HomeMy WebLinkAbout19930125 THE C I TV OF B 0 Z E MAN, MONTANA COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA Januarv 25. 1993 Page 1 of 2 Pages Item Items of Business Action Requested by Commission Previous Action No. by Commission 1. Roll Call - 3:30 p.m. 2. Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence 3. Minutes 4. Continued public hearing - Commission Resolution No. 2900 - intent to annex Continue public hearing for a period of one week 12-21-92, Item 19b 10.0-acre tract located in the W% of the NE%, Section 11, T2S, R5E, MPM (north 01-19-93, Item 10 side of West Babcock Street, west of its intersection with West Main Street) 5. Ordinance No. 1359 - amending various sections of the zoning ordinance to reflect Motion and vote to finally adopt 01-11-93, Item 5 the proposed revisions as initiated by the City Commission and the City-County Planning Board 6. Ordinance No. 1360 - adding Chapter 2.84 to the Bozeman Municipal Code, Motion and vote to finally adopt 01-11-93, Item 6 providing for the creation of the Bozeman Beautification Advisory Board and establishing the duties and responsibilities thereof 7. Discussion - FYI Items - City Manager's report 8. Consent Items - Motion and vote to approve, and authorize and direct the appropriate persons to complete the necessary actions a. Commission Resolution No. 2904 - setting new waste water (sewer) rates, effective on March 1, 1 993 billing City Commission meetings are open to all members of the public. If you have a disability that requires assistance, please contact our ADA Coordinator, Ron Brey, at 586-3321, Extension 202. ---- - ., Iz;1 I I 0'"~3 1 n I I ~~ !D Q, I CD tr,. -"'0 mo 'moCD CJ) COo < CD ,..,)> ... CD CD 0 c: CD _. )> m \1 ... n < _ >< I>> )> n "~oc mo_. g.n~ - a. '" ~". 0Cg. m~l!I mm,r _. c -" ...m~o ~o.-. ~m~ o ~ m= "'3~~ 0 00. C a. ~ n 'm< _. 0 ~ ~ ~ 3 S' il"l!I O'~ - :;: g ~ 0;'0 3 0 ~_. o~;: .;;!O -moo m - -<g ~O"oQ !!!. n3CDn ::I ::I CD mn::l~ "'0- 0... ~ 0 ~- m~~< 0 _~_ .... 0 n...1>> -c: -><0 - ~~ ~m~;: -. o_~ ~ -^ o'o.~~ ~m n3 ". CDm ~_.,~ m. oc;;: o CD~ ~~~ 0." ""3- ::I W::I ~"'~IQCD ml>> c: C1l CD;:TO ...::1_.... q - ~mn~ ~a Wo? < c O~~g "0 ~o_ ~. n ::I<~ ~ ~""o_ o' m "",m~. lilo ~oo; ~ ~~" ~o ;;1- '"Se" 3 ... CD g:CJ)'Co::l IQ::I m_c-, m m '~~, mo Om 0 'C c... n<::l"'tJ m::l C:::I':-"_ o . _. _. '~'" '" ~ 0 0>'0.., <(n ,,~. '" ~ m ~-~m co """ c 0' ~ ~"'o~ ~a a,~ a ~ 0 ~m-m co n""~ ~ o on... ...... 1>>00 CD o "-~"m m3 ~~m 0 m m ,...om: 'S' 0.__ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ m m <0 S' 0 0" 3 m ~::-:m~'3 m~ !!!._ ~ ~ "" ,- m ~n m CD ....~, 0"::1 ::In 0<1>> I ~ '" '-~~~ gm ~'m~ - Z c"'o~ 0 <l.cc m CD 0 ~~wa ~~ &;~ CD ::I -. 0 0, cm~ '" "~:o....)> .< ".~o 0 CJ10lQ CDc: ::I 7':" I!' nmo - ~0 '" "'m O- N m- 7m ",m ~c~ -i CD ::I 3: ~ CD3 0 0'" ::I !!!. ... 0 3 ;"C:m ,,< o.~o -< ~ ~;:m~ ~~ ~0~ ;: ::I 'C m'" <Q, omo )> a"m, me, ::1,,- ;:0 < 'C'Cc:C) ~::I ;:TI>>'C m m"~~ 0 ;!-!!: . -"T1 ~ ~a~~ '"~ a 2!: 'iil '" m - ~ ". 3 oil :>)> '" '" ' ~ 3 c: Cl 0 CD _...._ t< mON ~ ZZm '" 0 s: 'iO >s:> - ;: ~ m ~ W m? g -i ~ -;: ::I a. 20 . )> ~ On", 2 ~ ~ m _. ~ g -i o :0 )> ~ m ~ D 2 o c ~ = )> ~ ~ CD Q, 0'" < n o 3 3 iii" !!!. o ::I - 0'" "'tJ "'tJ <... I>> CD IQ n~" CD o 0 3 c: N 3 m -.)> 0 m n _ m ... 0" 0" N ::I ::I "'tJ I>> IQ ....Ig: I I I II -