HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 281 Creates SID No. 288 VI"dC,f 'i;!>H:d 445 Y~~');:~"d .-.-...~-........ ~ ~ ~ ,. ~ ____ r _ ~.~~~~___ _'u_ .q!wp t' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~-_.......- COJM~ISSION RESOLUTION NO. 281 A RESOLUTION OF THE COM1JISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEI~iN, STAl'E OF MONTANA DECLARING IT TO BE THE INTENTION OF SAID CO~~ISSION TO CREATE A J1 SPEC IAL IMPROVE.M1T:N'r LIGHTING DISTRICT NUMBER G88" 0]' I SAID CITY, FOR THE PURPOSE OF LIGHTING TR.ACY A VENUE SOU'I'H BE'J:1ViEEN THE SOUTH LINE OF MAIN STREET AND THE CEi'J"'TER LINE OF BABCOCK STHEET, IN SAID CITY, AND 'llllE IvIAIN'I'ENANCE OF SAID LIGHTING SlS'I'EM; DESCRIB- ING THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID DISTRICT, THE GENERAL CHARACTER OF THE IMPROVElI,1EN'T Iro BE ]lIJ"DE, AN ESTIMATE OF THE APPHOXIlvIATE COST 'THEREOF, 44 ~~ .. "" 6 ---..., ... Section 5. Estimate of ~pproximate Cost It is estimated tbat the approximate cost of doing said work and making said I improvement is Five Hundred Twenty~fivci Dollars ($ 5~ 5.00 ) , of which three-fourths (3/4) thereof is to be assessed against the property witllin said district upon the area basis, (e~cept property of the United St~tes Government) with tne area of the corner lots within said district doubled. As to the property of the United States Government within said Special Improvement District No. 288, no portion of the cost of said improvement nor of the maintenance thereof after its installation, shall be assessed against such property 2nd the cost of the installation and mainten8nce of said improvement which would have been assessed against the United States Government within the boundaries of said district were such property privately owneQ, shall be paid. by the City of Bozeman from its GenerEil Fund, pursuant to the provisions of See tion 5271, R. C. Montana, 1921, as amended by Cllapter 143 of the .Laws of the Twentieth Legislative Assembly of' the state of Montana, 192:7. Section 6. Area Of Said ~istrict The total area of said district, with the area of' the corner lots therein doubled, as aforesaid, is 73,190 sQuare feet. I 44;-, Passed and adopted by the Commission of the City of Bozeman at a regular session thereof held on the 11th day of January, 1935. 1 --51aYo!lX#~ . A:_9-t: / . ~ &f.~?c~,L /. / ./ ..j/, ......~ erk 0.. the ommission I , NO'l ICE IN RE CITY COMl~ISSION RES01UTION NO. 281 Notice is hereby given that at a regular session of the Commission of the City of Bozeman, State of Montana, held on Friday, the 11th day of January, 1935, Commission Resolution No. 281 was passed and adopted. By said resolution the Commission of the City of Bozemen declares its intention to create a Special Improvement Lighting District to be known and d.esignated as Special Improvement Lighting District No. 288 of the City of Bozeman, Montana. The general character of the improvement so proposed to be made is to erect and maintain and oper8.te six ornamental lamp posts wi th 2500 Lumen electric lamps .1 and underground cables to carry the electric current therefore and all suitable and necessary a.PDliances. The estimated cost of making said improvement is Five Hundred Twenty-five Dollars ($525.00); and the estimated cost of maintaining such lights and supplying the electric current therefore for the first year is One Hundred Nine Dollars and Eighty-nine Cents ($109.89); that three-fourths (3/4) of the cost of such installation and maintenance is to be assessed against the property within the boundaries of said district, (except property of the United States Government) the area of the corner lots within said district being doubled; as to property of the United. States Government within such district, the cost of the installation and maintenance of said improvement which would have been assessed against such property were it privately owned, shall be paid by the City of Bozeman from its General Fund, pursuant to the provisions of Section 5271, R. C. Montana, 1921, as amended by Chapter 143 of the Laws of the Twentieth Legislative Assembly of' the State of:',10ntana, 1927; that payment of the cost of such installation shall be made in five (5) equal annual installments. 1 Notice is hereby given that Friday, the 1st day of February, 1935, at the hour . of 7:30 o'clock P. M., of said d.ay has been designated as the time, and the Commis- sion Chamber of the City Commission of the City of Bozemc,n in the City Hall of said City as the place when and where the City Commission will hear and pass upon all protests that may be made against the making of such improvement or the creation of such district. 448 -- .--- Notice is further given that said Commission Resolution No. 281 is on file in the office of the Clerk of the City Commission of the City of Bozeman in the City Hall of said City; that said Commission Resolution ~o. 281 contains a QeScription of the boundaries of said propo;;:;ed Special Improvement Lighting District Iio. 288 and is I open to the inspection of all interested parties during the regular office hours of said clerk. By order of the City Commission of the City of Bozeman. I, Carolyn Westlake, Clerk of the Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, Notice in re hereby certify that the/foregoing Resolution No. 281 of the City of Bozeman, was published at length in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a daily newspaper of general circulation, printed and published in said City, in the issue of January , 1935, and that due proof of said publication was made and filed in my office. IN WIT~mSS WHERBOF I hereunto set my hand and affix the seal of my office this day of January, 1935. I I