HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 225 Lighting District No. 100 '") 1 f" / ~ ..; t;..i ",_ C' '. ---.----- -------- ." ... ---.-.-.. .. --....---..-- _....,,- .. -------....-.------------ -". -" -) : . , t" ,...' ..' COIvIMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 225 "11/"/' ; A TIESOLu'11'IO:'T 0]' Trill COMJi;IISSIm,j OF THE CITY OF BOZEJ"'lAJ;' LLVYING AHD ASSESSING A SPECIAL ASSZSSLIE1TT or TAX:;~S UP01T ALL Th~ PriOPERTY IN SPECIAL n.'iPIWVEhIENT LIGHTING DIsrrRJ:CT I no. 100 TO DEFRAY FIFTY (50) PER CENT OF Tl'IE cos'r OF LIGIT'rLW LiADJ STREET 1"HOM IDA .t.YKi'JUE TO FOUHTH AVKI:;UE \IITliL, SAID SIJECIAL E..PHOVELIE:N-r.r LIGH'l'llTG DISTIUCT NO. 100 OF TEE CITY OF BOZELIAIT ]'OR THE YEAH 1931. vri:lEHi,,;I->.S, '}'11e City Council of the City of' BOZelilo.n duly and regularly passed Council Resolutions Nos. 641 and 64'7 creat ing Special Impro"'-lement Light ing District No. 100 wi thin the City of Bozeman and de1'inin{; the boundaries thereof and provid in€; for the assessment of tl1e cost of lighting the same as set forth in said Council Resolutions Nos. 641 and 647; and VllIERRA.S, Main street i"rora Io.a Avenue to FOUl'th Avenue, within the bound- aries of said Special Improvemcmt Light ing District No. 100, has been lighted during the year 1931 as contemplated in said Resolutions, in accDrdance vii tl1 terms and con- ditions thereof; and 'NlIERE.AS , the Special Improvement Lighting District No. 100, and the Reso- lutions creating the same, the total frontage of the property within said district tho be assessed, the total cost of said lighting within said district and the propor- tion thereof chargeable to the property therein is hereinafter set forth. Now, therefore, ]Jursuant to the provis ions of Sect ions 5259 to 5269 inclu- I sive, Folitical Code, R.C.M. 1921, as amended by Chapter 143, Laws of Montana, 1927, Chapter 26, LaI'!s of Montana, 1929 and said Council Resolutions Nos. 6.:1:1 and 647, creatin",q said S:lecial Improvement Lighting District No. 100 ; BE IT RESOLVED A}';D IT IS HEREBY ORDERED BY TIlE COI-/.J:..IISSIOl'.' 01'- 'J.1HE CITY OF' l?OZE]'~AlT , STATE 0]' MONTANA: Sec. 1. That for the year 1931 the City of Bozeman has defrayed the cost of maintaining and lighting Main street, from Ida Avenue to Fourth Avenue, wi t11in Special Improvement Lighting District No. 100, pursuant to Resolutions Nos. 641 and 647 creating the same, and that fifty (50) per cent of the entire cost thereof is ~?1636 .48, tlwt the total number 01' linear feet of prOlJert;y to be assessed is 6785.4 feet, and that the rate per front foot is :j;;.2411'7? Sec. 2. That to defray fifty (50) per cent of the cost of uaintaining and 1 igh tine sa id Nia in st reet , from Ida i.-venue to Fourth ;",venue, within said Special IFl})rOVement Li;:~:l1t iUG District No. 100 for the year 1931, there be, and there is here- by levied and assessed a tax upon all the proIJerty in front of' and borderinG upon sa id Spec ioJ. Improvement Li[;ht ing District No. 100 as set forth in schedule hereto I attached and made a part hereof; that a part iC'L~lGr descri:pt ion of' each lot and parcel of land vlith the name of the owner and 'the sum assessed against hiJii. or it, is set forth in the schedule hereta attached, and made a part hereo1'; that the several sums set OI)POS i te t;"e ne.n8S of t lte ovmers, and the described lots and pGrcels of land, be, and the snne are hereby levied 8.Ld af3sessed UJJOll and agbinst suid lots <:;;ld ,;:a1'oo18 of land; that t.h,e sever",l sums be collected from the res.pective ovmers of' said lots and parcels of land described in the said schedule, as required by law; that said SUlllS be -",-- ---------- ----------- ~---- 92f) t--J ,,_ - ...----- ----..-......- ----..---- ... ....-...."... -.-- -.- ----------.-.- -.... pai(~~ and the collection tllereof shall be mud in the manner and in accordance Viith the laVl~qovernillg the collection of special iml)rOVement taxes; t11at failure to pay such assesso.ents wl,en the same shall become (~l).e and pc:!.yable shall make such person Gnu I such lots and :;:ercels of land liable to tIle l)ellUlties p:covided by the laYl relative to deli~quent taxes. Sec. 3. That the regular session of the CoDt.~lission of the City of Bozeman held OIl t~le 2nd day of October, A. D., 1931, at the COYi1Inissiol1 Chamber, City Hall BUilding, be, and tl:ie smrlG is hereb;y- des igna t ed as tIle time and )lLce at wl:ich ob j eC- tions to the final adoption of this Resolution will be heard by the Comrnission. Sec. 4. That the Clerh: of the Commission, be, and she is hereby ordered and directed to ]mblish in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a daily newspaper~ print ed and published ill the said City of Bozeman, a not ice signed by the Clerk of the Comrl1is- sion, and stating that a resolution levying a special assessment of taxes to defray fifty (50) per cent of the cost of maintaining and lightinG Main street, from Ida Avenue to I"ourth Avenue, int;he said Special Improvement Lighting District No. 100 for the year 1931, is on file in the office of the Cler}: of the Commission, subject to inspection for Q period of five days; that said not ice sl~all state the t i111e and place at which objections will be heard by the Commission to the final adoption of this HesollLtion; that it shall be ]mblished at least five days before the date set I by tIle CornmissioJl for hearing of objections, and the final adoption of this Resolution. Pass8c.i by the Comnissioll of the City of Bozeman at a rec;ular session thereof held on the 25th day of SeI)tember, 1931, A. D. A ttest ~._ H. ~+)U)NAf'~ - Clerk . the Comnissiol1 . NOT ICE ------ IffiARHW, FETAL lillOP'l'IOlT COMlvIISSION RESCLFTIOIT NO. 225 LE'TYING ASSESS- 1.m=:-T or FI]'TY FER CI~=Yr, COST Ldl.IH- Tii..n:nJG .LJ!D LIGhTnm lvI.AIlT STREET 'g'HOk IDA AvmmE TO FOURTli I..v~:am~, SPECIAL :CiFROVEl\IKTT LIGlITIIJG DIS'J.1- RIOT NO. 100 Fan '111m YEAH 1931. HO'l'ICE IS HERlmy GIVE;;, The.t at a reculDr seSf3iol1 01' the Com:.lission of the City of Eozema~ held on the 25th day of September, 1~)31, Commission Hesolutiol1 No. 225 I W8.S duly passed e:ld cdoDted; that said Commission Hesolutiol1 No. 225 levies and assesses a sI)ec 1al 8.ssessment of ta::es UnOll all the property in Special Improvement Light ing District lTo. 100 of said City to defray fifty (50) per cent of the cost of lighting Main Street fron Ida .Avenue to T'ourth Avenue, for the year 1931. 'rhat said Sreciel IL11)rOVement Lighting District Ho. 100 was created pursuant to COUllC il J:iesolut ions Hos. 641 Qnd 647 that .1.;118 amount of asseSSlclEHlt is \..1636.48, the -.-- ..-- ---_._,,- ') ,., ~'d J~~.' __".__ __.._.____n..____ _..........u . ..---.--..- -- ....... _..... ..._ ...._._n .."._ ...._.. ..__...._..___.u..._ __.... ___ u.._...___..u. total frontage is 6785.4 linear feet, ;.,nd the ~.'ate }Jer front foot is ~~. 2411?? TIt at, said Com.miss iOIl l1esolut ion No. 225 is now on file in the office of I the Cler:: of the Corm::ission 01' the said Cit~r of BozelllC.n subject to inSljGction for a period of five days by any person interested; that Friday the 2nd day of October, 1931, at ~ 0' clock P. M., of said day at a regular session of the Commission of the City of Foze:C:lan, Commission Chffinber, City Hall Building, has been designated as the time and 1~13ce when and v/llere said Connuiss ion will hear and pass upon any and all objections that may be nl2.de to the 1'inul passage and edopt ion of so. id Commission Hes- olution :I:Jo. 225, and the levying of said assessment; and that, said Hesolut ion will be finally passed and adopted at said regular session of said Commission, subject to such corrections and amendments as may be mad\::; and filed Y/ithin the five days limit as provided by law. All persons interested are referred to Council Resolutions Nos. 641 and 64'7 , creat ine the aforesaid Spec ial Ir:1provement Light ing District No. 100, defining the boundaries thereof and providing for the assessment of the cost of said lighting for further particulars, said Resolutions being on file in the office of the Clerk of the COlmnission of' the City of Bozeman, at the City llall of said City, and subject to t118 ins~ection of all persons interesteCl. I Dated this ;:~6th da:'l of September, 1931. Clerk I, Carolyn Westlake, Clerk of the Co:rnmission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, do hereby certify that the foregoing notice in 1'e Resolution No. 225 of the City of Bozeman, lAontauci., was published at length in the Bozemun Daily Chronicle, a daily newspaper of general circulation, printed and published in the City of' Bozeman, 1:1.1 the issue of Sept ember 26, 1931, arid that due 1")1'001' of said publication was made and filed in my office. TiT WITNESS VmEREOF I have hereunto set; my hand and the corporate seal of said City this ::?6th day of SeI)tember, 1931. ~~<?'}u~A Clerk .. the Commiss ion I .- -. -. ...-.---- ...-......--- . .-