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C-,,-~ ::.'.i1.=U:;S;~-, ..t1.::D .L'1.l::;:E;.A ~t';.".I_c'_t t;~c l.,oF1icL.r:Lo:; O:f:' s(Cdd 0:':OC iul Ire rove;:~ent :L L;J. t Ln[.:! i, [;i'C r j, ct. ;':) . ~2 ,C>:l l~ I' f~~ "orl.;:,' ~.'l e ~;" j_ ~,.L (; c.~ (.losC'l.~HiGcl e_E:.~ :ColloVIs: :,:8Ci]1,'\1nr' G., G. };iJ int on t::'.e ectst 1 " of :~~iL::'ltl-, Lve::lUo 'iclv;a:, ._.ll1e I -t; et":,'!o(,:~ .'. -;:;" e south 1 LlC of: ::.::.cri son ~)t re et c~ :nd the north lL,o 01' '"'1- " ,'-. '" '1 1.,,1 eve; ,_""dl !..':; -t '~C' c ~~::, t , ~;(;:"co cast l~l[l'i"L.llcl tD tJ..',L8 said llc1'tll line oj' i~lovelcclc1 :...:t 1'0 ct +- tLc ec.:3t :1_i:l.o c'::' : 10 c]:, 1:~, Ca:it'Jl ::il._ ~~duiti():l, t},eLce cae-I; e1"'l:'Jr to l)'.,,) ":.~ }~_ c lln -j:-''';'~ ':'-', "T\~;:C S -;~ (; 0 ~':' c r 0 f LCi t 1'1' Cox's =-18o.r1"'o'-,'(';8,OJ1'" 12loc1:. 1:':':" ~] G..J) t ..!l~ () 1 '",' , l c , ~L t ~l_ c~ ~~ence cQsterJy alone Q line parallol to t~8 saicl ~,' -I- " .J....i.1.....:............. ...lL , J101' loll lL'.e 0" ';1 e".C8 1:..,11 c1 ~~-) .Jl~ I~C~ ct to t'l:e ortLOQfJt co ]':lC1' OJ:' Lot r: Jolliffe's I, r'8C~j~T'nJ._:-'e~..~,,(~-il.t , =_:1oc::: 1;) , Cc..;'itol ~hll ~:..c1c1itio,n, -l,;:cmco co.sterJ.~r o.cr,:;ss . '.:i.")Ol,.',,~et! ,:"_,'UQJ.l.~J.C~ t(y L,E'; ::-0 rt Ie,; est ~:'n8r Lot 7, :;::;loa}: Ib, GCT i tol ;~ill ..:'1.c1 d :L t i ",.1.., tOO; ~.C~'~Cf; oaste1'l~'- alo:-(' a liDO faro.llel to Clev(;lc,rlc1 st reet to t ,(: "(\j't::.co.st cor:.,cT' oj:' l.ot 7, Lloc1= C, L1it te j^.,.ClCl it ion, thc:::co COlt t1.-l. ,"LJ,c)~lc' the ytc;c:;t J,t. e of ,I illson /.'le nue to t~}Je :;outhOC:lfJ t GO :']1(:]" :C Lot 6 , :lc)cJ: " , Buttr':: Add :1.t .~on, thence west 0.1011,:: (,'. line raro.llel tC) 'l;i.e :c',outI: 1 Lu) () :;" ::;:Levclc, ;:-';'1:; reet tot Ji. e D en i.:; Jl '\7 e ;3 t corner 0:1" Lot lCJ, :::::loc]'_ 1[" Co., itoJ :Lll ~~dd:1.ti():", t:l,e:i108 l,/esterl:r to a :~'oi:rt on tIn: west 11.1;", 0-" J ,'-:'1 _- ...a..L" L':len1.1C, , 1 'l ~: Feet ~~: o-:.,~ t~: (1 f 'I:; :,0 }:o rt lIeas'\.; corner of Ilock 10, _' l..L 'JO Gu},itol --111 _'~d(~jtio:'l, t:ccnce YTest on a line ~arallo1 to t i:..8 SOl.:_-c.!'~ l ' ,..1,ne or Cl c.\.t eJ~a,~,"'i,c"1. Street to ::.:.. DO Lrt; in t. ,8 eo.st line 0' ,jixtlL ~\ve]:ue, 1<:,3 feet ~; () l~:.t; of tJ,c ":ortJlest coneI' of 110c1= 19, Co.pitol : ill Ldclition, t:,c<-:.ce vreste:d:i to .Jelw ,,)0 tl.t l1e a s t CO}."',101' of' Lot t' }3100-,: ::2 C;:J. ..~.~: it 0 1 0, , :: ill ~"~cl c1 :i_ .J'J :L 0:, , t~o~ce westerly alonG a line paro.llol to the C01.-~t '~.':i_ lir:e 0'::' Cle~T(:;18.1ld ;:~t :l"C et to Q l)()illt :1.n tl;(; cast 1 L..8 0:[' l:ic{rt;t ~'1.Venl)e :;';\ J:~O d 1,,~, C e (t , [] c.~ i :~:,L ~~~ () i r"j, t 1'cL:,,-: 1.;0 :i"eet [~01..l.tll o~2 t:,":.8 :L::1toTsect ion of tLe sC..1c"..l C"~ :,:~, [3 I:,~ ]. ill 8 c) ~:~' ~,~':,,: ~i (.:'1' ~ t ! I ."vo:nlO C.Ho. t:nc s 0 l~, - ~~ :~', ';. li:,.,8 ui' ':1 evclcmd S.~; l'ee't, t~~ c~.~c~~,: :"'i.OI."~~ ~. ~'~.lo!1." tl.le oust line 01' :~-;i:'ht)l "~VCJ,-ne -::'0 tLe l'oint 0:[' 1 C" j :11, :L:l,' , C:) itt "', :1.':..1 j:,lI' ;:1<: 1, c</) s~ 1':,: :":' e 'eet, 1""\.D T'iQ (] =,~ 1 e s f~; ( exch=si7o 0-(' -='~--'ee"-""-..--,cl 'llPC"C')" .~ iJ v 1. ,,- L.,.~.:J (,.,.~J.,~ I....A. -, ....,i~...... , ~~ection 5. D =11I:~-{T ,'~ I:'~:I:'T(} ~-~~~~ ~~~=-\iI 1.' S '~'i\~:; t 1t in ere1~- eclo.:;:,ocl t,: .c.t t:\e ~):'oI'ert~; cT,b-'Qcec1 -,'i :L t:,_ i n fJ 2. i c1 I S:: G c :i,e,l. T:. ,.-.,:,,~ C", V C~: , :rt I..i::-': t j.j.1r~~ ~:)istl~ict, >creir:1;ef'c)re cleGc:ci,tod, ...r j":"l. Ie s.:.' 0 c i ':.J_J. be .:'C'_ted t-~'~. c ir:TTOV(>;Cr'"t to 10 1lude, to r;L;, t:.~"e li '"-,t L;" of Clc'felc.nc1 0';reet, us o.fDrescLLc1, n I'~I r"l L1S . ~C:,;..le j,. - _~):Cte~r ~~I-(.O\l idcd ; tllat t,e Ci t:/ 0 l' =:o:~e::'::"l j C' Ll need of (....I,."..L\....l ,..; the i n.s t c~_J_1..(;.:. -~: i () ,~1 () ~L" .c :.'.~e i"''':''~.I~ :::','~O 1Ir,3'~ ~-_' ....~,'~, t , to '."F j7'-;:; , t",ie li'- -C~_:lC c>:C (~;1cvclc~~1c1 'jtrcet, ~') I~ () l~' C" ~,:1 8 (} (...~ 0,:. ('l :.'" C J70 i l'j.:":,~ -.:~.t c: l'"t set ~:' 0 -~' t '.~.I. , rElCt t -, C'_ t t',: (; C;;!.lG i 1'0 C:Lt ::: of:()zc:~_~::,:J ",'::.11 be [,)~'.\E~C i.::~. 1'~'~:" tc:: '-t, ~r~:i.toc1 M;, ~.- t'~. 8 i, rovc:;ont, to n::.t, t-"':,e 1 i,-'.; t L__l;' ()~; :~levc12Jld St I~ect ~ 1.~ (J ~~'~'\ (J ~...-: e (,\. to ;,....' ;;:'~ <~cle 1] 81'e c :L:.1 I' .1,'TOVer1Cnt Licht i,ne; D :1.st rict r~o" ;J~~, <:,' , ~,"7' (""'( ; .lorc; :~l.i..- "-...... ~.,,) - -- .~ - 1~ () f3 '_Lft, '.0:'(' d C E; C ~~-. 'i 'f cd; ~~je ot ~L 0 .-a L. . . "I ,\ "r,l"\"j"-:',-"/ ......~~"\..J.~\J....:....~...\ " "-,.. ~"t .1..' c';~.~~r&cter o:\:' t::8 t-,1rI'OVO;-'Cll t _1._._. '.eI:.d:::; -:1 i '~, hill sc.:;" (~ ::.oJ)C C:;' 0.1 I 1,:'8 v!.... I' -.\~.~i,TC.'" (;J, t ].~ i."": t ~.l, ';,;.(~ ~:t c; .~~ }~i c t "'":0.. (~; c>~, i:::; described r, r~ 1'0],10\'1s: 'l' () ere at Q '.~(1 '--~ ,:~':~ :i. :.l t o. 1, -~.: "- - d. T<~: - t ,;".-!-'c r..~ O:~lumCI,.t::1 1 ,"Cj ";'~,.."'\ 1;0 s t s vIi t: ";jO ,--; J~~ :'.~' 8, . _"71 ::.1:1_ r':'cn~l1d " _!.... ,-!..,.'.,n.LJ v. ... . _.J.lt " , t) -~ ~ J' (':: -,-. :;;l'.J tc;.>lc () 1. :.'1.0 c e S SCt ~r~( [~=)}).1 t[l~-:'O (; 8 fo:t" t .~~ c :. :L' ~. -~,) =l., :.-:. ~'. ce, 'I'; J l:tlT'I\() ;~~f; C'I f;:.lU Clc':c' 1 ~', ~-lll :t:ccet, f.'-..... :,1 [; 1..l'i,')..' 11 ",i- i T"lr' C'_Gctl"io c ll:CJ7e'~.~1 t :Cor o..~J. d n.LC~ t :n t (1 :1_ :'~"'.( i J'1. ~,... . t~,ll,(j 1 1. .~ ::!. t ,; (".L.dU ..._ 'I.' Lc reo n ; See t :Lon '7. =.~~s TI~....J.1r~_'E~J (1 n ("1 rr c_." I~',-;;!/:"1.;;,\;..LL: ~f~_:: C~'I v...................... 1'"""1- " 4. t}:c QT;~)roxLJ:.te C f:> t :L11':". t e o:c t"e C,)st (i:)iL S 2 5. cl 1V() r~,~ 2TiC:t tLe " <.-d' c' :c ijj-C' o:i' [.j ['_id ir:2)~!'~ovcrlc'. ~:.1.t -in suid ,--, '1 I'::;; :20VCj,,(: .1t Li't :Ll:"' Dist l'iot ~ '; 0 . I:;; :') (; C ~t D.. )'..1. , '-.1 C' &1>0''78 desor:i.bed, ifo 1';'0 r'l y,,'j 'T - -n id red :;U:)Lty Dol1<:'.rs ( " 0"0 00' iJIClud:l' (..... "--~ _L ., , -,.".. ~~./\. v"-", ,). ) : t'-'e ODst of' 0 in80I'~"rF' , tllsl::lect iO~~l c~rlc1 i.He ie} entClls ; :.~eo iorl }:l ,__,J. .1\.l~)I> C ~{11 I C I '=',,='~:': ',Tl c"-" C~03~e T:.cct b:,;- I'eo.son ,J:[' tile f&et t::et tlw Ci t;! of Lo~e-aij l ~; s: co L'.ll;r bcaefi ted b;- t.:..LC lii.:;lt iIle: of Clcvelaftd St ToOt, ~IW- fourt~l of' tlLO cost 0:[' t:::c iJJ.StalL,t ion and Qi~lt 8~:1CllCG sJ.:'Lall be '1,0 r~1P U~2(J dCll~~) cd t t:;':.c ("'i '~ -+- i,r () u:. L (~; :~~ C'~jCt :;'.) G ,~l~:l ~L :.:.~ i':'O:.;" c ,j --'- I.J ~.I St,-'oct ::~'tld ; : 1,.~'1. t t }'1 T~e 8 - ~e O.L,':.}~t i. ;-~ Ol~ tj.~_c CO~3t Ci,{'1 tl'.C i. ~l f) .:; lIce :;.():l c.:1G -'.:-:':~l_ j.l1-1.) C l1 c~ :r:, C ',.:') of I J :l'_. t L>-' s' ~.d (j 1 C;'10 J_ ~~~ ~l':} ;,~~, t ..re et 1 tie ~,.: 0 ~(~:n. ('~: ,::;,.. leI de~( od b,'," t:i!.C Ql"',I. , , -j 0.. - -.-'_ U 8',(' ~:.'cLO cu ~,"/ '1 .) i "1 :;.'j, ";:.'.Ld G C -.Lf.'.~ "_1. I rVQL:Ollt L iCJ~t ~Lnc' ) :}..r; t J~j_ e t '~j_,coiul1~" lJ81JCi'::..tec1 ~-,- ' : ;C) . , t":.I.;-' .. ..~.. ~. , ....,'.1.,,1 ':cl'uLnbe l~C:' set f' 0 ~~":',~ 11 , [Ill d to 1,(; ~~~ ~..,',:.-. .,)=~t iOIled j'J (""'1 ::0 ro tLo.ft (;1' 8e-t~ f'Drt:L; i"....k,! Sect iUil ~). -.. ',I ": ~ '. ('.' '-': " ."1 :-'. ,n... ,.~., '. .1.1..U~_J...I,...,jI.._",, ! ".,_.,1 ... I : L~,. ~C t......C ej1t ire CC'[jt ()~L' tl'}.t:; 111[] t s. l 1.~1"~'.~ t C,~:;., ():2 C' ~ -',; .:.i ._Lj.t~j::l.: S.' c.;te~~'; c:::::,,-11 :....) '-'~ ,1, \."l bo :'c: id r::, C-:' :!..lm-rs: l,...~ u ( ,- \ o ~ ,c C'.~ - "(.-. 0 l.l}~t . '- , O:i~ twent, -f'i vc; J) () l~ cel'i; t. el'Co:(', s.::.11 b c ~,,''. iel 1);' (-\. I I~:;,'1.(j C:i t:) of :'0=:8:"l:'::'-'i ~' 1'0 :.1 i -;~ [; :Jt X'(:; ot &; ~:\ =l in ~] tJ\: ~ll]ll "1...1.1'.".", J.. :.!. ~l-lS :_J~l.~:lC:::~llt G, "_..3 l. lJTl Cl ;'J;rei:'.:::,:f,'-~c::.' :'I'ovidcd; (, ) T~.ree- tOln"tl.3, o::~ cevent;-fiva ~C1' cent .'. era::) f, [;.;,"-211 ~) e :=1" r,~ G (- : s ::.; c (~;. Ll ,~.. ~:\_ iJ1S t '~,.'J; C,ll t :L 1'C l....1 tSt;~I"1tCt, e~lc'j:'L 10-:; c: }.:.. I-I [;l J::~C e ,},. :) ::-' 1 ,c;,J.l c1 wi tL in ~) D. j, cl Jistrict t (I he C-8s()sced ~C' 0 '~, 'c _,~.~J. ~t }>c.~ Jj!":,,, !.-) ~ -],- -:,," ()lc cc>:-:;,t 1C' ;+~ 'J. .c; " -,~ (./ ..;; , , t::c (~:J"'-' t ..C: c,--I- ";'n (l .~ c t :::~'. ',.:. (: t , c,';: c 111S :Lve o :C' s t l' C ,; t 3 : 0.. ~('1 e C~ () 0 [1 I~ ;] -:_~ c.') \_,~:ce:~'.:,_ ..-' _.1, y ,J..,....... '.~' :c-J,1e:',;, 'd ~':_;L.l io r,; 1 C~ c e ;;:2 , ,."~CJ.,"r~~_;J~~.J ~ .~__ _,~,~:, t~ .,- crc.:..... ~J .._ ;~,:tl"JCct, C~!. .', C'~:'~ ....-.,.."... .'_..I.J. ~ -,~ :.:'~ I,T C t~_C iJ"1"tCl'[')80t -~, ,.) [J.' ,(}.11 'C a:::o}_', .ded :C rc~ tile ;-"', ,.I/-,! ,-' J,.,' . - c 1 j "'}l t :L. .':_ I v. ,~, '_J ',__ '. (~ t [j '1:~ J~ :.i.. f.-,-j, -t , [~11((, , _: (: 'C 2: "J:--) ~-'" -""~.-"~. "-:~. j", +- Gl eve; 1 :.;,~'''l (L ::';:':"(";0:.; 8 -L... ,-:, ,C;, :'~_ r1 e ',_I __ ~ .,~ I... I., , -'. ~,' .. f:: t -I_:~ (~ e t~ ..........__,_'.,c ":~.j :e t :C()'7 (,.,...: n t ; C-LU; :~,~ J.._ 0 J...~,r~.~ C', S j_d c;; ;:'.)tr'(~ct , . , CO :,'_J; -," lot '~'7, in;~ (:; := j_ ::.1 r; ~.: ~:'-I' J...l,cI C 1 C',' (; 1. 'c'.,cl ;:~)-~~ :cect ~_1 1.. r 80 c.c ;:~ es seJ. t~.! [~t 88,C.: I.. ',; ~) \.J.. '_(_;.. ',.i"J C' .{..';'")ot {~)f' t i. C lc~nd m.:bT,-'-ccd \,tt "LIl -\ ,~ Ot','.cJJ. CO::' ':.:;:;' lot sl"!cll~. 1,) (; 8. ,:.:) ~ -'" -: ,- -;~; ~'I C (1~";' ~ 0 .UJ'J t ( 1j, : c~ (jC);~t "-\ . ILl 1. J_.~ ;".C:I.\,/C).~ .CJ::.t 1f)(' -...------ ."..-- -- - .." _____ __._.__n_____ _.______.u ______.._ """" , ...n..... __ _. _...n _.___." :3treet ",":jt :'.;: ::>',Cl c1istTj.ct ,.", lots '(ront CIG7ulc'.::d S.;'c'(:;.~, .." .L...L :yl;~,Cl~ ..:..,.'C,c: (\:: ';, 1~','<1.c.:,c1 ::';';::,-'oct w:i.t~ in so.id distric;t t..c lots 'c.:::,'::J.lcl CJ_c\7clCJ.'(i I "'+'~C\'~'. t "-' (' . (),.,.j..l' ''']11 e-'+ ".c.. t~'" ';'-',."',"'c--"'-""'~- ,--J- ,.-t",e.G"--1 -+- C l (,"'n . '~_" , " I,"'" ~ _.'..V .U..','",:u '.d, c.." c.,CO,.oC"',C",,'.).l,'_', L,'.' 1.,,\; '..0 ., I.>.. _,.1,,,., '~'-y,'~" ':"O',Tc:;l:,:::~ "tT'CC'::, +.C 0(,,'.,0:,' lots lyin" .~CI,:,':J.cl L,c:vG-:;o a t'e . 1.'::::::1,1(; 10,-,"', :.:', "l": 1 c' C~:: :c::'c:inef',Gr set f'ortll; _,Gctj.Ol-;' 1e. .,:. .L'I,) -"_, ~.;~,::'~.~ :I1 '.. ,_ ~_ .~L.L_~',;l~~, '-.. \' I1"'. '..>v~r:l ,~^ ~.."t -:~"e .c,~.,rc~~~ ()~;." t.~.,.c J.:)I~O~i'~'Cl~t.~/~ c~..Ll)..I)cloec1 rl-Lt}~.i~l ~'.ic1 d:~8t~eict ~LS 5L~J.;C{:O S "'.2."'e ::i'eet, ,Tn r)-~~ ~i.C:::;S, e:::cJ,_,r;Lvc oj:' streets c~nc1l1c"L: t'c,t t..c cs:,L".~:..tcd C'\~)t C)-I f)Ci~_::',':' l:L:-<;~.tj.~,:(" :.:;"TE~tc~'.~.~ lS ,'~, CC',Q .00; t'~."iC"'Lt tJ18 C~~.~~.t o:c ()~"~le:.,-~8.';'~ [):.~c..1J. l)CClr :::~:'~Cl dc;f" (J!C "i.'o, "~:,;, ()-;-' trrent -::-'7(; rCi' CC:~Lt, t':8J>CO:~'~ to vr:Lt, .,1,1'/0.00, ic;: ~~..~.crL1l.'~,t s .~ t ~~~_l <"~t'(\~".": t .f; :j.;~J~eet I;1l1l"lct; ~~~; ,( .'- t~~CT~C SL.Q~_l 1)8 ~:cs[~cssed C~('c~:Lr'L[~.t t . c~ T~;'-\ e !,")..(- ,- (.~ ~"1."> -:..I~~ C e n ;,~.r ~i..t :,.~ t ~n DC i d cl is t r i c t t:: ,,'_ ~,~c c ':f\) l_,.~2t. . ,(,~> , [,j D';J e:'r.:'~ - t' .'L '.It::.' - C'1") cc..~.t,;, ,..\.!,' 'l'~ c c'.~r~~.!: -L ('~~.'l~':~..."J,.~ t(:,\ r,,~j.t, "f,:';, ~~lO.OO; t ': t 1 c]t~~ ~C:21'_! -~;ti~.~' I c\,rc}...:~:..:.':Cl ~,'>:..;...~c:ct '..' :I_.~I I::' :::~,-;'id. 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(=: ..~': .:~ '.':."80 + l!'\lj~ld ; ---.--....-. -...- - -- 169 ..-.---- -..--- -- ....-- that there shall be assessed against the property embraced within said District three-fourths, or seventy-five per cent of the cost thereof, to wit, $487.50; that :1 lots fronting on Cleveland Street shall bear and defray $.90 per 1000 square feet ot the cost thereof; that corner lots whose sides parallel Cleveland Street shall bear and defray $1.54 per 1000 square feet of the cost thereof; that inside lots within said distriot shall bear and defray $.77 per 1000 square feet of the cost thereof; that a Schedule is on file in the offioe of the City Engineer showing the area and the approximate cost to each lot within said district, as herein set forth; section 17. MAINTENANCE-- ASSESSkillNTS--FUND That the entire cost incurred in maintaining said lighting system, here- inbefore set forth, in said Special Improvement Lighting Distriot No. 284, shall be borne and defrayed by the City of Bozeman and a special assessment against the property within said district, as hereinbefore set forth; that all moneys derived from the collection of the assessment, including the proportion fro~he City of Bozeman, shall be paid into a fund known as "Special Improvement Lighting District No. 284 Maintenanoe Fund", and such Fund shall be used to defray the expense of maintaining and furnishing eleotric current for the lights in said district and for no other purpose; I Section 18. CONTRACT FOR MAINTENANCE That the lights in said Special Improvement Lighting District No. 284 shall be maintained by contract for such period of time and in such w~y or manner as the Commission of the City of Bozeman shall elect, and the cost of maintaining such lights and furnishing electric current therefor each year shall be assessed as herein provided; Section 19. RESOLUTIONS That the Resolution levying the assessment for the installation of said lighting system shall be had and made as provided by Section 5265, Political Code, R.C.M. 1921, as amended by Chapter 143, Laws of Montana, 20th Session, 1927, and Chapter 26, Laws of Montana, 21st Session, 1929, purporting to amend Section 5265, as amended by said Chapter 143, and the Resolution levying the assessment for the maintenanoe of said lighting system shall be had and made pursuant to the provisions of Section 5266, Political Code, R.C.M. 1921, as amended by Chapter 143, Laws of Montana, 20th Session, 1927; I Section 20. PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS That the City Engineer be, and he hereby is, directed to prepare Plans and Specifications for the installation of the posts, wires, pipes, conduits, lamps, and/or other suitable and necessary appliances for the purpose of lighting said Cleveland street within said Special Improvement Lighting District No. 284, and, likewise, Plans and Specifications for the doing of the work in the matter of the installation thereof, and shall file a copy of the same witrLcthe Clerk of . .-.- -- ~_.... - -- ----... - ...- -"" 170 ..--------- the Commission, and shall keep a copy on file at his offioe during all of the time of the publication of the notice inviting proposals for the doing of the work in said Special Improvement Lighting District No. 284; Section 21. I NOTICE INVITING PROPOSALS That the City Engineer shall prepare Plans and Specificati~ns for the posts, wires, pipes, conduits, lamps, and/or other suitable and necessary appliances for the purpose of lighting said street and the making of the improvements in said Special Improvement Lighting District No. 284; that, thereupon, the same shall be procured by the Oi ty Manager, sUbject to the approval of the Commission, from such conoern manufacturing and supplying the same, pursuant to the Specifications therefor, as the City Manager may recommend and the Commission approve, and a contract shall be entered into for the furnishing of the same; that upon the selection of the type of posts, wires, pipes, conduits, lamps, and/or other suitable and necessary appliances and the execution of the contract therefor, approved by the Commission, the Clerk Of the Commission be, and she hereby is, directed to publish a Notice inviting proposals for the doing of the work and for the installation of the posts, wires, pipes, conduits, lamps, and/or other suitable and necessary appliances, referring to the Specifications on file, by publishing the same in two issues of the Bozeman Daily ghronicle at least ten days before the time such bids shall be I opened, which shall be at a meeting of the Commission of the City of Bozeman held on the day of JUly, 1931. Passed and adopted by the Commission of the City of Bozeman at a regular sessiom thereof held on the 19th day of Jt,ne, 1931. ~7 Attest: Clerk of the Commission I, Elizabeth Johnson, Clerk of the Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 214 of the City of bozeman, Montana, was published by title in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a daily newspaper of general circulation, printed and pUblished in the City of Bozeman, in the issue of June 23, 193m, and that due proof of said publication was made and filed in my office. I IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and the corporate seal of said City this 30th day of June, 1931. Clerk of the Commission -~ - ...... - ~...- -- _.___. ___.___.u_ 171 --.-" , ".""... f ,~.,,")r.i\ f,,'(i: I I, \ ,'~"~:" \\ .......,\1 "." ," C01TIJISSION RESOLUTION NO. 215 -" ." . . "A RESOLUTION OF THE CI'l'Y OF BOZEMAN, DECLl>..H.ING IT NECESSARY TO ACQ,UIRE BY PURCHASE AN ADDITIONAL WATEH SUPI)LY FOR THE BOZEMAN I WATER WORXS SYSTEM, PROVIDING FOR THE rURCHASE AND ACQ,UISrrrON OF A WATER RIGHT OUT OF BOZEMAN CREEK THEREFOR, AND THE PAYMENT rrUEREOF . W HER E A S: (1 ) The City of Bozeman owns, operates and maintains a water works system for supplying to the inhabitants of the City of Bozeman water for domestic purposes; and ( 2) In the years 1015 and 1916, proceedings were had for extending, improving and enlarging the then water works system, and acquiring an auxil11ary or additional water works system from Bozeman Creek for the City of Bozeman, and at that time the City of Bozeman acquired by purchase from various parties, four (4) shares of the Bozeman Creek Reservoir Company, the said four (4) shares representing the additional supply of water; and (3 ) Ever since 1919, the SUPTJly of water for the Bozeman Creek system has been inadequate to supply the wants and needs of the City of Bozeman; that it has been necessary to purchase for use during various years an additional supply; and I (4 ) 'l'hat heretofore, pursuant to the provisions of Commission Resolution No. 137, the City of Bozeman did acquire by purchase, from Elmer Williams, a water right consisting of 50 inches of the waters of Bozeman Creek, appropriated in the year 1866, and as a part of the consideration therefor, assigned and transferred to the said Zlmer Williams one (1) Share, Certificate No.4, of the Bozeman Creek Reservoir Company; and ( 5) Pursuant to Commission Resolution No. 184, passed and adopted on the 27th day of June, 1930, the City of' Bozeman did acquire by purchase from John H. Golden stein: '--' Fifty (50) inches, being a flow equivalent to one and one-fourth (14) cubic feet per second of time, of the waters of Bozeman Creek, and which is fifty (50) inches out of the One Hundred (100) inches of the 1[vaters of said Bozeman Creek which was decreed to James W. Mardis, by the Dis~crict Court in Gallf~tin County, kontallC<, in an action wherein Sanford Ruffner, et 0.1., were plaintiffs, and Amos Williams, et 0.1., were defendants, b) Decree dateu December 2nd, 18Sr? (Book "5t1 of Jud(',ments, page 36 and which water right was de- creed as being appropriated in June, 1866; ( 6 ) That notwithstanding the aCQuisition of' the rights from Elmer Williams and from John H. Goldenstein, as aforesaid, there is still insufficient I water to supply the inhabitants of the City of Bozeman with water to meet its pressing needs during a shortage of Vlater in the months of June, July and August, and the COll1IJ.ission of the City of Bozeman, by reason thereof, deems it not only proper, but necessar:{, that the City acquire an additional water right, and John H. Goldenstein has signified his willingness to sell to the City of Bozeman a water right described as follows: ._._._..__._.__..._.___...._____n 172 .... .---.-..--..- ...--.-.......-...-......- - .- .-.. .-.... - --.- .-.-..--.---.--.----. Fifty (50) inches, being a flow equivalent to one and one-fourth ( 1 ~~ ) cubic feet per second of time, of tIle waters of Bozeman Creel;:, I";.r. and which is fifty (50) inches out of the One Hundred. (100) inclles of the waters of said Bozeman Creek which was decreed to James;':. , Mard is, by the District Court in Gallatin County, lVlontana, in an I action wherein Sanford Ruffner, et al., were Plaintiffs, and 1\:(:10;;, 'Iii 11 iams, et al., were Defendants, by Decree elated December :Znd, 1887 (Book "5" of JUdpnents, page 36) and v:11ic11 rmt e1' right was decreed as being appropriated in June, 1866; for the sum of }'I'lE THOUSAND DOLLA:~S (;":5,000.00) , and furnish a Warranty Deed there- fa r, with Abstract of Title, SUBJECT, however, to the right and option reserved by the said John H. Coldenstein to use fifty inches of the waters owned by the City of Bozeman durinG anyone year and UlJ to the loth day of July of each year, conditioned that if' tilis richt is exercised by the said John H. Goldenstein, he will pay to the Ci ty of Bozeman '.eEl! GOLLAHS ($10.00) per day for the water so used by him; and ( 'I') That the price asked 1'01' said wate:c right by the said JoLn E. Gold- enstein is reasonable; NOW, TIillREFORE, BE IT RI~SOLVED BY TI-IE COMJ\lISSION OF TIm CITY OF BOZEMAN: That the City of Bozeman purchase from John H. Goldenstein an additional water rirht described as follows: Fifty (50) inches, beinG a flow equivalent to one Gnd one- fourth (Ii') cub ic feet per second of' t 1me, of' the wat ers of' I Bozer,lan Creel'\:, and which is fifty (50) inches out of the One Hundred (100) inches of the waters of' said Bozeman Creek which was decreed to James W. 1''::'ardi8, by the District Court in Gallat in County, lvlontanu, iL an action wherein Sanford Ruffner, et al., were Plaintiffs, and .tunas Vlillim:;s, et al., Yl(')'e Defendants, by Decree dated Deceniller 2nd, l88r/ (Book "5l of JUdgments, pace 36) and which water right was decreed as usinc appropriated in June, 1366; That the City of Bozeman pay the said John H. Goldenstein therefor, the S1JTIl of ."8'i ve ~I'housand Dollars ($5,000.00), by warrant dravm upon the Water Works li"'und in considerat ion tJ:erefor; 'Filat the folJowing right and option to the use of fifty inches of water belonging to the City of' Bozeman shall be incorporated in and made a part of the con- veyance; "This grant is upon the expressed tenus and condition that the said parties of the first part shall have the right, at their option, and this right is hereby reserved, to have and to use durinc any year, and up to the lOth day of July of any year, fifty inches, being a flow equivalent to one and one-fourth cubic feet per second of' time, of any water owned by the City of Bozeman and flowing throuGh Bozeman Creek; that if this right or option to use said quantity of water is exercised during any year by the parties of the first part, prior to the loth day of July, then and thereupon the l)arties of the first part shall pay to the City of Bozeman, for the water so used up to th8 I lOth day of July, the sum of Ten Dollars per day; the water so used shall be diverted from Bozeman Cree};: by and through any ditch or ditches, diverting water froM EOZeDilll1 Creek, and serving the IJurposc herein described; that this right and option to use said water, hereby reserved, shall attach to the land now owned by the parties of the first part, to wit: The Southeast Q.uarter (SE-i-) of Sect ion Twenty-- five ( 25) , 'l'ovmship 'I'wo ( 2) South of Range Five ( 5) East, ---....-. .._ ___ n_.. - ...-----.-....-. -...-----..-.-..-..-....-.. _...n ........__.. _.__..__._.. .n _._ ..._ 1# f"", "J .1 ( ~) -.-.------... -- .-----. ..---... -..-.-.-----.-..---. ... -- . -------- and shall not be subject to use by any other person, SAVE .ArJD EXCEPT the owner of said land, and no person not the owner of said land shall have any right or option to the use of the same, and the sume shall not I be sold or disposed of by the parties of the first part save and except as a part of, and appurtenant to, said land. " That the said John H. Goldenstein shall submit to the City Attorney a Warranty Deed for said Water right, and Abstrac ~ of 'l'i tle to be approved by the City Attorney; That in the sale and transfer of said water right, any mortgagee or mortgagees shall join in the conveyanoe therefor, or release any claim thereto tha t he or they may have by reason of any mortage thereon; That, thereupon, the Bozeman Creek Water Supply to the bozeman Water Works System will consist of the following: 3 shares of the Bozeman Creek Reservoir Company; 50 inches of th.c; waters of Bozeman Creek appropriated in the year 1866, Elmer Williams right, acquired as herein set forth; 50 inches of the waters of Bozeman Creek appropriated in June, 1866, John H. Goldenstein right, acquired as herein set forth; 50 inches of the waters of Bozeman Creek appropriated in June, 1866, John H. Goldenstein right ,. to be aoquired as herein set forth; PASSED AND ADm-'TED by the Connnission of the City of Bozeman, at a I regular session thereof, held on this ~~4th day of July, 1<J31. I ~ I, Carolyn Westlake, Clerk of the Commission of the City of' Bozeman, Montana, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 215 of the City of Bozeman, Montana, was published by title in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a daily newspaper of general circulation. printed and published in the City of Bozeman in the issue of July 28, 1<J31, and that due proof 0' said publication was made and filed in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and the corporate seal I of said City this 28th day of July, 1931. --~~-_._.. -.. - 1.'7111 .. -..---.-----.---.-- ______.____..__.___...._..._...__.u.__ . -. ... ..-....."..-... ....-.--.-...--...-..-.,.-.- .-- -..-.-.,...-... -- ----.------.-....-..-..-. ...-.-...-..-..-....-----...-..- .-.. .--.-. -..-.-.---.....------.----------- ,,:"", ,.' "~; '"';,'rl/""';;' I" ): \ I:Y ~~;{\j ^ ,.-})") COMJ:.HSSION RESOLUTIon NO. 216 ; I " A RESOLU1'ION O}i' THE COMIHSSION 0:;:" TIm CITY OIi' BOZE.i\~AN DEI'EH1\UNniC THE lJ,lOl)"NT OF CITY TAXES ]'OR ALL PURPOSES TO BE LJi';'.TIED AND AS:::,ES~';ED ON T lGu\BLE :pnOPERTY II\" TEE I CITY OF BOZI!:I,L;i,l.], STA'l'E OF L:Ol.rr.ATTA, :iTOI-:. T~iE CLiRRENT FISCAL YEAR OF 1931. In~ IT RESOLVED BY THE COl:1MISSION OF THE CrEY OF BOZEl'/rAN: I. That, pursuant to the provisions of Section 5194, Political Code, R. C.M. , 1921, as ronended by Chapter 175, Laws of' IVlontana, 1925, there is hereby levied 2nd assessed on the assessed value of the taxable property of the City of Bozeman, State of Montana, for the current fiscal year of 1031, for General, Municipal and Administrative purposes, a tax of' one and five-tenths per centlliIl (15 mills) on the per centum of the assessed value of' the taxable pro~')erty of the City of' Bozeman, which levy shall be distributed as follows: General, Municipal and Administrative Purposes, (Section 5194, Political Code, R.C.M. 1921, as amended by Chapter 175, Laws of Montanu, 1925. ) : (a) Executive, police, and other purposes, 8 mills (b) Maintenance of Fire Department 2 mill s ( c ) Street and Alley purposes: ( 1) General (Section 1617) Political Code, I R.C.M., 1921 4 mills ( 2) Opening Babcock street (Babcock Street Fund, Ordinance 5'73) 1 mill Total, 15 mills II. Tha t , pursuant to the provisions of Section 5049, Political Code, .d. . C .M . , 1921, and the provisions of Ordinance No. 233 of the City of Bozeman and Council Resolution No. 1095 of said City, in pursuance of which the tax authorized for 1 ibrary purposes by tax payers at an election helo April 4th, 1921, was increased from one to two mills, there is hereby levied and assessed on the assessed value of the taxable propertw of' the City of Bozeman, State of Montana, for the current fiscal year of 1931, for the support and maintenance of the free pUblic library of the City of Bo~eman, a special tax of Two (2) Mills on each dollar of the assessed value thereof and the money derived therefrom shall I be distributed to the Library Fund and shall be disbursed as provided by Ordinances No. '79 and 524 of said City; III. That, pursuant to the provisions of Section 5194, Political Code, R.C.M. 1921, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 1 '7'CJ, Laws of Montana, 1925, there is 11ereby levied and assessed on the assessed value of the taxable property of the City of Bozeman, State of Montana, for the current fiscal year of 1931, for the purpose --------.- ---,-~ _n".... u_ _____._____..., ,.