HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 219 Snow Removal Year 1931 - -- 19 "\ ., ~.- ~) A " -- ,"; ,'. r' ,.r \.~; . '. - OM,IISSIClij HESOLUTION :'TO. :n9 A 117::301.\..;1.'10;; OF TiD'; COI\rr<;I::-J~3IOH Ql:' ':i'1Ij~ crry OY rmj,[ilI,iiAj\i LE1VYI1!G iJ:D /~S3ESSIITG A I ST'ECT\L ASjSl~[~,(jT:,E"IT OF TAXES lJIJOK CEHTAI:T rROL'ERTIES IN rrE~~ CITY 0:::;' :2 O:,:EI..A::': , coU~,~r~l~{ 07 C;..:\..LJ".\.r,J.1I:,:"I, ~jT./i.~P]~ 01-i1 l..'~OI\rrj\:',",rj't, TO DEFR;\Y '1'" l::~ cosrr C):?(-U:.:l.;OV;\.L OF S::CVI FC.::--{ Tin~ YEi.H 1900-1931 r'-lTnSU,\~:T '1'0 FHOVIiJI02:S OJ..' OHDIAI;cl~ FO. 50 2 }~:'TT 1'1' LlW : ").I: C':1DI1:~':..~:CE f;\()VrniTG Fon rpllE HEl,,;OVAL OF SliOW :1<"' H01; rrlm :';jIDE'\'l.'JJCS lIT TtlE CIT__ 0-1 I~'O:~}~ /~.~~ .J.\.~]) ~':~=,~l~"}~):.I."I~TG O.]l)Il\~./~:r\:ICE ITa a 385 El':T 1 '['LED: ',AJ; O;;D11L,i::CE IJIWVIDIlTG lijC.~1 ~~=~~: Ir2L:C\r..t~J_ 0 I? :":'~I:":~O\/l ..l\J:\TJ) ICE, DIm', FILTH AED OT}IE;~ OLST~<lJCTIOn :F'RQI," i3IDL- ';VALES Ol~ LAIiT STn:GB'r ::,ETJ?~K'_: WALLACli: AVJ~}TUE AIm FOURT~I ~~vnm}:.; I:J 'l'::E CITY OF E 0 '~':!:~L:"~-\.l"T ' , " 1~';ln~REi\S , The City Council of the City of Eozenan hereto :fore duly and , , regularly passed Ordinance No. 502, entitled: "AN OI-tUIlt".:TCE r'ROVIDn~C. l.,'CR rrlill fC1JOVAL OF STroW FHO!,.; ~:'1:E :3IDEWAljiS I:r Trm CIT~,r 01" EOZI!::iAN _AND HE?EI,-LIlTG OHDHL:'2TCE HO. 385 m;rrI'J'LED: 'AF OHDIN/uTCE :rHOVIDING FOn T::lE HLIWVj.,L OF S1JO\7 A:]) ICE, D1R'l' , FII.'l'}.: AND OTTiliR OBST ;\UCTION' FROL SIDE- ViALl:..s ON L~I\.E: S1'[iEET BET'.,EEJ'J \7ALLACE AVEIHJE AIm FOURrH A';r:~::'TIE I:_T ~r:TE C1T''[ Ol" BO/,l,;I,':;.;'T I", Lind \"/": "]~ r{I.:~~~J , I'aracraph ?, Section 5039, ~t. C.M., 19[n, :provides: "'rlle City or Town Council has :oower to regulate the use 0:[' sidewalks, and to reqtdre the OVillers of the premises adjoin- ing to lceCf! same free from snow *** ;*** and tor;rovide for levying the cost of removal as a special tax against tne iJrOT)ertv ***" and --- - ,- , 'l"J "", ':"T.~ I{J:~ .:\. S , ovrners of IJreraisos i:-; said City have n gjected to remove the S!lor,1 Crorn the sidewn11~s adjoining thereto during the year 1930-1931 and the City I of ;~~ozc-: -",:L:, pUr~LQnt to Paragraph 7, Section 5039, and Ordinance ~"~'. 502 J.~as removed the sno',[ from tIle sidewalks adjoining the prenises of said OVillers and the totnJ_ cost of tIle c."emoval thereof is chargeable to the pro erty as hers in- after set fortlr, pursuant to Dravis ions of sa id raragraph '1, Sect ion 5039, . i-ole Cod e , li.C.i.~. 1921, and said Ordinance No. 502, _ ;0 ii, f.J~'~"':]~R]i;li'OI111: , DE ref liISOL';rEj) AJfD 1'1:' IS ImR;;;BY 0 iLERED If/ '2i]~ COL1TS~3IOJ\j OF 'r]r}i~ cr:'y:r:,' BOZEI..:A:T, STATE OJf 1\: Olfl'ANA : Sec. 1. ri'lw.t during the year 1930-1931 the City of Bozcju:m h[JS relwved the snow from sidewslks ad jo inin{~ premi~oe s in the City of Bozsman and de frayeci the co:::;t thereof' as set forth in Schedule ffOne" hereto attached and nade 8. part hereof. Gee. ~) Tho.t to defray the cost .,1' removinc; said snow from sid e- '...J . vw_lts o.d joininc said preni,3es as set forth in said i:.>chedule "One It, hereto att'cc:led and Tnade a pClrt hereof, for the year 1930-19~1 there bo, and there is hereby lcvied und assesseG a special tax acainst said property as set fortll in said Schedule "Onel', llereto 2.. t tachccJ. and made a part hereof; that a particulnr I dese 'iption of oach lot 211c( :pa reel 0 l' land VI i tL the name of the owner alld the swn 2sses;;,;ed a('c:inst 11ir:1 or it is set forth in 3.ssess11lent list heroto attached and marl-;:e, ;3cl1ed ule "One" , and m,J.de 8 part hereof; that the several SUL1S set opposite the llumes of the owners and the descriptions of the lots and parcels of lands be, and t:;le sume are here" levied and aSfJessed upon and again,_t said lots ana parcels of land; that the se'reral sums be collected from the res- nective o~ner3 of said lots and }Ji:lrcel:::3 01' land:;; described in 38. id assessment list, Schedule "One", 8.B required by law; that said Buras shall be paid and the --. 1. ~1li: .--- ---. ------ collection thercof' ,;,u.ll be Llade in the manne:" and, in uccordnl1ce wi t:i. tIlo 11) VI covernin,':; the collection of special improvement taxes; that 1'8..i1u1'o to :'ay f.~'l,cl:, asseSSIleIyt S 1;[;.en sane shall become due and j.iaycble shell TIHke l' - ,~uc 1 ::>; 1';;;0 [1 o.';:.G 31Jcn I lots Ewd parcels uf land liable to the penalties, 2Hovidec"i by the le.viT relutive to dclinuent taxes. ;3eo. 3. ri1hLt the regular session of the Conllaissio~ of the Cit) of 130zcman to te hcld on the (28th day of ..l'-UCUf3G, J.''1. . .0., HJ31, at tile vommisL'.Lon C1",ilr,lbe 1', City Hall LuildinC, be, and the sane is hereby desicnated al3 the t irne and ?lace at which objections to the 1'in0.1 ado ;'t ion of' this ;-\csol'Li.tion will be heard by the Conmlissi;Jl1. Sec. LL fl'hct tJ1C Clerk of the CornInission bo, and she is hereby ordered ~ . and directed to 'mb:Lisll L': the:; Eozema.i, Do. ily C1'll'011 10 10, a dGil;V ne'v:sl;allcr, rrinted ,;:'end pub1isJI0d in sDid City 0:[' .Eozm:1Dll, e not 1.C e E;ig;';ed by the Clerlc 01' tree Comui S8 io j" and ~-,tat ing that a resolut ion lev:'/ing 8. Sl)ec ial usseSSElerl't of taxes to defray the GO::; t of 1",;::::107<:1 of' ~.;110Vi' frm~i sidE:VJclks cHljoin:.i..llC ,certe.iTi rt;:ni=)e=) in tI1e C:Lty of '.'OZeu.a!l fa]:' the :7e8.T 19~:JO-193l If'; on file i_il tI10 office Df' the Oler:~ of' t}18 Co;'ulli~; s:Lo it, ~\~l'(_~ ," oct to inspection for [\ period of five (5 ) (1 Cl'>/'. S ; t. ,:.t sc:,id :lOt~I.C() 8]-;0.1-,- stute t.,_G til:"e and place at r:hich otjectiu.i.ls 1';1111)0 eLTd bJ tlie Co 'J"Iissi:.:.::c~ t.: tilC :t' i.~:; 1 (:l(:tOrt io n of tij i;OJ J":ef:;o lut i, n; -:'.,_', .1 j ~. 13>8.11 :J(; j"1...i.b J. islled I ,; ,j.. '-~:. \j . " t:it 1oa:::;t five du~s before tllc:.,yi:;e sot by tile COI:iIrliSbiOll :Cor J,lec:rin' 01.' oejections, and the fin~l ado~tion of this Hes;lut i,in. I'o.ssec1 b,': tJle (jouraission of t'::'o C i '"j .~'/ 0 :f OL;~ Cl.;~U.:.'~ C-~-r L1. I-'IC~""l~.lCi.~-' seG[;) .ioj'"~ tLeTeof' held OIl the ;nst d,-~~\ oC .hl.i'\.wt, i:4.- . .0., 1 S) ~j 1 . -4!t~t---- L.a jor / i '. Att(;)st : ..,,-;> ~~~ ,~ (; ""l,-)t//'- 1 '(0 ,- 0"; 1 c' <, 1:J '1 \..' ...,"-,' ..,1._,,-", . .~._l,.~~,~_.) 1 I ....- 1 ()~~ '&., Ir...., ('>1' ; - '- " --'~ C 'I' I C E , j '" .,' 't",....~ I .r~:;.J ., .? r-"~.L /;.;)0:']'1 en C OLJ,iI3~)I C'[ ~,'{T:,:,~ C)I~ 1.;'~.'._' I ':.'-.' =.' ': ='~. ;:.':': . ;~19 1..:':: ':r\~: I 1: T (~;. l~CI'J.~~Ij ./~~j < ':';SSl' ..IC~'?~C fCO J)I;~F~:~~~-~~,.:. r..rl.'.~3 I,.~,~ C S r~c ""'1""1", 1"'1 ,. ~ ~.-C:~'.,~':~~."\l.::~..lj CY>1 I:)~"~ .,',,1 =.'~ 10::,,1 ~2j_.,.",,; '_J ID :S-,i...\.J JT"=S .."~L,'!., CI--.~"~' ~ ~.~,~~2~':. I .':. ~ :~' 'J' .,.lD. ~I '1:. ri'''' :"'1 '1 L .."....,.'J cr:'v'- ~ ,;. ~",I.'J~:",:r l'i.'I01~ :li:.,~~~"': _:;~c\3 19;::0-:931. l";C:'~IIC~:~ I,..; ~~~~'~:~~:;:E-"f I'cI': tL,:lt at a regulr~' ;::~ Cj 5 ....J .~ U l'~ (.; ~r t 1'18 1,..\.) J ~ .',. ;:~ :': ,. of .. tjl8 :; it; of .::.n>3c C"!l ~: eJc: ,~j ...1 ~ ~" . ~'~.lst da;," of' ;'UC'uct, J.l. D. , 1~;01., COL:rclis~, ion 'J J~L Besolt:.t :l.c,:n ~io. :~~ 1 ra \"/;1 S ,::! ",,",\1 _, passed and &8o],)ted; tllat saiu CO::I;Lis:, ion -'w f.w1 ut ion \...( ~...,..L ~Y : .~.o . ;~~lS': l,:.::;"r/i,:~:s c~~"Jd U!'3r,:e;,':E:c;S cL special assessment of taxes u~on certain properties Ll t c: C:i.t<'/ cf ]:()~~C;";;2.:': :COI' t]LO yoar 1931 to defrL<1 tllG Co:':t of renciv(l . l' 31101'1 1~o ~i,~ t l~e ~, '" C.") r1 :.r' .1 ';.) ~'.j () -1 :~:., ~) 1 . rn"":., ,"'.''; ::::;~:,id 80L:nission :{esoltltion ITo. ;::HJ i;::; nor; on J_'ile ill the uffice .,1 _L~I...,~ 'J , c~c tl'le Clc::::'l: of' the :::;ot~':issiJn Df said ':; it y of i:ozerlc.n ::::utject to iUG.,:'Gction of ,:~11 ne1'SOl;;:; interested foy.' a :pcl':L ,;;d 0:[' f' i vc (- ) d a :{c; , by any: orson interested; t t 1i'r" d"'y tJ:e i,;~;th del.,\{ 01' .1;-"u:.;U[:: lS~l, :;t i'our C 'dlo c1:. } ~\ ~ . 0:L' said (lCe:\, .L <-..I. , , . e..t Q regular session of the COlnm.ission or the C1 ty of DuzmlllLl, Co~;[miss ion C:I8.}(.I; e r, CitJ 11 j,ui1d i.ilt;, 11a, becn dcsic;natec1 ::",:, [~ tL.e Jc inK and place when and wllere Se:. ia CW:lmis~;ion ';:ill he/1r uud pass uJJon any I'nd all objections that 1110.;)/ I be );lad e to t~,..i.8 :I'i ":.1 -nG.ss[)(;C and c;.,_:()":)tion of si,id Cm:-md.s. ju"" ;\esolution i;'o. ;::-;19, und tIle lc;v:,'L1c.' 0:;' sU_ld ass0ss::1ent; and that, said 3csJ1ution ~ill be :C1110.11y '('as se d and 11;.0:-, t eel a.J~ Sulci reGular session of said COmIai ssion, subject to .':;uc11 oorrect ions and 111_1ei:dl:ient Ci a~: may be mude upon obj ect ion::,; DlI:idc and filed witLin the 1'i ve do s limi-~ as :[Jrov ide" by 1 D...,., . Do. ted t~';is 2;:~nd _.0.::/ of ..:\.ur:ust, n.. .0 . , 1931 . '. ~~~-- 1"::11e ornmis s ion I ,::;cr:col:,rn ';lest lake, C10:21.: uf' the C0111.oi8sion of tLe Cit~;/ of Bozeman, , notice in 1'e L~ont Gn:~.i, do llereby cert:Lfy that the foregoing/He solution ~~o. ;21 S1 or the City of Bo;;eJTW.ti, 1..01'1 to.l:a, '.vas TJUbl ished at lengtL in the .:Jo:~GIne.n iJ&il~J Chronicle, a daily newsparcr O-C' (:8ner0.1 C irculr'.t ion, printed and pub ' isl~:ed in tLe C it;'I 0 f' }'QZ e:C!lall, in the is r; He of .Av(,'u::,; t ;-) c; 1 (\ '7 1 a:ld that due proof' 01' said :i);;.blicat ion vms :u.o.de and ~.... ,,~) , i,;.' L)""",,-, filed in ny of~'ice. LT,II. TI~S~~) ','/- -.=,F:}.~Oj\ I 2w.ve hc~ rercnt 0 set m:v lland and L18 CO o:'J) 0 TI1 t e seE:l I of suic} City 'Lli~) 2~nd day of ~uGust, 1931. C;:;;~_ Clerk O' tl".le