HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 223A Passing of Resolution 223 ~ ~ -." ~ / '" '. / t.:__,., .:."'... -----.-- .. __ .n ..._...._... on.... ...___..,.._..._".__ __m ___. _____..._.... ..-.. .-.,.-..- - .-------------. n___._____.___...____ ...-.--.-------------- ----------..-..--..-. ..--..---- :,.,! ~... COl.UHS;nCT:G:~:30I,:,<'IO~J :m. 223A ,. ./ I,..' /L ~tj.(r ..,L{IS:~)I.C ..:' ?~'~~;:~~:~~::l::.' '1.:..1 IC<,~' ~I:'jI:,;'L,"~.I.,L~(:' J?/i.;3Ej i:'.;'~_" l~'~,',:l) ,..,~~l)C~-:i ';~'I~.. C()J.',: ',1 ISS I C: ".: J:{i.":;r.""j0 J",'i.;T'~~ I C,'- :;C . ...) ':)r'7 .J"-'U '~,,~:'~'~.'::'lI["P-' J~:T): 11' :-~: ..~ C L'. . 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D 11 0 :L' DC:. id CO:10.:i s;:: iun) to be he lei at the COI~::'.lission Cha.:"b r, City ~,:'.... -::3.11, ~1 t~~ id .-''1' !-. ~"ic: c c1esi ';H~ted i n ~3D. id dc~;()lLt ion ...L..1,_ t ii':C .c:. c: e . :)" : .ce ,'in: '-, l'G y, ~J f'." G.:.Le . ,CI " .~ ~ I........ ~:) ()b ject t:)[lC to -L 1':.'1 i~ i ~. ,:, [1. Jy - s, s :..,,:. .'~' e u.'.!.c1 8.. '~,.~I 0 :Lc)l] of sa.1U i'{8Sult.'.'li l(.Jl"~; L~~;c1 :.- '-- I j /'" .,}.: ',:.il~~"~ ~.~; , '\~ J.le Clerk 0:1" .l~ :,.'~e Co". ;~.l'; t S ~,;; ../ Tl '}"."i,(:\ ~': r;.i.ver,. 110ti c e 0:::' 'J ~~ J'ilinC 01' SE1,icl i,\esol,:tio~l ::,lQ t:iL8 i' i 11 :~'",L 1 JJftSf3a{~e !:! Ii cl u,ci o-:)t i,u:.'; tr;erco l' Ii - . . i~,:r.,~, l c~ fi,otice " .1.1 c:. .:. ~),; t]1 ereof :L jl t I;c }?I.O >~ O~.':.l~: ,;'.1 Dod ly C']Tontc1e, (.', dr.il;l Ilev/~)-i.j[~.~,:')ei'> ..,.)'.:, l) :J,.~LG. eel irl said Ci t-:l, '_"t '-'. Iec'.st :fivo ( ~j ) d a~,/ s bef'or" t j-le c1 a-:r ;cet .L'o~.' :"c'[cl'iE;: C,H'" ""lei nIl D~i j e ct ions tu t~le fine.l J)o.s SC', :":~e arj:::. aJo ..t i;-;l1 o~.. saW .". ...,. .u (:: [~O.L I".:.l~ ':l., ~:'. 11 ; ""'i''":;' :'.~.~,~\:~".A8, 'l;,le Lm t tEn' 0 :C' s aid :fi;;a.l '::CLSS:.'.(:c :. :;'lCl G.d t L,)n vi:' sa:i.d .l:(CS .llJ.ticl1, C o':::.l.il,},{~ 0:([ I'eCl)larl-;' to 1)8 :~leard J ;') 1.: I' ::::: u(.~n t to said >iosDlu,t :1.011 cm~l ~,T J this 2,5th 1,0',;,_ce, " 01 ~..J E.' 't e>';J:;, c; J.~ , 1 (';, f."~ 1 ut ..-~ rc '/uLll' sess iO:1 0 f sCild C C}~::,~,...~ i s [) i 0 l~., d'Ll.c pro of' b () i ne: ( ~l:~ ,,~)..:.. , ~. : ;:;lude o i' t :H'C "'ubl ice,ti...... E o :C' ~) a i~-: n otice [lS rec:1JiT.'ed b, 1"'''' j.',-"/.' /.., (~ 0;' cred l) :r said C.t.j; ("r,j...I.'J (.......L :\8S0 1 tii,'.'.',< , G.; ,r} ::u b t: j!:) C t ~.~ ..\j18 ;:'1.L:~ ~l irl(::,,~ ~'~ e e.n [1(. 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Ci 1-:" r.", .,'. ~~, -';:1 1_ ~ ~,r r, C"'" +., (. ,1 .-V),. .... -!, C CC:.;t .'.. .~,' .'.:~...!. n_ ' ,. ~,_ ........ ~.J ,_.~ l.-i..: " LJ. . ,-.~ I.." ~.,' 1..,) ~_... .. ." ,. '.' ,,,,,,. \ .,.,' I,,) >"i ,,"'; '~i . c. ,"., (L C n" n f:~ -, - 00., . :;,te ".; J-_t . us _.I... ,..,....'1-. ,.)., sot :f'OI't:...., " 2,1~) -..-------- ------.-.--------..-.. ...--..--.-. o _.._.__..____.__.._._ -..-.---....-.---..---.--. -- ----.-.. _.,~ ...------ ---..----- .....---.-----..- " , .' ~ =.i.l'.() ~L ~",J.~-l \ / c ;.::.: ].. u ': ."8 , Clcr;,:, of LlC CO.TnmiSE~ioJl u..,~' t'.:.t":: Ci-~..> .:)J:' j,.'CI~: J_ , Ul.c, Montana , do hereby certify that the roregoing Resolution No. 223 was published I by title in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a daily newspaper or general circulation , J ,-' - (; J!rint ed and pub11shed in the City or Bozeman, in the is c:ue of "':"/>' .' ,f, " - i ,1931, and that due proof of said publication was made and filed in my office. IN WIT:;:mS[:' W1iEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and the corporate seal of said City this .r", day of ' .. 1931. .. , ~*fu)U~ Cler}: the Commission I I