HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 99- 188 Relating to Vagrants l ORDINANCE VO. 188. JIIJ ORDIIJAITCE RELATING TO VAGRANTS. BE IT ORDAIDED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOZ.EI, AN: Section 1. Every person (except an Indian) without any visible means of living, (support ) who has the physical ability Ito viork, and „ho does not seek employment or labor, or labor trhen lemployment is offered to him; every healthy beggar who solicits alms as a buoiness; every person -,;he roans about from i-)la.ee to place without any la�iful business; every idler .aid dissolute per- son or associate of knovin thieves, who via.nder about the streets i,at late or unusual hours of the night, or who lodge in any barn, shed, outhouse, vessel or other place other than such as is kept or lodging purposes, without the permission of the otrner or per- on entitled to the possession thereof; every lewd and dissolute erson who lives in and about houses of ill-fame, or who lives th or upon the earnings of a ;-roman of bad repute; every common Ostitute and coanon drunkard; also, every lewd and dissolute emale person knovnl as a street walker or common prostitute who hall, upon the public streets, or in or about any public place or �ssembly, or in any saloon, bar room, club room, or any other public or general place, or resort for men, or any t-ihere within he sight or he .ring of ladies and children, conduct or behave erself in an irniodest,drunken, profane or obscene manner, either y action, language or improper exposure of her person; every common drunkard -aho is in the habit of lying around the :streets, Heys, sidevialks, saloons, bar rooms, or other places, in a state . 2.. 4f gross intoxication, shall be deemed a vagrant; and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished as hereinafter provided. Section 2. All persons convicted of violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be fined in any sum not e=eodin- one hundred dollars, together with costs of F3ui.t. Section 3. That all ordinances on conflict herowith are horeby repealed; provided, that no such repeal ;hall affect any prosecution commenced under any of the said ordinances until they arc lioard and disposed of. ►pproved March 16, 1899. I i ;, I