HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 15- 452, regulating Billboards and Advertising along Sidewalks and Streets CDIITAIM I10. 452. All ORDIIIAIICL REGULATIEG .11 I11,IIGIIIG LED RECAIIIG OR PI&CILG Ot SIG143, BILL BOARDS MID ADVEIR IS IDG DEVICES ALODG OR OVLT THE SIDI,iALY S LiiD KRUM OF TFIE' CITY 02 307,41-1 o I^ ORDAI1ILD '2Y rlli. CITY COU CIL Oa' will: GI�'Y 0 Section 1, That be,-,-ore any peroon, co-p4rtnorship or cor- n orotion chill erect or hang 4 sight bill board or ardvertisin€' dc.;-Ice alota- oW over the ,'Groot, oi' the ^ity of BouCrlan_, a perrait shall firat bo ob-nincd from the u:i.ldin.- Inopector to erect ouch sign, bill oo-i2d or .—Jorcrt Cinf- d cvicc. Dc:; ore such permit oh`ll be 4 cow(? -ho p-I rty anus u -file with the Building Inspoet or, a s to tcment whovin�-� `-ho Si:c , ,'k-j?c , t-onlera 1 design Gnd weight of the proposed f:;ign, bill bound or -r�dvc:rtioing do- v•i ec 9 such atatomcn'� sr_all calso contain u of the sise , sy- 3e ,ind canner of honf ink; or sup-:o tin- arraw,!ormcnt intended to bd used to supi-)ort such proposod sign, bill board or udvertioinC device* Section a. 2hct it shall be the duty of any person, co- partnorship or corpo=-biou, erecting: or hanging a sign, bill 'board or adver tislr,n device , &long or over she streets or aido alks of the City of I:ozomon to notify "she Buildir4^ ir. •cet o-L the honr7ing or eroctin o:' such aipmj bill board or c:dvor tzt-An� device. It Shall on becone the ditty os :such Buildiwz InQpec'vor o 0-ami-i!e the cop_struction and ercetion o:., hCMF"ing of such sib, bill bou2d or ad- ver4;isi�?,a device , nild i:", e;.�r, hia opinion, such sifrn, bill board or udvorti s inp devico is ;,..i 'rid; conotr acted and Safely crec-,c (I in uccordance 11ith the ta �,r <<t tY.orctoorc filed in his oice , and in -ccor dorce �,Til- 2 the provis-i one of the Ordir,.Lnces of the City of "c�-cr.fan, he ,i: i11 therew)o countorsign the original permit, noting tlxrcon „. .ign h,,; becn c.arainod and approved this. . . .day of. . .. cc.io-n 3. ,,Ill Cipno g bill boards or advertising devices pro jccting over she sidc::alks or st6recta o:L the, City o:L Bozeman More; hots tuo fact "tom the line of, they lot in f±o'J a of t-i-hich oa:i.d sign is orectcd, oholl be cecurod to the building in. 2ron- of which said siCn ic ©rected by moomw of mi iron hinf e , arran^;cd so that said sign, bill .)ocrd or c.dvertuiaing dovicc can `Le otnlntj; uroiusd Und bo parallel ith tho r"r on`�, of and c loca^ to the building t o t;hi oh oc id si,;n is uffi�_0c1. `3aid iro-z »in!�c: shall be attoched at the: end of .-mch ,Ar.n. bill 0o��d or advto� tieing device adjacent to the building, ;acid 1inp to I)a of a ILf.icient uluxonr^th vor`Ucally to support trice the x-cight of the sign, Bald of ;sufficient st-ren(.th hors"zontally to support a load 00 to tr:ent;�_fave i�o.0 prco:;ure per wayicro foot ©f one-half the surface area of 'Uho sign, and shall be sociareiy factor-od ILO the 'sign, :ill 't-)c-c a or advcrtisin.- device , and the L,,,jilciins7 to vfHch such si t , bill boord or c:dvortis:in,- C?ev3.co is o-f-i-rode °1ho and of such sign, :sill bo .,rd or z cdwrtiNinej device fatthost from the building 'to %Which it is firer shall be aupportod by r.rans of o chain oy othc-e sui t€;b?c dcvicc , sccuraly fastened to the »ro jectilr- and and O_pncr cdr-O o' ,:,,uch sign, bill booed or odver_ fciui=_s device:; .such chain or other Saltablc de vice? shall be -ccu c l ancho_rcd to '•Y � tiio ll of tho bt?ildinry or other ?:loans of sire o or t o:" DVA sign, bill bc�;rd or udvor' isia- device ; such chain or 01,1102? stlita blo dcvico as :icy bo usecl ;.:h all be s o or2',an7(.Id thW t i i; will a110TI the pro jec tiny; igiz, bill '7oard or eadver ti::ice^ device: tc I., is 0 .,dinancc ;Irovidod. �mh chai-a or 4Iovicc -0o be of aufficion:, strewrth i;o sustoin tcrice the voip.°hL or the oign 20 which i"j is offixed, and shall be placed in onch -Fay cc to mho an saa-, to oa' 10t less than thirty de,,;rees fror.:. the hori^ontal line of the signo i?l addition 'tea the chs. i2 heroin provided, c 11 - 'iQ:nu, bill boards or -dvortisinr� devices croc"Ged under the provisio:Ow, of this Ordimance ohl-4 1 be provided ,.ith c:t leac t 1"Vo horizontal stays, said J- stays to be attached to the end of sign, bill board or €advertising device farthest from its means of support and shall be ooeurely fastened or anchored in the walls of tho building; to r:hich said sign, bill board, or advertising device is attached, one on each side of such sign, and shall be placed at an angle of not less than thirty degreos from the center line of the sign, bill board or advertising device to which it is attached , said stays to be so constructed as to be -readily detached from such sign, bill board or advertising de- vice , said stays to be of suf2icient strength to oustain a load equal to twenty-five pounds pressure per square :<`oot of the o-atire surface of he sign, bill board or -dvertisinT device to which it is attache.. ec'cionloetrie Signs. (1 ) . I3res carried on the ontsidc of buildings ow attoohed thorcto, for electric signs, out- line or decorative and similar lighting shall be run in approved metal conduit or approved armored cable. If armored cable is used, shall be o' a type having load covering between the outer braid of the conductors and the stool armor. All fittings such oc cochets, receptacles, cut-outs, fusesq swit-cheu and similar deviees, if on the oir'Lzile of buildings and attached thereto, or Jbf otherwise e.,:poscd to Taoioture , shall bo enclosed in mo"Ual .3o as or casings. (2). Electric signs shall. be wired so that not to exceed 1320 votts shall be supra.?liEd f'rcm one circuit or dependent upon one cut-out., Uo vire smaller -16hon ifo. ld gunge shall be wed for any portion of arty circuit supplying lighting of o, ovo close. Section 5. Ito sicn, bill board or odverticinm device erected under the ;provisions of -this Ordinance shall project over the outer edrne of the oidovalk over vihich it is erected. Section G. Ito cigno bill board or odvertising device having ^4 solid field, und erected under the provision; of this Ordinaanco ;;hall -4- contain more than fortjx Nquare feet of surface , provided, however, that signs with open or perforated field shall not contain more than sixty square feet of solid surface. Section 7. I30 sign, bill board or advertising device shall have any support -from the outer edge of the sidevialk. Section 8. No sign, bill board or advertising device erected under the provisions of this Ordinance shall be less than ten feet above the sidevialk at its lauest point. Section 9, Any person, co-partnership or corporation violat- ing any of the provisions of this Ordinance shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished by a fine of not less than ten_ dollars (4`10 ) , r�or moro than one hundred dollars (5,100 ) , and eech and every day that u sign, bill board or advertising device is permitted to remain in front of any building after the owner thereof shall "r�Gve been notified by the Building Inspector that the same does not comply with the pro- visions of this Ordinance , shall be considered a separate offense. Section 10. A fee of one dollar shall be paid to the Building Inspector, for the issuance of each permit for the erection of each oign, bill beard o�` advertising device. Section 11. All Ordinances and parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 12. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force :from and niter its passage and posting. Passed Iaovember 4 , 1915. J;pproved aovember 4 , 1915. John A. Luce .nTA Mayor Attest - C. A. 5Dieth • City Clerk