HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 284 Creates SID No. 289 Proof ReRd n.:nd Cht:::i~ked 4;)K ___.../jJ/}/~ r".u.~ ....." ...' '",- ___.d:L.~~f_~-- -- C01~ISSION RESOLUTION NO. 284 A RESOLUTION OF THE COIvhYlISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEi,U.N, 1IIONT1.NA, CHEATING A SPECIAL IMPfWVEMENT DIS'rRIC]~ OF SAID CITY TO BE KN01NN AND DESIG~ATED AS SPEC IlL 11~ROVE1reNT DISTRICT NU1ffiER ~89, E'OR THE PUR1)OSV, OF LIGH'r DIG BOZEi\H.N A VENUE NORTH, BEIJ.l1VE:SN ':rUE NOHTH I LINE OF EAST MAIN STREE'r AND 'fEE CENTBn LINE OF BAST MENDENHALL STRE~T IN SAID CITY, PURSUANT TO j,ND IN CONFOR1'iIITY WI'rH COlvTIvUS- SION R-r.;SOLUTION NtnmER 280 OF SAID CITY COII'HUSSION .AS P.ASSED AND J,DOprED BY SJ,ID CITY COJIfJHSSION ON THE 11th Dl-.Y OF JANUARY, 1935. WHER~AS : The City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, on the 11 th day of January, 19,'\5, passed and adopted Commission Resolution No. 280 declaring it to be the intention of said Commission to c~eate Special Imp~ovement Lighting Dist~ict Numbe'!" 289 of said City fa,.. the pu"'pose of lighting Bozeman Avenue, I~oT'th, between the no~th line of East Main StT'eet and the cente~ line of East Mendenhall St,..eet, in said City, which said Resolution of reco,.,d and on file in the office of the Cle~k of said City Commission and open to the inspection of the public, is he~eby ""e- fe"''''ed to fo~ fu,..the~ pa,.,tlcula~s; 4 ~'(- _~01')~ - -- - ..... Section 2. Bounda1'ies The bounda~ies of said Special Imp1'ovement Lignting Dist~ict ~o. ~e9, he1'eby I c.....eated., a.....e defined and desc.....ibed as follows: "Beginni ng at a point in the no,..th line of East Main st""'eet 100 feet east f,...om the east line 01' Bozeman Avenue No~th; thence west along the no.....th line of said East Main St.....eet to a point 100 feet west of the west line 4~ () () -. a'rea, with the a~ea of co~ne~ lots doubled as afo'resaid) is $0.0043 on the basis of th'f'ee-fou~ths (3/4) of the total cost as estimated, but such assessment pe'f' s~ua'f'e foot may be lowe~ 0'1" highe'f' as such total cost is finally dete'f'mined upon the com- pletion of such installation, said figu~e of $0.0043 peT' s~uare foot being I app'roximate only. Section 5. Assessment faT' Maintenance An estimate of the app'f'oximate cost of maintaining such lights and supplying the elect~ical cU'f''f'ent the'f'efo'f' fo'f' the fi'f'st yeaT' is one hund'f'ed twenty and sixty- fou~ one-hund'redth (~112.64) dol18'r8) th""ee-fou~ths (3/4) of which shall be assessed against the p'l"ope'r't~y emb~aced wi thin said. Dist~ict on the sca.ua~e foot a'r'ea basis, with the a""ea of the co~ne~ lots doubled) as afo'l"esai(i; and the estimated yea~ly assessment pe'f' squa'r'e foot of such a....ea on such bosis is $0.0011; said lights shall be maintained and elect,...ical cU'r''I''ent the'r'efo'r' fU'l"nished) by cont~ac t) as 'r'eClui'r'ed by Section 5261) ~. C. Montana, 1921, as amended by Chapter 140 of the LaWs of the 2vth Legislative Assembly of the State of Montana) 1927, and the estimated assessment peT' squa'l"e foot of a,...ea as he'l"ein 'f'ecited me.y be lower O'r' highe'" as the cost of main- tenance and elect,.,ical cU~'f'ent i8 finally deteT'mined on the basis of such contract p'r'ice, the figu'l"e of ~0.OOll3 pe'f' s,~ua,..e foot of 8'f'ea as in this section stated) I with the a'r'ea of the co~ne'r' lots doubled) as afo'l"Bsaid, being app'f'oxi~ate only. 41f} 1 -"... him, the cost of p~inting and adve~tising, and the p~epa~ation of assessment ~olls, shall be paid fo~ by special imp~ovement dist~ict couyon bonds o~ wa~~ants, to be d~awn against a fund. to be known as nSpecial Imp~ovement Lighting Dist'Y'ict No. 289 I Fund". Said bonds o~ wa'Y'~ants shall be in the denomination of one hund'Y'ed dollars ($100.00) o~ f'Y'Bctions O'Y' multiples the~eof; and may be issued in installments. Such bonds O'Y' war'Y'ants shall bear interest at the rate of six pe'Y' cent ( 6%) peT' annum from the date of thei~ 'Y'egistration until called fo'Y' ~edemption o'Y' paid in full and the inte'Y'est shall be payable annually on the fi~st day of each yea"" a:fte'" such 'Y'egist~ation as exp~essed by the inte~est coupons attached the'Y'eto. Such wa'Y''Y'ants a~ bonds shall be 'Y'edeemed by the Directo~ of Finance of the City of Bozeman when the~e is money in said Special Imp'l"ovement Lighting lJist'Y'ict No. 289 Fund available fa'l" such payment. See tion 8. How Work Shall Be Done All work and labo'Y', and all material of eve'Y'Y kind and desc~iptiQn, 're qui ~ed fo'Y' the imp'Y'Qvement by this Resolution authorized and di'Y'ected. to be made, shall be p~ocu 'Y'ed, p.,..,avided., and erected by the City of BozemaiJ in such manne~ as the City Manage'Y', unde'l" di'Y'ection of the City Commission,