HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 285 Lighting District No. 288 4t)2 1't'0!: r lle...{l 1U1IJ Ch.;;ckci! _.._h. :Y:<.eIJ.( ..d_..... ..... . .<S.j_.,-:&_~..._ COMMISSION RESOLUTIO.N NO. 2:8b A RESOLU1'ION OF THE Crr.[1Y COlVIM:rSSIOIJ OF THE crey OF BOZK':lAlJ, IvIOE'rANj" CREATING A SPECIAL 11~hOVEMENT DISTRICT OF SAID CITY TO BE KNOWN AND DESIGNA'rED AS SPECIAL DJIPROVEMEl\!T LIGH'fING DI31rIUCT NUMBEH 288, FOR THE l'UIWOSF, OF LIGH'r ING 'l'RACY AVKNUE, SOurl11I , J3ET'~JEEN TIill SOUTH I ::'INF; OF MAIN STHEE111 MilD THE CEN'rER LINE OF BJiBCOGK SlrHEF:T, IH SAID CITY, AIm TH~ MAINTENANCE OF SUCH LIGHTING SYSTEhl, PUhSUANT TO J\ND IN COITFORMITY 'NI'I'H COMIns::.: ION HESOI/JT ION NUW3H:ii: 281 OF S1, ID C rry COI'.L.USSION J...S l'ASSED l-dID ADOP'llED BY SAID cn~Y C01VUilISSIO:N on 'J:HEll th ;)J,Y OF JANU.ARI, 1935. Whereas; 11he City Commission of' the City of Bozeman, Montana, on the 11th day of Janua....Y, 1936, passed and adopted Commission Resolution No. ~8l declaring it to be the intention of said Commission to c~eate ~pecial Imp~ovement Lighting ~ist~ict No. 288 of said City fo'!" the pu"'pose of lighting rr'!"acy Avenue, South, between the south line of Main st,..eet and the cente,.. line of Babcock st'!"eet, in said City, which said Resolution of reco'l"d and on file in the office of the Cle",k of said City Commis- sion and open to the inspection of the public, is he~eby '!"efe'!"'!"ed to fo'!" fu~the~ pa,..ticula'!"s; and Whe~eas: Due p'!"oof has been made tllst se'l"vice of notice of the adoption of said Resolution No. 281 was duly made and given as by law provided; and Whe1"eas: J" t the time and. plac e fixed. in said 11.e solu t ion Ho. ~79 for the m.aking and filing of p",otests against the c'Y'eation of said I)"'oposedSpecial Imp~ovement Lighting vist'Y'ict No. 288, to-wit, at the hou'Y' of 7:30 o'clock P. M. on F'I"iday) the I 1st day of Feb",ua....y, 19:35, 4 (~ '..; .y ~., nBeginning at a point in the south line of West Main st~eet 100 feet west of the west line uf T~acy Avenue, South; thence east along said south line of West Main st~eet to a point in the south line of East Main st....eet 100 feet east f""'orn the east line of said T~acy l-.venue, south; thence south and pB~allel with anQ 100 feet east of said east 01 line of T~acy Avenue, South, to the cente~ line of East Babcock St~eet; thence west along the cente.... line of said East Babcock st....set and the cente~ line of West Babcock st~eet to a point 100 feet west of the west line of said T~acy Avenue, Soutb; thence no~th pa~allel with and 100 feet west of the west line of said T....acy Avenue, SOl1th, to the point of beginning. II Section 3. Cha~adte~ of Imp~ovement O~de~ed The cha'V'acte"" of the imp~ovement to be made unde~ and by vh.tue of this 464 -. ---- such installation, said figu~e of $0.0053 pe~ s~ua~e foot being app~oximate only. Sec tioD 5. United States P~ope~ty Not To Be Assessed I The~e is located within the bounda~ies of said Special Imp~ovemeht Lighting Dist~ict No. ~88, he~eby c....eated, land owned by the United States and used by it fo~ postoffice and. othe~ Fede....al pu""poses. No po....tion of said p....ope,...ty shall be assessed with eithe.... the cost of installation 0.... the coat of maintenance and/o.... ope,...ation of the imp....ovement hereby orde~ed to be made, installed, maintained and ope....ated in said Special Imp....ovement Lighting Dist....ict No. 288; but the cost of such installation and/o"" imp....ovement and the maintenance and/o~ ope....ation the....eof which would be assessed against said p....ope....ty we....e it not p....operty of the United states shall be paid by the City of Bozeman f.,..om its Gene~al Fund, pu....suant to the p....ovisions of Section 5271, R. C. Montana, 192.1, as amen~ed by Chapter 143 of the Laws of the 20th Legislative Assembly of the State of Montana, 1927. Section 6. Assessment fo,... Maintenance An estimate of the Bpp'l"oximate cost of m8.intaining such lit;hts and supplying the elect'l"ical cu....'I"ent the,...efo~ fo~ the fi....st yea'l" is one hunc1~eci nine and eighty- nine one-hund....edth ($109.b9) dolla....s, th'l"ee-fou,..ths (3/4) of which shall be assessed I 4 (,~) f) . ) '. .'.-- asce,..tained, made and assessed.. against saill p.....ope,..ty in the same manne.,.." the City of Bozeman paying one-fou,..th (i) of said cost in the manne'" and as by law p,..ov, id..ed and. as to the p.....ope.....ty of the United States, as p....ovided in Section 5 he"'eof. I Section 8. Payment in Bonds 0"'" Wa"''''''ants All costs and expenses in the const.,..,uction of tue imp""'ovement in bpecial Imp"l"ovementLighting Dist....ict No. ~88 he.,..,eby c'1"eateci, ineluQins all expense connected with and.. incid..ental to the fO'l"mation of said dist,..ict, including tne cost of p,..epa,..ation of plans, specifications, maps, plats, enginee'l"ing, sUj,Je"'intcnd.ence, and inspection, including the compensation of the city enginee,.. fa,.. wo,..k done by him, the cost of p""inting and. adve,..tising, an~ the p....epa....ation of assessment rolls, shall be paid fo,.. by specisl imp.....ovement dist,..ict coupon bonds 0'" war,..ants, to be d.....awn against a fund to be known as "Special Imp....ovement Lighting Dist,..ict No. 288 .E'und" . 3a.idbonds 0'" wa"'....ants shall be in the denomination of one hunci.,..,ed d.olla,..s 466 --., I, Ca~olyn ~estlake, Cl.eY'k of the Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, he~eby ceY'tify that the fOY'egoing Resolution No. 285 of the City of Bozeman, waS published by title in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a daily newspaper of gene~al I ci"'culation, p....inted and published in said City of Bozeman, in the issue of Feb~ua~y lOth, 1935, and that due p~oof of said publication was made and filed in my office. IN 'NI'rNESS WHE:tEOF I hereunto set my hand and Effix the seal of' my office this 11th day of .J;'eb~ua"'y, 1935. / ~~~4~$ 8'r'k 0.\ he ornmlssion 0 / I I