HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 228A Passing of Resolution No. 228 __n_..._..".....___ ._"....___ ,... , ~:') ,~} f"' ~:,('J),) ------==-------.--=c=-==---____.___________.---====.- -. ..-.. ...-...--...--..------ - ...---..---.----..-------- _ .----.---.-...-....- ," '." ,f.'. " ' C\Jl.]vII:'<JI01: HESOLUfI iTa. 22811. A RESOLU'!'] m< OF Tim COIdlvIISSION OF IIlE CITY OF BO;jELiAl; IIINALLY f.A.S311\G A~:D A.ocrnIi;C: CQI,DVl,;,SSION l{]::':~:.OLl/L'I();': ~,CJ. 228, E~JTITLED: "A lillSOLUTICII,j::I' 'I'lL:., COL,;li,ISSIUN uF Tld, C1'I'y \JF EOZL",l",_., IW~;-,AI;~c, CO ;':h1~crl'II;:.~, r1E-LEVYIl.G Aim Hl,-AS8E~)SL'IC A I mECIAL ASSESSh,El~l' or T.A-X:L:.J 'C:J'O~, 1...LL 'I'LL FhOPLRTY IN SPT:,CIAl, n;l'iiOVEI'.iElr::,' DISTiU 'l' iL.. 281 Hi 'r'EL CIII OF BOZJ1L~Lj", COUNTY OF GALLATIl;, STAT1:, O.F_cor~TAl',j" TO DL- 1,'RA,Y 'l'I"E COST OF CONS'l'ntJC'l'ING AND,.J:.idNG J:'UL Ii'iPHCV.::.- I:~E:{il'S ,;iI'T:'i.lIN SAID SIECIAI, INiPl\OV]~j,,"-,i;'l' DISTHIcrl' NO. 281, DUE TO il.~:: ER3UH n,; DETE~~";IkL,,Gi,ND }i'l.XlhG '1'11 AREA 0]' CK-1.TAH,r LUT3 V;ITjj SAID SlhCIAL lhlF.rWV:Llv,EN'l' DISTillC'I' NO. 281 t1 '.;HEREAS: I. The COi,EEission 01' the City of Bozeman did, on the 4th day of' December, 1931, at Q reg-ular s8s[,ion thereof', Cluly paf3s Cormnission Resolution 1:0. 228, entitled: "A BESOLL:'I'IClJ Oli' TEl: COMI\':IS~:no:.y OjT' 'l'}cJ~ CITY O:F' -,_021':",."'\]" LOI:'N-I.l,il., COR1:1EC'rniG, RE-LEVYL,G AliD HE-ASSESSIXG L. SIECL;..L ASGK)SI.JU;T' l)F TAXES UFOlJ ALL TI:E I HOPI<;H'l'Y IN [>PECI':.L IL1JIWV}'.:kENT DLS'l'RIlT' i:G. 281 IN TEE CITY OF BOZEl,;...i'..-, COU:J'['): Oli' GALU,TII;, :_:",::'1;.'-1":. O:B' 1,.CiJ1'A::A, TO D,J:TRAY THE casrr OF Cc.mSTHU'l'L,iG AIm 1,u.l.j,LJe rI\iil~ ~ll,a:'.L~GVl.j,.EIJ'1'S 'i/IT: lIN SAID ;3PECIii.L IkPHOVL,LL}J'J: DISTR; C'L' id). 281, DUE 'I'D AI: EriHO:~ E~ D~TEI),: ,:;-IITG .Lj>:U li'LG:~G ThE AREA '_:11' CEI\TAIl\ L::/1'8 '<'iI'e.,ll: SA,ID SlECILL n~.: i~o\m:.\:.T lJJ..S'I'InC'I' I<U. :::81"; and II. I s:: id CO,l;iis:::;ic:. Resolut ion J'Jo. 228 was \July signed by t~le LC~YOI' arill tne Cler!\ uf' tnE: COn((;llSsion, and was filed in tLe office of' tiw C:Lerl: of' tLC Cm:mIission on the 4th day of Decembc.r, 1931, and ever since 11:'.3 been on Lile in said office, subjectt.o, and for the inspection of, all :perso~ls interested; and III. '1'lle 11th day of Dece,:lber, 1931, at 4:0 o'clock 1'.111., at a re{;ular sessiou of' the Com:dssion to be lleld at the COL1C_cSSlon Cha1:1b81', CitJ: ",dHl L'l:.i1din{' Ll the C;(~t said C it y, vms des ignated as the time a,1d place; 1'0 r hearing ob ject ions, i1" an;y, to the final passage and ado})t ion of sa id Commis s ion Resoh.._t ion; and IV. T11e Clcri'~ oi' L_c Commission has cj.ven notic.:e 01' tLe i'ilinc: of sGia L{C[,- oluti.on and the l'inul :!)6sScJ'e and udoption t.i.Lercof, by p,;blisl.inf!: notice tlle1'8 of in the ::'d_zeman Daily Chronicle, a deil:v newspuI;err:rinted and ]Jublisiled iT: se.ia City, at least fCLve (5) ua~is before llcarinr.: aL,y and all objections tu the final pas,age and adopt iOe" cJf sa idJ,esolt;t Lm; ancI v. I The matter of' said final -oaSS,'Ei"e LUlU EHiO\)t iO, ,11 , 'of S8. ill ",esollct J.,Oor,l (; cJmLli 011 ~. ~ ~~ rec;ulsr1y to be heard, pursuant to said l{esolution dId llotice, tl!ic,'; 11tn day of December, 193J., at a reGular sessio;-l of' saiu Co,nr:isstoIl, ",ula 1)I'O;J1' beint_: Hl;6.C of the publication of' said 170tice, as rect,j.ired by law and C'S ordered by said Resoluti::nlj and VI. ". -. .-...--..-----.....---..---.-.--., .--...... ---.-.--.". -,.,--~ --.,.---.. --. ~ .._- ') ~3 1/ c....' ~ ' t _~______,____ no. _n...... _..._ .." -.. ... . ----..-------.-------------- - ----- --------.----.-----... :;\;0 objections having been made or filed to tlie fiDal passaGe and adopt i\Jn of said Resolution and the correctin[z" re-levyinc and re-assessinc of the s,:,E:cj);ll I assessment, as tile rein provided; ::;0',1 , '1',: J~l\:;:~FC R2; , l~l~ I IT R]J~SO iJ'\rl~".,~'" , .Al, D I '1' IS liEHE:CY OHD:.&D EY ~ ".11; cm.JaSSIC, U.1- '1' ":,'~. CITY OF BOZEI'J:..;" 8TA'rE Of h~O,;'Tfu,.t:': ThCit said Cowuission Res~lution No. 228 be, and the same is hereby, finally passed and adopted, and the special aso;;essment 0:' taxes to defray the cost of' const rue t inc' and makinc the imj;rovcment s vii th sa id SpeciQ,l ILlpI"JVemc,~.:.t ~lstric:t 1'," 281, as tLerein set fortii, be, and the seme is hereby, cOlTecteu, re-" evied J,'~O . and rc-as sesE3eu, as tuercin provided. Passed e.nd e.d;Jjted by tile Corn:.uission of tile Git~y' of Bozernan at a rer;ular session tLereof, held on the 11th day of December, 1931. ~~ -.---.- - ' '--~' '.......-..~..,~,--,-' ~,_..~ Mayor Attest: ~~-- Cler}" 'f ti-18 CO:ilr:lission I I, Carolyn ,iest18Lc, Clerl: of tl:ie Com_ission f t li e C it Y 0 l' B u z 81.lan , MontanL,do hereby certify that the foreGoing Resolution No. 228.A Vias publ isl1ed by title in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a daily news;aper of genera] c ircuh, t ion, -"'rintecl and rub1 is11e6. in the City of Loz8Imn, in the issue of December 12tL, 1931, and t:rwt due proof of" saili ;,)tJ.c1ication vms made 0iJ.U tiled in my of'j:ice. I:;.:I'1'~.I:3:::'; -,,';iK[\l~;Oli' I hu.va 118reunto set'ilY Land aud 'I.;,ile corD ora te seal 01' :'o'id Cit this L::tL day of December, 1931. --,.~~ the COlillTli" sion I ------..-.- --------- - .