HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 232 Creating SID No. 286 -- 24f~ .._) . COl,jhlISSICH RESOLLTIIOli HO. 232. >i:~ . cJ ^.i t';"::'A R,ccTI UTI"" C' '1"''1' CITY C '~l'.'I (' cJ';" or 'I' 'T' CI"'" or BO?i' I" c-', c-",",F .~ ,,;-.. rH.,,) ) .J v ~,.-; l' .!.l..~ . U 'aLl v........ ,lJ J." ' J.l~ 1 .1 I l....J.....J.l.'i:....r-LI \, L.,).L J:"1-11...J l" p--" ,', IilO::)-TA~:A, CHEATIlJ(:: A SPECIAL n~FR()\TEi"lLHT DISTRICT TO BE l=-'O.;~: _c..~m IESIG1:ATED AS " SrECIl..L H:I'iWVEl,.LNI' DIST:iI e1' NUl'.J3ER 286" OF SAID CITY, I FO:"~ TIIJ~ jUl-u)OSE Qli' COHSTHUGTlj'jC A S~\.]'JlrrAHY SE',iZH 01'\ i~/LST ::.:;TORY S'I'iml';'L', EET':mEl: BOZTi:.,.AJi AVKJUE AND EOZELj\..N ChE:EL, dlIi"IN SAID C_:'1'\, .,{;..lW TO SlJECIALLY ASSESS TE.b ,F'l'IRJ.~ CO~T AND Eli,NSE or COllSTHDCTING SAID SA~'JITAnY SEVnCRAGAn)~~T TIiE .i HOPEH'I'l: WI'l':iIN SAID DI8T 3ICT UND1';H AND BY vIHTtJE OF 'l'::':::C I'!{OVlr;IONS OJ!' SEc'rIONS 5225 '1'0 5277, Il.JCLUSri.T:E, })OLITI CAL COD..:., it. C.1,'1. 1921, Al\[J ANY AMEIJDl\LEJ\ITS 'I'LEHLTO. \lHEHEAS: I. At a reguls.r session of the City Conunission of' "ell\::; City of' Bozeman, State 9417 .... 4 Ii ~I ----------------..--.--------.--. - ---.-.-- --- --.--..-- ------...-..,.... IV. No pl~tests havinc been made or filed within the time provided by law, on or before the 5th day of February, lCJ32, against the proposed work, t.Ge creation I of said 31)ecial Improvement District No. 286 and/or the extent thereof; and V. The City COllll1L;_SS ion of the City of Bozeman, in regular session, on tl.e 2LtR --.----.---.-.... . ______n_._.._______ .___--==---------- - ------------ ----------------------- - .. . -- -. - -.-.--- _no _ __.____ __ -- . .---.. -.. --------------------- -------- said extended center line of Bozeman Avenue 00uth to the 1)10ce of' beginning. Section 5. DE'I'ERMINING BEI<lS:F'ITS That it is hereby declared that the property enfuraced within said Speoial I Improvemcnt District No. 286, hereinbefore described, will be specially benefited by the improvement to be mad(~, to wit, the construction of a Sanitary bewer on East Sto r"';:/ St reet, betvveen BozeDla~l Avenue and bOZBrnL'ill Creek; Sect ion 6. CIiARACTEH That the character of the imp roveme nt to be made within said Special Improvement Distri.ct =~o. 286 is as follows: ....--..,.. , 249 ./ lineal foot of the frontage thereof to be assessed and taxed for its proportionate share of such entire cost, exclusive of stree~s, avcnues, alle;ys and pUl;lic p1.Bces; I that said assessment and taxes shall be payo.ble in seven. installmblt s, ex tend ing over a yeriod or six years, with six (6) per cent annual interest on deferred puyment s, commencing with the year 1932, but this provision shall not be construed to prevent full payment at any time, the right of such prepaying bei ng hereby expressly reserved. Section 11. PAu,iENr F::;,OVIDED }i'OR That the I)rOmpt payment of the bonds herein set f'ortll has been specifically provided for by the creation ;:;1' a Special Improvement .uistrict Hev- , olving Fund for the purpose and in order to 88cure the prompt payment 01' said '5pec ial Improvement District Bonds and the interest thereon, by the levy of a tax of one-hiilf mill on each dolla:;:' of tIle assessed valuat ion of the property in saio. City of Boze:::.[~n, L_ontana; 250 _., ..__..m ... -...-- I, Carolyn Westlake, Clerk of the Commission of the City of Bozemc,n, Montana, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 231 of the City of Boz elIlan, IVion tana, was published by title in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a daily I newspaper of ceneral circulation, printed and published in the City of' Bozeman, IVlontanu, in the issue of February <Jd .1932, and that due proof of saili pULlication was made and filed in my office. Il~ 1iiITNESE; WJ-iEREOF I hcve herel...nto set my hand anu the co 1'T) 0 rat c seal of said City this ;( J,J<..<L day 0 l' Fe b ruar;y, 1932. /j . I I .....--- - .- ....