HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 226 Lighting District No. 284 --.-...".- 224 ...- -.. .......--...-..---. .-.....---- -- "' _,'.i~r)1 .' . ..------- ~J .'__ . .::/ i " COl.li,lISSION HESOLUTIOIT NO. 226 A RESOLl?rIC};- 01i' '.1::=:'; COI.lLiL:JSIOIT OF TIIL CITY OI!' LOZJi~J:AN LEVYING AND ASSESL_, L: C- A SjECIA, ASSJ~SSLTE:'IT 07 7lLCES TJPOlJ ALL TIlE PHOPERTY IN SPECIAL D/IPRO"IT.2l"-;,1;T LIGHTING DISTInCT NO. 284, TO DJ.i;li'R;'Y SEVKTTY-FIV~ PER CENT (75%) OF T=m ESTII\IATED COC3T OF LIGll'rE.G CLl2;VE- I LAITD STREE'J1 FHOlI -','!ILI,sON ~'!.VmTtJ}~ '1' OEIGI-I'TH A VE::'T"!JE WITIEN SAID SPECIAL IM1)nOVK\~:SNT LIGH'J:DJG DISTHICT NO. 284 OF THE CITY 011' BOZEl,Wi, FROlil NOVErvm:ZR 1, 1 ~;)l TO OC~;'OBER 31, H132 . WHEliEA.S , The Cormnission of' the City of' Bozer,lRn duly and regularly passed Cooonission Resol tions Nos. 212 &, 214, creat in~,: Sl)ec ial ImproveI:lent Ligl,t int; District No. 2(4 within tile City of Lozeman and defining the boundaries thereof' and providing for the assessment of the cost of liGhting the same as set forL.h in said Cor.llnission Resolutions Nos. 212 &, 214; and VlHE REt\.S , tLe terms of the contract Y/J.th tlL Montana Power Company for furnishing current for street 1igl~s and the maintenance thereof require that monthly payments be made therefor; tind ','[}mREA.S, The Cor:u:lission of' the City of Bozeman has caused an estimate of the cost of maintainiuf; ~~1.:,ch lights and fUl'nishing current therefor for the Ybar ber;inning November 1, 1931 and ending October 31, 1S! 32, in said "y:ecial Improveaent Lighting District No. 2(~'1 as provide(;. in Chapter 1'1:3, Law:, of Montana, 1927, and ChQpter 26, LavIs of Montana, 19 (; 9; a nd :,lIEREAS, the aforesaid estimate aIilounts to :;;>653.93 and Resolutions Nos. I 212 & 214 creuti~s saia district, provide 'thst sevent:i-five per cent (75~;) thereoi' ( i.e. in this case :JTour Hundred Ninety Dollars and Forty Il'ive Cents (~49() .45) , shall be borne by the ovmers of tL_e pro:'erty specially benefitted as here inafter set forth; NOW, TI-ill REFO HE, pursuant to tile provis iO,iS of Sect ions 5259-5<-;65, inclusive, as amended by Chapter 143, Laws of Montana, 1927, and Chapter 26, Laws of Llontana, 192\), and said Cooonission I{esolut ions Nos. 212 & 214 creat ing said Spec ial Inprove- ment Light 1n[=; District ITo. 284 ; EE IT RESOl'TED l\.ND 1'1' IS I-mREBY ORDERED BY THE COMNlISSIOlI OF THB Clr:L'Y VB BO?:K.:AIT, SrATE OE' MOlTTA;:A: Sec:. 1. That :['01' tile:) year from November 1, 1931 to October 31, 1932, the estirn.ated cost ()f maintaining the lights and furnishing electrical current therefor in S])ec ia1 Inprovernent Licht irl!:;; District iJo. 284 is Six Hundred l,inety T111'ee Dallal's and :~!inety rr:i.lree Cents (,.;693.93)' that seventy-five per cent ( 75~b) of the said estimated entire COE:t is ]'OUl" Hundred Ninety DollaI's anel Forty li'ive Cents (;~490 .45) ; tlmt the total area to be assessed in said Special Imp:_'ovemcnt Light ing District No. I 284 is 5<;5,420 scuare feet; that the :t'ate per thousand square feet for the lot s fronting on Cleveland Street is ;":.90; that the rate pel"' thousand square feet for corner lots paralleling Cleveland street is ~1.54 and that the rate per thousand sQuare feet for il1S1de lots parallelinG Cleveland. treet is v.77. Sec. ot:) That to defray seventy-five per cent ( 7 57~ ) 01' the cost of main- ,~ . taining and lightiIl[~ said Cleveland street, from Willson Avenue to Eightrl Avenue, within said Special Improvement Lighting District jio. 284, for the year from November .---.-. 22~ :~ - ....---.. ----.-.- ....,..- -. ------."..-------.-- ...-- --.------..--.------ ". ..--.--., ...."'- .._....._._ u'o_._u.. ......_u._....nn 1, 1931 to October 31, 1932, there be, and there is hereby levied and assessed a tax upon all the T':ropert;y in :i'-'ront of and borderinG upon said Special Improvement Lighting District No. 284 as set forth in Schedule l1A" hereto attached, and made I .,., a part hereof; that a particular description of each lot and parcel of' land with the name of the owner and the sum assessed against him or it, is set fortll in the schedule hereto attached, and made a part hereof; thc:t the several stuns set opposite the names of tl-le ovmers, and the described lots and parcels of land, bu, and the same are hereby levied and assessed upon and against said lo~s and parcels of land; tt.at the several :.mlp.s be collected from the respecti","e owners of' said lots and parcels of land ddscribed in the said schedule, as required by law; that said SLUllS be paid and the collection thereof shall be made in the manner and in aCCOrdance with the 1m; governing the collection of special iml:Jrovement taxes; that failure to pa;-:,r such assessments when the same shall become due and payable shu,11 make such person and such lots ane. parcels of land liable to the penal ties provided by the law relative to delinquent taxes. Sec. 3. That the regular session of the Commission of tile City of Bozenlan 11eld on the (~nd day of October, A. D., 1931, at the COnD:aission Chamber, City ~all Building, be, and the same is hereby designated as the time ailo. )12,C8 I at which objections to the final ado:~ion of this Resolution will be heard by the Connuiss ion. Sec. 4. Thnt tile Clerk of the COIl1l.lissiul1, be, ;;~nd she is hereby ordered and directed to IJublish in the Bozeman Da ily Chronicle, a daily news- paper, printed and pu1)lished in the siill City of Bozeman, a notice signeu by the Clerk of the Commission, and stat inc,: thut a resolution levying a spec ial assess- ment of taxes to defray seventy-five per cent ( '75%) of tj':e cost of maintaining and light ing C10vela~ld Street, from flillson Avenue to Eighth Avenue, in the said Special Improvement Li'hting Di~trict No. 284 for the y ar from Nuvember 1, 1931 to Oct:Jber 31, 1032, is on file in the ffice of the Cleri: of the COTIJmiss ion, subject to inspection for u period of five cays; that said notice 8l:all state the time andnlace at which ob ject ions will be heard by the COr.ll:l1ssion to the final adoption of this Resolution; that it shall be published at least five days before the date set by the Comnission for hearing objections, and the final adoption of this Resolution. Passed by the COlnrlission of' the City of }:Jozeman at a regular session I thereof held on the 25th day 01' Septembe:c, A. D., 1931. -~ Attost: tJ~~ the Commission - ------------ -- ----- ~-- ----------- ----..------------ 226 .._., ____....._n.___..._______..__._ --. - ---... . -., "..- ._________...u_., __ ...m.. ...__ .___..___.___ .----.--...,....--. I'U'. .~;,., NOTICE ,; _n~ _ __ _ , - I \ r ,. '~'., ~,,,-o:Jt ," ,,:' HEARI:i,jC, =nL\.L ADOPTIOn CO:ivilviISSIOl'J i:mSOLU'JI' 1 01; :iJO. 226 . " L='~VYT;:G ASSESSI"lEl.JT OF ~)EVLI'JTY-li'IVE lEB. CEIJ'l', CO~jT L1AIIT- TAINING AND LIl~HTING CLE\TELAED S-:L'HEET FRm.:. "\7ILLSON AV::~- I NUE TO EI GHTH AVEHU,:, ~3F;J;CL':..L ILll)lIOV}}L]]T'I' ="IGE'I'IHG IJI~~:'1.'?.IC'I' HO. 284, FOE ':l'HE -- EAH ]'RM lTOVEiHr,}!;R 1, 1931 TO UCTO]-:-;::H 31, 1~)32. l'rO~eICE IS .Ji;HEEY G:LV:i:;~J, That at a regular session of' t:ne Commission of' the Ci ty of' j~oZ8)iJ.an he 1,-,_ on t"e 25th day of September, 1931, COilll:!lission Hesol ut ion No. 226 was duly IJ(}ssed and adOl)ted; thc:.t suill Commi s sion,lesol Llt ion.;o . 226 levies Gnd 8.ssesses a special assessment of taxes upon all tLe . rO]Jurty in SlJecial Irrr!rovement LiGhting District No. 284 of said City to defray seventy-five per Gent ( ?57~) of the cost of lightinC C10velanCl Street 1'2:'U1.1 '\.-i1130;; }I.VC,:,'"C to Eighth Avenue" for the year froB iJoverabcI' 1, 1931 to October 31, 1932. T lw t said S!)ecial Improver:rent Lighting District No. ; 84 was created pursuant to Cor::rnission Hesolut ions Nos. 212 [,~ 214; that the maount of' as.::essment is ~490.45; that the total area to be assessed in said Spec ial ImlH'ovement Light ing District No. 284 is 545,420 square feet; that tho rate "er thousand square feet for lots frontinG on Cleveland Street is ~r'. 90 ; that the rate per thousand scuare feet for corner lots paralleling Cleveland S'l;reet h; :;;>1.54; and that tile rate per thousand square feet for inside lots paralleling Cleveland Street is 'n:.?? I The t , said Com:::I,is::::ion Hesolution No. 226 is now on file in the office of the Clerk of the COIDHissiol1 of the said City of Bozeman subject to inspection for a period of five days by any persoll interested; that Friday the 2nd day of October, 1931, at 4 o'clock P. M. of said (la;l at a regular session ofelle Coraj'llission oi' the C it Y of Bo zm:lan, Commission Chai:lber, City Hall BuildinG, flaS been desit-nated as the time and place 1;lhen and where said Cornr:liss1cn will hear ane[ pass UT',on any and all oli,-jections thclt may be Inadc to the final paSSG_L and adOlJtion of said COITL-iiission Resolut ion TIe;. 2;-26, and the levying of sai as se s sr,len t ; and that, said Hesol-, t ion will be finally })assed and adopted at said reGular session of said Commission, subject to su(;h corrections and amei.dments as may be made and filed wi thin the five days limit as prcvided by law. All persons interested are referred to COllIDlission Hesolut ions Nos. 212 and 214, creat ine: the aforesaid ST)eC ial ImprovenLcn t Light ing Distric t No. 284, defining the boundaries thereof' uud lirovid ine; for the assesmnent of the cost 01' said light ing 1'0 r further part iculars, saili Hesolut ions being on file ifl 'l:;11e office of' ti,e Clerk of' the Commission of' the City of B'zeman, at the City Hall of said City, and sub ject I to the inspection of all persons int erested. Dated this 26~h day of September, 1931. ~<<JJ;~ Cler' of the C01TIm1Ssion '- ----.-.-.-- ') ') "''} ~,/. ./ ,.,~.".., fI -., --. --....-- --------- -.--".------....---..--- .--- -.---..-----..----.-----.-....--. I, Carolyn l.festlake, Clerk of the Conunission 01.' the City of Lozeman, Montana, do hereby certify that the foregoing Notice in Re Resolution No. 226 of the I City of }3ozeman, Montann, vm~ published at length in the bozeraan 1:\aily Chronicle, '^ daily newspaDer of peneral circulation, printed and pu~lished if1 the Cit:I of Eozeman, in the issue of September 26, 1031, and that due proD ~c' of said publ icatio..- was made and filed in my office. IN \iITJ'JESE:; Vn,EREOf I have hereunto set my hand and the corporate seal of said Cit:/ this 26th day of September, 1931. .:2 ~/L Commission I I - ~- .. .