HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 228 Sidewalks in SID No. 281 -----..-. 23() - _._u ..- ,.<~ I " "..... COLJl\,ISSI..lJ HJi:SOLFl'101i NO. 228 .'~ .., A RESOLUTli; OJ:" rl'llJ~ COd'llISSlOI. Oli' TilL C ~TY OF BOi.::.cJ\u'l.";, ..."OJf..;:.._:':.. , co Ri..~:~C>T ~. .~.\. G, ifE-LEV'.: D;G ~Lm H:;:~-ASSESS-,l;G J... Sn~CL...L A2~::j}~;SShlE~J'l' 0]' I TAJG~0 DIOl, ALL T,~E ~'~,Or:~RTY n,; SPECI.AI, Ii\.L~ .L.k'(:L,...:.....i;T DISTiUCT ~:(). 281 II: 'I'jiE crL'Y OF BOZ~.L~\_;', COUN'l'Y 01<' GALL4..T ~"_:, S'I'.A'l' ~ O}I' ; _Ol,T1C.A, r.:" JSFIl>i.Y TLIS Gour OF C()I;STHUCTING AND 1"J...Al,LW TIie II,l}J:,iOV:2;):-J:LTS .L ,i:[TIlE, StllD [3~-_:SCIi'l.L Ilv:raOVE:.;Ji;:iiT DISTHI,_:l' liO. 281, j)D~ 'ro ~'''';! LHI:;() h L; D:_,T~l:;Ji":CTbG AN;) FIXr:W TIE:; AIiliA uF CERl'AL' LUl'S ';n TiD! 3AI:J srECL~L nlj:-i-{,~':VE~.J.l;'l' DlSTii.ICr.i.' 1-10. 281. 01' ~~I~RBliS : I. TIle Co,:u:1is s ion of t Jie City oti~;uzemaJ1 eli", Oil tl.LC lot 11 Ct a;; o. ~)O t eraber, 10 '')(\ duly and reGularly pass Comraission Hesol- tion 1";0. 15t), entitled: t../ W../ , "A HESOL;~'l'IOI~ OJ!' 'TIlL CmJ,iIS[::;IO:; OF TIll; C1_ _ OF EOL'.El,d.J<, 11/~~;:.,:;frAJ.,:'A , DLCL:"IUIZG IT TO BE T.,11: INTEHTION OF S~,I:J CO.l-\ildSo:..,IOJ::- 70 ClmATE A SPECIAL nIJ.nOVKlli~l-:T DIST!,ICT '1'0 I:-J:': KNO.ll'< i:...iiD .uESI~l;J-:"TE:i) AS S.iECLU, L-:.F;WV:]'::~I~'l'JISTHICT l'JO. 281 UF SAID CITY, l"Oil T~:l~ i L;.-li'OCE 01" ~:;j__{i1.D- IllIG, F..:.V:L:TC ITH 1',,0 CODHSE C~\U;.:-'lIED G.Li,AVEL i:.iAc.:"DAhi: 1 AVr..J.,"L,ITT , i\.liD IIJSTALI_I;,jG COIJChETE CljHBS AlfD S'CC1i DRilIXAG1: CULVERTS Au ",-eJ.,-Y BE Cmn';IDEi1ED I~ECESSAEY ON SEVI,IJ1'II .1~VENUE SOU'I'lI BET;/:i;,;K, TEE SOUT'iI LINE 01" 'dEST BABCOCK S':;"nEE'l' i,IU.L':l.E, lJOI:('l'll LLm 0]'I:E8T KOCl: STl-C~I', "lT~,- IN SAID CI':!"Y, AI:D TO SrECL'~LLY ASSE:.'L, Tl.m K:'l'L-il. CCST AIL) Kil..,",l:SE or ...,---,\..i, r:.; G SAID H1THOVEi,lEI.1'8 AGAi.I<ST' 1'...11; LAND ;j ITIIlL SAID ijI;;...'l1 RIel' AS C;:t:ATED", and tnereat'ter, stter due and legal proceedings nad, tile Con;;:i.i s:,:; i' JJ 01" t L18 C i t .1 of Bozeman, dh" on t::le '.t tl1 day of Uctober, 19~:9, duly pass CO~Jmission Resolution:-Jo. I 158, entitled: "A RESOLVrr O1J OF TI,E COlvli:;~ISSIUJ'; 0]' THE C_~'J.'Y 0:2' BUZHd'l: , I.,ONT A~NA, CREATING Sl-'ECIAL E\.P~\()VEjlJmN'I' DISTInCT NO. 281, OF Ttll!: CITY OF BOZEMA:' , SI'A'l"" OI' l\:lOl~TAJ:~A, }1'Oli TilE FUHPOSE O:F GHADn\:G, FA VIN G \" IT11 T'NC COuRSE CRUSHED GHAVELMACADiu\, P AV:EI,illl'JT AJJ]) nJS'1'__A.L L.n,]C COlI CHETE curms AND SUCH DRADJAGE STnUCrpUHES AS I,jAY LE lJEC:SSAR~ on SEV}gJTJ.i AVENUE ~)OUTH BET\'lEEH THE SOUTE LIIJE OI" WEST I'.ALCOC1: ST~~E:sr.:' ~,'D Trill NOHTIl LINE OF :/IEST j',OCH STREET 'N,l.'i'lIIN SAID CITY, Al'm ere ::2ECIALLY ASSESS '1'::1E :SNTIHE C os'r .AJ::D EXPEliSE 0:;.1' l\:'A.I~ING StUD n,lPi\OViJ"LlJTS A GA Hler 1'l:E PROPERTY WI'1:'1,DJ SAID DISTInCT uilD:GH Al,:D BY -\lIHTUii. OF THE r .E\oYISIO:JS OF SEC'i.'Io:m 5225 TO 527?, n: CL US IVE , 0:;;" 'l'iJ,j Hl:.:VISIJi CODES OF )/,011T1\:TA, 1921, J.\1~ID J.\. 'i<Y .l"'V~lE~'..l'.Jl")i}~ =:'.rII:~ rri~ E}{~T 0" , ",.hich Commission Hes~)lut lonG NOD. 155 and 158, passed as aforesaid, are hereby referred to and made a part of this Resolution for further .Jarticulars in respect to tte boundaries of saiu district, the character ot the imp:covement s to be con- structed tl1ereL" th,_ estimated cost of said improvemc nt::;, and the method uf assessinc tue cusL against tJ,e prol)erty within said distrLt; and II. Said improvements as conteltlp1stecl in saia Co@nission ~esolu~ions Nos. 155 and 158 have been constructed and C olHIJlcted in accordance with tue tCTIns and con- ditions .J:i' Cornriiis s ion Resol ut ions :;,Jo s . 155 and 158, and the total cost of said I iill}) :covemen ts, so constructed, i s tll e sum ot Five ~housund Fifty Four Dollars SJJd Sixty-five Cent s ( {( 5, 0 54 . 6 5) ; and III. The Commission '_J I tile C it Y 0 l' i3uz e1112 ii, did, :J] tile 12th day of beptember, 1930, duly and regularly IIBSS COL,missioH Liesolution :'~o. 19 r;, entitled: -.. -- . ~ .-." --- ---".- -- - ---.--.-.- --. -----.. -.. -.-. 231 -..... ....."..-.... .......-.. - -.-..-. "A ",:L3;:JLUTIC-" OF 'rHE COl:J,~I~~Sj:_C;< OF TllL CITY OF BO_~.L_,kA::, lv"ONTANA, LEVYI1W AND ASSESSUJG A SrECI}..L ASSESSkEIJT OF 'rA.:\.ES U])ON ALL THE I-':WFEHrry IN SlJECIAL IMHWVEl.:-.NT DISTHIC'r NO. ~81 II; ThE 01Ti OJ<' BOZE}LA~.,.j , COUIIT'Y 0:2' GALLAT1L, STArrL O} kONTAiu\., TO DEFRA_ Y I'iih C JST I OF CONSTHUCTIliG AND k..AKINC THE DUBOVElvl_N'l'S ViTl'HIN SAID SPECIAL Dif:=tOVE[v,,3::T DISrrHICT NO. 281"; which Conmlission Resolution No. 197, passed as aforesaid, is hereby refer~ed to and [Jade a part of tlLis Resol'.t ion for full part iculars in respect to the Q.':.:port .lon- ment ana assessment of said Spec ial Improvement Tax; and IV. "N 0 TIC E IlEABIN G, FINAL ADOPT iON RESOLUl'1OH IQU. 197, GRAVEL :F'AVIlJG, CURBS AND DHAINAGE STRLCTURES eN SEVENTH AVENUE SUliTll BETVlEm.; BABCOCl~ AND L:CH STREl/l'S, DilPHOVEfvlEl!T DISTRICT NO. ~~8l " was duly published in the BozelIlan Daily Chronicle as required by la'..., ano. a copy of said Notice maiL;d to all persons interested, as required by law; end V. The Conmlission of the City of Bozeman did, on the 19th day of SeptemLer, 1930, duly and re{';ularly )bSS Commission ResolLtion No. 197A, entitled: "COlaJiISSION RESOLU'I'I _N li'HJA~LY PASSING AUD ADOJ'IING COhJ.aSSImJ RESOL'0TIO:: 2IO. 197 :GNTITLED: "A HESJLFl'ION OF nm COl\jLISSION OF TEE CITY OF B02EL.AN, h.O?<TA:JA, LEV\LW J~~D ASSESSI:'iG A SrECIAL I AS~.3ESm.JENl' C}' TAXES urOl~ ALL ThE J'j"tO.FEnTY IN SI'ECIAL HiFltOV:E1VlLhT DISTinCT NO. 281 IN THE C:J:TY' OF BOZEL!A~\, COLJNTY GF G.ALLATL~, STAT::::; 0]' L:OlIT'A;;A, TO DEFRAY 'l'HE ceST OF COI:C./l'HuCTHiG AND ,.11iKI:>W 'I'LL IliiP ROVE.:E1~TS ',iITlIIN SAID ::';;'ECIAL DiFHOVnvlLlIT DIeT l-L~CT NO. 281"; whicil Commission rtesolution No. 197A, passed as aforesaid, is hereby referreu to and made a part of this liBsolut ion; and VI. That since th0 passage of said Comnission ResolLtions Nos. 197 and 197A, and the spread of the assesswent and the installments tuere;f, it has been found tlLat an error was made in deteEnininc the total area of three tracts of property therein and, therefore, the t.Jtal area or all the property wlthin said "istrict; that the total area or all the property within said Special Im.pr:JveLlent District No. 281, as orig:inally determined, was 287,417.56 square feet; tllat the total net assessment was ~t>5,054.65; that the total area of' all the property within said Special Improvement District No. 281 should have been determined and fixed as 281,567.56; that there was no err.)r in the total net assessment, it being currect, to VI it, :;;'5,054.65; that the error in area W~J.s in the three tracts described as follows: I (Corner Lots Total Total doubled Eross l-';et Name Lots Block Add. area) ___ AsseSShwnt AssesSI;lent -.--- _.... John Edens 18 c. 1s.1 3 Parle 11,250 'ir'20 ~ .42 .,,:205.42 John W. Kemp 20 & 21 3 Park 11,250 205.42 205.42 Martin Jacoby 22 &:, 23 3 Park 11,250 ZOG .42 205.42 rotal ---- ;:p616.26 that the area and assessment of' said three tracts should have been determined, fixed and assessed as fullows: -- .. n_ - ~- ~ ... -- . - .-...... _.'-.~ ...-.-.-----.-.. ._____.__n :2:3 '"~ -. ~ ____._..u........,,_.... .---.-.....-.-....-- (Corner Lot s Total l'otal doubled Gross Net Name Lots Bl)ck Add. area) As,,;essment Assessment -...- John Edens 18 6~ 19 3 I'ark 9,300 '0 1 7~j . 34 \f 1 70 . 34 J 0 1m Vi. Lemp 20 & 21 3 Park 9,300 173.34 1 7j . 34 Martin Jacoby 22 &~ 23 ;) Park 9,300 1 7~ .34 1 'I;..! . 34 I _.~_. To tal ---- ;W520.02 Diff erence ---- ,;; 9 6 . 24 that by rea~on of said erro l' in deteri.LLning and fix ine; tIle area 01' tile propert~y of the said John Edens, John W. Kenp and Martin Jacoby, tIle assessment 8.gai~lst the three saio propert ies should have been ~173.34 instead of 4205.42, each of said persons and properties h&vinc been assessed for the sum of ',r32.0G more than they '''I (' l should h~ve been, or a to~al of v96.24; that the area~of said properties should he..ve been 9,300 square feet in stead of 11,250 sq1..<.are feet, and Ult'; assessment aga ins t each of the, said properties, ;;;'173.34 instead 1"0" 40 that the assessment again,ot o it;;;-:). t::.; each of said rroper, ies should be corrected, re-levied and re-assessed in the sUla of ';;;173.34 and the difference in the total of the oriGi~al assessment against the three properties and the total of the corrected assessment against the said t l~ree pr01)ert i as, t wit, ;;':96.24, should DC l'e-Ievied and re-assessed 8.{;alnst elLe otHer property in said Special Iml)l'OVement District No. 281 accordini to the area; and VII. Section 5252, lolitic;al Code, H. C . L= . I 9 21, amonc otHer thincs, l)l'ovillc-S: I "Vihenevcr any apportionment ora sse s srne n t is ;llude and GJly :property is assessed too little or too much, the same may be corrected and 1'e- asse ssed for BUCll additional amount as may be proper, or the asse~Js- ment m:y be reduced even to the exten~ of refunuinc the tax collected." and VIII. The Cornmission of' the City of Bozeman deems it r r01,er at this tlme to correct, re-levy and re-assess said assessment; TJ-O!'.'.I' , TiIK"iEFORi: , pursuant to the provIsions of said Section 5252, iolit lcal Code, F~. C .L'l. J 1 ~_21, BE rr RESOLV~D, AID 1'1' IS Hl~::.2;EY OlO:,Rj:LD BY 1'E::L COhL,ISSIOl'; ()Ii' '1'jiE CI'I'Y OF BO<J~.,,",":m, :31']..'1":'0 Oi' kO;1TA~,JA: SEC'l'IO, 1. That by reason of the (; 1'1'0 r :nBrc:Lu set forth, anCi under and by virtue o~ the authority vested in the Com::dssioil of' tile City of Boz er,u:m, pursuant to the provisions of Section ~:-. q r.:: 0".; }'olitical Code, i\.C.I\i.L., 19 ~~l, the sl,ec LeI assess- :.J":'..Jt::. , rneiJ.t :0, of' taxes heretofore made to dcfra:/ the cO L, t of tne improveicentt> in Special I Imp rov eLle[n:; Di st 1'i ct ~jo. 28J., pursuen t to tL_c prov is iU>ls at Corn,,,is S l.Dl1 .nes-:;lt,t ions Nos. 197 anG 197A, i 11 tn G S lire. 0 t ;if 5, 0 5L.); . L: 5 , be, &J.id tHe same ure hereby, corr'ected, re-Iev iee.. a:nd rc-ussessed; sr~Crr ICI~"": ~. That to dcfrey the cost and expense 01' co 11:;-) t :cuct ing anu making the improvements in said Special ImlJrovernc-nt :)istrict 1To. 281 tl~ere bv, awl t J.J; 1'e is hereb-;/, re-leviecl GUcl re-assessed, a tax amount in'[, 0 L J...L. (; sum ot v:5, 054.65, ti.e S~ .ld alfloullt br;iH{; tiie a::iO un t of' the tax as c'I'i("inally levieL, alJ) assessed in said .~ - ~._._- --~---- ~ --.---- 2 ~3 ".J ,~ ~) -.---....-- .. --. --..---.-.- _ _ _____..__ _____ _..__._. ._.__n__..... __. _._ ---.--.---.-- - ..--- ...------.------- -.--.--.-..--- -.-... ---------- ---------..-- ---------- - _.__u_.._.___._.___ - ..---------.-----.------ ----------- -.---- .. ----- . Commission Hesolutions Nos. 197 and 197A, upon all the lr.JJert. in scid Soecial ImprovemelJt Dj.strict No. 281 ; t :Cl8. t a DIIlrt i c u h, l' des c r i t) t i () n 0 f e a c n lot and Darcel ~. - ~ I of' land, with the name of the o~ner, and the sum. re-lev i ed and l"e-aSSesseu agu inct Ii im 0 I' . -'- for such i:nrrovem.ent s, una the araount of eech partial i:ayment t ,) '0 e 1118 dE, 1... and t;H~ day W118o:. the sarne shall become delinquent is set 1'ortll in det8.il in tn.e correcteci assessLlen'+~ lh;t j,ereto attacheu, rn.a 1'1: e d TlScLedule AI!, an Hi3.d() part hereof; tJwt the several sums set o::JJusite the names of the or,':ler'[;, a nci tne described lots and parcels of Li;d, be, ana the same are hereby, respectively re-levied and re- as se ssed upon and ac,.~ in:' t said. described lots and parcels &1' lan<l to defray tHe cost and expense of constru~ting and making sa icl irnprovements within said district; thut t.:.10 sevecal sums, so re-assesse,:i, be ,ollec~ed 1'roL1 the respcctivG owners of said IJts and parcels of land dcscribed in said assessment list, Schedule "An, as required by lav;; tl'18.t tee ~(i8,imc l1t of said sums shall be made in seven ( 7 ) inst all.- ments aLid tUe payment of' 8(1 io Llstallment S 81l8.11 exteno over a period of six ( 6 ) ;i ears; t II U t tLe l'o.:yment of'tile respect i ve an."ual in~;tallments :... 11811 b 0 me. Cl eon 0 l' before the OOtIl day 0 f' November of' eaCLl year unt il:paYlnent of' all the insts.ll- ments, tocetri81'v/ith interest t 'ereon, 8118..11 be made; tlwt t 118 sa i l.! sums bLall be peid and the coll ction tllereoi' shall be made in the maiHler aIll.! in accordance with I tLe law governinc the collection of Special Imp rov em en t '1' ax e s ; that failurE;;;; to pav such assessments when the 88me BEall become due and payeble S]1811 me ke slIch , I)CrSons and 8 ~:'~ i (} lots and p8rcels of land lietle to the penalties provided t. 18. VI relut ic.r{~:,):,' l.~~".~'..c;,~, 't8.xc.-s; that t lJO l' i J:'~' t installment of se id ::.>pec J.Ql i:qj.:p 1'0 V e- Ice n t t ax , tl.e pc:\:meE t uf which v:ac orii.: inully l' ix e d f'ur tr,e 30t, day of ~ovember, Ie"'" and 1.';hi c~. in sta Ilmellt 118:':: been, or should have been, })Cl iCl, and the second ~_:I)....J , ins t e.llrr.ent o f' said ;c:;1 ec ial imp 1"0 verne nt t..,.x, the pa;ymeut of v/hieh was oricinally fixed faT the ~30tlJ da:/ [) l' lovenlber, l~; 01, and which installment has been, or should have beE~, F id, are o:;reb.. confi rmed ; tll3. t tIle five ( 5 ) remaining inf; tLll- Inen t oS shull be due and pe.;{8Llc Oti tIle 30tL da~i of i:oveIllber, 1932, 1933, L,;:) L.t , 1035 and 1936, respectively; SECTIO:~ 3. l' i,e. t LLe said :~rec 1&1 inl.' l'OVenK:'Lt tax sl~all, so far as p ra c t j c a1 , be collected as the same would have been if' tile first anu ul'lcinal had been correct and enforce0; that the Di~ector of ~inanco be, and lie if; llereby, oruered to correct the assessiflent book and tbc records in his office in the matl.er 01' the oriciEcl lev:\{ and asses,::;;ment of' said special improveIllCnt tax to conforrn to I the t orms und cund it iuns . f t' ..lesol1..;.tion correct:i.lig, re-levyinr~; aHU O' 1.J:.8 l'c-ussess- in,:: th SEL:~C; t La t the assessments of John Edens, Jolu, ,j. Kemp &nd l',.art in J-acoby s 11811 be re d u c ed, corrected and rEi-assessed, and the assessments 01' tiLe OtLE l' persons [:11a11 be corl'eete:.. ~lnr} re-assessed for such adciitiol'jal amounts as set 1'0 rt h in the scheuule hereto attached end made L. part Lorool:; SEC'l'IO:~ ":c. That the 1'(;g1;I.ar SOSSiOI~ of the COLlmissioil of' tIle Gity of Bozeman tu be held in tlle CommicsioIl Charn.ber, in the CiT,y Hall of' said City the .,. ') :J 4' l'-d~) __.______.__....._.____.._.....__.. - .... __.'" n_.... -----.,....-- -.----------..----- --.-..----..- Iltl~l day of' Decer.;ber, 1S31, o.t four 0 'clock, . E., be, and the t:;[L~:].e h: llerety, designated as ttc t ble and place at v,"hicll objections Lo tl1 filial. ::ldort lun of tilis Res':Jlut i.n v/iI1 be llrJe,rd by the ::mid COlj:unis:~ion; SECT~ON 5. 'I'llat the ClErk of t.(; Cl):::rllissio..:, 01' the Cit;,y of Lozer:J.un be, I. and slte 1s l"ereby ordered and c,irected to rublisl1 in the BozeEl8.n Daily Chronicle, a daily new S. ape:!:' rriL ted and publ lslled iLl the sa id C it y of Bozeman, a IJot ice signed by the Clerk oi' the Commissi ll, und stc.o.tin.: tnc:t a ::~esolt:.;;ion correct ill , re-levyin:: and re-assesslnc a s;ecial assessment or taxes to defray tile cost ana ~xp nse of construct Lv: aWl Hu,king the improvements in :;ClQ 's,ecial ImprcveElenL District No. 22,1 is on 1'ile in tile office OJ' tIle Clerk of' tIle CO,;lLission subject tc im;pect iOll for a period of five days; that said noLice shall state the time and pluce at whic~ ob J ect iOi1S Vi ill be Leard by tl:..e COnJmls~; ion taL he final adoption of tlLis rtcsoh;.t iO,d ; that it shall be published at least five (5) days before the Gay set by tne Corrmlission for the hearing of objections and the final adoption of [;hi8 Hesolutioli. Passed and adopted by the CorDJEissio" of tl.e Cil,y of Bozel:wn at a rc.cular session thereof, held on the 4th day of DecembEr, A. D., 1031. ~a7' --- Atte~,~ L I / / ~~f~~21~~ .' Cl erk rhe Commiss J..0n \ lJ 0 TIC E ...... ------ -_/ , i ')'" lIEA2n:G, FINAL ADOFI'IO:N COl\il:-.ISSIOI1 J:lLS()LC'l'h.:~, Ij' 1'W. 228, COHH}i~C'TT=J:j, ,,:\:",-LE\rynJC LI,D .RJc:-ASSESS- n,IG SILCliJ_ .AS;.:j~;S~Ji:"El\T OF 'l'AX1's TO DLFl{A''i TUb COST OF Gru;'VEL ri~VL,G, C'ClmS AI;Jju(~l'd.,AGE STrt'[jCTUR:;~S Oli SEV:;~NTII LVE::Ul~ '::;OUTII, Lb'l\iEm; BABCOCK AIm KO Cll STllliI.'l'S, ;;;PECL",L ILl.JliCVE".l:'ll'I' DISTldC1' . 281 nOTICE 12 ~~EHEEl GIV}'~];, Tliat at a recular ses~;ion of the COHlmissio.n uf t"e City of BozGlJ.8.n held on l"ride:l, the '0 th Ul:iJT oj' Dcceubcr, 1001, Cor;rrniss :ion. Resol ut ior, No. 228 ViS t: d ul;y L:a8 sel'. aLd adopt eo; tl~at said Cornmiss ion Hesul ut Lm No. 228 correct s, re-levies and re-l:issesses 8. s~)ecial assessment of' taxes upon all the rroperty in Speciel ImproveJTlent District 1;0. ;~81 in said City, to defra;y tile cost and e:<pense of const ruct ing Cind me.k ing tbe improvencnt s within said Dist ;:i ct, to wit: T"Le Gradirw, the }J~,ving ",.:tt,l.l two Coul',se crus::e.d gr8.V"elmaCc,'dEtm I ravement, Gild the lnstallGtlon of concrete curDs ana such o rainace stru.ctur(c,s as may be necessary on Seventh AverL.,e South between tHe south line of' V/est be cock street and the north line o:c "est Koch Street; Tlwt said Corn,mission nesolution No. 228 is nm. on file in tho office uf the Clerk of' the Coril,issio:." sUbJect to inspection :f'or a period of' five (b) days by any persons interested; that :Friday, the Iltl], day 01' December, 1931, at Four o 'cluck :Po h... of saiel (jay, at the regular session of' tuo said '"'ommission of tL.e ------ - ---- - . (9) ~;,~ ~~ /, ;'!I'; If'), /:.." 1.:_,' .1 _n.__..._...__. . _____... -.----.... - -..-.---.---....--..------- ---. ---------.---.---.--.--------..".. . ..--.. ...-....".-- ------ .---- City of BOZE:lilSIl, at tIle Corrm~i ssin Chamber, City Hall BuildiEi" of said City, ~las ,. been desigri.oted as the time and place wb,en und where the seid COD~ission ~ill hear I and pass upon 8ny und all objections tl::.[;t may be made to -Li::.c fi_dal IHissace and adoption of said Conmif;sion :;:~esolut ion No. 228, and t:ce correction, re-levy 1L[; and re-assessment of' Se) id special improvement tax; tL.at sai6 Resol~tion will be finally passed and adopted 8t said recular session. All persons interested are referred t" Commission Besolution No. 155 '-' be declaring it to/the intention of the Cou@ission to create Special Improvement District No. 281, and Commission Hesolut ion Nol 158, creating 6pecial Improve- ment District No. ;::.;81 for constructing and making the improvements therein, and Commission Res:Jlut ion l'Jos. 197 and 197A, lev:yinc and asse~_2ing a sJecial ussessment of taxes upon all the property in Special Improvement Dist I'lct No. 281 to defray the cust of constructing and making tl.1e improvement s Vi i thin sa id I;;Jpec lEll Improvement District No. ;~'81. The Droceedings for the correction, re-levying and l'e-assessmcnt of said special improvement district tax, as [O,et forth in said Comraiss ion Hesolut ion No. 228, are had pursuant to the provisions of Sectiun 5252, I'oli tical Codc: , H.C.I"., 10'-'-i which authorizes, 8.l1ong other things: iJ k. ....... , I "* * * whenever any a:;;iport ionment or aSf,essment is Gade and any property is assessed too little or too :'.ucn, the Sed:le may be corrected CTW re- assessed for SUCH additional amount as ~,^ay be p 1'0 per , or t:ne assessment me.y be reduce(, even to the ext ent of refunding the tax collected * * *". Dat ed this 5th day of' December, 1901. ~----' I, Carolyni1es tlake, Clerk of tne Commission of tlle City of :boze,.:C&ll, Montana, do hereby certify that the foregoing Notice In He HesoluLicn :No. 228 was publishe~ at length in the Bozeman Daily Cnronicle, a daily news~aper of general circulation, printed and publis~ed in the City of Bozeman, in the issue of December 5th 1931, and that due proof of said pul:licction was made and filed in my office. IN VIIT];ESS 1:flIERLCl' I ~J.ave llereunto set my hand and 'the corporate; seal of sa id City this lOthday of December, 19,)1. I -~--- Co:q j.mission .. ......11I.