HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 219A Passing of Resolution No. 219 /~ r) f<Y d II. 1~~, ) ...-. ..~ ~;r-nJ ":\~ ~~- ;)- \ I ~, ". 1 :' \ :> / ~; ,- J CU,l I~3:'~JO=J m':~~;()L:,:cI'IOl; lW. ":19A I ."j i ' \. ::rl':::;OITT.' I. = cr '~.'_=}:'::\:. I;:;~:rIe::T OF 'l'lm CI'IY-_I' E,OZT-l,AlJ ::'<--'L::,',L"{ F/.n::LTG,\:".0 ."jJO~' ~T>\'~ C01:./J,:~I[~f~.I01.'~' c\}"~~>~C,:I,l~~~ICl'- 1'.10. j 1 9 3.;',,~rrL"nITGD: " [' ,I_,i:~1~~1 ~L c~~, ~ C: ~.' 1 j'::-.: COl.;:.:~G.~SIO:T OJ:: ~II< C I~~\"~r () 13 ....... - J~':jV".{II'~'C .i\,~~\'I) . ,_~) ~;-j'~_'J~"-"~"""" I tL ~',>E:::;=-.' L .c,b:'.j:;';S:;~:j~::1' QI' fi'),-XE:;:; UI'O:: CIGHTLIN l'I(01::::::n'IJ~3 Ii: 'Lr:_,~ (;1 ,-,.... j,:i 0 ':....1 l;,~- 1', ~ -', ' c 0'.:- :~r.:- C}? C:AL:::_ ~er::, ;:)I\~~~~~T~ O}\ l',.,,,',O='T11.t~:"::'r".,,, l' 0 D =, ; J1' Ti.t .', T I:iC CC::~~rl~l l,j~~,\1 .1.{i~,',,"U\T_;'L o ~..'I ~~::.:: r :~' .: ~i\O ..,.,\ r~~:1 J. ~:.:/cH 1930.-lg31 FTn'(SlL.l:l' 'l'C T l~, . '~:';~O"\TI;_,.!I '~~ :'~"j U'~;'I c.::J-':l,J~:'~},'!_'~'''', :c~~ '1:,:D II 502 :,:. :mI"'LEJ: '.\':: ():mEL':.::1Cl:~ :F30VIDL1G }:'on T.FE H;}"CN:,L,j:' ~'__;'::O.i F~~~U~, 'T'::I~ sr)j(;~~ __~. <.: I'; T:_;~ 1,1'\.;"" OI' D()?~ c'.:m R::.Gr:::,'.I.::=G O~:::.. _":':'.,~. ~. C 3,~,: ~,."T C, . 3F{'J ;.; .TIT:~,::r':c.): , . C ~~--)I':'- ". ~,'~i-~_\ ':.. '''-\()\.-.rJJ")Tl,~G 11'()Ii rr" \JS 'fn,~~\_OIT..\J" OT') ~ji,':J (.":'\'1 .[,':..:T~,,) CE, J:! lrr, }'j\).L'.2-~ _'.:.D Or'lI~R (YPSTn-;:;C"CI01J }'~l.('::\' ~:;IDE\'L\L}<S O='J Lj\1'[ srl'}.m;~T I:$II,;:~::::i!' ',i:.TIJ...C:ii: .,\..'1::;: ;0;; :,"]) For:i:T' __ A V'i}!Tr: r:: r,~J r"-r:':r',', o :F' 130', :':.L .l\.1'''' , IJ J__ "~ -'I/T"'Jj-EG:.~,l\.E) , the Comrnis s ion of the City of I:ozeman die" on the ;:215 t day of AUr:U~3t , 1951, at a regular session thereof duly pass CODwission Resolution No. m.g entitled: "A. RESOI,Ur:r01i C~' ('i'l::; COLJl.ISSIC:N m;' iT; CITY o~:;' :r3UZl'~>j'-:t; Il: V:(~.I,G AI]) ,\;-:jSESSn::G .J\ Sl'ECT.,"LI AS~;ES~)I,SI!'r OIl' 'rl\.ZJ~[.) UFOl: C};.iT.L'I,L, 1~-\O~;~lC\I::C;[-) IiT T: ]~ C I '1''/ ()~~-,"\ I~ ().~','..!l::l'_..,j\I,<: , COUlJ'rY o-lT GALLA'['IT<, ST'-,'..TE OIi' LiO, Ii _"'.l:A, f.,.' U :JI;J!'I\.i~ Y 1"'::8 CO~~rr OT' ]]i:l0V,\.l, ()Ii' S:W'.I i\:H T.LI'; -iT~A~l 1 930-1 931Pli~1.3L'~'J:~1~ '1'0 '1'11>: :;;;::;OVI;~:Ic:rif) O:F ormD:.;'LTiCE :lTO. 502 EITTI1'}_I:D: 'AT,! CHun:lJ,C;:;'1 E'11.0"\7T:):TG Ii'C,iT{ '-,';:E RF~,;()\r\.I, U:F i3:rcr,' Ii'Ii.OL ~]IE ~)IDll':jALFEJ IN 'L'}iJ'~ CIT7 O:~:' IY\,-:K..i\.j,; _~"::D .i:;}i;I'2l,\T.,I'TG enUl'. r:"' '--':) 3L5, 1::1:;'TITLl'-::D: "\1': G ;-{J) TIfAlTCE 1 HO\TTD jj;G \..1 ~_,:) .1."-; \., iii JTOF ~rl.O Vi 1, ~)=";'Cf.."i i\J\LD ICE, DI'[{J' , }"11.1'11 Al\~1) OT~ 'J'; n onsr"'T\i; err I en; ]'H(X :3TF:;'.L:,IJ:-~3 01'1 I/L\IJJ :.~jTRE},;'r rr2~T;}i:I'::l'T,;ATXji, CE .A \TEInD::; "\}rl) FOURTH AV}:FUS E~ TI:J:; CI'l"Y OI<' BOZ,11~.iJ\Tn, and \,-r ,:}~ K;;:;\S , said 001\11:1.ission Hesolut ion :t::o. ~19 was duly signed by the 1~yor anc1 the Clerk of the COET.llssio::l, and ViaS filed in the office of the Clerk of the I Commis ~.~ ion on the :nst day of Au(::ust, l(J~Sl, anu ever stiles il:jS bOGH 0;:1 1'ile in said office, subject to and for the inspec~ion of all nersons in tere at ou ; and \,I,:.-m I{'l~.;.;~S , tho :;~8th day of .">.uU:ust, 1931, at a regula r ses~; ion () f the COliV\JS.. ion to 'be held at the Comraisf:1ion Cl1clJr:ber, City Hall Luilding in the said City, was the t iIae a11e;' place des ignat ed :Lor hea rinG at j cct ion::; to the fL.al ]l8.ssa{.;e and adoption of said ~-\esolution; and Vr"LTiF~n:..~) , the Clerk 01' the CormTlission l:as given notice of the filing of sa id Hesolut ion G,Xld t:lC 1'ir1al passac'8 and adopt ion thereof, by puc.:.ishinc; notice tllereo f' in t:JG .Goz el::l:.U1 Dn ily Chronicle, a daily newspaper, printeu and published in sa id City, at leGst five ( 5 ) days before hearine any llild all objeotions to the final ")Dssage and adortion of sai.d Ref~olut ion; and "''[} T}: -;~-r~j1~.\ ~-; , the matter of the said final passcge and adoption of said j-\.esol'\cti'Jn, cOlline OIl reculD.:r-ly to be heard, pursuant to said Hesolutiol1 und Notice, this ~;8th day 01' .\.l_~(~U;::;t, 10::Jl, Dt a regular session of' said Commission, and :proof being made of the yublioati..on of 3",-1(.:;oti08 as required by h~w and as I ordered by s'.c,id Hesolut ion; und \r'J~ I.n:AS , no objectLms havinc been made or fileu to the final 'O(lS3i',{;e find adopt 1.un of said l.1.esolut ion and the levyLlC of the as::oes~:mle:i1t es tiLere :Ln 1) l'O\:ided ; NO'/! , r:r."".E I{T,SFC'Rb , I)}~ 1f1": l"7J..C~)OI~\rED J-~:'rD -,rr.It u; lIT:HT:i'\{ o:.mj'~i1.LlJ l'Y TLE COLJ. IS:~,IC1: OF C!~~:E CITY OF 130'1,]'7:;\., ~3'rArC:: OJ''' L.O?JTA":lA: 1'ha t , said COFJlllissio:n Resolution no. ~Z19 be, and the sa; ,e is hereby .--- 1 })~~/ , " , ..-----..-- -- finally passe, and adopted and the Special Assessment of taxes to defray the cost of removal of snow from sidewalks adjoining certain premises in the C it;v of' bo zeman I for the year 1930-1931 be, and tile same iSI,ereby levied i),nd assessed as therein provided. }J.'~~s[Oed and adopted by the Commis~3ion of the l.Jity OJ' Bozeman at a rec;ular r;es ;::i on tllereo f', held on the 28th day of August, .(":\, . )). , 19;.:.1. -~~"_:~----,- --- Att~ .~ YOI' (' -~,~~- -6 v ler:: Q tIle 'orrlmission I, Carolyn ~estlake, Cle ,'1<: of the COImnission of' the Cit,l;' of Bozeman, LIontana, do hereby certify that the foreroJng Besolution r~. 2l9A of tho City of EO:-jeman, l;Iontana, \'Ias }Jubl isheG by title in the l:Jozernan Da~ ly Chronicle, .', daily newspaper of general circulation, Drinted and Dub1 ished in the Cit y of i..:az aman, in -,' '" the issue of Seftember 1, 1931, and thc.t due proof' of saiel Trublicc::.t ion was made 2nd filecl L1 uy office. I I"T ',;:r'l'~:T~SS ',TTIHEOF I have hereunto set m: 118.11(( ami the corrorate seal of said Ci t;. t!:is ls t da:\, of Se;)t eTilb e r, 1931. .:7 ,..~ --- O' "G1J.e vornr:ll~;S lon I