HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 260 Alley running along 19th proof Read ...nd Ohecked j J ,~( :3 (~ f~ j ), - OJ. ."!...:.__.. ~-~~;._... -- --. - } .. /0 _----.-".1.- !_'t.~.-;.- _.._n___.._____.._.__n _._______......__.__. ._.___".. " ..____.. __._. .__________._ .._... _.__...""',u____."'._....____n____ -.----...... -..-..-.- ----.--. ------.. n._ _____ mo_. ,,_ ".__ " .___ ...--.... -....,. ----. :-~ (~ (-) ~'--" ., ',' ---.. ..._ - ___._____ _u___. "':"":"::"_--=~-===.=:,=====:::.=.:....:... n_______.__._______----=--=-....._____.._..._____.___-===---==-----===-..:..:==.=.__ ..... _...__-==-===-._ __._______...___.__..._ __....__ n., ,.__...,._.. ..... ._....___._. through said Block Nineteen (19 ) Capitol Hill Addit ion to Bozeman proposed to be vacated and to give notice thereof by publication; all in tile manner and form as prescribed by Section 5494, R. C. Montana, 1921. Passed and adop~ed by the Commission of the City of' Bozeman at a regular I, session thereof held on the 19th day of .ranuary, 1934 ./1. . x:P~ . ~1 Attesf~' /J ~ t / // / ,/(/ rziiUf()/v /), \:0L-----.. Clerk Ivf the Commission (j NOTICE IN RE cm/MISSION RESOLUTIOiJ NO. 260 OF THE CITY OF BOZElviAN DECLARING THE IlJTENTION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN TO ESTABLISH AN ALLEY NORTH AND SOUTE THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE LENGTH OF bLOCK NINETEEN (19) CAPITOL HILL ADDITION TO THE CITY OF BOZEl\lAN, PURSUANT TO THE PETITION THEREFOR OF EUGENE GRAF AND OTHERS, CON3TITU'l'ING ALL OF THE O';'lNEHS OF PROPERTY IN SAID BLOCK NINETEEN (19) CAPITOL HILL ADDITIOlJ, FILED WITH THE CLEmC OF' SAID CITY COMkISSION ON THE 17th DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1933, AND APPROVED AND ALLOWED BY THE CITY COMMISSION on THE 24th DAY OF NOVEMBER, 193~; AND TO REPEAL A PORTION OF ORDIN.A..l\fCE NO:;" 500 OF THE CI"l'Y OF BOZEMAN, ENTITLED: "AN ORDINANCE VACATING THE ALLEY IN BLOCK NINETEEN (19) OF CAPITOL lULL ADDITION TO TIHE CI'l'Y OF BOZElv.;.AN AND EST.Al3LISHING AN ALLEY EAST A~~ WEST ThROUGH SAID BLOCK NINETEEN (19) OF SAID ADDITI01J". )JOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that on the 9th day of February, 19~4, at a I regular session of the Commission of the City 01' Bozeman, Commission Resolution No. 260, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMlvIISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN" DE- CLARING THE INTENTION OF 'liHE CITY OF BOZEMAN TO ES'rABLISH AN ALLEY NORTE AND SOUTH TI:IROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE LENGTH OF BLOCK NINETEEN (19) CAPITOL HILL ADDITION TO THE CITY OF BOZE~AN, PURSUANT TO THE PETITION THEREFOR OJ!' EUGENE GRAF AND OTHERS, CONSTITUTING ALL OF THE OWNERS OF PROPERTY IN SAID BLOCK NINETEEN (19) CAPITOL HILL AEDITION, FILED WITH THE CLERK OF SAID CITY COlvL:HSSION ON THE 17th DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1933, AND APPROVED AND ALLOWED EY THE CITY COMMISSION ON THE 24th DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1933; AND TO REPEAL A PORTION OF ORDINANCE NO. 500 OF Tl-:IE CITY OF BOZEMAN ENTITLED: "AN ORDINANCE VACATING TIlE ALLEY IN BLOCK NINETEEN (19) OF CAPIT OL HILL ADDIT ION TO TIlE CITY OF BOZEIi.AN .AND ESTABLISHING AN ALLEY EAST AND WEST THROUGH SAID BLOCK NINETEEN (19) 0]' SAID ADDITION", was passed and adopted; That the alley in said Block Nineteen (19) Capitol Hill Addition to the City of Bozeman which it is the intention of the City of Bozeman to establish is an alley north and south through said Block Nineteen (19) Capitol Hill Addition to the City of Bozeman from Cleveland Street to Arthur street and for such purpose to I repeal so much of Ordinance No. 500 of the City of Bozeman, entitled: "AN ORDINANCE VACATING THE ALLEY IN BLOCK NINETEEN (19) OF ' , CAFITOL HILL ADDITION TO Trm CITY OF BOZEN~N M~D ESTABLISHING AN ALLEY EAST AND WEST THROUGH SAID BLOCK NINETEEN (19) OF SAID ADDITION" , as establishes an alley fourteen (14) feet in width in said Block Nineteen (19) from the east line of said Block to the north and south center line of said Block; ~- -~ :367 ._,-,.,~ --... that said proposed north and south alley through said Block Nineteen (19) shall consist of the west seven (7) feet of Lots One to Twelve (1-12), inclusive, and the east half of the original north and south alley through said Block vacated I November 6, 1919, by Ordinance No. 500 of the City of Bozeman, entitled as aforesaid. That Friday, the 9th day of February, 1934, at 7:30 o'clock F. M., at the Commission Room of the City Hall, Bozema~, Montana, is designated by said Commission ifesolution No. 260 as the time and place for hearing objections to the action proposed to be taken by said Resolution and the adoption of an ordinance giving effect to the same, and when and where any and all persons whose property abuts on that portion of the present east and west alley through said Block Nineteen (19), Capitol Hill Addition to Bozeman, proposed to be vacated and discontinued, may appear and show cause, if any they have, against the proposed vacation of said portion of the east and west alley through said Block Nineteen (19) which it is proposed to vacate and discontinue. Objections ~ay be made orally or in writing. This notice is given pursuant to the provisions of Section 5494, R. C. Montana, 1921.