HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 79- 1027- Alternate Method frow off-street parking CP,Dr!TAI?Cr I'C. 1027 Al', UDINW CE OF TEE CITY OF BOZEMAN PPOVIDIVO FOR At: ALTERFATF MFTI°OLD FOR SATISF'YINC CFF-STPF'ET P PEING REC?UIRLr';E1jTP II2, TPE B-3 (CENTRAL BUSINESS ) DISTRICT BY t?LLo6711 P:C FOP CF_SF-Ire-LIEU PAYMENTS. UREREAS, tht Bozeman City Commission has estat:,lished a Pozeman Parking Commissior., and has duly appointed five mem- bers to serve on that commissi.or.; and,, WPERE:AS, the Bozeman City Commission has authorized and charged said Farkinr, Coamissior F:itti responsihility of supervising parking in the F-3 Zone District; and , WFERFAS, the Pozer-.ar City Parking Co-mr.+ission hae studied the park.irg situation in the Et-3 Zone District and has pro- posed to the Foz.er.an City Cornissicn a nethod of providing additional Farkinq in the E-3 Zor_c District through a Special Irprover..,ent District; and , tvUrREA , the Vozeman City Commission has authorized the creation of a Specia]. Improvement District for the r,,urchase- of land for additional cff-street parking in the r-3 Zone District; and, EPEAS, Section 18. 84 . 010 to Chapter 18.84 .050 provides for certain requirements for parking spaces; and, t*1EiEFU,S, Section 18 .33 .010 creates the Board of Adjust- rents to act on reauest of variances to parking space requirements; and, T.'I'rRrAS, the City Commission desires to extend another oyrortunity for persons not qualifying for variances to the parl-inc: space requirements to obtain additional parking; and:, N01: THEREFOFI;, PE IT ORDAItIL'D FY Ti,.r CITY CorgrSISSIOr1 OF TI:E CITY OF ?OZET`Aj.�: ie . a 4. G?(, '-,T";SIG11 7. Exccl.•tionn,, "odific.aticrip District- All u,scs withir. an wAciptrr 1 -3; Oi-trict shall ccr:iply with tiic ;preti°iziorLs c•1 thi.^, cliapter cnsa �aAy ad(Ht:ional re- oulations fox" off-street parking anc� loading, adopted by the P arl.in CoIiIliusion. P.11 new area E_':c pa?ne;,ed tiE,:e^ o property amd.. buildingo! within tho B-3 district- suh ect to thc: juris(�ictior, of the Par?sinr 1-rMi-de.sion shall either prc,vide parking spaces as requirer! in thin chat.-)tcr or an e(,'juivalcrit cash-in-lifts S`,teymon t, as ���: fo t:3'; in Section 18 .84.Q1Ct. Y'l-,cen -arkirig spaces .:iJc-ve the rcouirod nurl-cr of Space for thv use (builc?inr� and/or s�rc+r�ert; ) c; i^tir_r at the tir. c of inpplication for exchange or cxilancic+i, a.;E an cxir:t2n, nse or the institution of a new use rizy ).ace credited toward rncet- ing the ro(;uirccl park inc, spaccs. j't;cvilents i' sere all or >urt of ttie rE:quirc.,O r,arkinr; --paces carinct )-c provided fcr a proposed use ei-ther throuc,3) o;yl?eruhip or Ieasc Of the r•.ccossay-' land, amf, ,;herc a variance frogs the off-street pa-r'.:i.na rocuiren.- }nts ?sac not- !-.con grantod by thce ?,card of Adjustment, the petitioner s)-tall sztisfy the parK- in':. requirenents Ly prodding an equivalent cash-in-lion Pavmont. � o buileinc. pe•rr:dt shall be is rues nor shall any use, of pro-perty be .initiated unless a uatisf actcry cash-in-lieu r,ayricnt. is rccei'vc,! 1-,, t c Y•C%S:,E:Enan e�cp,� ,trt:.;cirt. C..'Y -'in ir:ct:. Sleicvian i ark-inn ("o.ar:,ission :shall review and considier all regiiects For cash-in-live, r:E.y,.:Cr1t� and furnish a. uritter and datc_d ccr.tif icatc, siren:':.' .by the Parr-iric, Corr.-ii,sion Chair- i:t'an' zrtithorizincg cz.!:sb-in-lieu X->c:ymer.t.s. C`0,p {� t�`.'. r, ccx•tii=icatc: -ball be: prcoenteC to the Vuil.cUn�; Ins-pcct ur 1.-, frrc e. Luiltiin(, permit ie ircucd or the use i.nstitiitcd. I.,. Cash-in-1 iEL! Fee For o-�:ch rc(` vii rcc' T_'E:r):j.11 not provj(Ie_C, nn a :prcpriclte.' YlccYr!er?t ChIi3l.i Le m.,adc to the Citj• Finance Diroctor as speci- 1 C,. z'ti" City CC?r?rd!: s ic-,r: Rceolution. All funds reccived un 'er t.hc provisions of th.c ordlina.nco ;)iall ?%e Cee.C)ai-te>c" in ar. intcre t ? caril cs court ant: iznlcs , .l. c:tnerc:i c c�:xcc:tr_c', tom= the City Cor.v- scicr shall ;:c v-0. for cccr'j i'sit:icr- o. ;dd:it:io)"al jair)�:inc" 'stalls,, 1i.': •t✓1• tie! renow Lion or?{Z renurfe.cir:ci c,-. c«u.h--in-lieu ,-cc r-ay Y.e rowised, at the (�i: croti.on cf tl:e City Ccr micsi on, upoI? the recommo cation of the Farki nc LC:nr',i.tsion, to r `lect c)la➢gin(y mari:c:t -values. C. % istin;; peeial Is;);acc:vCr:>er..t Districts P:1 l re e..l p r on ert-y c0:30{3fvef—? I).% Sp c`ci.al Irg)rc.vo.-.3e'nt Lp%i -trice (SIP) ) E-65 or cthor sirilarly c7c.opteE, inprove:- ncnt "!ictrict C!E'`..`iC)rxC'E� tc r;3,ovicle c'dOitional C7ar''K.ine, sl.aces c.ith the r-3 c.'irtrict sl,,al1 he exempt frog the rer_,uirement tc 1-rovide ac?ditionai parking paces as cortor elated Yy tl'ose zssossmen_ts prcvided the use of said real prperty and i.rprovements remain unchanged frcr the initial assossr^ent.s of SID #5' 5 or other sir^ilarly adopted improvement districts. In the Event that a neu uses c;r an expansion is initiated on any portion of real property or inrrovenents subsequent to the assessments for CTr f 5f 5 or other similarly adopted improvement districts, then parking space requirements shall he satisfied prior to initiation of those new or expanded uses . Section 1 This ordinance shall Lecome effective thirty clays after its passage and adortion Ly the City Commission of the City of Eozeman. PASSEL AND ADOPTED PY TFIE CITY M41MISPION OF TFF CITY OF FOUVAN, "rCt•:TA14A, this // day of April , 1979. Vavor ATTE T Clerk of the City, :vission