HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 293 Lighting District No. 295 - - ..-.. J"'*\It ~... 1()4 anoa c::,"'~ :1,e4 l.. '~i,"~': . _fJl..~.!d3.r....." __d&:~~f .~ -..--....- COMMISSIOlif RESOLU'1'ION NO. 293 A R~i'SOLUTION OF THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, STATE OF MON'l' AN A, DECLARING IT TO BE Ttm INTENTION OF SAID COMT.USSIOIT TO CREA'I'E SPECIAl, INIPROVEMENT LIGHTING DISTHICT NO. 295 OF SAID CITY FOR THE PT;HPOSE OF LIGHTING VJILLSON AVENUE, SOUTH, BETVJEEN THE I SOUTH LINE OF WEST T':lAIN STHEET AND TIlli "NORTH IjINI~ OF CLEVELAND STREET, UNDER 'I'HE AUTHORIIJ'Y AND IN CONFOmUTY VH'I'H SECTIONS 5259- 5271, INCLUDED, R. C. M. 1921, AS AMENDED BY CHAPTEr:? 143 Ole THE LAWS OF 'I'EE TWEN'I'IErrH LFGISLA'l'IIJE Sr:SSION OF THE STA'l'E OF MONTAT.,A, AMENDED BY CHAPTER 26 OF THE LAWS OF 1'"HE TWEN'rY -FIRST LEGISLATIVE SESSION OF TIrE STNI'E OF MONTAI.1A, 1929:- BE IT RESOLVED 'flY 'l'RE COMJ'ilISSION OF THE CrI'Y OF BOZEMAN: SECTION I 4 r, t- l "~ (,.) ~) , , ~. ~ SECTION V Estimate of Approximate Cost It is estimated that the approximate cost of doing said work and of making said I improvement is Seven Thousand Nine Hundred Thirty-two and Sixty-three hundredths ($7932.63) Dollars, three- fourths (3/4) thereof to be assessed against the property within said district upon the front foot basis. .....\ SECrrr ON VI Frontage of Said District The total frontage of said district, exclusive of streets, avenues, alleys and public places, is Six Thousand One Hundred Ninety-seven and thirty-seven hundredths (6197.37) feet. -- 4~)() --- .--- NOTICE IN HE COMIvnSSION RESOLUTION NO. 293 Notice is hereby given that at a regular sesslon of the Commission of the City of Bozeman, State of Montana, held on Friday, the 2nd day of Augus t, 1935, I Commission Hesolutlon No. 293 was passed and adopted. By said resolution the Commiss:ton of the C1 ty of Bozeman declares its intention to create a Special Improvement Lighting Distr:ict to be known and designated as Special Improvement Lighting District Ho. 295 of the City of Bozeman, T.Ion tana. The general character of the improvement so proposed to be made is to erect and maintain and operate forty-nine (49) ornamental lamp posts with 2500 Lumen electric la.l1pS and underground cables to carry the electric current therefor and all suitable and necessary appliances, on Willson Avenue, South, between Main Street and Cleveland . Street, in said City. 11'he estimated cost of making said improvement is Seven thousand nine hundred thirty-two and sixty-three hundredths ( ~~7932 . 63) nollar~> ; and the estimated cost of maintaininr-r, such lights and supplying the electric current therefor for the first year is Nine hundred ninety-one and fifty-eight hundredths dollars ($991.58); 4~~~7 .. - - ._--"". I, Carolyn Westlake, Clerk of the Commission of the City of Bozeman, lllont;ana, hereby certify that the foregoing Notice in re Commission Hesolution No. 293 of the City of Bozeman, was published at length in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a daily I newspaper of general circulation, printed and pl~blished in said City, in the issues of Augus t 6th to August lOth, inclusi va, and that due proof of said publication was made and filed in my of'fice. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I hereunto set my hand and affix the seal of my office this lOth day of August, 1935. -~ I I --"- -...-... - -..