HomeMy WebLinkAbout81- Bozeman Firefighters Association e' r; 1 1' 1 " 1' I
CITY ,f:/r'A !' - er,r'Frietr! 1:I1'1.4mPT1'r'e• nr,:rrft '"ic'r
TITIS P( F1:PMPN:' is entered into 1 v and between the CITY OF
hereinafter referred to as the "I'r-nlover," and the t'•rl7.11."A1'
PIP 11'1011 TF RE A S•FOCIA TION, hereinafter referred to as the "P ssociation. "
It is the purpose of this P. ['reel- rot to an sieve ;old r,.aint.on
harr'onious relations between the Frrplovcr and, the :ssoriation, to provide
for eouitahle and peaceful adju:'tment of differences e'hich rrav arise, and
to establish proper standards of wages. honrv, and other conditions of
rmn1ovr,ent .
P PTICLF I: Feco'nition,
The Fr-plover recognizes the Association as the ey clydsive par-
Lr inin C :Lent for a!! combat firefighters rf the t=o?ei':an Fire f%erlrtment,
except the Chief and Penuty Chiefs.
ARTICLE: II: Payroll Deductions.
The Fr^nloyer arrens to deduct , once each month, dues or assess-
rnents from the pay of those employees who individually reruest, in writing.
that such deduction be made. The total ar-ount of deductions shall be re-
mitted by the Frinloyer to the Secretary of the Association. This authori-
zation shall remain in force cldrrine the tern, of this Aereer'pnt .
A FTi:'I,C III: l'iscrir- inati••rr.
"either the .'ssoeiation nor the t it)' shall elia.crirdnate ateainst its
ernnlnvecs or anrli -ants for er'ploymont or the least•- of color, race, creed
seg•, :tree, relic.*ion, or association affili itie,r .
rti l'7 IrI,I' IV: F ssociation Pusiness.
}'r•nlovees elected or appointed to the Association rhail he Granted
r-easore:11•1e ti'•u• to perlor•n) their necessary functions, inclttetine attendance
.,t conventions, conferences, and ser:in.er', . 't < 1•:t11 he t1•e' respnnsihility
of the rtrnlove•r to provide for his replacer"e•^t on :.r itt :rtrr'ine bitch .e}i: unto.
rer, to three ('•) r•'vr'Isr'r•c shall he allowed to :etter,'l such functions as shall
1't• r-,tttel:l}ly alit-cc,' yr-on by the i I.,1)loyor and tic• Pssreciation .
°.}t':-;(''.}' t' : Pra•v.rilr;,1• lia•!'t.,.
rr All rii•}'ts, prfrile•nes, aro ,'pies heli' hv the et''niteve(•s at
the nrescnt tirse which are not included in this ^ preer'rnt shall remain in
force, unchaneed and unaffected in any r ari'•or.
B . The ti ssociation shall recot ire the City':' rit•}e15 to operate
and r'anave its affairs in such areas os, hut rut lit•itee to, direct o1: nlovees,
hire, lay off, promote, transfer. assiitti, retain employees; relieve employees
Cron- duties I.ecause of lack of r•ork or funds or ender conditions where
continuation of such work he inefficient and non-productive; maintain the
{ efficiency of povernmont operations; deter(' ino the r'etlmds, means. job
classifications, and norsonnel Iiy which c.overnr'ont eel'.erations are to he
conducted; take whatever actions may he necessary to carry out the mis-
sions of the City in situations of c,reer,renc"r; establish the methods and
hroccsw by which ..,feet Is porforr^ee+.
ARTICLE VI: Pules and Regulations.
The Association agrees that its r,ernhers shall comply in full with
Fire Department rules and regulations, including those relating to conduct
and work performance. The Employer aerees that Department rules and regu-
lations shall be subject to the grievance procedure.
ARTICLE- VII: Overtime Pay.
In the event that a need for call hack should occur in the Fin
Department because of sickness or other in foreseen conditions, e•r-rlovees
shall he paid at the regular rate of nay for all shifts of thirteen ( 1 ;)
hours or mere. I' ll shifts of less than thirteen ( i ) hn t shall hr• paid
in accordance with Article VIII.
PTICLE VIII: Call Pack Pay .
In the event that a need for call hack should occur in the Fire
Department hecause of emergency, employees shall be ndid at the rate of
one and one-half ( 141 times the regular rate of nay for a tririnlnr^ of ore
(1 ) hour.
? PTICLF IY : Pay for Temporary Service as a `'hift Officer.
A Firefighter serving in the capacity of Shift Officer (officer in
charge of a shift) for three (3) or more complete shifts during a calendar
month shall he entitled to the pay of a Lieutenant for such calendar month.
A PTIC'LF Y : Polidav Pay.
Fmnloyecs shall be naid at the regular rate of nay for the follow-
ing recognized holidays, to he paid in a separate check at the first of
I. New Year's Pay
2. Lincoln's Birthday -
3. Washington's Birthday
4. Easter
5. Memorial Day
6. Independence Pay
7. Labor Day
F. Columbus Pay
9. Veteran's ray
10. Thankspivinr Pay
11. Christmas
12. General Flection Day
ARTICLE XI: Shift Chanpes.
ErTloyees shall have the rinht to e7,chanve shift: v hen the chance
does rot interfere with the best interests of the lire f'enartr• er•t and v!ith
the approval of the Chief or a Peputy chief.
PTICLE XII: Sick Leave.
Sick leave shall he accrued and expended aceordinp to State
Funeral leave shall he granters as r+er "•resent City policy.
FSP 1'ICLE XIII: Vacancies and Promotions.
When a herr-anent vacancy occurs in any position, it shall he filled
expeditiously upon completion of the official severant e• of the deq,artinc' rrem-
her from the Fire Department.
ARTICLE FIV: Grievance Procedure.
Grievances or disputes v.hich may arise, including the interpreta-
tion of this A preement , :.hall he settled in the following manner:
The Bozeman Firefiehters Crievance Committee, upon receivin e a
written and signed petition , shall within six (F) days determine if a griev-
ance exists. If, in their opinion , no E'ricvance exists, the employee may
appeal to the Bozeman Firefighters as a whole. tf, within ten (1M days
the Bozeman firefighters as a whole find that no grievance exists, no
further action is necessary. If a grievance does exist , the Grievance
Committee shall, 1.,ith or without the employee, present this grievance to the
Chief of the Fire Department for adjustment . If, v,ithin six (6) business
days the grievance has not been settled, it shall then ►'c presented to the
City Manager for adjustment . If, within six. (6) huFiness days no settlement
has been reached , then the grievance shall be submitted to an Frhitratinn
Board consisting of a representative of thy' City appointed Ly the City Ilan-
ager„ a representative selected by the Bozeman Firefighters, and a third
representative selected by the first tt.o. "'o member of the t rhitration Board
shall he an elected of Ficial or employee of the city or the fire r`epartr,-ent .
The findings of this Arbitration Board shall he hindint upon all parties.
A NTICLP XV: Siipolementat Agreement.
This Agreement may he amended, provided both parties concur.
Supplemental agreements may he completed through negotiations at any time
during the life of this Fgreement . Tither party may notify the other party
in writing of its desire to negotiate. Supplemental agreements, thus com-
pleted, will be sinned by the Bozeman Firefighters and City Officials. should
either party , having been notified of the proposed supplemental agreement
fail to comply within sixty (60) days, this supplemental agreement shall be-
come a part of the larger agreement and subject to all its provisions.
AF:ICI.I `:VI: Tern' of Arreerient .
The terms and conditions herein set lortlshall I ecnr,e effective
on the first day of AP/21Z- 19F1 and shall remain in fall force and effect
through 30 Jane 1981 , and annually thereafter from 1 July through 30 Jane,
unless one of the parties hereto serves viritten notice of desire for modi-
fication upon the other party hereto. such notice shall ho served not less
than sixty (60) days prior to expiration of this A ereec'ent . I'eeotiatiuns
shall commence within ten ( 10) days of the regnest by tither party for pur-
pose of collective hareaining, and shall continue in pond faith until settlement
is reached .
APT!Cl,1' tril'e Provision.
Unon consummation and durinc' the term of this preer'ent , no
Firefit,hter shall strike or recognize a nicket line of any labor organization
:' bile in the performance of his official ditties.
A l"r 1CLf' XVIII: `'avines Clause.
If any provision of this A t•reer'ent or the annlication of such pro-
vision should he rendered or declared invalid l-,v any: spurt action or
reason of any existiro ter subsecuently enacted legislation, the renaininr
parts or portions of this Apreetnent shall remain in full force and effect.
A. R:'ICLF XI:' : Official Duties.
Official ditties as nerforr,e I by a cierrher of the F•ozerran Fire-
fiehters shall he defined as outlined in the City of Bozeman Class Guecifica-
tions, rode Numbers `23, c2Q, c2c, ;26, ;27, and 534.
- F. -
A I:TICLE X X: Salaries.
Salaries shall he negotiated annually and independently of this
Agreement .
IN V/ITMPSS EPEOF, the parties hereto have set their hands
this L4_ LL1 day of /,,'1)/ `,/ , 1" L •
For the F'rnployer For the Bozeman Firefighters
Y ,
% Aity tanager ,yy7 ,(2//.7 President
As a result of negotiations during the month of June 1984 ,
the City of Bozeman agrees as follows:
To furnish and supply to the members of the
Association brush fire boots and replace same
on an as needed basis. Said boots shall not
exceed Seventy-Five Dollars ($75) per pair.
Monthly salary rates effective July 1 , 1984
Position Salary
Captain $1 ,893 . 00
Lieutenant $1 ,784 .00
%,:` -- Firefighter First Class $1 ,701 .00 '
Firefighter Step 3 $1 ,660.00
Firefighter Step 2 $1 ,621 .00
Firefighter Confirmed $1 , 579 . 00
Probationary Firefighter
(Second 6 months) $1 ,290 .00
Probationary Firefighter
(First 6 months) $1 ,233 .00
Signed and sealed on this /.3 day of July , 1984 ,
by the parties hereto as authorized signatories for the City
of Bozeman and the Bozeman Firefighters Association:
By:4' )(///i//'
/i/, By:-7 k - , ;.�,,: t
- 'res ' erg J es E. W socki
�► Y
ozeman Firefighters City Manager
By: (. .'> ✓ ,211.9 � /, Attest: O-5y ( o 4 ,_
Secretary Robin f. ul ivan
Bozeman Firefighers Clerk of the Commission