HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 230 Fixing the Place for Regular Meetings ') 4 ') ( 11" ~. . .{,,'9l1i -------------- ------------ --- ------------ --- --- -....,.--.,. . --- ..n_.'...".n. ..- .f. /,.. CITY COM",ISSION RESOLF~' ION NO. 230 ,.,.1'" "I ,,~ A rn.:SOL'.1'ICHT OF T1:E CITY Cor..'[l\lIS~:;;IOl\ OF TILE CI'::.Y 01" EOZEl.J~~~, :r'Ixn;c 'rIm :PLACE, DAYS lJ';D l:OUR :COR REGTjLA:~ I\J~ETD;GS OF SAID COlv:MISSIO:N. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF 'rlIE CITY 0]:' BOZEi:,iAN: I Section 1. The City Commission shaLL meet in regular session in the office of the City Ivlanacer in the City Hall of the City of Bozeman, on Friday of e2ch week at the hou:::' of 7:30 0 'clock F. !Ill., except when such regular meeting day is a legal holiday, in which event the meeting shall be heler au the next legal day at the same \ hour. Sect ion 2. This Resolution shall be in force and effect from and after thirty days after its passage and adoption. Passed and adopted by unanimous vote of said City Commission this 8th day of January, 1932. . ~ Attes:t~ / # :l --6:~ Of:/the / CO~l~S.i~~ I, Carolyn Westlake, Clerk of' the Com:nission of the City of' Bozeman, I Montana, do hereby certify that the forego ing Resolut ion No. 230 of the City of Bozeman, Montana, was published by ti~le in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a daily paper of general circulation, printed and published in the City or Bozeman, Montana, in the issue of January 12th, 1932, and that due proof of sa id pub- lication was made and filed in my office. IN VHTl\'ESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and the corporate seal of said City this 12th day of' January, 1932 . \ -~ I ..