HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 236 Amount of City Taxes to be levied in Year 1932 J;ToOfn".t\ 2fJ,O abd Chc"I,,,Cl _w._..!) ~ j J. .3,5 --_..-2m<_.~_.:.__~_."'- -'- .-...--. COll'll,~ISSION rmSOLl.i'l' I(}~; NO. 236 A :ctESOLU'I'IOl.J OF THE COMldSSIOU Oli' 'J'iLl: CI'J:'Y OF BOZEl.:,AN DET3:Rl\IETING 'rITE AMOU?J1' O:F' CITY 'rJ~\.2.s Ii"on ..b.LL FURl'OSES I TO FE LKvDm A;::"D ..b..SS~~SS}~D O:N 'I'AX.ABLE l'ROrEHT'{ ll~ 'i':ril~ crr'!" OF E:OZI;'i,U\.I;, S II' AIl I~ 0 Ii' 1\10 }>:tr Al'}A , F01{ 'l',,,,:., CUli.RICJT FISCAL 'C~AH OF 19:5G. DE IT RESOLVED BY 'I'm.:; COI:.L.ISSlcr: OI~ ::;"IlE Crl'Y OF EOZL1'viAN: I. That, pursuant to the provisions of Section 5194, lolitical Code, R . C . I'w:I . , 1021, as amended by Chapter 175, Laws of 1.10nt(,n<:;, 1\325, there is hereby levied anci Clsses~;ed on the assessed vEl.lue of the taxable: IJrOperty of the City of ')0 ~j ~ ~!', .- ----.--.. ... Two (2) l~lills on the pel' centwll of the ::ssessed vulue of the t::::xable property of the Cil; y of Eoz- I eman ana the mone~/' ci eri ved therefrom shall be distributed to the Park Fund and shall be disbursed as provided by Ordinsnces Nos. 473, :524, 560 and ;) 71 0 r sa ill C it j- ; IV. Tho . t , no levy be mede for band concert s as p rav ideO. ill Sect ion ~)O48, Political Code, 'l:Z. C .L.i.., 1 ~j 21 ; V. --.--- _2 (-~ 2 _no".. "._ VIII. '::'haT, , p~rsuant to the provisions of Section 2 of Cnapter 24, LeVis of' Montana, 21st Session, 1 g 29 , the total levy of taxes for the current fisoal year of I 1932, by reason of the foregoing determinat ion, will and shall be as follows: General Eunic ipal and Adrninistrat i ve I'ur:poses: (a) Kxecutive, Police and other purposes (Sec. 1) 6.00 l~lills ( b ) Maintenance of Fire Dept. (Sec. 1 ) 1.75 Mills ( c ) Street and Alley purposes (Sec.