HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 226A Lighting District No. 284 2')8 &: . -I ,_ ..-.-..--.-.-.-.-....-......--.----.----- .._." _. .____________':.'=,,::....-=--==.:..:==-....::-=',===--....:.:;.:..=-=..:..:.::._ _..,. _.u_..._ -------..'''.--.....-....-.-..-.-..-..... .,,1\ --.-- .~~ cm.11,ISSIOlT RESOLU'.::'I'~~IJ NO. 226A A 'iEDOJ.tITI:)IJ CF 1m COl.C:,ISSIOi'. ~;F 'I'll:;;: cn'y OF BOZn,L!\,J; l"DLUJLY PAS~;IN,(i _'J'TD ADOr,JIING Cm.1MISSION HESOL'l'? I IT NO. 226 }i]'J'I1I'I'LE.'J: "A RESOI,uliIOlT \,,:;;'"' TEE Cm,'TI.;IS8_0~r Ol' '1'}iI:~ CITY 07' P.07,,::A:: LT:-VYIEG f\.ND ,ASSES[:,L,f!:', A SPECIAL 1\$:;::S;:3L"E::r. or TAXj~S UI1Cli' ALL 'rEE I rHOFEH'ry II.! SP1XL\.L n.~)rWVN\i:rr:I'JT LIGHTING DISTRICT IIC. 28.:1, TO D':::FR.I,..Y SJ!~V.2l:'ll"{-:FIVE PEE C7~1T':;" ( 'l5?~ ) OF TJill '~STL:___iiTED COST 0:;:" LIGhTING CLEVELAND S'I1RK'[' :FHOl: WILLSON AV1~lTl]J:: TO EIGlr:r.I~ .AV}nr~~-- ~J::,'rlIEJ SAID SI)ECIAL I~;:rROVJ2t:J;;lYl' LICHTING DIST~nCT ',~o. 284 O:F ~t]:E crr{ QIi' E:O"';-L;c.:, JYHOLl NOVEliil3ER 1, 1931 TO OCTOBER 31, 1932tt. 1.T TEREAS , the COlmnission of the City of Bozeman did 0.:1 tj,e 25th day of' SepteI:lber, 1931, at e. regu1nr session thereof duly pass Commission Resolut ion No. 226 entitled: "A IiESOLU"J:IOIJ OF Tl.L COLEI;:;SION OF ']'ITE CITY 01" EOZELI.AN y,ETIING A:'TD ASSESSING A SPECLiL ASSESE:Jl':ENT OF 'l1A.i\ES UPON ALl, TIili jROI'ERTi: IN SPECIAL UiI'HOVELili:r'l' LIGI21'ING DISTRICT lJO. 284, TO DEFRAY SEVE2JTY-FIVE J)ER ,CETTT (?5%) 0]' 'I'HE ESTIl,.i.TED COST OF LIGHTIj\:G CLEVEL.:\l-TD S'rHEJi;T F:F\OlL VlILLSON AV'K'TU.!:; TO EIGHTH AVElTUE '"ITHIN SAID SF ECIAJ. ni::F!(OVEJ:.:~ENT LIGII'rlj\IG DI:::3TRICT ITO. 284 OF THE CITY OF EOZEl/LiN, FROM l<,OVElo,L:ER 1, 1931 '1'0 OCTOEER $1, 1932". ".7I-T.EHE..A.S, said Comnission Resolution No. 226 vvas duly signed by the h'layor and the Clerk of' the CommissioJ;l., and was filed in the office of the Clerk of the Cormnission on the 25th day of Se]itember, 1931, and evcI' since has been on file in said of1'i ce, E;ub j ect to and fo r the inspection of all persons inteI'c:)sted; and ''/l~.IEr\-'.'AS , thp :::nd day OJ,' Octob PI', 1931, e.t '1 0 'cloel: P. L.., at a reg:.lar sess io:\ of the Com,:,:iss ion to be held at tilO Commi ss ion Ch[L:ber, C it Y Hal 1 Build in{-; in the suid City, vms the; time Lind place dcsienated for hearing ol.!jcctioHS to the final passace and adoptioh of sai~ ReE: lut ion ;and I ~:lIIERJ~A~) , the Clerk of the Commission has given notice of the filing of said ltesolut ion and the final pasaace and aclopt ion thereof, by publishing notice thereof in the Eozewo,n Daily Chronicle, a daily newspaper, printed and published in said City, at least five ( 5) days before hearinc an} anti all ob j cct ions to the final passage and adoption of said Resolution; and VlHEREAS, the matter of the said final passage and adoption of said Res- olut ion, cOmine on regularly to be heard, pursuant to said Resolution and Notice, this 2nd day of October, 1931, at a regular session of' said Commissi on, and proof being made of' tlle publ icat ion of said Notice as required by law and as ordered by said Hesolut ion; And, no object ions having bee:C-l made or filed to the i' inal passur:,~:(; and adoption of said Heso1ut ion and tILe levyin,,~' of the assessment as therein })rovided; 11m; , T:IEREFORE, BE IT RESOL \lED AND IT IS liEnE~_Y OHD: ,RED BY 'l'nE GO:.:li;Is~:nO:T 0Ii' 'rlIJ'; CITY OF BOZK,TA', s'rATl'; 0 JT LlO:.rr A'f,A: J,1ha t , said Commission Hf:'solution lTo. 226 be, and tJle same is hereby finally :passed [ij'ld ad()rd;ed an(~ the ;"",r;ecial Assessment 01' taxes to defray' the cost I of light ing Cleveland Street from','/illsOll Avenue to Eighth ~lvernle, as tHerein set forth, be, and the same are hereby levied and assessed as therein provided. :Pass'ed and adopted by tb,e Commission of the City of' Bo;;;eman, at a regular session thereof, held on thc 2nd day of October, ~\. . D., 1931. 7(!jJ4AAdt ......--""J ) ~~-~~- -1' ~-~"'~_.,- Attest: M or Com:m.ission ..--