HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 227 Death of Truitt 229- COlI;1.iISSION .ri;';~OLUl'IO=:; NO. 2~2 ? " , {:J v ,: RES 0 L UTI 0 N ", I ! .:. .- OF '1':;:::: CO...l\.ISCIO; OF "J.'LL. CI':!.'Y OF .b0"-.""....;.::.:: L: iiE DEArTn OF InRS. EAST ER T RUI'r'T yn;:SR::':;AS, h.rs. Easte l' '1' rui t t, wife of' L. 'Ii. .I. rui t t , fo I'J'lerly ;"ayor of the City of Bozeman, departed her life on November 10th, 1901, ITO.f, r-r ~i'}I;iiE~FO R]~, BE IT HESOLVED BY T1IE COLidSSIO:; UF CEL"b CITY OR BOZEj,,:J~l; , in regular sessioll held tl.is 13th day of November, 1931: That it extenu and convey to the said L. ',1. Truitt the cOHdolence of the CorJ1Inissi,Jn of' the City of BOL:eIimn in tl.'.is hour of hi<:: bereavement; '1':-3 t a CODY of' tHis ;;~esol t ion be s:pread upon the ;.~inut,:"c OI' LLe Corrllilissi n iOh,d the orieLlo.l sent to ;,;1'. Truitt. lassed o.nd adopted by the Comraiss ion 0 i' the City of Bozemcn at a regular sess ion tllereof' helo on the 13th day of l~ovember, L131. ~~HC ....- '/.u,! I Attest.:. -?"/ .' //1 ?d/~Ld-",~A'-€ _ C1er]' of the Commission I - ~--,_. -- - ---'"