HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 221 Creates SID No. 285
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COh':l..'.LISSIUIT Ol;~ !rriI~ CI':r"', 01~ J..'()>:~Bl'~,':J~.L'~-:
T>3. t it
is llereb;,T declared ,0 be the intenticn e:1'
t.':e COIill:1issicn of tJJe
C'L"~y of ?();~enun, St:J, t e 0 fL,ont;ana,
to create a Special Ir:r~ rCI8l;~' nt District to be
known and desiccated as
"S)ec ial Improvement Dist:f'ict Eo. ;>;,5" ,
of' said Cit,. for
,I ,
t~i.emrL:o;:;8 of COLst rue t iue; a sani tar;, sewe r on East '0icke1'::0011 st r8et,
East of}
'-'Ol''"'" '" 1" ~".' Averuc
uithin said Speoial Improvement Dh,trict 1,8:coiIl descrited;
U Ll.,.rlJ. _I....- aL.",,.' .,L',
1',J" F1 t '~Jle
bou~daries of said Secial Irq)l'ove:aent Dj,striet
r.:o. 28;5 to be
cren.t-ed ore D,S follows:
~ll ~!~-;",i"~.!'" -.", ~''}o'''''''.(-',~
........-r. +>....:. rf-;t...:," f" jj n ~?o::,;,- A.i.Ollt[~~,-~a , Vi itLL1
the f'ollo'lling
.H,~__ V.I.C. ,-' ~. 01 vl~..,. C.', "..,0
v.... ,'/ 0 .,...e1.1.;.I.J.1,
",etes D,nel
Luunds, to-VI it:
- .. t . t in the celL or lL1e of Black i~vcn1),e Sm,:tJ,
,C:l E~ ri,' Ct 8. 1")Oln
':. ere 't' 1 e [J :.':,:':~ C
..L,: int ersected ,:~)T tlle nOl'tJl lL,e of East Dickcn:;cI'l
2.c l~ e e ~~: ; t, .C1:0:'
eD..[~~ alor:c said nort:~" li;:(; OJ:' EQst Dickel'soIl St.c'cct
't 0 a :;: 0 iTl t :rift;.
( 50 ) feet e' st of tile eo.:o;t li:~e of said Blo.ck
I.venue SOl,t:-C.i.;
tLence nort~l r 1'allol \'litJi sal(1 east
1 iue 0 r T;' lacl:
AVen1..:.c Soutl~ to ti,e
south line of tlle alle:;/ in Elocl: "})" cf
:roffF~(m 's .J'",ddition;
thence east along the south line of said alley
i;1. Llo c::
tt~\" to tILe caf;~ linG of said :2lock "E", the sar!~e being
L~l :::~o '
, cost line oi' said TIo ff'mCln 's ..::I.dd it icm ;
tLencc south a1 ang
t.:'e en,st
line of said Hoffman's .t~ddition to the rwrth line 01' the
['...11<.,;, i;l rloc1( "C"
of said Eoffman's l:1.dclition; tl1ence west alone
tLe nort:l line of said aIle:! in Block "c"
to a "()oint fi ft~.' (50)
feet eest
of tne east lino of sc.id l)lo.ck ..'..Venue South; thcIlCe
north ~arallel with the east line of said Dlack
Avenue ~outh to
t'Cl8 south lj.ne
01" said East Dickerson street; thence west alone
the sOiJ.th line
0:1' sc'.id East Dickerson Street, extended,
to the
c8nter line of saiel .::,lac}{ Avenue South;
thonce nort> along the
sa iel center line
of Black Avenue South to tJLe poi.nt of beginning..
That ,"'-
is hereby declared by the Commission of tlLo City of Bozeman,
State of ~ontana, that all of the land wi thin said Droposed
;,,;pecial Impl'OV8lilont
D:Lst :r'iot ITo. ~~C5 ,
as defined by Section II hereof, abuttins on said sanitary
will be Sliec ially and ec\uall;,,-
benefitted by the construction thereof and should
fF,ually tea:c tIle cost of said con
struction in accordance with the laws of the
state of' :,~)nta~iG, in suelL case made and provideci,
to wit, Sections 5225 to 527?,
I inclusivn, rolitical Code, 1~{.
C .~\..,~ . , .., c~ 17,"": 'I and a:n:n.y amendne;'cts thereto;
...L. ~~, l.,. L ,
That tl~.o character
c.'I' the improvemi::;nts to be made within said S11ec ial
Improver:wnt District :Jo. 285 is
as follows:
rPl:e installation of a Sanitary Sewer, L,cluding pipe,
man:p.ole, trenchin(~, ~Jipelc~ying, bacld'ill ine',
in(', :i.~"'<::
r;ction <:md incidentals.
--..-... ... --.--- -..--.-"...
- ---..
an RT,proxiL1.ate csti.clate of tlle cost of dotn!! all of the war:,
j_llcludinc ';"1po, TiT7;'C bl'anc1i.e s, lrlanlw
Ie, t ranching, . 1 .
be: ckt'ill il.lg, engineer-
p~pe Cl.\nne;, I
int;, i:1 ST:' ee t iOJ1 cLrl.d LIC identals
.. nr'" '''''l)'{nr '''I "'"RrrI" (-, L' d 66/100 -)OLL' pc,
IS o. A ',,)_L i )'J ,10.;1_ .1 ~.'..-0 :.. an" .L ~'- \0
(:;;i636.ti6) ;
t tr,e total nw;:ber of' lineal feet of property included within said
Special Improvement Thst rict
No. 285 (exclusive of streets, avenues,
alleys and
public p18ces), frotrti1L', on said :proI)Qsed Sanitary
Server, is T1;reo Eund red Tl1irty-
six (.:,3C) lineal
feet, and an an roximato estimHtc or tIle cost of said
to be specially fissessed aGainst
the land therein :Ls ~~1,d948 "\er lineal foot
s8.iel front ace, (fifty feet
frontclt~:e of Lots 9 and h) of Block "Bit and fifty foot
frontage of Lo~s r; and 8 of' IHock
nCTl, Eo 1'f'Ii~an 's Ad d it i 01;, bordering on said
Dickerson Street, is SJlec ifically e1 tr;~inC\ted
from the cost of' sa hl const ruct ion for
the reason ttat sa:Ld propert ies are
served by a Sanitary Sewe:;:> on l)lack Avenue) ;
tho (;ntire cost and expense of constructinG said Sanitary Sewer in
sDid pro})osed Snecial InproveLlc:nt Disto'ict No.
285 shall be paid by Special
ImproveT'18nt District CouDon Bonds as authorized by the
laws of t,!',e State of Lantana, I
which bO~Clds shall be J.n the denominat ion of One Iundred
Dollars (:,,,L)O . 00 ) each,
in fractiuns where necessary, to be
issued and charceable again~t a :Cund to be
known as u~:;:Pocial Inprovoment District
>Jo. (28~5 ]'und TI , said bonds to be redeemable
at t I, e 01)tion uf. t.L.e City of Eozeman, I..io
nt ana ~ whenever funds are available for tlJat
purpose from said Special Improv8lJ18nt District :To.
2[-35 Fund; that said lJonds shall
draw slr:.-rJle interest at the rate of six ( 6
) per cent per annum, whicll shall be
chargeable as a part of the cost of said construction and
shall run from the da.te
of the rec;istratioIJ. 0:(' said bonds until said bonds are paid;
t to Tay said tonds and in t ere st t ":.e reo l~, rerresenting
the cost of said
canst ri.;C tio'-., a :pecicl assessmerrt
shall be levied aftloi~~st all of the lLUlds within
said TI'O})osed ::;.:)8cif~l ILl!,rO'lOl:lC:Jt District ITa. 2E~5 ,
as hereinbefore defined, each
1 L:eo.l foo'~ o~' the frontnce tJlereo:t'
to be assessed and taxed for its !)J'opoI'tiono.te
share of such entire cost, exclusive of street
s , avenues, alleys and~'ublic :,)laoe8;
said c:sseSSJimnt and taxes shull [)O :;')ayable in seven instaL_hle.:lt 5,
ext enc1inr: 0'101' a period 0:[' s:X :,/earu,
with six pOI' cent annm:ll iltterost eJIl deferred
~)a:YL~e nt s,
. . t' tl ,ear 1932, but this prov':"sion
sllall not be construed
COLiTIenC Inc vn Ii 'W
to :;revent full I)8;.;cuent at
any tine;
'l' hi; t
the .::~rompt pay:molrt of the bondi:, her in set forth has been specifically
provided for by tho creation of a S~)ecial InlprOVen1.ont lJist ri c~
Hovolving Fund for
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the purnose and in order to
secure tlie prompt :~)[,-YL1Cnt 0 f' SClill Spec 10.1 ImprovoTIlc;nt
District Eonds and~ho interest tjereon,
by the levy of a tax of one-half mill on
I oach dollar of t::lO assessed valuation of tho }):t'oJ'erty
in sa iel C it y 0 l' :c 0 z ema n ,
1.:on tane" al~ this pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 24 of the Laws of
'l'vrent:-first ~-)oss ion, 1 \):29 ;
~i'ha t
the reGular session of the Commission of the City of Bozeman,
L:ontarl8. , to be held 1n tllO COll:ll1i
ssio11 C:nar:lber, City 11'all Buildin!;, Frida y,
18th day of So!,te::[Jor, ~93l,
at Four O'clock P. " of said day,
are t:le t iI:;e and
place dO[3i,gJ.-,ated when und 'i'lhere tho sa id
Commi 88ion will hear and pass u]')on all
protests duly and regularly made and fi1 ed,
agaim:t said proposed construction
and tile o1'e,,:',t ion of said =)ro}~osed Im::;roveLlent Dist:cict no.
~285 , and tho extent
o.:1c1 c,;:,o.rac';~ er thereof, or
ai' either tJlereof;
TJLD.t tl'.e
Cle:ck of t11e . "J Commission of the
C it .'j of 2'ozeman, :jtate of
I\iontarlt:.. , be, tlncl f31
1e is hereby directed to ,,;i ve Hot ice as required by law,
of the
ado}Jtiun of this :-\8~;0Iution ;
l~o.ssed 1)y
the COlmniss ion o1'(;he City of Dozeman, l,~o
n t Co ;1<-, and upproved
I b:'.r the r,',ayor of said City,
at a regular session of saic( Commission held on the
::8tL day 0' "'cUgW3t, 1 () 'Z-I
L/O~, .
-- f5'~
ClerIc 0" the Commis sian
0 T I C E
is hereby ~iven that [-It ~:~i r8(,;'" Lll' I:1Cet in,{; of' the
of '"i1e C:L"'~y of' =_OZ8L1Clil, State
of Mon~aila, hel d Oj~ ,;" r iel c<~' ,
~j ~ LC ~Gth day of ~uGust,
D. 1~l3:L,
:c;;olut i'-, o ~:~. ::.) [~ i d CO:lllissioL was du~y ,Jo.ssea
- " 'd d,:, 01 f:', r i n{';
,~, . ::'1
:" Illl f;, Q iJr'G e ,
it to ,JO ';';,:18
iIltontj"Oll eX;' [.GiG Cou"j.G~) ion to orout e C~ sr eo i8.1 ILIT'I'OVement district
to uc.; ],::l,lO.,;w.'l:l . ,"
dGD i~~~r~c,t cd ('. i:.. ec i::1 L;:;:C'o'!'2ment ,Jistl'ict Eo.
285 01' foaicl City of
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~,o z em:.:', ti, , 1..0 n-c an,:, , fa:!'
t~(; ''.Jr:)038 of' rrFJ::iu{" ir;ll1rOver:lent,~,; as :['0110'1':1,;:
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,^j.nd dcclurin,' :i.-t to be tjlC in'l;elltion J:C ::,;Qlc.i
C lre'ln' i.s s i 0 11 t 0 upecially 2SSCf3S
en'~ ire cost ,--.-,.;/:1 0:(:'::'i01188
():L ;:'~,o. id inlDo:r'venent s, iDe 1 ucl i ,'e' r: i:;: e,
rr:;re E~ , ;)(lEl101e, l;rench-
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tC) 1JO C\f;;sessod u~~d taxed
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