HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 225A Passing of Resolution No. 225 -.-.-. - _.__._-~_. ') ') "J> 1..~1 t;".i t:~1 ..--.......... ..---...-..--- --....,.--.----..----.-----..------- -------.. ......-.". 'C"j ',j -1'\, ,-- ,,"1 I' :" : - - -"- .' ';-1 ,;:t COI,J'lI3SION RESOLFI'IOl;- _:0. 225A ..'~ . A REEWL1:jTIOI; F TIL, COLiI/iISSIUN 01i' TI-L.::'-;:r: 'Y or DOZH\~.i;J;- FIlL\LLY FACjSIlTC AIL) ~:""DO}'lTNG Cmi];LrSSTO~:3ESOLur rOF 1;-0. 225 EIJTITLED: "A RESOLurrION OF 'l'HE COlv:JdS:J:Wl-T 0]' 'l'TrE CITY llF, ", "P,O, '-,'r",""'" '1.,,", ,IT,'Y\T"\'f',',.,'','''(',' , \~,r'\,'" ~,("',',C'ECI,,C-]-"'G A SF' ,,-','EClAL " · S',""EC:'C"I,"':-'~','Trl' Or, 'I,', ,~.,,,C' " -,-~, TtJO, '",,',',,', "LL, 'I',lH'~,j', ",,~:JU',Pli","-::JTY I i .....) ,,:,.JJ.~l','.Jl.,,~"~ 1_I.~j.'" .L1J ~r .1U\;.u ji.k)U '01J _..I.~ :7 ' 1.1. u i uu 'il..L.....d'J .......' .t.~\,..L.:jh..J u...... .,i,':, .li. l:J 1..l..L J.!...,;.,I, IN ~:PECIAL II,TROVEL:mrr LIGH~:ING DISTRIC'l' NO. 100 TO DEF:rtX~ li'IFTY (50) r:E~ CEi;'I' OF TI-IE COST OF LIGlI1'IHG L_An: STRE:r~T l~HOL'~ IDA L,VK:UE TO FOUErI'll AVElnJ.B~, VlIT::::nr SAID SPECIAL ILl:r.:RO"\,7}:l,:E:.;T LIGm:INC DISTHIC'I' NO. 100 Ol" 'i'l-lli CITY OF BOZELlt',,; FOn IlL!.: YEAH 1951". \mJ~RE.A0, tIle ornmiss on of the Ci t 'Y of Boz oman ,1 i6 on t;l1e '2,5th day of Se:i)teraber, 19u1, at Q rCt::ular 3es~;ion thereof duly p8.SS COIT1Lli:,,)sion He.solution No. 225 ent i tled: " A HESOLUTIOiJ OF T~j,E COT,jJ'.,:IbSION OF TilE CI'I'Y 0]' E()Z,I~!;-c_: l--,}~":YI:W AND ASCEi);_IIJG A SI'ECI.AL As:::mSS::',IElJT OF TAXES 'tJJ'ON ALL THE I'HOPEn'TY IN SPECIAL IlJ:ROVK"lLi\"rr LIGHTING DIS'rRICT NO. 100 TO DEFRAY FI i',:[1Y (50) PER CbN'l' OF 1'1-i:E OOST OF LIGHTI:~G I\UiIN STHEE'r FHOI\I IDA AVT:::7lJE rI'O FOl_RI'I-I A VElJUI,;, WITHIN SAID SPECIAL HIPHOVEl,'lI%TT LIGH'l'ING DIST- HIC.T NO. 100 OJ!' T:;:I:~ CrEY O:~ BC'ZEl.J\.N FOR Tl]~ v::AH 1931". 1.'HIEREAS, said Commis s ion Resolut ion lJo. 225 "',as duly siGned by tlle Mayor and the Clcrl~ of' tilG Cormnission, and Vias filed in the offh:e of' the Clel'k oi,' tlle Conmis1:;io~l on ellS ~~5th day of September, 19~31, a11U ever since has been on 1'ile in said office, subject to and for the inspection 01' all persons interested; and "I!_~EREAS, the 2nd day oi' October, 1931, at "-1 0 'cL'ck IJ. Iu., at a regular se sion of the Comr::issio' to be held at tl:e CorrDl,ission Chamber, City HaLl l.h;,ildillG in the said CiGY, was the time and place dusignuted for hea~ing objuctions to the fin"l pass!'lce and ado-: t ion of sa id Hesolut ion; end I 1:TTEREAS, the Cled<: of the CommissLHl has given notice olf the filing of said E{esolution and the J'inal passage and adOl)tion thereo::i.', by _-.ublishinc; notice t-.ereof' in the Bozeman DQily Chronic le, a daily newSIX1pGI", printed and published in said City, at least fic,-e (5) days l)efore hos.rin[; any and all objections to the final passace and ado tion of said Hesolution; and VnIERKLS, t:ne matter of the said final ]x:ssc',-'E;: and adopt ion of said Hes- olut ion, coming un reGularly to be heard, pursuant to sail:, rtesolution "J,l1d Not ice, this ~;nd day of October, 1931" at a regular sGssion of said Corl1IIlission, c.l1ci proof being I;lO.de of the pUblication of said Notice as required by law and as ordered by said Hesolut ion; And, no objections havinc l)een mCide or filed to the final passace and adoption of .'3aid Hesolution aHd tho levyL1C: 01' the assessment as therein provided; lJo\'l, 'I'I.EREl'U1IE, BE II' RESOI.,YE.) AND rI' IE.; EEREl)'{ OHDEHEU BY TIn:.: COLJ.i.; SSION o Ii' 'rI-.LE CITY Oli' DOZE.L.A,~~, STATE 0]' lIC01r.L'AJ'L\: TIm t, sai6 ComrnissiOJ.1 Hesoht ion No. 225 be, .'. nd the SE:J:le is lleTeby finally passed and adopted and the ~3pecial .A .sessment 01' taxes to defray the cost I' of lightinp: l/lain Street fro~l Ida Avenue to li'Ourt~l A~eIlue, ~s tllere in set forth, be, and the same are hereby levIed and assessed as tllere..n provlded. Passed and adopted by the Commis sian of the City of Bozel:Jan, at a rercular session thereof, held on the 2nd day of OC~~~31. A:~~J/A~~___ - Mayor--~ erK ~t;1ieC"'olmnl::':Slon -~ ------------ (;-) I;;'~ ,,' , -~- ..~ ':'~.i ;;",,; I'" , -- ---....-..,....-- -.--------.-....-...----- -.- -... ... . ......-...--... .......... -... .- I, Carolyn Westlake, Clerk of the Corruillssion of the City of Bozclliun, hlont anc\, do hereby certify that the foregdling Resolution No. 225A was published I y tit Ie in the Bozeman, Dail;'!' Chronicle, a daily newspaper of general cir- culation, printed and publisheJ in the City of Bozeman, in the issue of October 6, 1931, and tnat dt:_e proof' 0:1.' said I)'ub1icat ion was made and filed in my office. Il,y ',7ITNESS WHEREOli' I have hereunto set my hand and the corporate seal of said City this 6th day of October, 1931. ~/ ~ e: / ~~'- Clert f the COInmission- I I I -., --- -'