[3 OIJ 1/1" I CJ,: tJC. 2It3 E~':T rl"J.,ED : I ")\. 7\E;:)OLVl.'TC,J OI'j,'lIE CO~\1\LI::;;":I01~ (.F 'rilE CITY OJ:' LU,:'~';;',dL~ Lj~'{/D:G ,:...l:D /tSSE~-3S T:.':' .'; i~ ~)i"'}~CI)l.L A3S1~~~,~':")1."i}~"ir OJT rl'j\X}~[~3 lJPO?.J ';..IJIJ '.iT~L~ l;l-{O:i<:~Rll~r IJ...r ~;r:::'::CI.:'-..L IL:.:F:.;Cj"in:;::;'":..' DIST:UCTS O:;i' ':'~~l'~ CI'l'Y OF l;OZ:~",: , comn'y UF G.1::"LL'.T I:' , ~-)'C,i\.I='.I~ O',~,:<'" }\'IO~,,~lr.A.r~-.I"\' Ii'Oi~ 1'T~I~ L:~..t\.Il\,!TEI-Ll\l[CE C::Di 1='"d.~-n';~I:'TG. ~ Ire D: ,Yi\.,\,'_: C()[~.)T OJ' :;'v~AIl!T), L~IlTG rl'jJ~ E:iRl:L:GS './'ITEnr ~3AI]) 0:FECIA.I ET'=--\O'l~'.:r ,"''1' DISTRICT'S CF TE;; CI'I'c,~ OF IO:~Z,:.A5; JTUH T:~J:: '..2:.:A..i.l 1931 ". '~':l~]~R?:J~c-~ , the Cor!n:lif; s ion f t1.1 e C it Y 0 i' B (I Z Blll8. n d L, on the ,",:lst da;,r \:.)]' August, 1 SLjl, at a re!ular session thereof duly pass Corrmissio~ Resolution ~G. 2H3 ent i tled: "A RSSOV:,;rIC~:: OF ',;i'" E COl,;LiIS8ICH OI' T;;E CITY OJ}' bOt."T~: :.s.: LEvj'nrG J\, ,:]) ./\.SC3.l~~~L3I~ .:c~ ~.~ SI<L~Cl~\.I"1 J\"SS~S~-ji..:~E~>tr 01:' TAXES lJ1;C:: ~'~LL '~,:. ,;: I<HG.lEHl'\' L;' ;;:':JE',:~I,LL E}':\OV,U:;r"K ''1' DTS~rHICTS OF rl'LE CI'I'j' OF EO,,~:0.;:.l,A,:, C I,) [1' JT' 's" () Ii' GAIJ .:,'i' I': , ~':~C.A.TI-!~ (\};"' ,;",:j,U.l'r~'~~'L='~..l:i., I';OR trT,~~ L'u~~I}.'~'I~'~! 1..,j',J.i\:',:CE all'" 1~~~'~\-.~~~',.,.I:\TC~8 iI'C Dh- ~"'HA.':C 'l'~, :J:; COST OF L..h.L:1'AE:nJG :j,'}]~ PAHI\:L~GS VlI'l'Lli'J Si...ID :.:)I'i.CCIAIJ IT'iT I\':] "TEl.i:;;::'I'j IST:~{;, ,~'l';; 01" T ;~:s C n:'-~' }<' PO;:',:"'}";..:,}: Fon 'Tl::~ '~:J:';j\..;\ 1931", and . .tT~l;::':~~\S ~ f3 c. t(1 Conmlission Hesolution :;'0. 218 WGS duly signed by the r-.:El>OI' [1.nd tLe CIerI:: of' the Cornmiss iOll, and wus filed in the office ot. the Clerk ,:';i' the Cor:.rmission on tl1e 21st dD y of Augns t, 1931, and ever ~"inc e he s been 0:1 fill) in tl~e said orf':i.ce Sl;,;).1 eo t to and ,for the inspect:Lon of c~ll perso:!~s inter-- ester1 ; [~ r~ c1 I 'irEREt~s , the :28th day of Augu:,::; t, 1931, ,)t t~ 0 'clocl,- r. L., at D- reculaI' session of the COL1mission to ce held at the Conmiission Ch"'hlber, City E~<11 Build Ll" in the said City, was desicnated as the t11:<e and rlacc for 11ear- - ing objections to th3 fi~al passage and a00ption of said i~esolution; and .~:n..LER}~\.S ; tho Clerk of the;; Commission has given notice of the fj,linc of said Resolution and the :f:'L~,:)l :~ms, age and adoption thereof, by rublishinc a rt()tice t:1ereof in the j~ozoLLan Dail:>' Chronicle, a dt lly newspaper, 'Print ed aad "mb -; isl1ed in st:id Cit:l, at least five ( :) ) days before hear 1n(": any and all objections to tl.8 :f:'inal passc:v'e and w:101)tiol1 of' said HesolutioIl; and ;,'-/ ,~,~n:;:;~ ~\.s , tlJ e n~a t t e r 0 f the final passage and adoption of suid Hes- olution, corninr" on regulcirly to be heard, pursuant to said ~esolution and Not ice, this 28th da; of August, H)~)l , at 0. regular session of said Cornmiss ion, and ~lruo1' beine made of the pub1ico.tion of saie. Notice 8.~; required by mw and as ordered by s.'Jid ~1ef:wlut ion; And, no otjectiom; Iwving been mGde or filea to the final passage and ado~tion of said Resolution and the levyinE of the assessment as therein I ]:H'OV irlec1 ; ::T" frJ..:i'.1~~::1EI;'\)11'l!.: ~ BE IT REt30VTED .I"Um leI' IS JiEREFY OHDERED BY 'l'EE , Cm,ilHSSIOlT Cy ';:}';I~ CITY OF 30:-jEI.:.Al.J, STAT=~ 01i' 1,:01'7'1'/>.::'::"': 'That, said Cormnissi:m Hesolution No. 218 be, and the same is hereby finally ~assed and adopted and the Special Assessment of taxes to defray the cost of rvlaintenance of }')arkings as thel'ein set forth, be, and the saEe are hereb:,- levied and ussessed as therein provided. ............:..._. - 1 (,') 1"__ 4-J . ---- Passed and adonted .v t~ne CmrcrnissioIl of the Cit>r of bozeman Lot r~ regulc,r sess ~Lon thereof, held all the (.~8th day of )~U(':':ust, .I'1.. 1)., HJ31. -~---- I At t e s t...;.__) ~~~ Cle r.::;:. 0/ -l1e Cornmiss ion I, Carolyn ~estlake, CleI'};: of the Coumission of the Cit;.' of bozeman, l,';on tann., do 11sreby cert Ley tl...e t the for-ego in€'; 11.e801 ut ion ITa. ~n8 oj" the City 0:1' Bozenon, 1~ntane, TIas published by ti~le in the DOZelI1'3.n Daily Chronc ie:~, a do. 11;/ newspoper of general 0 irculat iont })rinted and rmblished in the City of Bozeman in t ne issue ot' Se}t~-""lber 1, 19311 and that due proof of said ~ublication wes rnac1ermd filed in my offioe. . :r:': ','I'['.':"::;:3;~ '/rJi;i~~':OJ_;' lr.,ave hereunto set my hand and tLe corporrlte seal . l' '""il] n.t" t'hi'" let d',"; f' <C.' -"tr1l ~ 1931. 0.. -"',. . v1 .i"-";' ~J "-.' 0_ >.)eJ) e~.".-)eI, p? ) I ~u!o~ .......n.' ._ " :;.::..~ lerk tY:e 'ommission . 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