HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 283 Creates SID No. 291 4~)2 ~ <;'.~~"r:.-.j . .,<tP~..,.),."'iY 11(" ,.,., \ " , " ,;.,:} VI) ..,..,/ COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 283 jA .' ,.,./' ././ A RESOLU'1'ION OF 'rIlE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEJ.JAN, SrrNrE OF . 1:lOl'JTANJ., DECL1\RING IT TO BE frEE INT'ENl'ION OF SAID COMMIS~)ION TO CREATE A SPECIAL n/fI'HO~WET DIs'rRICT fro BE KNOWH bND DESIG- I NATED lIS rlSP11;CI.AL IM:PROVEM~wrl' DU:TRICT NO. 29111 OF SAID CITY, FOR TJ-l'E PUHPOSE OF CONSTRUCTING A SANIT.LRY SEWER IN THE 1':OR1l'H- EAsrrEHN PCHTION OF SAID CIIIY AND 1NITHIN THE BOUND.AIUES OF SLID 1.YhorOSED SI>EC 1AL EiIPhOV:':].I~I:ITT DISTIUCT NO. 291 AS IN rrEIS hESOLU- TION DEFINED, AND '1'(1 Sl'EC IJ,LLY ASSESS fEE El'IT IRE CO ST J:ND R\.P~NSE OF CONSTRUC'l'ING SUCH SANITARY SEWER, (F~CEPT 1,S SUCH co:::/r lfLAf BE REDUCED OR DIMINISHED BY LLBOR AnD SERVICE COl\lrHIBu'.rED 'rHEHE'ro BY THE FEDEHAL EMERGENCY RELIEF ADi.UNISTHATION uF TEE GO VElU\:l,iEkl' OF THE UNITED STNrES OF KtvIERICA), AGAINST THE EROl'EHTY WI'rHIN SAID DISTHICT, ON THE AREA BASIS, UNDER AND BY VIH.i1UE OB' 'lIHE .Pl{O- VISIONS OF SECTIONS 5225-5277, InCLUSIVE, hEVISED CODES OF MONT- ANA, 1921, AND l;.NY AMENDJilEN'J:iS THERETO. BE IT RESOLVED BY fl:HE GOlr;vlISSION OF THE C I'rY OF BOZEMAN: Section 1. Declaration of Intention 4 tn'" ." ,. -. ~)~) n__'_'.. easte~ly side line of said vacated po~tion of F~ont St~eet to the southeast co~ne~ the....eof; thence no~theaste~ly at ....ight angles to said F....ont St~pet III feet; the nc e southeaste~ly pa....allel with said F~ont St....eet 900 feet; thence southweste~ly to the no....theast co~ne~ of Block 49 of said No....the....n pacific Addition; thence southe....ly I alonG the easte....ly line of said Block 40 to the cente.... of the alley which pa....allels F'I"ont St~eet; thence no....thweste~ly along the cente~ line ot said alley to its inte.....section with the weste~ly side line 01' the alley which pa"'allels B'Y'oad.way; thence southe,..ly along the weste....ly line of said alley tu its inte'Y'section witll the weste,..ly side of Mill C"'eek; thence along the weste'l"ly side of said Mill C~eek to a point in the no....th line of Lamme St....eet 120.6 feet east of the east line of B,..oadway; thence southe'Y'ly pa,..allel with said. east line of B....oadway to the SGuth side of said Lamme St....eet; thence west to a point 100 feet east of the east line of said B,..oadway'; thence southe,..ly pa~allel with the east line of said B'I"oadway to the south line of Mendenhall St,..eet; thence along the east line of Lots 1 to l~ in Block 30, of said No~thern Pacific Addition, 4~ c:) 4 . (!~. - -- imp~ovement is Two Million, Six Hund~ed Seventy-one Thoussnd, One Hund~ed. Thi~ty-fou'r' (2,671,1;34) squa'r'e feet, and. an app....oxirnate estimate of the cost pe,... squa,...e foot of said a....ea, of such const....uction and installation is ~0.OO7; j)'r'ovided, th~t f,...om the total cost of the const'r'uction and. installation of such sanita'r'Y sewe,... as finally I dete'r'~ined u~on the completion the'r'eof the'!"e shall be deducted such pert of said. total cost as shall be 'r'ep'!"esented by any cont'r'ibution the'r'eto of labo'r' and se,...vice by the Fede'r'al Eme'r'gency ~elief Administration of the Gove....nment of the United. States of Ame'r'ica, and. assessment pe'r' squa'f'e foot of a'f'ea within the boundn,.,ies 01' said p'!"oposed. dist'r'ict as he'r'einbefo'r'e Qesc'r'ibecl. shall be dete'r'mined. and made upon the basis of such total cost as the same may be 'f'educed by any cont'f'ibution of labo'!" and se'l"vice towa~d such const'r'uction and installation made by the Fecl.e'!"al Eme.,..,gency Relief Administration of the Gove'r'nment of the United States of Ame'f'ica, asafo't'esaid. Sec tioD 7. Payment in Bonds O't' the p'r'oceecl.s The't'eof The enti~e cost and expense of const'r'ucting and installing such sanita't'Y sewe,... in said p~oposed Special Imp....ovement Dist....ict No. 291 as finally dete~mined in the manne.... specified in Section 6 he'r'eof, shall be def~ayed and paid by Special Imp....ovement Dist~ict coupon bonds, o~ by the p~oceeds of the sale of such bon~s as autho,...ized by Section 5250, Revised. Codes of Montana, 1921, as amended by Chapter 46, I Laws of the Twentieth Legislative Assembly of the State of Montana, 19~7 ; and. the right to make such payment in bond.S 0'1" the p,...oceed.s of the sale of such bonds as autho'T"'ized, as afo'r'esaid., is he~eby exp'T"'essly ""ese~ved by the City Cummission of the City of Bozeman. Said bonds shall be in the denomination of $100.00 each, and in f'f'actions whe~e necessa~y, to be issued and cha'f'geable against a fund to be known as IISpecial Imp'l"ovement Dist,...ict J.ljo. 291 Fund 11 , said. bonds to be 'f'edeemable at the option of the City of Bozeman, Montana, wheneve~ funds a.,...e available fo't' that pu~pose f....om said. Special Imp'T"'ovement Dist'r'ict No. 291 Fund. Said bond.s shall d,...aw simple inte'r'est at the ....ate of six pe'r' cent (6%) pe,... annum, which inte'T"'est shall be cha'T"'geable as a pa'T"'t of the cost of such const~uction and installation and. shall 'r'un f....om the date of the ~egist'f'ation of said bonds until the same B'r'e paid. 45fl ---- Section 9. Payment in Installments That such assessments and taxes shall be payable in eight (8) installments, I extending oVe~ a pe~iod of seven (7) yea~s, with six pe~ cent ( 6~; ) annual inte""est on defe""~ed payments commencing with the yea,... 1935; p""ovided, th&t payment in full of such total assessment and. any acc'r'ued inte,...est the,...ean may be made at any time afte"" such totsl assessment is dete,...mined and levied in the manne,... by law p~ovided. Sec tion 10. Payment Assu""ed That the p~ompt and full payment of said Special Imp'!"ovement Dist,...ict No. 291 bonds and. the inte~est the'l"eon as he'!"ein p""opased to be issued has been assu'!"ed and p'l"ovided. fo'!" by the c'l"eation of a Special Imp,...ovement Dist,...ict nevolving Fund established by the levy of a tax af one-half (t) mill on each dollar of the taxable valuation of all the taxable p,...ope'!"ty within the cO'l"po,...ate limits of the City of Bozeman, Montana, pu""suant to the p""ovisions of Chapte~ 24 of the Laws of the Twenty~fi,...st Legislative Assembly of the State of ~funtana, 1929. Section 11. Time Fo'r' P""otests I That the ""et.;u.la'l" session of the Commission of the C1 ty of Bozeman, 45E) :NOTICE AS TO 'rEE .:wrKNTION OF 'rHE C I'1:Y COMMISSION OF THE C I'rY OF BOZElvU.N, MONTANA, 'fa CrzEATE A S.FECIAL I:IIFHOVE:vrr'ln1 DISTRIGT TO B'" .i.G~OW.L~ LIW DES IGNi,TED AS "SPEC I.AL IMPROVEiILF'NT DISTRICT NO. 29111, FOB. 'rIm PU:fi:- rOSE 01" CONs'rHUCTING A Sf.l'HTLRY SEWER IN 'liEF: NOR11hEJ>;:;/J:'~R. l'Oh'rION I OF 'rHE criyy OF BOZF;vU.]'\. N011ICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That at a regular' meeting of the City Commission 01' the City of Bozeman, Montana, held. on F""id.ay, the ~5th uay of J'anua"'y, 193b, a Resolution of said Commission was duly passed and. adopted. declaring it to be the intention of said Commission to c"'eate a special imp,...ovement dist,.,ict in said. City to be known and designated as "Special Imp,...ovement Dist,...ict No. 29111, 1'0"" the pu,...pose of const""ucting a sanita"'y sewe,... in the no,...theaste"'n po,...tion of said. City of Bozeman, the bounda,...ies of said p,...oposed Special Imp,...ovement Dist,...ict No. 291 being fully set out in said Resolution of Intention, which is on file in the office of the Clerk of the City Commission, in the 6ity Hall building of said City, and open to the inspection of all inte,...ested pe~sons du~ing the ""egula'" office huu~s of said Cle'r'k. By said Resolution the City Commission also declares its intention tu assess the enti~e cost of the const""uction of such sewer, including pipe, wyes, manholes, t~enchil'lg, pipelaying, backfilling, enginee,...ing, inspection and all incidental expense, against the land within the bound.a~ies of said. Special Imp~ovement Dist~ict No. 291, as p""oposed, upon the a~ea ba.is, each squa,...e foot of such land to be I assessed and taxed fo~ itsp""opo~tionate sta'r'e of such enti""e cost, e~,clusi ve, of st'r'eets, avenues, alleys and othe"" public places. 'llhe estimEte of the ppp,...oximate cost of const""ucting said imp,...ovement, -.---- 457 -.... nesolution of Intention that "from the total cost of the const~uction and installation of such sanita~y sewe~ as finally dete~mined upon the completion the~eof, the'!"e shall be I deducted such pa~t of said total cost as shall be T"ep....esented by &.ny con- t....ibution the~eto of labo~ and se~vice by the Fede'l"al Eme~gency nelief Administration of the Gov6't'nment of the United States of Ame.,..ica, and assessment peT" squa't'e foot of a'l"ea within the bounda'l"ies of said p'l"Op- osed dist't'ict as he't'einbefo't'e desc'l"ibed shall be Qete'l"mined and made upon the basis of such total cost as the same may be ~educed by cont'l"ibution of labo'l" and se'l"vice towa...d such const....uction and installation m~de by the Fede't'al Eme'l"gency Relief Administration of the Gove't'nment of the United States of Ame'l"ica". Notice is fu~the'l" he't'eby given that F....iday, the 15th day of Feb 'l"ua'l" , 1935, at the hou... of 7:30 o'clock P. M., of said day, is the time, and the Commission Chambe'l" of the City Commission in the City Hall Building,