HomeMy WebLinkAboutValley West Planned Unit Development Major Modification, Z14111_15Page 1 of 15 Z14111, Staff Report for the Valley West Planned Unit Development Major Modification, New Relaxation Conditional Use Permit Date: City Commission public hearing is on July 28, 2014 Project Description: A Conditional Use Permit application for a Planned Unit Development Major Modification to allow a new relaxation to the Valley West Planned Unit Development. The proposed modification would allow a relaxation from Section 38.28.050.L Bozeman Municipal Code: Landscaping maximum allowable slope or grade. The applicant proposes to construct landscaped berms within open spaces that exceed the maximum slope allowed by this section at property east of Cottonwood Road between Bembrick Street and West Babcock Street. Project Location: Valley West Subdivision west of Cottonwood Road between Bembrick Street and West Babcock Street, legally described as Lot 1 and Open Space 3, Phase 3B; Lots 8,9,16 and Open Space 2 Phase 3C; Lots 22-26 and Open Space 1, Phase 3D in the Valley West Subdivision Planned Unit Development. Recommendation: Approval with conditions Recommended Motion: Having reviewed and considered the application materials, public comment, and all information presented, I hereby adopt the findings presented in the staff report for application Z14111 and move to approve the conditional use permit with conditions and subject to all applicable code provisions. Report Date: July 16, 2014 Staff Contact: Brian Krueger, Development Review Manager Agenda Item Type: Action (Quasi-judicial) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Unresolved Issues There are no known unresolved issues at this time. Project Summary The Valley West Homeowner’s Association is requesting a planned unit development relaxation to the zoning code to allow the side slopes of proposed landscaped berms along Cottonwood Road to exceed the maximum slope of 25% (4:1): 40% (2.5:1 slope) and 50% (2:1 slope) slopes are proposed. The landscaped berms are intended to create a buffer within Valley West subdivision open space between Cottonwood Road and the developing residential subdivision lots to the east. The applicant proposes steeper sloped berms to address the grade difference between Cottonwood Road and the residential lots. The Development Review Committee did not identify any concerns with the proposal and recommended conditional approval of the application on July 2, 2014 The Design Review Board did not identify any conditions of approval and recommended approval of the application at their meeting on July 9, 2014. No public comment has been received to date. 247 Z-14111, Staff Report for the Valley West CUP for PUD MOD Page 2 of 15 Alternatives 1. Approve the application with the recommended conditions; 2. Approve the application with modifications to the recommended conditions; 3. Deny the application based on the Commission’s findings of non-compliance with the applicable CUP criteria contained within the staff report; or 4. Continue the public hearing on the application, with specific direction to Staff or the applicant to supply additional information or to address specific items. TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ...................................................................................................... 1 Unresolved Issues ............................................................................................................... 1 Project Summary ................................................................................................................. 1 Alternatives ......................................................................................................................... 2 SECTION 1 - MAP SERIES .................................................................................................... 3 SECTION 2 - RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL ...................................... 4 SECTION 3 - CODE REQUIREMENTS REQUIRING PLAN CORRECTIONS ................. 4 SECTION 4 - REQUESTED RELAXATION/DEVIATIONS/VARIANCES ........................ 5 SECTION 5 - STAFF ANALYSIS........................................................................................... 6 Applicable Plan Review Criteria, Section 38.19.100, BMC. .............................................. 6 Applicable Conditional Use Permit Review Criteria, Section 38.19.100, BMC ................ 8 Applicable Planned Unit Development Review Criteria, Section 38.20.090.E, BMC ..... 11 APPENDIX A – PROJECT SITE ZONING AND GROWTH POLICY............................... 14 APPENDIX B – DETAILED PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND.............. 14 APPENDIX C – NOTICING AND PUBLIC COMMENT ................................................... 15 APPENDIX D - OWNER INFORMATION AND REVIEWING STAFF............................ 15 APPENDIX E - FISCAL EFFECTS....................................................................................... 15 ATTACHMENTS ................................................................................................................... 15 248 Z-14111, Staff Report for the Valley West CUP for PUD MOD Page 3 of 15 SECTION 1 - MAP SERIES Surrounding Zoning and Land Uses North: Multi-household residential: zoned R-4 High Density Residential South: Vacant: zoned B-1 Neighborhood Business West: Private School and Church: zoned RMH Residential Manufactured Home East: Residential; zoned R-3 Medium Density Residential 249 Page 4 of 15 SECTION 2 - RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL The applicant must comply with all applicable conditions of approval as recommended by the Design Review Board (DRB) and Development Review Committee (DRC) and approved by the City Commission. The applicant must comply with all other provisions of the Bozeman Unified Development Code, which are applicable to this project prior to receiving Final Plan or Building Permit approval. The applicant is advised that unmet code provisions, or code provisions that are not specifically listed as conditions of approval, does not, in any way, create a waiver or other relaxation of the lawful requirements of the Bozeman Municipal Code or state law. Recommended Condition of Approval: 1. The applicant is advised that unmet code provisions, or code provisions that are not specifically listed as conditions of approval, does not, in any way, create a waiver or other relaxation of the lawful requirements of the Bozeman Municipal Code or state law. SECTION 3 - CODE REQUIREMENTS REQUIRING PLAN CORRECTIONS 1. Section 38.19.110.F BMC states that the right to a conditional use permit shall be contingent upon the fulfillment of all general and special conditions imposed by the Figure 1: Streetscape View example 250 Z-14111, Staff Report for the Valley West CUP for PUD MOD Page 5 of 15 Conditional Use Permit procedure. All special conditions and code provisions shall constitute restrictions running with the land, shall be binding upon the owner of the land, his successors or assigns, shall be consented to in writing by the applicant prior to commencement of the use and shall be recorded as such with the Gallatin County Clerk and Recorder’s Office by the property owner prior to the final site plan approval or commencement of the use. All of the conditions and code provisions specifically stated under any conditional use listed in this title shall apply and be adhered to by the owner of the land, successor or assigns. A recordable conditional use permit document will be prepared by the City and executed and recorded by the property owner following approval by the City Commission. SECTION 4 - REQUESTED RELAXATION/DEVIATIONS/VARIANCES A relaxation to Section 38.26.050.L is requested to allow slopes on the proposed berms in the landscape area to exceed the maximum slope of 25 percent grade (four run to one rise) to 40% (2.5:1 slope) and 50% (2:1 slope). Figure 2: Slope Graphs Bozeman Unified Development Code 38.26.050.L Maximum allowable slope or grade: 1. The finish grade of all landscaped areas, including, but not limited to, required yards, parking lot landscape islands, open space areas, plaza areas, watercourse corridors, landscaped areas adjacent to sidewalks, public trials or pathways, and any stormwater facilities proposed in required yards, dedicated park land, or open space areas shall not exceed a slope of 25 percent grade (four run to one rise). 2. The slope percent is computed by dividing the vertical distance by the horizontal distance multiplied by 100. The degree of slope is equal to the tangent of vertical distance over horizontal distance (refer to Figure 38.26.050 of Appendix A to this chapter). 3. The review authority may vary the maximum allowable slope of 25 percent grade to protect existing topographical or natural features (i.e., watercourse, wetlands, mature vegetation) associated with a site. Alternatives to enable exceeding the maximum allowable slope of 25 percent may include terracing, retaining walls, architectural 251 Z-14111, Staff Report for the Valley West CUP for PUD MOD Page 6 of 15 appurtenances, landscape features, or a combination thereof that will achieve a greater design quality and enhanced landscape features. 4. All landscaped areas to be finished in grass that exceed a maximum allowable slope of 25 percent grade shall be installed as turf sod, or hydro-seed. If hydro-seed is utilized, additional erosion control fabric (i.e., matting or blanket), or equivalent thereof) shall be provided to ensure a stable slope for a minimum of one calendar year while the vegetation becomes established. SECTION 5 - STAFF ANALYSIS Analysis and resulting recommendations are based on the entirety of the application materials, municipal codes, standards, plans, public comment, and all other materials available during the review period. Collectively this information is the record of the review. Applicable Plan Review Criteria, Section 38.19.100, BMC. The applicant is advised that unmet code provisions, or code provisions that are not specifically listed as conditions of approval, does not, in any way, create a waiver or other relaxation of the lawful requirements of the Bozeman Municipal Code or State law. In considering applications for plan approval under this title, the advisory boards and City Commission shall consider the following: 1. Conformance to and consistency with the City’s adopted growth policy The development proposal is in conformance with the Bozeman Community Plan, including the Residential land use classification identified for this property in the City’s adopted Growth Policy (Map 3: Future Land Use Map). The residential designation is intended to provide the primary locations for additional housing within the planned area. See also Appendix A. 2. Conformance to this chapter, including the cessation of any current violations The Valley West PUD does contain areas of open space and landscaping improvements in addition to those proposed for completion in this application that are not complete. The applicant proposes a schedule of completion, but some landscaping to be installed does not have a determined timeframe for completion. The applicant is advised that unmet code provisions, or code provisions that are not specifically listed as conditions of approval, does not, in any way, create a waiver or other relaxation of the lawful requirements of the Bozeman Municipal Code or state law. 3. Conformance with all other applicable laws, ordinances, and regulations All other applicable laws, ordinances, and regulations must be followed. 4. Relationship of site plan elements to conditions both on and off the property The proposed project is intended to provide visual and noise buffer between Cottonwood Road and the developing residential neighborhood. The west side of Cottonwood Road, adjacent to the proposed project, is a watercourse and wetland corridor which prohibits any urban edge to be developed in that location. The landscaped berm on the eastside of Cottonwood Road will complement the existing Cottonwood Road character. 252 Z-14111, Staff Report for the Valley West CUP for PUD MOD Page 7 of 15 5. The impact of the proposal on the existing and anticipated traffic and parking conditions The proposed project does not impact the existing or anticipated traffic and parking conditions not already considered and reviewed for the Valley West PUD. The project is only modifying the slope allowed within the PUD’s existing proposed open space. 6. Pedestrian and vehicular ingress and egress The project does not modify the existing site plan layout of the PUD. Pedestrian ingress and egress is provided to the site by sidewalks along the Cottonwood Road and throughout the Valley West PUD. Vehicular access will be from the existing driveways and circulation within Valley West. Pedestrian paths are provided on both sides of the berms with major breaks at street intersections and where the east-west open space corridor extends from Perry Street. 7. Landscaping, including the enhancement of buildings, the appearance of vehicular use, open space, and pedestrian areas, and the preservation or replacement of natural vegetation The project is requesting a relaxation to allow the propped berm slopes in the landscaped area to exceed the maximum slope of 25% (4:1) grade to 40% (2.5:1 slope) and 50% (2:1 slope). The landscaped berms are intended to maintain a buffer between a Cottonwood Road and the developing Valley West residential subdivision. The applicant proposes steeper sloped berms to address the grade difference between Cottonwood Road and the residential lots. Due to the grade difference, a berm with less slope would not provide effective screening. The proposed landscaping meets the minimum landscaping performance points and mandatory landscape standards. 8. Open space The proposed project location is within the Valley West PUD open space. 9. Building location and height There are no proposed buildings for this project. 10. Setbacks The proposal complies with all applicable setbacks. 11. Lighting There are no proposed lighting changes proposed at this time. 12. Provisions for utilities, including efficient public services and facilities The site is fully served by public and private utilities. The DRC did not identify any concerns with the proposed use. 13. Site surface drainage The proposed installation of berms in the open spaces area does change the site surface drainage of the project location. The water runoff change will be minimal since the berms are a permeable landscaped surface. The Valley West PUD stormwater plan was previously approved and due to the minimal changes in site drainage and stormwater, Engineering has no additional conditions. 253 Z-14111, Staff Report for the Valley West CUP for PUD MOD Page 8 of 15 14. Loading and unloading areas There are no loading or unloading areas for this project. 15. Grading The final grading plans will be reviewed as part of the final site plan materials as noted in the cited code provisions. 16. Signage No specific signage was requested as part of this CUP application. 17. Screening The proposed project is intended to provide visual and noise buffer between Cottonwood Road and the developing residential neighborhood. 18. Overlay district provisions Not applicable as this site is not located within an established entryway corridor. 19. Other related matters, including relevant comment from affected parties As of the writing of this report, no public comment has been received in response to the noticing of this project. Any public comments received following the writing of this report will be forwarded to the City Commission prior to the public hearing. 20. If the development includes multiple lots that are interdependent for circulation or other means of addressing requirement of this title, whether the lots are either: Configured so that the sale of individual lots will not alter the approved configuration or use of the property or cause the development to become nonconforming or The subject of reciprocal and perpetual easements or other agreements to which the City is a party so that the sale of individual lots will not cause one or more elements of the development to become nonconforming. Not applicable. 21. Compliance with article 8 of chapter 10 of the Bozeman Municipal Code. Not applicable. 22. Phasing of development The berm and landscaping will be constructed in coordination with subdivision improvements for the adjacent lots. Applicable Conditional Use Permit Review Criteria, Section 38.19.100, BMC E. In addition to the review criteria of section 38.19.100, the review authority shall, in approving a conditional use permit, determine favorably as follows: 254 Z-14111, Staff Report for the Valley West CUP for PUD MOD Page 9 of 15 1. That the site for the proposed use is adequate in size and topography to accommodate such use, and all yards, spaces, walls and fences, parking, loading and landscaping are adequate to properly relate such use with the land and uses in the vicinity; The site is adequate in size and topography to accommodate the use and the project appropriately relates to the other land and uses in the vicinity. Staff incorporates the plan review findings presented above in Section 38.19.100 as supporting evidence. 2. That the proposed use will have no material adverse effect upon the abutting property. Persons objecting to the recommendations of review bodies carry the burden of proof; The DRC did not identify any hazards to the public health and safety and finds that the application generally can comply with the Bozeman Municipal Code as conditioned. Staff has not received any public comment as of the writing of this report. Any public comment received after the completion of the Commission packets will be distributed to the Commission members at the public hearing. Following review of the proposed application staff finds that the proposed use will have no material adverse effect upon abutting properties unless evidence presented at the public hearing proves otherwise. 255 Z-14111, Staff Report for the Valley West CUP for PUD MOD Page 10 of 15 3. That any additional conditions stated in the approval are deemed necessary to protect the public health, safety and general welfare. Such conditions may include, but are not limited to: a. Regulation of use; b. Special yards, spaces and buffers; c. Special fences, solid fences and walls; d. Surfacing of parking areas; e. Requiring street, service road or alley dedications and improvements or appropriate bonds; f. Regulation of points of vehicular ingress and egress; g. Regulation of signs; h. Requiring maintenance of the grounds; i. Regulation of noise, vibrations and odors; j. Regulation of hours for certain activities; k. Time period within which the proposed use shall be developed; l. Duration of use; m. Requiring the dedication of access rights; and n. Other such conditions as will make possible the development of the city in an orderly and efficient manner. The DRC did not identify or recommend any specific conditions necessary at this time to address any of the above public health, safety or welfare issues. If necessitated during the review by the City Commission at the public hearing, specific conditions of approval can be added by the Commission to address any specific concerns in these regards. F. In addition to all other conditions, the following general requirements apply to every conditional use permit granted: 1. That the right to a use and occupancy permit shall be contingent upon the fulfillment of all general and special conditions imposed by the conditional use permit procedure; and 2. That all of the conditions shall constitute restrictions running with the land use, shall apply and be adhered to by the owner of the land, successors or assigns, shall be binding upon the owner of the land, his successors or assigns, shall be consented to in writing, and shall be recorded as such with the county clerk and recorder's office by the property owner prior to the issuance of any building permits, final plan approval or commencement of the conditional use. The necessary recording of documents will be addressed as part of the final plan process and will be required prior to approval of the final site plan. 256 Z-14111, Staff Report for the Valley West CUP for PUD MOD Page 11 of 15 Applicable Planned Unit Development Review Criteria, Section 38.20.090.E, BMC 1. In addition to the criteria for all site plan and conditional use reviews, the following criteria will be used in evaluating all planned unit development applications. a. All development. All land uses within a proposed planned unit development shall be reviewed against, and comply with, the applicable objectives and criteria of the mandatory "all development" group. (1) Does the development comply with all city design standards, requirements and specifications for the following services: water supply, trails/walks/bike ways, sanitary supply, irrigation companies, fire protection, electricity, flood hazard areas, natural gas, telephone, storm drainage, cable television, and streets? The project is requesting a relaxation to allow the propped berm slopes in the landscaped area to exceed the maximum slope of 25% (4:1) grade to 40% (2.5:1 slope) and 50% (2:1 slope). The landscaped berms are intended to maintain a buffer between a Cottonwood Road and the developing Valley West residential subdivision. The applicant proposes steeper sloped berms to address the grade difference between Cottonwood Road and the residential lots. Due to the grade difference, a berm with less slope would not provide effective screening. The remaining development complies with all city design standards, requirements and specifications. The Valley West PUD does contain areas of open space and landscaping improvements in addition to those proposed for completion in this application that are not complete. The applicant proposes a schedule of completion, but some landscaping to be installed does not have a determined timeframe for completion. The DRC did not identify any concerns with the proposed use. The DRB did not identify any recommended conditions of approval and recommended approval of the application. (2) Does the project preserve or replace existing natural vegetation? The project will be replacing existing natural vegetation with a series of landscaped berms. Existing Vegetation along Cottonwood Rd. 257 Z-14111, Staff Report for the Valley West CUP for PUD MOD Page 12 of 15 (3) Are the elements of the site plan (e.g., buildings, circulation, open space and landscaping, etc.) designed and arranged to produce an efficient, functionally organized and cohesive planned unit development? The project does not modify the existing site plan of the PUD, except to allow the applicant to construct landscaped berms within open space that exceeds the allowed maximum slope of the original Valley West PUD. (4) Does the design and arrangement of elements of the site plan (e.g., building construction, orientation, and placement; transportation networks; selection and placement of landscape materials; and/or use of renewable energy sources; etc.) contribute to the overall reduction of energy use by the project? The project does not modify the existing site plan of the PUD. (5) Are the elements of the site plan (e.g., buildings, circulation, open space and landscaping, etc.) designed and arranged to maximize the privacy by the residents of the project? The project does not modify the existing site plan of the PUD. The berms are to be located in open space owned and maintained by the Valley West Homeowner’s Association. Pedestrian paths are provided on both sides of the berms with major breaks at street intersections and where the east-west open space corridor extends from Perry Street. (6) Park land. Does the design and arrangement of buildings and open space areas contribute to the overall aesthetic quality of the site configuration, and has the area of park land or open space been provided for each proposed dwelling as required by section 38.27.020. The proposed project is intended to provide visual and noise buffer between Cottonwood Road and the developing residential neighborhood. The west side of Cottonwood Road, adjacent to the proposed project, is a watercourse and wetland corridor which prohibits any urban edge to be developed in that location. The landscaped berm on the eastside of Cottonwood Road will complement the existing Cottonwood Road character in that area. (7) Performance. All PUDs shall earn at least 20 performance points. The Valley West PUD meets at least 20 performance points. The project will not modify or change the performance points for the PUD. (8) Is the development being properly integrated into development and circulation patterns of adjacent and nearby neighborhoods so that this development will not become an isolated "pad" to adjoining development? The project does not modify the existing site plan layout of the PUD. Pedestrian ingress and egress is provided to the site by sidewalks along the Cottonwood Road and throughout the Valley West PUD. Vehicular access will be from the existing driveways and circulation within Valley West. Pedestrian paths are provided on both sides of the berms with major breaks at street intersections and where the east-west open space corridor extends from Perry Street. b. Residential. Planned unit developments in residential areas (R-S, R-1, R-2, R-3, R-4, RMH and R-O zoning districts) may include a variety of housing types designed to enhance the natural environmental, conserve energy, recognize, and to the maximum extent possible, preserve and promote the unique character of neighborhoods, with provisions for a mix of limited commercial development. For purposes of this section, 258 Z-14111, Staff Report for the Valley West CUP for PUD MOD Page 13 of 15 "limited commercial development" means uses listed in the B-1 neighborhood service district (article 10 of this chapter), within the parameters set forth below. All uses within the PUD must be sited and designed such that the activities present will not detrimentally affect the adjacent residential neighborhood. The permitted number of residential dwelling units shall be determined by the provision of and proximity to public services and subject to the following limitations: (1) On a net acreage basis, is the average residential density in the project (calculated for residential portion of the site only) consistent with the development densities set forth in the land use guidelines of the city growth policy? The project does not modify the existing site plan of the PUD. The average residential density is not affected by this PUD modification to allow berms with steeper slopes. (2) Does the project provide for private outdoor areas (e.g., private yards, patios and balconies, etc.) for use by the residents and employees of the project which are sufficient in size and have adequate light, sun, ventilation, privacy and convenient access to the household or commercial units they are intended to serve? The project does not modify the existing site plan of the PUD. The proposed berms and landscaping will buffer private outdoor areas on the adjacent residential lots from Cottonwood Road. (3) Does the project provide for outdoor areas for use by persons living and working in the development for active or passive recreational activities? The overall open spaces and parkland in Valley West PUD provides a wide variety of passive and active recreational activities. The PUD modification to allow berms with steeper slopes will only apply to the areas outlined in the application and on the site plan. (4) If the project is proposing a residential density bonus as described below, does it include a variety of housing types and styles designed to address community wide issues of affordability and diversity of housing stock? N/A, no density bonus is requested. (5) Is the overall project designed to enhance the natural environment, conserve energy and to provide efficient public services and facilities? Yes, the project will enhance the existing natural setting of the Cottonwood Road corridor between Bembrick Street and just south of Cascade Street. (6) Residential density bonus. If the project is proposing a residential density bonus (30 percent maximum) above the residential density of the zoning district within which the project is located and which is set forth in article 8 of this chapter, does the proposed project exceed the established regulatory design standards (such as for setbacks, off-street parking, open space, etc.) and ensure compatibility with adjacent neighborhood development? The number of dwelling units obtained by the density bonus shall be determined by dividing the lot area required for the dwelling unit type by one plus the percentage of density bonus sought. The minimum lot area per dwelling obtained by this calculation shall be provided within the project. Those dwellings subject to chapter 10, article 8, shall be excluded in the base density upon which the density bonus is calculated. No bonus is requested. (7) Limited commercial. If limited commercial development, as defined above, is proposed within the project, is less than 20 percent of the gross area of the PUD designated to be used 259 Z-14111, Staff Report for the Valley West CUP for PUD MOD Page 14 of 15 for offices or neighborhood service activities not ordinarily allowed in the particular residential zoning district? No limited commercial is proposed. (8) Does the overall PUD recognize and, to the maximum extent possible, preserve and promote the unique character of neighborhoods in the surrounding area? Yes, the PUD amendment to allow the berm slope and landscaping would preserve and promote the unique character of the developing residential neighborhood to the east as well as the school and church to the west. The proposed berm and associated landscaping in the open space, combined with the watercourse, vegetation on the west side will create a unique and more natural appearing expanded street section for Cottonwood Road. The transition to a more urban edge will occur at Bronze Leaf Condominiums near Oak Street and at the planned neighborhood commercial corner near West Babcock Street. APPENDIX A – PROJECT SITE ZONING AND GROWTH POLICY Zoning Designation and Land Uses: The subject property is zoned “R-3” (Residential Medium Density District). The intent of the R-3 residential medium density district is to provide for the development of one- to five-household residential structures near service facilities within the city. It should provide for a variety of housing types to serve the varied needs of households of different size, age and character, while reducing the adverse effect of nonresidential uses. Adopted Growth Policy Designation: The property is designated as “Residential” in the Bozeman Community Plan. The Plan indicates that “This category designates places where the primary activity is urban density dwellings. Other uses which complement residences are also acceptable such as parks, low intensity home based occupations, fire stations, churches, and schools. High density residential areas should be established in close proximity to commercial centers to facilitate the provision of services and employment opportunities to persons without requiring the use of an automobile. Implementation of this category by residential zoning should provide for and coordinate intensive residential uses in proximity to commercial centers. The residential designation indicates that it is expected that development will occur within municipal boundaries, which may require annexation prior to development.” The dwelling unit density expected within this classification varies between 6 and 32 dwellings per net acre. APPENDIX B – DETAILED PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND The Valley West Subdivision is a phased subdivision and planned unit development. The subdivision began in 2001 with the first final plat. Multiple phases have been platted over time. The lots and open space in this proposal were included in three different phases: 3B, 3C, and 3D. These phases were the last three phases of Valley West Subdivision that have been platted. The subject lots along Cottonwood Road were planned for multi-household condominium dwellings. The market and financing for condominium projects has decreased in supply. A concurrent preliminary plat application to further subdivide these lots for single household attached townhouses and single household detached dwellings has been preliminarily approved by the City Commission. 260 Z-14111, Staff Report for the Valley West CUP for PUD MOD Page 15 of 15 The change to single household attached townhouses and single household detached dwellings along Cottonwood Road is consistent with the character of the subdivision and planned unit development. This proposal is to add berm and landscape features in the open space lots along Cottonwood Road consistent with the streetscape already established along West Babcock Street. The Valley West Homeowner’s Association is requesting a planned unit development relaxation to the zoning code to allow the side slopes of proposed landscaped berms along Cottonwood Road and within open space to exceed the maximum slope of 25% (4:1). 40% (2.5:1 slope) and 50% (2:1 slope) slopes are proposed. The landscaped berms are intended to create a buffer between Cottonwood Road and the developing Valley West residential subdivision. The applicant proposes steeper sloped berms to address the grade difference between Cottonwood Road and the residential lots. Due to the grade difference, a berm with less slope would not provide effective screening. The remaining development complies with all city design standards, requirements and specifications. The DRC did not identify any concerns with the proposed use. The DRB did not identify any recommended conditions of approval and recommended approval of the application. APPENDIX C – NOTICING AND PUBLIC COMMENT Notice for this project was mailed to adjacent property owners within 200 feet of the site and posted on site on June 27, 2014 in accordance with the requirements of Article 38.40, BMC. Notice was provided in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle per requirements. No public comment has been received on this project as of the writing of this report. APPENDIX D - OWNER INFORMATION AND REVIEWING STAFF Owner: Valley West HOA 716 South 20th Applicant: Valley West Holdings, LLC 1800 2 #102 Bozeman, MT 59718 nd Report By: Brian Krueger, Development Review Manager Street, Suite 806 Sarasota, FL 34236 Heather deBethizy, Associate Planner APPENDIX E - FISCAL EFFECTS No unusual fiscal effects have been identified. No presently budgeted funds will be changed by this conditional use permit application. ATTACHMENTS The full application and file of record can be viewed at the Community Development Department at 20 E. Olive Street, Bozeman, MT 59715. 1. Design Review Board Minutes July 9, 2014 2. Applicant’s submittal materials 261 MINUTES DESIGN REVIEW BOARD UPSTAIRS CONFERENCE ROOM ALFRED STIFF PROFESSIONAL BUILDING 20 EAST OLIVE STREET WEDNESDAY, JULY 09, 2014 5:30 P.M. ITEM 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ATTENDANCE Board Members :15 sec Michael Pentecost Bill Rea Mel Howe Walter Banziger Lessa Racow – was not in attendance Staff Heather Davis, Associate Planner Public Greg Stratton, Morrison-Maierle, Inc. ITEM 2. PROJECT REVIEW 1. Valley West MaSub Ph. 3B, 3C, & 3D CUP for PUD MOD Z14111 (Davis/Johnson) Cottonwood Road between Bembrick and Babcock A Conditional Use Permit Application to allow a new relaxation to the Planned Unit Development to allow landscaped areas to exceed a maximum 1:4 slope. :44 sec Planner Davis presented the staff report. – Opened for Staff presentation 02:49 min Mr. Greg Stratton had no presentation, answered any questions of applicant. – Opened for Applicant presentation. 02:54 min Mr. Rae and Mr. Pentecost had questions regarding materials and layout of sidewalks. – Opened for questions of Applicant. Mr. Banziger had questions regarding landscaping and slope of berms. All questions answered by Mr. Greg Stratton, Morrison-Maierle, Inc. 5:36 minMr. Rea and Mr. Mehl had question of staff regarding stance the department has of berms. – Closed for questions and opened for discussion. 262 Mr. Rea had concerns of security and issues of not being able to see into area, would this be creating a blind spot so during for example, a police patrol would it create problems seeing in with berms of that height. Mr. Pentecost had question and comments on lot sizes and height differences of berms. Ms. Davis and Applicant Mr. Stratton responded to staff questions and concerns. 17:31 min Motion by Bill Mehl – “I make a motion to approve Z14111 as presented.” Seconded by Mr. Banziger. – Chair Pentecost Opened for motion. 17:33min Motion passed unanimously. – Opened for vote ITEM 3. ADJOURNMENT 17:42 min – Meeting adjourned. This meeting is open to all members of the public. If you have a disability that requires assistance, please contact ADA Coordinator, James Goehrung, at 582-3200 (voice) or 582-3203 (TDD). 263 PUD Modificaon Narrave May 2014 264 265 Table of Contents Narrave PUD Applicaon and Checklists Exhibit A: Slope Comparisons Exhibit B: 2014 Aerial Image Exhibit C: Updated Neighborhood Plan (East Half) Exhibit D: Co+onwood Road Enlarged Aerial Image Zoning E: Zoning Map Exhibit F: Neighborhood Photographs Exhibits G1 & G2: Berm Examples Drawing Set L1.0: Overall Grading Plan L1.1: Preliminary Planng Plan (North) L1.2: Preliminary Planng Plan (South) L1.x1: Secons 1-3 L1.x2: Secons 4-6 PUD Modificaon Narrave April 2014 266 267 Narrave Since its original approval in 2002, the overall design of the Valley West Planned Unit Development (PUD) has connued to develop and adjust to changing mark et condions, ongoing parks and wetlands design development, changing land use regulaons and polic ies and developing adjoining properes. Note that several significant land use changes have occurred within the original PUD boundaries – most notably, a school and church have been constructed on the properes west of Co+onwood Road. A residenal subdivision applicaon for the property on the east side of Co+onwood Road is currently in review. This PUD Modificaon Applicaon seeks to add one relaxaon to allow a series of landscaped berms to serve as a buffer between these homes and Co+onwood Road, a principal arterial. Currently, Secon 38.26.050.L “Maximum allowable slope or grade” of the Unified Development Code (UDC) idenfies a maximum slope for landscaped areas of 4:1 (14 degrees). The proposed berms along Co+onwood Road, as designed by a landscape architect, have slopes generally ranging from 2.5:1 to 2:1 (22 to 26.6 degrees). It is important to note that the berms would be located in open space owned and maintained by the Valley West Homeowner’s Associao n. Pedestrian paths are provided on both sides of the berm with major breaks at street intersecons and w here the east-west open space corridor extends from Perry Street. The primary purpose of the proposed series of berms and landscaping is to: · Provide a quality visual and noise buffer between a major arterial road and the developing residenal neighborhood. Note that the proposed berms need to have a steeper slope to address the grade differences between Co+onwood Road and the residenal lots. Because the lots sit substanally above the road, a berm with a less steep slope would not provide effecve screening. · Add interest, respect and enhance the natural landscape along this secon of Co+onwood as an alternave to the typical fences and walls that lin e arterial roads. Note that with the park, the sin g of the school and church as well as the exisng vegeta on, watercourse and wetlands, this secon of Co+onwood Road has not developed with an urban edge but rather as more of a natural corridor or greenway. A series of berms on the east side, including a variety of both trees and shrubs, will complement the overall street secon and character. Please refer to the conceptual landscape plan for more informaon. The transion to a more urban stre etscape will begin to occur at the Valley West planned neighborhood commercial center and connue to intensify south of Babcock Street. The a+ached exhibits show the current condions of Valley West and the surrounding areas including the exisng vegetaon along the west side of Co+onwood and the exisng berms along West Babcock. Addionally, Exhibit G shows examples of other berm s around Bozeman. In terms of schedule, the berm and landscaping would be constructed this Spring in coordinaon with subdivision improvements for the adjacent lots. PUD Modificaon Narrave April 2014 268 Narrave (Connued) The following applicable land use policies from the Bozeman Community Plan: · Sense of Place—the proposed berms and associated landscaping in the open space, combined with the watercourse, vegetaon and landscaping on the west side will create a unique and more natural appearing expanded street secon for this arterial road. The transion to a more urban edge will occur at Bronze Leaf Condominiums near Oak Street and at the planned neighborhood commercial corner near West Babcock Street. Both the built and the natural environments help shape our community. · Natural Amenies – ensuring that the east side of the streetscape is responsive to the more natural seHng that has been established by the west side helps to more cohesively celebrate Bozeman’s natural amenies. · The Greater Bozeman Area Transportaon Plan (2007 U pdate), as a subset of the Community Plan, advocates for context sensive design . Although the berms are proposed within open space rather than within actual right-of-way, the idea to achieve a design that works for all users (cars, pedestrian, bicyclists and the adjoining neighbors) sll applies. The following Design Objecves and PUD Criteria are met by this applicaon: All Development (1) The development complies with City standards for services. Co+onwood Road would have a standard sidewalk as well as a pedestrian path to serve the lots proposed for subdivision. (2) There is no significant exisng vegetaon that w ould be affected by this PUD modificaon applicaon. (3) The proposed design of the berm and associated landscaping will result in a cohesive neighborhood. (4) The proposed PUD modificaon does not affect energy use. (5) The proposed berms and associated landscaping are specifically designed to help buffer an arterial road from the adjacent residents of the project. (6) The proposed PUD modificaon would enhance the open space areas and provide a much more appealing buffer than fences. (7) Performance points are not affected by this PUD modificaon applicaon. PUD Modificaon Narrave April 2014 269 Narrave (Connued) Residenal Development (1) Average residenal density is not affected by this PUD modificaon to allow berms with steeper slopes. (2) The proposed berms and landscaping will enhance the private outdoor areas on the adjacent residen al lots. (3) The overall open spaces and parkland in Valley West PUD, together, provide a wide variety of passive and acve recreaonal acvies. (4) This applicaon does not include a residenal d ensity bonus. (5) This applicaon would enhance the natural seHng of the creek and exisng vegetaon set by the development of the west side of Co+onwood Road. (6) This applicaon does not include a residenal d ensity bonus. (7) The berm would not extend to the B-1 node at the corner of Co+onwood Road and West Babcock Street. (8) The PUD amendment to allow the berm and landscaping would preserve and promote the unique character of the developing residenal neighborhood to the east as well as the school and church to the west. PUD Modificaon Narrave April 2014 270 Page 1 Appropriate Review Fee Submitted CITY OF BOZEMAN FEE APPLIES- $ DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Alfred M. Stiff Professional Building 20 East Olive Street P.O. Box 1230 Bozeman, Montana 59771-1230 phone 406-582-2260 fax 406-582-2263 planning@bozeman.net www.bozeman.net DEVELOPMENT REVIEW APPLICATION 1. Name of Project/Development: 2. Property Owner Information: Name: E-mail Address: Mailing Address: Phone: FAX: 3. Applicant Information: Name: E-mail Address: Mailing Address: Phone: FAX: 4. Representative Information: Name: E-mail Address: Mailing Address: Phone: FAX: 5. Legal Description: 6. Street Address: 7. Project Description: 8. Zoning Designation(s): 9. Current Land Use(s): 10. Bozeman Community Plan Designation: 11. Gross Area: Acres: Square Feet: 12. Net Area:Acres: Square Feet: Valley West Major PUD Modification to allow relaxation from 38.26.050.L Cottonwood Road Valley West Major PUD Modification to add a relaxation from Section 38.26.050.L of the UDC to allow landscaped berms that exceed 1:4 slope; see attached narrative R3 Residential Vacant Lot 1, Valley West PUD, Phase 3B; Lots 8,9 and 16, Valley West PUD, Phase 3C; Lots 22-26, Valley West PUD, Phase 3D; O.S. 1, Phase 3D, Valley West PUD; O.S. 2, Phase 3C, Valley West PUD; O.S. 3, Phase 3B, Valley West PUD Valley West Holdings, LLC Valley West Holdings, LLC bbishop@usassetsgrp.com 1800 2nd Street, Suite 806, Sarasota, FL 34236-5987 941-378-9385 941-378-3987 gstratton@heritagebuildersbozeman.com PO Box 11751 Bozeman MT 59719 406-545-2428 [same as applicant] 4.94 215,334 4.94 215,334 271 4/29/14 4/29/14 272 PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT CHECKLIST The appropriate checklist shall be completed and returned as part of the submittal. Any item checked “No” or “N/A” (not applicable) must be explained in a narrative attached to the checklist. Incomplete submittals will be returned to the applicant. A. Planned Unit Development – Concept Plan. The following information and data shall be submitted: PUD Concept Plan Information Yes No N/A 1. Data regarding site conditions, land characteristics, available community facilities and utilities and other related general information about adjacent land uses and the uses of land within one-half mile of the subject parcel of land 2. Conceptual (sketch) drawing showing the proposed location of the uses of land, major streets and other significant features on the site and within one-half mile of the site 3. A computation table showing the site’s proposed land use allocations by location and as a percent of total site area 4. Stormwater Management Permit Application required B. Planned Unit Development – Preliminary Plan. The following information and data shall be submitted: PUD Preliminary Plan Information Yes No N/A 1. The following information shall be presented in an 8½- by 11-inch vertically bound document. The document shall be bound so that it will open and lie flat for reviewing and organized in the following order: a. Application forms b. A list of names of all general and limited partners and/or officers and directors of the corporation involved as either applicants or owners of the planned unit development c. Statement of applicable City land use policies and objectives achieved by the proposed plan and how it furthers the implementation of the Bozeman growth policy d. Statement of the proposed ownership of open space areas e. Statement of the applicant’s intentions with regard to future ownership of all or portions of the planned unit development f. Estimate of number of employees for business, commercial and industrial uses g. Description of rationale behind the assumptions and choices made by the applicant h. Where deviations from the requirements of this title are proposed, the applicant shall submit evidence of successful completion of the applicable community design objectives and criteria of Section 38.20.090 (PUD Design Objectives and Criteria), BMC. The applicant shall submit written explanation for each of the applicable objectives or criteria as to how the plan does or does not address the objective or criterion. The Planning Director may require, or the applicant may choose to submit, evidence that is beyond what is required in that section. Any element of the proposal that varies from the criterion shall be described i. Detailed description of how conflicts between land uses of different character are being avoided or mitigated j. Statement of design methods to reduce energy consumption, (e.g., home/business utilities, transportation fuel, waste recycling) Page 3 (PUD Checklist – Prepared 12/2/03; revised 9/21/04, revised 11/14/11) x x x x x x x x x x As stated, the berms will be owned and maintained by the Valley West HOA. No commercial uses are proposed; PUD mod is for berms. The proposed PUD modification would not impact energy consumption. ble) m x 273 Page 4 PUD Preliminary Plan Information, continued Yes No N/A 1. The following information shall be presented in an 8½- by 11-inch vertically bound document. The document shall be bound so that it will open and lie flat for reviewing and organized in the following order: k. A development schedule indicating the approximate date when construction of the planned unit development, or stages of the same, can be expected to begin and be completed, including the proposed phasing of construction of public improvements and recreational and common space areas j. One reduced version of all preliminary plan and supplemental plan maps and graphic illustrations at 8½- by 11-inches or 11- by 17-inches size 2. In addition to all of the information listed on the Site Plan Checklist, the following information shall be included on the site plan: a. Notations of proposed ownership, public or private, should be included where appropriate b. The proposed treatment of the perimeter of the planned unit development, including materials and techniques used, such as screening, fences, walls and other landscaping c. Attorney’s or owner’s certification of ownership 3. Viewsheds: a. Looking onto and across the site from areas around the site, describe and map the views and vistas from adjacent properties that may be blocked or impaired by development of the site b. Describe and map areas of high visibility on the site as seen from adjacent off-site locations 4. Street cross-section schematics shall be submitted for each general category of street, including: a. The proposed width b. Treatment of curbs and gutters, or other storm water control system if other than curb and gutter is proposed c. Sidewalk systems d. Bikeway systems, where alternatives to the design criteria and standards of the City are proposed 5. Physiographic data, including the following: a. A description of the hydrologic conditions of the site with analysis of water table fluctuation and a statement of site suitability for intended construction and proposed landscaping, in compliance with Section 38.41.120.B.3.c, BMC b. Locate and identify the ownership of existing wells or well sites within 400 feet of the site 6. If the project involves or requires platting, a preliminary subdivision plat, subject to the requirements of this title relative to subdivisions, shall be submitted 7. Not withstanding the waiver provisions of Section 38.41.080.B.9, BMC, at the discretion of the City Engineer, a traffic impact analysis shall be prepared based upon the proposed development. The analysis shall include provisions of the approved development guidelines, and shall address impacts upon surrounding land uses. The Director of Public Service may require the traffic impact analysis to include the information in Section 38.41.050.L, BMC. If a traffic impact analysis has been submitted as part of a concurrent subdivision review, that analysis shall meet this requirement 8. If the development’s compliance with the community design objectives and criteria is under question, the City Commission may require additional impact studies or other plans as deemed necessary for providing thorough consideration of the proposed planned unit development 9. A proposed draft of a legal instrument containing the creation of a property owner’s association sufficient to meet the requirements of Section 38.38.020 (Property Owners Association), BMC shall be submitted with the preliminary plan application 10. Stormwater Management Permit Application required x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x This information can be found in the Amended Plats of Valley West Subdivision Phases 3B, 3C & 3D Preliminary Plat Application. See Amended Plats of Valley West Subdivision Phases 3B, 3C & 3D Preliminary Plat Application. The application does not affect traffic. No additional information has been requested or discussed at this time. This information can be found in the Amended Plats of Valley West Subdivision Phases 3B, 3C & 3D Preliminary Plat Application This information can be found in the Amended Plats of Valley West Subdivision Phases 3B, 3C & 3D Preliminary Plat Application 274 NEIGHBORHOOD RECOGNITION ORDINANCE COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATE On December 10, 2007 the Bozeman City Commission adopted the Neighborhood Recognition Ordinance as part of the Bozeman Municipal Code. This new ordinance contains the following requirement: Section 2.05.1230, Responsibilities of Individuals or Entities Submitting an Application to the Department of Planning and Community Development. A. In order for the City Liaison to effectively perform their duties executing the intent and purpose of this chapter, as defined in 2.05.1230, the following shall be performed: 1. As part of any application to the Department of Planning and Community Development, the applicant shall provide written notice via certified mail, e-mail, facsimile transmission, and/or personal delivery to the City Liaison if notification guidelines (BMC 38.40) require that notice be posted “on-site”, published in the local newspaper or mailed first class. 2. Such notice shall contain a complete set of application materials as submitted to the Department of Planning and Community Development. B. Failure to provide proof of such mailing via certified mail, e-mail and/or facsimile transmission report to the most recent City Liaison address, e-mail address and/or fax number of record, or an affidavit attesting hand delivery, shall result in an incomplete application. I, , hereby certify that I have delivered via certified mail, e- mail, facsimile transmission or hand delivery written notice and a complete set of application materials for the project known as in compliance with Section 2.05.1230 of the Bozeman Municipal Code. I further understand that failure to comply will result in this application being deemed incomplete and may result in a delay in the review of this project. Signature Date (Neighborhood Recognition Ordinance Compliance Certificate – Prepared 1/7/08, revised 11/14/11) NEIGHBORHOOD RECOGNITION ORDINANCE COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATE On December 10, 2007 the Bozeman City Commission adopted the Neighborhood Recognition Ordinance as part of the Bozeman Municipal Code. This new ordinance contains the following requirement: Section 2.05.1230, Responsibilities of Individuals or Entities Submitting an Application to the Department of Planning and Community Development. A. In order for the City Liaison to effectively perform their duties executing the intent and purpose of this chapter, as defined in 2.05.1230, the following shall be performed: 1. As part of any application to the Department of Planning and Community Development, the applicant shall provide written notice via certified mail, e-mail, facsimile transmission, and/or personal delivery to the City Liaison if notification guidelines (BMC 38.40) require that notice be posted “on-site”, published in the local newspaper or mailed first class. 2. Such notice shall contain a complete set of application materials as submitted to the Department of Planning and Community Development. B. Failure to provide proof of such mailing via certified mail, e-mail and/or facsimile transmission report to the most recent City Liaison address, e-mail address and/or fax number of record, or an affidavit attesting hand delivery, shall result in an incomplete application. I, , hereby certify that I have delivered via certified mail, e- mail, facsimile transmission or hand delivery written notice and a complete set of application materials for the project known as in compliance with Section 2.05.1230 of the Bozeman Municipal Code. I further understand that failure to comply will result in this application being deemed incomplete and may result in a delay in the review of this project. Signature Date (Neighborhood Recognition Ordinance Compliance Certificate – Prepared 1/7/08, revised 11/14/11) Susan Riggs Valley West PUD Modification 5/6/14 275 CERTIFICATE OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS LIST I, , hereby certify that, to the best of my knowledge, the attached name and address list of all adjoining property owners (including all individual condominium owners) within 200 feet of the property located at , is a true and accurate list from the last declared Gallatin County tax records. I further understand that an inaccurate list may delay review of the project. Signature (Certificate of Adjoining Property Owners List – Prepared 11/20/03; Revised 9/22/06) CERTIFICATE OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS LIST I, , hereby certify that, to the best of my knowledge, the attached name and address list of all adjoining property owners (including all individual condominium owners) within 200 feet of the property located at , is a true and accurate list from the last declared Gallatin County tax records. I further understand that an inaccurate list may delay review of the project. Signature (Certificate of Adjoining Property Owners List – Prepared 11/20/03; Revised 9/22/06) Cottonwood Road 5/6/14 Susan Riggs 276 GREG & SUSAN GIANFORTE TRUST 1320 MANLEY RD BOZEMAN, MT 59715-8779 SPRINGHILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 7 W MAIN ST STE 205 BOZEMAN, MT 59715-4695 KORDICH, MARINKO & DEFRANCE, DARLA PO BOX 592 PONY BOZEMAN, MT 59747-0592 GALYEN KEVIN W & EMILY A PO BOX 874 BOZEMAN, MT 59771-0874 RIDGWAY ELI CHESTER IV & CARLEY CASSIBRY 137 STAFFORD AVE BOZEMAN, MT 59718-6705 CRISTADORA MACY L & SKY 93 STAFFORD AVE BOZEMAN, MT 59718-6484 LOFGREN NEAL & CATRINA 87 STAFFORD AVE BOZEMAN, MT 59718-6484 DEFRANCE DARYL & ANNE PO BOX 592 PONY BOZEMAN, MT 59747-0592 AMERICAN BANK PO BOX 1970 BOZEMAN, MT 59771-1970 VALLEY WEST SUB PH 3B GENERAL DELIVERY BOZEMAN, MT 59718-9999 BOORMAN, JAMES R. & LINDA K. 5303 CLEARVIEW RD BELGRAGE, MT 59714-8672 ROTHERHAM, PHILLIP & LAURA J. FAMILY TRUST PO BOX 10387 BOZEMAN, MT 59719-0387 HIND, DONALD 247 STAFFORD AVE BOZEMAN, MT 59718 SZOROBURA, MATTHEW E. PO BOX 10961 BOZEMAN, MT 59719-0961 ELY, MATTHEW A. 279 LITTLE WOLF RD BOZEMAN, MT 59715-8725 WATSON, RANDY 2592 WEEPING ROCK LN BOZEMAN, MT 597159396 SENSIBAUGH, KELSI 332 N COTTONWOOD RD APT B BOZEMAN, MT 597186739 LUNDGREN, KAREN 332 COTTONWOOD RD UNIT C BOZEMAN, MT 59718 BOURQUIN, KATE ANN 332 COTTONWOOD RD UNIT D BOZEMAN, MT 59718 SMITH, WILSON EMILY 315 STAFFORD AVE BOZEMAN, MT 59718-6523 MCMULLEN, PATRICK & LISA PO BOX 500 BELGRAGE, MT 59714-0500 WELLS, SCOTT & ELISE 353 STAFFORD AVE BOZEMAN, MT 59718-6523 STRAUCH, DARREN 375 STAFFORD AVE BOZEMAN, MT 59718-6523 DAVIS, WILLIAM ALFRED LAKE VI 128 E MAIN ST APT 7 BOZEMAN, MT 59715-4788 PETRA ACADEMY INC 4720 CLASSICAL WY BOZEMAN, MT 59718-6084 GALYEN, JEFFERY W. & DANA J. 407 STAFFORD AVE BOZEMAN, MT 59718-6524 KAY, BRIAN 419 STAFFORD AVE BOZEMAN, MT 59718-6524 LALIM, MITCHELL 425 STAFFORD AVE BOZEMAN, MT 59718-6524 HUTH, ERIC J. & DARIN & VOLIO, GLORIA 659 E PIONEER TRL AURORA, OH 44202-9377 FULTON, ERIC 2550 FAIRWAY DR BOZEMAN, MT 59715-5843 277 HOBBS, DANIEL B. & PRING, PERRIN C. 457 STAFFORD AVE BOZEMAN, MT 59718-6524 HENDERSON, DWAIN LEE 463 STAFFORD AVE BOZEMAN, MT 59718-6524 SEEKINS, JOHN & MAZADE, JULIA 471 N STAFFORD AVE BOZEMAN, MT 59715 COOK, GENE E. & BUY BOZEMAN HOMES LLC 483 STAFFORD AVE BOZEMAN, MT 59718-6524 DITEMAN, DENNIS DEAN & DEBORAH JEAN 495 STAFFORD AVE BOZEMAN, MT 59718-6524 TAYLOR, JOHNATHON P. & ALICE M. 1276 N 15TH AVE STE 103 BOZEMAN, MT 59715-3289 FAGAN, BRETT & TAUNYA 2525 BERGAMOT CT BOZEMAN, MT 59715-8033 KNOX, CYNTHIA A. & JOHN D. 322 N COTTONWOOD RD UNIT E BOZEMAN, MT 597186657 TUDAHL, MARK 322 N COTTONWOOD RD UNIT F BOZEMAN, MT 597186657 GERTISER, DEBORAH R. & BRIAN J. 1010 E OLIVE ST BOZEMAN, MT 597153855 SCHUMACHER TRUST 9182 PENN STATION HENDERSON, NV 89123 ERVIN, E. TATE & GINA S. 609 RED OAK DR MADISON, MS 391109102 BANIK, KAYDEE 4665 BEMBRICK ST APT 1D BOZEMAN, MT 597189227 PIPPIN, CHARLES E. & TANA D. 4665 BEMBRICK ST APT 2A BOZEMAN, MT 597189227 STEORTS, MICHELLE A. 4665 BEMBRICK ST APT 2B BOZEMAN, MT 597189227 FILLBACH, KEVIN 4665 BEMBRICK ST APT 2C BOZEMAN, MT 597189227 HERTZ, STEFANI 4665 BEMBRICK ST APT 2D BOZEMAN, MT 597189227 CAIN-KERSHER, TIMOTHY J. 4665 BEMBRICK ST APT 3A BOZEMAN, MT 597189227 LES & SUSAN AUCOIN TRUST 4665 BEMBRICK ST APT 3B BOZEMAN, MT 597189227 PENSCO TRUST CO. 4665 BEMBRICK ST APT 3C BOZEMAN, MT 597189227 HEBERT, SHANNON 4665 BEMBRICK ST APT 1D BOZEMAN, MT 597189227 GILLIAM, LYNDE O. 4673 BEMBRICK ST APT 1A BOZEMAN, MT 597189227 JAMES F. SCHWARTZ LIVING TRUST 4673 BEMBRICK ST APT 1B BOZEMAN, MT 597189227 DAWS, DUSTIN M. 4673 BEMBRICK ST APT 1C BOZEMAN, MT 597189227 FOX, PAUL J. & JENET 4673 BEMBRICK ST APT 1D BOZEMAN, MT 597189227 DWORAK, JOSEPH V. & DANIELLE 4673 BEMBRICK ST APT 2A BOZEMAN, MT 597189227 HILDEBRAND, TREVOR J. & BROEMM, DIANA L. 4673 BEMBRICK ST APT 2B BOZEMAN, MT 597189227 GUNDERSON, TODD D. & ANN L. 4673 BEMBRICK ST APT 2C BOZEMAN, MT 597189227 SAURER, JOHN R. & HAWKINS, CHRISTIE A. 4673 BEMBRICK ST APT 2D BOZEMAN, MT 597189227 DENNEE, JASON M. & NATALIE F. 4673 BEMBRICK ST APT 3A BOZEMAN, MT 597189227 278 HILL, EDITH A. 4673 BEMBRICK ST APT 3B BOZEMAN, MT 597189227 HOLT, KELSEY W. & ERIN M. 4673 BEMBRICK ST APT 3C BOZEMAN, MT 597189227 GRINDE, PAUL K. & PATRICIA L. 4673 BEMBRICK ST APT 3D BOZEMAN, MT 597189227 STRUBECK, ERIC A. & IRENE L. 4689 BEMBRICK ST APT 1A BOZEMAN, MT 597189227 MCILRATH, LAURA A. 4689 BEMBRICK ST APT 1B BOZEMAN, MT 597189227 TRUMAN, BRENDA 4689 BEMBRICK ST APT 1C BOZEMAN, MT 597189227 LAKOWSKI, DAVID E. & DEBORAH A. 4689 BEMBRICK ST APT 1D BOZEMAN, MT 597189227 HERR, BRAD A. & BRADLEY, M. LISA 4689 BEMBRICK ST APT 2A BOZEMAN, MT 597189227 STIBBE, SUSAN A. 4689 BEMBRICK ST APT 2B BOZEMAN, MT 597189227 LARSEN, CHARLES E. & MARY A. 4689 BEMBRICK ST APT 2C BOZEMAN, MT 597189227 CARR, LONI & MILLER, JOSHUA J. 4689 BEMBRICK ST APT 2D BOZEMAN, MT 597189227 WHELEHON, MICHAEL E. & KATHERINE N. 4689 BEMBRICK ST APT 3A BOZEMAN, MT 597189227 ROSS, JASON A. & NICOLE M. 4689 BEMBRICK ST APT 3B BOZEMAN, MT 597189227 LOWE PROPERTY HOLDINGS LLC 4689 BEMBRICK ST APT 3C BOZEMAN, MT 597189227 WILLIAMS, KEVIN 4689 BEMBRICK ST APT 3D BOZEMAN, MT 597189227 MCINTOSH CONSTRUCTION PO BOX 458 BOZEMAN, MT 597710458 MCINTOSH CONSTRUCTION PO BOX 458 BOZEMAN, MT 597710458 MCINTOSH CONSTRUCTION PO BOX 458 BOZEMAN, MT 597710458 LEBEAU, JOHANNE 4635 BEMBRICK ST APT 1A BOZEMAN, MT 597189227 REED, TAYLOR K. 4635 BEMBRICK ST APT 1B BOZEMAN, MT 597189227 GETTEL, LYNSIE B. 4635 BEMBRICK ST APT 1C BOZEMAN, MT 597189227 RESOP, MICHAEL A. 4635 BEMBRICK ST APT 1D BOZEMAN, MT 597189227 FRONT STREET INVESTMENTS 4635 BEMBRICK ST APT 2A BOZEMAN, MT 597189227 SIDDOWAY, JON G. 4635 BEMBRICK ST APT 2B BOZEMAN, MT 597189227 GRAHM, JOHN M. & FIELDS, TERA B. 4635 BEMBRICK ST APT 2C BOZEMAN, MT 597189227 SIMMONS, KELLY L. & PRESTON, WILLIAM A. 4635 BEMBRICK ST APT 2D BOZEMAN, MT 597189227 LEMON, JENNIFER & REBECCA 4635 BEMBRICK ST APT 3A BOZEMAN, MT 597189227 MCDONALD, WILLIAM C. & SUSAN I. 4635 BEMBRICK ST APT 3B BOZEMAN, MT 597189227 VANHEEL, HALEY, DENNIS E. & JACKIE M. 4635 BEMBRICK ST APT 3C BOZEMAN, MT 597189227 JERRY A LAIRD REV. TRUST 4635 BEMBRICK ST APT 3D BOZEMAN, MT 597189227 279 CURRENT RESIDENT 4635 BEMBRICK ST APT 1C BOZEMAN, MT 597189227 CURRENT RESIDENT 4635 BEMBRICK ST APT 1D BOZEMAN, MT 597189227 CURRENT RESIDENT 4635 BEMBRICK ST APT 2A BOZEMAN, MT 597189227 CURRENT RESIDENT 4635 BEMBRICK ST APT 2B BOZEMAN, MT 597189227 CURRENT RESIDENT 4635 BEMBRICK ST APT 2C BOZEMAN, MT 597189227 CURRENT RESIDENT 4635 BEMBRICK ST APT 2D BOZEMAN, MT 597189227 CURRENT RESIDENT 4635 BEMBRICK ST APT 3A BOZEMAN, MT 597189227 CURRENT RESIDENT 4635 BEMBRICK ST APT 3B BOZEMAN, MT 597189227 CURRENT RESIDENT 4635 BEMBRICK ST APT 3C BOZEMAN, MT 597189227 CURRENT RESIDENT 4635 BEMBRICK ST APT 3D BOZEMAN, MT 597189227 SEYMOUR, DORIE 4645 BEMBRICK ST APT 3C BOZEMAN, MT 597189227 HAMBURG, TODD G. 4645 BEMBRICK ST APT 3D BOZEMAN, MT 597189227 TRELOAR, MIKE & ALLISON C. 4575 BRISBIN ST BOZEMAN, MT 59718-6751 BEDFORD, ROBERT & ADELE M. 4570 BRISBIN ST BOZEMAN, MT 59718-6751 BOZEMAN LAKES LOTS LLC 6730 N SCOTTSDALE RD STE 290 SCOTTSDALE, AZ 85253-4474 WIEGGEL, DAVID W. & DEBORAH B. 4579 WATERS ST BOZEMAN, MT 59718-6658 BOND, JAMES R. & KRISTIN F. 386 STAFFORD AVE BOZEMAN, MT 59718-6523 ASCENT HOMEBUILDERS INC PO BOX 874 BOZEMAN, MT 59771-0874 THOMPSON, DANIELLE PO BOX 6656 BOZEMAN, MT 59771-6656 JOHNSON, JASON M. & KORTNEE L. 274 STAFFORD AVE BOZEMAN, MT 59718-6706 OLSON, LINDSEY A. 401 N BRADY AVE BOZEMAN, MT 59715-3701 JOHNSON, RALPH D. & HILARY A. 226 STAFFORD AVE BOZEMAN, MT 59718-6706 KAZEMINEJAD, MANOOCHEHR &MICHELLE 140 STAFFORD AVE BOZEMAN, MT 59718-6705 MARTINS, ANGELA & MICHAEL 80 STAFFORD AVE BOZEMAN, MT 59718-6484 HALVERSON, JAMES & ELIZABETH A. 5944 SAM SNEAD TRL BILLINGS, MT 59106-1019 SMILEY, SUSAN J. 2502 W BABCOCK ST BOZEMAN, MT 59718-2612 280 Exhibit A: Slope Comparisons Exhibit Notes: The UDC currently allows the maximum slope of a landscaped area to be 4:1. This applicaon requests to allow steeper slopes (m ostly 2.5:1 and 2:1 in limited areas) as depicted in the middle and right exhibits. It is important to note that the proposed landscaped berms would be maintained by the Valley West Homeowner’s Associao n and would include breaks and vegetaon as shown in detail in the a+ac hed landscape plans. 281 Exhibit B: 2014 Aerial Image (Google Earth) Valley West Boundary 282 Area proposed for landscaped berms Exhibit C: Updated Neighborhood Plan (excluding west half) 283 Exhibit D: Co8onwood Road Enlarged Aerial Image (2014 Google Earth) Area proposed for landscaped berms Watercourse, wetlands and willow stands Church School Park Future Neighborhood Commercial 284 Exhibit E: Zoning Map (Bozeman GIS Dept.) Area proposed for landscaped berms 285 Exhibit F: Neighborhood Photos VW Berm along Babcock VW Berm along Babcock West Co+onwood Sidewalk Adjacent to School West Co+onwood Adjacent to Church Pedestrian Connecon to Perry (Co+onwood to Stafford) 286 Exhibit G1: Example Berm Photographs Fire Staon from Davis Lane Fire Staon from Vaquero West Edge Condos from Co+onwood Regional Park Loyal Garden from South Loyal Garden from North (Huffine) 287 Exhibit G1: Example Berm Photographs Sandan Park in Ca+ail Creek Walton Homestead Entry Open Space North 19th Avenue Near Oak Centennial Park Urgent Care on Main Street First Interstate Bank on West Main Street 288 Page 1 Appropriate Review Fee Submitted CITY OF BOZEMAN FEE APPLIES- $ DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Alfred M. Stiff Professional Building 20 East Olive Street P.O. Box 1230 Bozeman, Montana 59771-1230 phone 406-582-2260 fax 406-582-2263 planning@bozeman.net www.bozeman.net DEVELOPMENT REVIEW APPLICATION 1. Name of Project/Development: 2. Property Owner Information: Name: E-mail Address: Mailing Address: Phone: FAX: 3. Applicant Information: Name: E-mail Address: Mailing Address: Phone: FAX: 4. Representative Information: Name: E-mail Address: Mailing Address: Phone: FAX: 5. Legal Description: 6. Street Address: 7. Project Description: 8. Zoning Designation(s): 9. Current Land Use(s): 10. Bozeman Community Plan Designation: 11. Gross Area: Acres: Square Feet: 12. Net Area:Acres: Square Feet: Valley West Major PUD Modification to allow relaxation from 38.26.050.L Cottonwood Road Valley West Major PUD Modification to add a relaxation from Section 38.26.050.L of the UDC to allow landscaped berms that exceed 1:4 slope; see attached narrative R3 Residential Vacant Lot 1, Valley West PUD, Phase 3B; Lots 8,9 and 16, Valley West PUD, Phase 3C; Lots 22-26, Valley West PUD, Phase 3D; O.S. 1, Phase 3D, Valley West PUD; O.S. 2, Phase 3C, Valley West PUD; O.S. 3, Phase 3B, Valley West PUD 4.94 215,334 4.94 215,334 Name: Valley West Holdings, LLC Mailing Address: 1800 2nd Street, Suite 806 Sarasota, FL 34236-5987 Phone: 941-378-9385 Fax: 941-378-3987 Email: bbishop@usassetsgrp.com Name: Valley West HOA (contact Greg Stratton) Mailing Address: 716 South 20th #102, Bozeman MT 59718 Phone: 406-599-5603 Email: gstratton@heritagebuildersbozeman.com Name: Valley West HOA (contact Greg Stratton) Mailing Address: 716 South 20th #102, Bozeman MT 59718 Phone: 406-599-5603 Email: gstratton@heritagebuildersbozeman.com 289 290 rlr-"'4- I- L ffi :hr aef, E 51T SimailE Tiory+rq Clirsrm E*5 5l<1r l"-lLtr!g June 5,2014 Brian Krueger City of Bozeman Department of Planning and Community Development Alfred M. Stiff Professional Building 20 East Olive Street P.O. Box 1230 Bozeman, Montana 597L9 RE: Valley West Relaxation Conditional Use Permit/Planned Unit Development Modification Application ZL4LL lnadequate for Further Review Dear Brian: We are in receipt of your letter dated June 4, 2014. This submittal is to address the items you requested in the letter and provide a plan to address deficiencies in other tandscape areas of valley West. lncluded are L2 paper copies and one digital copy of the requested materials. I have also included, per our discussion, a revised application naming the Valley West HOA as the applicant' With regard to the landscape plan for open spaces 2 and 4 along the eastfwest pedestrian connection between Waters $treet and Cascade, the plans for those areas are part of the landscaping to be completed with this project and are included in the plans for the berm landscaping. They were included with the plans that were submitted with this application. Relating to open space 6 along Durston Road I have included a copy of the Valley West Parks Master plan which shows the planting layout for that area. Remaining work in this area includes planting of lawn areas, installation of irrigation system, and planting of trees. These items will be completed as part of the annual improvements by the Valley West HOA. As you are aware there are a few areas of landscaping in Valley West that did not get completed after the recession and real estate down turn we experienced starting in 20o6. Starting last year the Valley West HoA is beginning to fund and complete these items. We have been setting aside between 510,000 and 515,0@ annually to budget for these improvements. Priority is determined by survey of the HOA members through a committee of homeowners and the items are completed on an annual basis as funds become available. The following provides a summary of items completed to date, items scheduled for the upcoming year, and items to be completed in the future. Items Completed to Date: 't Ir [. ..;.- 291 Open Space I Phase 3A: lrrigation system, planting of lawn areas, sidewalk replacement' Open Space 9 Phase 3A: lrrigation system, planting of lawn areat sidewalk replacement' Open Space 12 Phase 3A: Planting 12 Boulevard Trees along Ferguson Avenue' Items Scheduled for 2014: Open Spaces 11 and 12 Phase 3A: lrrigation, planting of lawn areas, and trees in and around the detentions ponds located to the west of Kimball Avenue at Brenden Street extended' Open Spaces 2 and 4 phase 3D: tnstallation of berm, planting of sod areas, and planting of trees in open space. Open Space 3 phase 38: tnstallation of berm, planting of sod areat and planting of trees in open space' open Space 1 phase 3D: lnstallation of berm, planting of sod areas, and planting of trees in open space' Items to be comPleted in future: Open Space 10 and 12 Phase 3D: Remaining Trees alOng Ferguson Avenue' Open Space 7 phase 3D: lnstalltrail and trees between Brenden Street and Durston Road. Open Space 6 phase 3C: plant sod areas, install irrigation, and boulevard ilees along Durston Road' The above items will be improved according to the plans currently on file at the City of Bozeman as approved during the subdivision review process. It trust that this information is sufficient to continue our review process and get this project back on track. I urge you to realize that these projects are very important to the HoA and additional delays in the review willjeopardize our ability to construct them during the upcoming season. You will notice that the majority of the improvements are scheduled for construction this summer. Thank you for your comments to date and if you need additional information please call me at 406-599- 5603. Thanks AryM Greg Stratton Valley West Home Owners Association 292 293 LOT 22C5279 sq.ft.LOT 23B5279 sq.ft.LOT 26A5279 sq.ft.WWWWWWWWWSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWSSSSSSSSSSLOT 39LOT 38LOT 37LOT 36LOT 35LOT 34LOT 33LOT 32LOT 31LOT 30LOT 29LOT 28LOT 27LOT 21LOT 20LOT 19LOT 18LOT 17LOT 14LOT 13LOT 12LOT 11LOT 10LOT 7LOT 6LOT 5LOT 4LOT 3LOT 1A4980 sq.ft.LOT 1B4956 sq.ft.LOT 1C4932 sq.ft.LOT 1D4909 sq.ft.LOT 8A4984 sq.ft.LOT 8B4727 sq.ft.LOT 8C4703 sq.ft.LOT 8D4680 sq.ft.LOT 9A4656 sq.ft.LOT 9B4632 sq.ft.LOT 9C4608 sq.ft.LOT 9D4836 sq.ft.LOT 16A4551 sq.ft.LOT 16B4551 sq.ft.LOT 16C4551 sq.ft.LOT 16D4839 sq.ft.LOT 22A6750 sq.ft.LOT 22B5279 sq.ft.LOT 23A5279 sq.ft.LOT 24A5279 sq.ft.LOT 24B5279 sq.ft.LOT 24C5279 sq.ft.LOT 25A5279 sq.ft.LOT 25B5279 sq.ft.LOT 25C5279 sq.ft.LOT 26B5279 sq.ft.LOT 26C5279 sq.ft.BEMBRICK STREETWATERS STREETCASCADE STREET47794778477747764775477447734772477147704769476847674766476547644763476247614760475947594765476347604767.6476947644763476747684766476547674768476647684769477047714772477347744775477647774778477947804767476447624761Valley WestBozeman, MTValley West 3B, 3C, 3DStreetscape PlanTMS2/27/14VW3BVW3Bc://design5/clientsCHECKED BY:FILE:DATE:PROJECT:DIR:4249 Cover Street, Bozeman, Montana406.600.0342L1.0OVERALLGRADING PLANFEBRUARY 2014600120'NORTH294 LOT 22C5279 sq.ft.LOT 23B5279 sq.ft.LOT 26A5279 sq.ft.WWWWWWWWWWWSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSLOT 39LOT 38LOT 37LOT 36LOT 35LOT 34LOT 33LOT 32LOT 31LOT 30LOT 29LOT 28LOT 27LOT 21LOT 20LOT 19LOT 18LOT 17LOT 16A4551 sq.ft.LOT 16B4551 sq.ft.LOT 16C4551 sq.ft.LOT 16D4839 sq.ft.LOT 22A6750 sq.ft.LOT 22B5279 sq.ft.LOT 23A5279 sq.ft.LOT 24A5279 sq.ft.LOT 24B5279 sq.ft.LOT 24C5279 sq.ft.LOT 25A5279 sq.ft.LOT 25B5279 sq.ft.LOT 25C5279 sq.ft.LOT 26B5279 sq.ft.LOT 26C5279 sq.ft.VIEWSVIEWSVIEWSVIEWSVIEWSVIEWSVIEWSVIEWSVIEWSVIEWSVIEWSVIEWSVIEWSVIEWSVIEWSVIEWSBEMBRICK STREETWATERS STREET47734772477147704769476847674766476547644763476247614760475947594765476347604767.64769476447634767476847664765476647684769477047714767476447624761PLANT LEGENDBOTANICAL NAMECOMMON NAMESYMSIZETYPENOTES#SHRUBSTREESPICEA PUNGENSCOLORADO BLUE SPRUCESILVER BUFFALOBERRYSHEPERDIA ARGENTEA(10)10 GAL(17) 5 GALPOT2927MIN. 8FTB&BSASKATOON SERVICEBERRYAMELANCHIER ALNIFOLIALARGE MULTI-STEM3B&BPINUS NIGRAAUSTRIAN PINE(14) 4'(15) 6'29B&BPOPULUS TREMULOIDESQUAKING ASPEN2" CAL8B&BPOPULUS TREMULOIDES MULTI STEMQUAKING ASPEN2" CALMULTISTEM4B&BARONIA MELANOCARPAGLOSSY BLACK CHOKEBERRY5 GALPOT3OTHERKENTUCKY BLUEGRASS / FESCUEDRILL SEED @ 5#/1,000SQ.FT.SEED76,700 SQ.FT.(20)10 GAL(37) 5 GALPOT57PINUS MUGO ' BIG TUNA''BIG TUNA' MUGO PINE(14) 4'(15) 6'Valley WestBozeman, MTValley West 3B, 3C, 3DStreetscape: NORTHTMS2/27/14VW3BVW3Bc://design5/clientsCHECKED BY:FILE:DATE:PROJECT:DIR:4249 Cover Street, Bozeman, Montana406.600.0342L1.1PLANTINGPLANFEBRUARY 201440080'NORTH295 SSSSSSWWWWWWLOT 17LOT 14LOT 13LOT 12LOT 11LOT 10LOT 7LOT 6LOT 5LOT 4LOT 3LOT 1A4980 sq.ft.LOT 1B4956 sq.ft.LOT 1C4932 sq.ft.LOT 1D4909 sq.ft.LOT 8A4984 sq.ft.LOT 8B4727 sq.ft.LOT 8C4703 sq.ft.LOT 8D4680 sq.ft.LOT 9A4656 sq.ft.LOT 9B4632 sq.ft.LOT 9C4608 sq.ft.LOT 9D4836 sq.ft.VIEWSVIEWSVIEWSVIEWSVIEWSVIEWSVIEWSVIEWSVIEWSVIEWSVIEWSVIEWSVIEWSCASCADE STREET477947784777477647754774477347704771477247734774477547764777477847794780PLANT LEGENDBOTANICAL NAMECOMMON NAMESYMSIZETYPENOTES#SHRUBSTREESPICEA PUNGENSCOLORADO BLUE SPRUCESILVER BUFFALOBERRYSHEPERDIA ARGENTEA(10)10 GAL(17) 5 GALPOT2927MIN. 8FTB&BSASKATOON SERVICEBERRYAMELANCHIER ALNIFOLIALARGE MULTI-STEM3B&BPINUS NIGRAAUSTRIAN PINE(14) 4'(15) 6'29B&BPOPULUS TREMULOIDESQUAKING ASPEN2" CAL8B&BPOPULUS TREMULOIDES MULTI STEMQUAKING ASPEN2" CALMULTISTEM4B&BARONIA MELANOCARPAGLOSSY BLACK CHOKEBERRY5 GALPOT3OTHERKENTUCKY BLUEGRASS / FESCUEDRILL SEED @ 5#/1,000SQ.FT.SEED76,700 SQ.FT.(20)10 GAL(37) 5 GALPOT57PINUS MUGO ' BIG TUNA''BIG TUNA' MUGO PINE(14) 4'(15) 6'Valley WestBozeman, MTValley West 3B, 3C, 3DStreetscape: SOUTHTMS2/27/14VW3BVW3Bc://design5/clientsCHECKED BY:FILE:DATE:PROJECT:DIR:4249 Cover Street, Bozeman, Montana406.600.0342L1.2PLANTINGPLANFEBRUARY 201440080'NORTH296 297 LOT 26A5279 sq.ft.LOT 34LOT 33LOT 32LOT 31LOT 24A5279 sq.ft.LOT 24B5279 sq.ft.LOT 24C5279 sq.ft.LOT 25A5279 sq.ft.LOT 25B5279 sq.ft.LOT 25C5279 sq.ft.LOT 26B5279 sq.ft.LOT 26C5279 sq.ft.VIEWSVIEWSVIEWSVIEWSVIEWS47664765476447634762476114+0015+0016+0017+00475947634760476447634766476547624761RIGHT-OF-WAY LINERIGHT-OF-WAY LINEPROPERTY LINE25' SETBACK LINEPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINECOTTONWOOD ROAD(120' R/W)ALLEY(30')OPEN SPACELOTSCALE: 1"=20' H1"=20' VSTA. 16+484740475047604770478047904740475047604770478047900204060801001201401600-20-40-60-80-100-120-140RIGHT-OF-WAY LINERIGHT-OF-WAY LINEPROPERTY LINE25' SETBACK LINEPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINECOTTONWOOD ROAD(120' R/W)ALLEY(30')OPEN SPACELOTSCALE: 1"=20' H1"=20' V10' EASEMENTFFE 4" ABOVEGARAGEGARAGE 6"ABOVE ALLEY2% SLOPETO ALLEY25FT FROM EDGE OF ALLEYPAVING TO GARAGE FACE. 17.5'FROM PROPERTY LINE TOGARAGE FACE.TOP OF BERM IS 4.2 FT ABOVE FFE20' FROM PROPERTY LINELOT 26 B2:12.5:13:12% SLOPE FROM HOUSE FOR FIRST15' THEN 2% UP TO SIDEWALKALL SLOPES 2.5 : 1RIGHT-OF-WAY LINERIGHT-OF-WAY LINEPROPERTY LINE25' SETBACK LINEPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINECOTTONWOOD ROAD(120' R/W)ALLEY(30')OPEN SPACELOTSCALE: 1"=20' H1"=20' VSTA. 15+244740475047604770478047904740475047604770478047900204060801001201401600-20-40-60-80-100-120-140RIGHT-OF-WAY LINERIGHT-OF-WAY LINEPROPERTY LINE25' SETBACK LINEPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINECOTTONWOOD ROAD(120' R/W)ALLEY(30')OPEN SPACELOTSCALE: 1"=20' H1"=20' V10' EASEMENT20' FROM PROPERTY LINELOT 25BTOP OF BERM IS 4.0 FT ABOVE FFEGARAGE 6"ABOVE ALLEY2% SLOPETO ALLEYFFE 4" ABOVEGARAGE2% SLOPE FROM HOUSE FOR FIRST15' THEN 2% UP TO SIDEWALKALL SLOPES 2.5 : 1RIGHT-OF-WAY LINERIGHT-OF-WAY LINEPROPERTY LINE25' SETBACK LINEPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINECOTTONWOOD ROAD(120' R/W)ALLEY(30')OPEN SPACELOTSCALE: 1"=20' H1"=20' VSTA. 14+004740475047604770478047904740475047604770478047900204060801001201401600-20-40-60-80-100-120-140RIGHT-OF-WAY LINERIGHT-OF-WAY LINEPROPERTY LINE25' SETBACK LINEPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINECOTTONWOOD ROAD(120' R/W)ALLEY(30')OPEN SPACELOTSCALE: 1"=20' H1"=20' V10' EASEMENT20' FROM PROPERTY LINELOT 24BTOP OF BERM IS 4.0 FT ABOVE FFEGARAGE 6"ABOVE ALLEY2% SLOPETO ALLEYFFE 4" ABOVEGARAGE2% SLOPE FROM HOUSE FOR FIRST15' THEN 2% UP TO SIDEWALKALL SLOPES 2.5 : 1Valley WestBozeman, MTValley West 3B, 3C, 3DStreetscape: SOUTHTMS2/19/14VW3BVW3Bc://design5/clientsCHECKED BY:FILE:DATE:PROJECT:DIR:4249 Cover Street, Bozeman, Montana406.600.0342L1.x1SECTIONFEBRUARY 201430060'1L1.3PROPOSED GRADINGNORTH20040'298 LOT 22C5279 sq.ft.LOT 23B5279 sq.ft.WWWWWWWWWLOT 16B4551 sq.ft.LOT 16C4551 sq.ft.LOT 16D4839 sq.ft.LOT 22A6750 sq.ft.LOT 22B5279 sq.ft.LOT 23A5279 sq.ft.5279 sq.ft.VIEWSVIEWSVIEWSVIEWSVIEWSVIEWSVIEWSVIEWSVIEWSWATERS STREET4771477047694768476710+0011+0012+0013+0047654767.64769476747684766476847674764RIGHT-OF-WAY LINERIGHT-OF-WAY LINEPROPERTY LINE25' SETBACK LINEPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINECOTTONWOOD ROAD(120' R/W)ALLEY(30')OPEN SPACELOTSCALE: 1"=20' H1"=20' VSTA. 12+754740475047604770478047904740475047604770478047900204060801001201401600-20-40-60-80-100-120-140RIGHT-OF-WAY LINERIGHT-OF-WAY LINEPROPERTY LINE25' SETBACK LINEPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINECOTTONWOOD ROAD(120' R/W)ALLEY(30')OPEN SPACELOTSCALE: 1"=20' H1"=20' V10' EASEMENT20' FROM PROPERTY LINELOT 23A/BTOP OF BERM IS 4.6 FT ABOVE FFEGARAGE 6"ABOVE ALLEY2% SLOPETO ALLEYFFE 4" ABOVEGARAGE2% SLOPE FROM HOUSE FOR FIRST15' THEN 2% UP TO SIDEWALKALL SLOPES 2.5 : 1RIGHT-OF-WAY LINERIGHT-OF-WAY LINEPROPERTY LINE25' SETBACK LINEPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINECOTTONWOOD ROAD(120' R/W)ALLEY(30')OPEN SPACELOTSCALE: 1"=20' H1"=20' VSTA. 11+514740475047604770478047904740475047604770478047900204060801001201401600-20-40-60-80-100-120-140RIGHT-OF-WAY LINERIGHT-OF-WAY LINEPROPERTY LINE25' SETBACK LINEPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINECOTTONWOOD ROAD(120' R/W)ALLEY(30')OPEN SPACELOTSCALE: 1"=20' H1"=20' V10' EASEMENT20' FROM PROPERTY LINELOT 22BTOP OF BERM IS 4.3 FT ABOVE FFEGARAGE 6"ABOVE ALLEY2% SLOPETO ALLEYFFE 4" ABOVEGARAGE2% SLOPE FROM HOUSE FOR FIRST15' THEN 2% UP TO SIDEWALKALL SLOPES 2.5 : 1RIGHT-OF-WAY LINERIGHT-OF-WAY LINEPROPERTY LINE25' SETBACK LINEPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINECOTTONWOOD ROAD(120' R/W)ALLEY(30')OPEN SPACELOTSCALE: 1"=20' H1"=20' VSTA. 9+534750476047704780479048004750476047704780479048000204060801001201401600-20-40-60-80-100-120-140RIGHT-OF-WAY LINERIGHT-OF-WAY LINEPROPERTY LINE25' SETBACK LINEPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINECOTTONWOOD ROAD(120' R/W)ALLEY(30')OPEN SPACELOTSCALE: 1"=20' H1"=20' V10' EASEMENT20' FROM PROPERTY LINELOT 16 B/CTOP OF BERM IS 4.7 FT ABOVE FFEGARAGE 6"ABOVE ALLEY2% SLOPETO ALLEYFFE 4" ABOVEGARAGE2% SLOPE FROM HOUSE FOR FIRST15' THEN 2% UP TO SIDEWALKALL SLOPES 2.5 : 1Valley WestBozeman, MTValley West 3B, 3C, 3DStreetscape: SOUTHTMS2/19/14VW3BVW3Bc://design5/clientsCHECKED BY:FILE:DATE:PROJECT:DIR:4249 Cover Street, Bozeman, Montana406.600.0342L1.x2SECTIONFEBRUARY 201430060'1L1.3PROPOSED GRADINGNORTH20040'299 LOT 14LOT 13LOT 12LOT 11LOT 10LOT 8A4984 sq.ft.LOT 8B4727 sq.ft.LOT 8C4703 sq.ft.LOT 8D4680 sq.ft.LOT 9A4656 sq.ft.LOT 9B4632 sq.ft.LOT 9C4608 sq.ft.LOT 9D4836 sq.ft.VIEWSVIEWSVIEWSVIEWS477547744+005+006+007+008+009+0010+0011+0012+0013+0014+0015+0016+0017+0017+68477247734774RIGHT-OF-WAY LINERIGHT-OF-WAY LINEPROPERTY LINE25' SETBACK LINEPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINECOTTONWOOD ROAD(120' R/W)ALLEY(30')OPEN SPACELOTSCALE: 1"=20' H1"=20' VSTA. 5+88-20-1001020-20-10010200204060801001201401600-20-40-60-80-100-120-140RIGHT-OF-WAY LINERIGHT-OF-WAY LINEPROPERTY LINE25' SETBACK LINEPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINECOTTONWOOD ROAD(120' R/W)ALLEY(30')OPEN SPACELOTSCALE: 1"=20' H1"=20' V10' EASEMENT20' FROM PROPERTY LINELOT 9CTOP OF BERM IS 4.9 FT ABOVE FFEGARAGE 6"ABOVE ALLEY2% SLOPETO ALLEYFFE 4" ABOVEGARAGE2% SLOPE FROM HOUSE FOR FIRST15' THEN 2% UP TO SIDEWALKALL SLOPES 2.5 : 1RIGHT-OF-WAY LINERIGHT-OF-WAY LINEPROPERTY LINE25' SETBACK LINEPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINECOTTONWOOD ROAD(120' R/W)ALLEY(30')OPEN SPACELOTSCALE: 1"=20' H1"=20' VSTA. 4+36-20-1001020-20-10010200204060801001201401600-20-40-60-80-100-120-140RIGHT-OF-WAY LINERIGHT-OF-WAY LINEPROPERTY LINE25' SETBACK LINEPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINECOTTONWOOD ROAD(120' R/W)ALLEY(30')OPEN SPACELOTSCALE: 1"=20' H1"=20' V10' EASEMENT20' FROM PROPERTY LINELOT 8BTOP OF BERM IS 5.5 FT ABOVE FFEGARAGE 6"ABOVE ALLEY2% SLOPETO ALLEYFFE 4" ABOVEGARAGE2% SLOPE FROM HOUSE FOR FIRST15' THEN 2% UP TO SIDEWALKALL SLOPES 2.5 : 1RIGHT-OF-WAY LINERIGHT-OF-WAY LINEPROPERTY LINE25' SETBACK LINEPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINESCALE: 1"=20' H1"=20' VCOTTONWOOD ROAD(120' R/W)ALLEY(30')OPEN SPACELOTSTA. 0+754750476047704780479048004750476047704780479048000204060801001201401601800-20-40-60-80-100-120-140RIGHT-OF-WAY LINERIGHT-OF-WAY LINEPROPERTY LINE25' SETBACK LINEPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINESCALE: 1"=20' H1"=20' VCOTTONWOOD ROAD(120' R/W)ALLEY(30')OPEN SPACELOT10' EASEMENTLOT 1CTOP OF BERM IS 5.4 FT ABOVE FFEGARAGE 6"ABOVE ALLEY2% SLOPETO ALLEYFFE 4" ABOVEGARAGE2% SLOPE FROM HOUSE FOR FIRST15' THEN 2% UP TO SIDEWALKALL SLOPES 2.5 : 1LOT 6LOT 5LOT 4LOT 3LOT 1A4980 sq.ft.LOT 1B4956 sq.ft.LOT 1C4932 sq.ft.LOT 1D4909 sq.ft.VIEWSVIEWS47790+001+002+004777477847794780Valley WestBozeman, MTValley West 3B, 3C, 3DStreetscape: SOUTHTMS2/19/14VW3BVW3Bc://design5/clientsCHECKED BY:FILE:DATE:PROJECT:DIR:4249 Cover Street, Bozeman, Montana406.600.0342L1.x3SECTIONFEBRUARY 201430060'1L1.3PROPOSED GRADINGNORTH20040'300