HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 235 Improvements within SID No. 284 P"J.()()f ni.,;;tMl ~;J,'t~:.; "')J~:"!..'}<I}d 25f~ *--.,-2; c2 ;1 - d..'i.. -..----......, 'IC!..-..- _____... .___n._. ....-....-- COlvlhiISSIOlJ HESOLU'l'IOrJ 1;0. 235. A RESOLUTION OF THE COl.llGSSIOiJ OF TEE CITY OF LOZ}1vlidi, 1.10lJT,t;'XA, LEITYI:;C: AND ASSESSIlJG A SPECIAL ASSi.t:SLENT OF TAXES UPON ALL THE I rROTEHTY IJJ SPECIAL Il.,.::"'20VEL,EN'f DISTRICT .NO. 284 IN TE~ CITY OF nO~':::EI;'l)~l~ , CO"Cl'JTY OF GALLATIn, STATE OF MO~TANA, 'i' 0 DEJ:'HAY TEL COST 25() ----- ~,' flil~RE}~:=3 , said improvements as contemlJlated in said Commission Resolu- tions Nos. 21(; and 214 have been constructed and cowpleted in accordance wi'~h the tenus and conditions of Commission Hesolutions Nos. 212 and 214, and the total cost I of' said improvements so constructed is the sum of' ::Four 'rllousand Eight Hundred Eight Dollars alId ;:;;eVbl :::;ents (;;;'1808.07) ; NOH TIlEHEFO::U~, Pursuant to the provisions of Sections b225 to 5277 and 5485, R.C.Ivl., 1921, and amendments thereto, BE IT RSSOLVED .AND IT IS llEHEBY ORDj'j~ED bY 'l'Hb Cmiil'l~IS3ION OF fI'Er.; CITY OF E OZEJ\lAN , STAT}~ OF IV10N'l'ANA: Sec tion 1. That to defray the cost and expense of constructing and making the improvements in .said Special Improvement District No. 264, there be, and there is hereby levied and assessed, 3. tax amount in{-~ to the sum of Four 'l'housand Eight L~undred Eight Dollars and Seven Cents ( 4H", 80 (,..' . 0 ? ) upon all the property in said Special Improvement District l.jo. 284 ; that 6. particular description of eaCjl lot and parcel of land with the name of' the oVlller and the SUl11 assessed ugainst him or it for such improvements and the amount of' each partial payment to be made and the Jay when the same shall be delinquent is set forth Ll d eta il :i.l1tl1e asses~;ment list :llereto attached, marked Schedule HA", and m.adc a part hereof'; that the several swns set opposite the names of the owners and the described lots and parcels of land be, and '1\ r~"'" ,..", .. y-~ .' t:...! ~".: i -...-. u assessment of taxes to defray the cost and expense of constructing and making the improver:lent s in said 8:,oecial Improvement District No. 284 is on file in the office I of the ClerJ: of the Corn:rrrission subject to inspection for a period of five ( 5 ) da:ls ; that said notice shall state the time and place at which objections will be heard by the CODl':iiss ion to the final adopt ion ot tll is Hesolut ion; that it s11[.11 b epub- 11shed at least five ( 5) days before the day set by the Conm,ission for the hearing of objections and the final adoption of this Resolution. Passed a.ad adopted by tne Cormniss ion of tIre City of Bozeman at a regular session thereof, held on t:ne 5th day of l1.ugust, 1932. 258 .no.. All persons iflt erest ed are referred to CorwnisG ion Hesol ut ion ~No. 212, declaring it to be the intention of the CorarnissLHl to create Special Imprcwel:lent District No. 284, and Commission Eesolution No. Zl'.%; , cceat ing Spec ial ImI1roveraenti District l'Jo. 284 for constructing and making the improvements therein. I Dat ed this 5th day of August, 1032. .- I, Carolyn Westlake, Clerk of the Con~ission of the City of Bozeman, Mont ana, do hereby certify that the foregoing Notice In Re Resolution lTo. 235 was published at length in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a daily newspaper of general circulation, printed and published in the C it Y 0 f' Lozcmall, in tlle issue of August 9tJl, 1932, and that due proof of said publication was mHde and tiled in my office. IN WI1'NESS WlfEHEOF I have hereunto set my hand and tile corporate seal of said City this 9th day of August, 1932. ^-